Thursday, 2 February 2012

The blacker, the better it is!

As you know, I like to collect pots and pans Smile.

But all the pots and pans yang I collect memang I guna lah instead of tersorok at the back of the kitchen cabinets.

We have a set of pots and 1 pan that is nearly 17 years old already (The Other Half’s aunt gave them to us as a wedding present). They are quite a good brand so tu yang they last until now.

But, satu aje yang makes me a bit unhappy.

Sejak kahwin sampai sekarang, I still tak dapat season my wok macam all the woks yang you boleh nampak kat dapur2 asian restaurants/ stalls tu!

I selalu teringin nak dapat woks yang hitam legam cantik tak melekat macam diaorang guna.

Dulu2, memang I tak tau macam mana nak season the wok.

Sekarang ni, senang aje, just surf the net and voila! you can find all they ways on how to season it.

I’ve seasoned a few woks before tapi still tak cantik jugak!

(Sampaikan pernah berangan nak bawak my woks to any asian restaurants and mintak tolong diaorang season kan the woks for me aje! hahahaha)

So, tadi I spent some time surfing the net some more and then spend some more time in the kitchen reseasoning my wok trying to make it that lovely dark colour.

Half way there juga akhir nya, not yet black but getting there, hehehehe….


Hopefully, by frequent use, the wok will turn into that lovely black colour just like the ones that can be found at the asian restaurants/ gerai.

(Sebelum ni, the wok was the usual silver carbon steel colour lah).

Pantangnya selepas di season ni cuma satu aje - don’t ever use detergent bila basuh the wok, cuma basuh dengan hot water and non-abrasive sponge/brush.

Kalau you guna detergent, you have to season it again!

Now I feel like going to the asian grocery shop tomorrow to buy some more woks of different sizes just to try my hand at this seasoning business until I can get them to turn black, hahahaha….

(Pastu, bolehlah I ambik upah seasoning woks for people kan, kihkihkihkihkih…..).

But tadi for dinner, instead of using my newly seasoned wok, I just used the normal pot and pan aje untuk masak dinner.

Dah, The Other Half mintak pasta so malas lah I nak masak pasta in the wok kan, nanti orang kata mengada ngada tak authentic italian lah, hehehe….


Caca merba beef pasta with green salad and homemade bread.

(I made a mixture of beef stroganoff+pesto+ entah apa2, tu yang caca merba, hahahaha.)

I made pesto using basil leaves, garlic, walnuts and parmesan. Then I added a bit of the home-made tomato pasta sauce so the colour wouldn’t be so green and to thin it a bit.

The I sauteed some thinly sliced beef and sliced button mushroom. Bila dah masak, I added the pesto mixture and a bit of water. At the end of the cooking, I added some sour cream, salt and pepper.

Then add the cooked pasta into the cooked beef pesto sauce and gaul sampai sebati and hidang.



I didn’t get any complaints from anyone (not even from those 2 girls yang  memang tak suka langsung2 button mushrooms) so I guess the taste wasn’t bad lah kan. They put aside all the sliced mushrooms but they ate the rest Smile.

Miss 8 siap bertambah so kenalah tu dengan tekak dia, hikhikhikhik.


  1. omg looks effing good! Yum yum!

  2. ohhh tak leh guna sabun ye...
    hihi nak minta tolong Lg seasoning woks akak boleh...psstt upah boleh dirunding kan...sesama kawan :-))

  3. wah banyaknyer misteri dapur yang ku tahu LG..hehehe nwy sedap aa pasta tuh..leleh as usual

  4. akak tak penah pulak terfikir pasal seasoning the wok ni..tak bleh pakai detergent ek? baru tau!

  5. haiippp... kalo dekat mau i anta segala mala wok2 i ni kat u.. hahaaa... pastu i tolong siram pokok kat rumah u tu dah la yek as upah..

  6. Hahahah... ingatkan kita sorang je nak gi Asian restaurants mintak diorang season kan wok! Ada satu wok tu kita tenyek punya tenyeh sampai berkarat, tah apa yang silap pun tak tau. Sudahnya masuk tong sampah, redha pakai non stick aje lah

  7. hahaha...LG! u got me surfing on how to season the wok pulak..insight!

