Sunday, 5 February 2012

Back to baking on a Sunday

Salam Maulidur Rasul to all Muslims.

Hari ni The Little Misses started their Sunday school again after so many weeks of holidays.

So, pagi tadi I pun mulakan lah kerja baking membaking semula like before Smile.

I made the easiest thing, banana choc chip muffins.

Sementara bananas are still cheap now, so bolehlah buat anything and everything yang guna bananas in it.




And muffins are the easiest thing to make at 6 o’clock in the morning when you are still bleary eyed and not functioning properly because you haven’t had your morning coffee yet, hehehehe…..

And after balik from Masjid and lunch and a bit of a rest, we spent the whole afternoon in the garden.

When you have a garden, nak tak nak, terpaksa jugak merajinkan diri buat major gardening stuff at the weekend.

The Other Half had to do his fortnightly fertilising tadi and also mowing the lawns even though he was so unenthused about it, hehehe.

I pulak kena prune the roses, pull out all the dying plants, plant some new seeds, harvest the veges especially yang dah terbiar tua kat pokok tu, put some more snail baits, stake the plants.

I planted some snake beans (kacang panjang), okra, dwarf beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and purple carrots seeds. But tak tau lah whether will bercambah or not.

So, memang banyak lah kerja kalau ada garden ni. Kadang2 we will be so enthused to get in the garden and do all these things but kadang2, memang tak kuasa langsung nak tengok the garden tu.

We have so many eggplants and tomatoes still, sampai kadang2 lupa nak petik so they ripened and rot on the plants and then jatuh kat atas tanah, so kena lah kutip yang dah busuk2 tu.

And then the okra pulak, ada yang sampai dah tua kat pokok sebab lupa nak petik jugak. Bila dah tua, tak sedap lah nak makan kan.

The roses pun sekarang tengah galak berbunga so banyak lah bunga yang dah tua and dead yang I kena pruned tadi.

And with the weather being so hot, lagi lah cepat the roses kecut and mati.

But adalah jugak a few tadi for me to take some photos of.






And this was what we found on our pokok limau purut.


I had to ambik gambar ni ‘blind’ sebab the nest was quite high, so I kena angkat tangan tinggi2 and just click the camera without being able to see on the viewfinder! Nasib baik dapat lah jugak tangkap gambar the 2 eggs.

The Little Misses said, “If only it was a galah’s or a parakeet’s or a budgie’s nest, that would have been cool. But it’s only a pigeon’s!


  1. Wow! roses tu masih angun menawan kalbu la walau kena panas terik..oh! burung pun dah bertelur kat situ ya?

  2. dpt juga snap telur tu walaupun tinggi

  3. Salam Maulidur Rasul Myn.. i memang jeles bila tengok roses di sana..besar-besar bunganya unlike in kl.. oh by the way...kalau u nak beli oven baru, my hubby dulu kerjanya salesman kat harvey norman, rickhart and etc etc.. so basically dia memang expertiselah benda benda ni..maybe u can get his opinion and where to get the cheap but quality oven...he still have contacts eventhough dah tak buat sales lagi dah...let me knowlah yer... :)

  4. Kalau ikut kata org2 tua,murah rezeki org yg ada burung bertelur kat umah dia tiba2 hehehe

  5. wahhh.. telur burung..!!! eyy, camna kalau menetas nanti..

    geram i tengok bunga2 u.. kat kerteh ni kan, susah nya nak jumpa bunga2 ros tu.. kedai bunga segar lagi la takde nya.. sedih betol..!!

  6. Salam Maulidur Rasul Kak Myn.. smg bahagia dgn keluarga ye..Amiin..boleh pos ros sekuntum..? hehe

  7. Salam Maulidur Rasul Kak LG!
    I love roses.. especially pink ones. Kadang2 beli juga kat sini letak atas meja. Entah bila boleh ada kebun sendiri. eh, rajin ke nak berkebun ni. hihihi :D


  8. omg omg omg flowers :D hehehe lawa lahh !

  9. Kak Zai suka tengok rose purple tu cantik sangat.

    Kat rumah kak Zai pun burung selalu bertelor tau2 dah tinggal sarang.

  10. salam maulidur rasul..cantik itu roses..:)

  11. salam maulidur rasul to you too LG.. :)

    kiut nya sarang burung dan telur 2 biji tu... hehee

    memang murah rezeki...

  12. whitecappucino,
    agaknya sbb pokok limau purut ni mcm terlindung sikit, tu yg burung buat sarang kat situ :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    I snapped 10 times kot, yg jadi nya cuma satu aje. Yang lagi 9, semua gabar daun lah, dahan lah, ranting lah, hahahah

    Salam Maulidur Rasul. Oh ye ke, wah, lepas ni kalau you all nak renovate dapur, senang lah kan sbb dah tau oven mana yg nak dipilih :-).

    Mam Safiyyah,
    Alhamdulillah kalau betul :-).

    Kat Kerteh ada angin laut, ada pantai yg cantik so tak payah kedai bunga, hehehe.
    I pun tak tau what will happen lepas menetas nanti, tak kuasa I nak tolong carikan ulat for the baby birds, hikhikhik

    Siti Aisya,
    Salam Maulidur Rasul juga. Nak pos, sure layu, ambik aje lah gambar, boleh kan, hehehe

    I ni pakkal the previous owner dah tanam all the roses, tu yg I tinggal jaga aje. Kalau I yg kena tanam, maybe not kot :-)

    the flowers memang cantik but since tgh panas terik kat sini, cepat sgt dia wilting.

    Kak Zai,
    Ini first time burung bertelur kat rumah ni, tu yg excited sgt2, hehehe.

    Salam maulidur rasul to you too :-)

    Alhamdulillah kalau murah rezeki ni kan :-)