  8. kak LG,
    bila baca your n3 title hari ni tiba2 teringat pulak cerita my mum; kalo pi merisik dulu-dulu, the 1st question MIL/tukang merisik will ask: gelap or cerah the anak dara? sungguh kurang sopan!hahaha but i am sure they will definitely not say 'the blacker/darker, the better!' ;p

  9. ingatkan nak cerita pasal kopi

    he he he

  10. My husband's grandma ada this cast iron skillet sangat hitam bersinar, dan masak telur tak melekat. I wish mine is as good. My cast iron skillet has a long way to go. I had my lesson once on keeping the pan clean when not in used. Once, I made Brussel Sprouts with vinegar and I didn't wash the pan. The next day I found myself periuk karat. hohoho. I don't think that would be an issue with your wok since it's not iron, so I assume it doesn't rust as easy.

    I still wash seasoned pab with very mild soap though. Otherwise, it would smell on mine since I don't use it so often.

  11. Kak Min,

    Lepas ni boleh buat mee goreng mamak then ketuk-ketuk kuali dengan senduk besi kasi dengar satu blok kan?
    Eh, orang Itali tak makan pasta masak dalam kuali eh? Hahaha...

  12. Rajinnya lg buat kerja macam tu. Kak Zai pergi cari kat kedai aje mudah kerjanya hehehe....

  13. Adeeya,
    heeee :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    hahaha...kalau lah I ada kawan kat asian restoran kan ke best. Boleh lah I suruh kawan I tu season kita punya woks kan, senang cerita! :-)

    I dulu selalu tertanya2 mcm manalah diaorang nya woks tu boleh hitam berkilat cantik, now I know, hehehe

    ini cuma utk woks yg non stick yg made out of carbon steel aje. Bila dah di seasoned, memang tak boleh pakai detergent or else dia akan melekat balik. Kalau non stick pans yg biasa tu, kena pakai detergent :-)

    Mulan, pergi lah jenugk2 restoran kat Kertih tu, pastu you ngendeng2 lah suruh diaorang season kan your woks, hikhikhik

    I guna dapur gas tapi my wok yg flat-bottomed tu :-). Memang seasoning ni supaya dia tak melekat masa nak goreng mee or buat stir frying or goreng nasi ;-).

    wahkahkah, I thought I sorang yg angan2 tak senonoh mcm tu, rupanya ada gang jugak :-).
    I think kalau wok carbon steel ni, memang klu tersilap guna, akan berkarat sbb I ada a few yg berkarat dulu so memang kena buang terus lah, tension wa!
    Non-stick pans and woks like tefals tu, tak boleh guna really high heat sbb not good for the non-stick coating, tu yg I cuba gak season this wok, hehehe.

    kalau non-stick pans yg biasa tu, tak payah season. But since I suka guna woks ala2 restoran cina, so kenalah jugak surf the net cara2 nak jadi kan dia cantik legam macma their woks, hehehe.

    Mak2 kat malaysia dolu2 memang kaler kulit jadi pilihan utama kan, hehehe.
    Kulit macam I ni memang gerenti tak masuk dlm list lah :-D.

    hehehe...I like my coffee white :-).

    wow! How did she do the cast iron to be non stick, I would love to know her tricks. I bought carbon steel woks but they can rust as well if not looked after. That's why I tried to season it so lesser chance of it rusting.
    I have a few non-stick woks and pans but with these 'new technology' you can't use high heat while cooking so as not to damage the non-stick surface so memang tak best to buat mee goreng in it ;-).

    hikhikhik...Lepas ni, apa aje yang you nak suruh I goreng,I boleh goreng in the seasoned wok, hahaha :-P

    Kak Zai,
    Yang wok ni dia dibuat dari carbon steel so memang kena seasoned dulu, baru dia cantik tak melekat. Yang jual kat kedai yang dah ada non-stick coating atasnya tu, lain dari yg ini.

  14. LG,
    I love cast iron because you can use high heat too, and kalau goreng tak flimsy sebab berat gila. Basically, cast iron would season with use and if you you maintain it well, I season mine a couple of times. Tapi, still not good enough for frying eggs with minimal oil. I just love the browning effect using cast iron too. For something like brussels sprout and potatoes, tak yah nak roast in the oven for a nice char. Except for being so berat, I love plain cast iron pan. But I just wish my cast iron berkilat like one my my husband grandmom has. Setiap kali guna, I am always filled with awe/envy :-P No one else seems to appreciate that.

  15. T,
    I pun ada a few cast iron pans but the ones yg ala2 Le Creuset tu. I too love the browning effect but mine pun still melekat2 lagi.
    Maybe one day, you'll get to inherit her cast iron skillet, wouldnt that be wonderful :-).
