Sunday, 15 January 2012

Summer Holiday Part 2

I was so happy sepanjang2 we all kat that remote place, we didn’t see a single snake!

But mata I sentiasa melilau looking for that creature lah especially masa meredah hutan belukar nak pergi ke this fishing place.

I suka memancing but I would rather do it at a place like on a jetty ke, atas jambatan ke, tepi sungai yang takde semak samun ke, kat tepi wharf ke…. Bukannya kat tepi sungai dalam hutan, hikhikhik…

But we did see the friendly emus and a few kangaroos!

Everytime I berdiri basuh pinggan tepi sink tu, one of the emus will come up to the windows ‘begging’ for food.

When we were having meals on the balcony, they would come to have a look…

Nasib baik diaorang tak pandai pajat tangga ketuk pintu nak masuk rumah kan, hahaha…



The Other Half says they are not that pretty looking but Miss 8 kata they are so cute, heeee….

Masa baru sampai that house pun, siap the emu buat welcoming committee lagi, hahaha



“Hellloooooo Cik Kiah! Tengah buat apa tu Cik Kiah? Kalau ada makanan dinner lebih2 tu, pass pass kan lah ke I ni eh!”


It gave me a fright the first time the emu came up to the window. Kalau muka ala2 George Clooney, ok lah jugak kan!

Masa ni we were having pancakes for breakfast out on the balcony, tanpa malu2 laju aje emu ni datnag bertandang. Suka lah budak2 dua orang tu. Ada 4 ekor emus at that time.



Trying to hand feed them.




Ini budak ada sikiiiiiit penakut, heeeee….

Binatang lain tak sempat nak ambik gambar pulaknya…

But we did see loads of sheep, horses, cows and a few camels along the way there Smile.


Some of the cattle we saw.


  1. wah...ada pengunjung setia masa kt sana ye! emu tu mcm x takut org aje.

  2. emu tu buat muka kesian je kan..hihi
    sure mgharap cik kiah kasi makanan.

  3. Suami akak pakai kain pelikat ke? Cute nye hehehe

  4. cute la LG nih..bole buat skrip cter lawak..hehehe

  5. oohhh... saya sangaaaattt suka ini trip..!!! emus tu dok lalu & singgah macam wakil rakyat je.. hehehee...

  6. Wah, tingkap dapur zaman dahulu kala! I missssss those so much! Nanti beli rumah nak buat tingkap tu lah, campur with cermin kaler2 tu.
    Miss 13 takut animals ek? Just like me.. Haha.
    Btw, ur hubby pakai kain pelekat ye time cuti?
    Glad u enjoyed the break well deserved.

  7. Kak LG, rasanya saya pun akan jadi mcm Miss 12..gerun tengok emu tu..heheh..mata dorang tu yang tak leh tahan..

  8. awat tak sembelih je emu tu? err..kita bole makan tak daging emu tu?

  9. kalau mlm2 terkejut tu tiba2 je ada kt tepi tingkap..hahaha...

  10. mau tak terkejut kmin? kalau mm mau terbang semua yang ada kat tangan... hahaha...

    seteju dgn miss8. comel la emu tuh...

  11. mmm bestnya trip nihh...kat cabin area dan lain lain bersih jer.. tak jemu mata memandang... kan ??

  12. Kalau I pun sure terkejut beruk bila emu tu menjengok kat tingkap... hehehe..tapi cute betul la emu tu.

  13. kak LG,

    sy pun seram bila tgk emu dtg dekat! maunya tak terkejut hehe

    btw, ur other half is soooo Melayu lah, kain pelikat tak tinggal hatta gi holiday pun.

  14. bestnye kakkkkkk tmpt tu. cantekkkk.

  15. Pendragon,
    dia jinak2 ayam, kalau ada makanan, terus meluru dtg dekat tapi bila kita nak pegang, terus laju dia lari, hehehe

    Kak Kasih,
    Tu lah nya, Cik Kiah pulak nya tak boleh tengok orang buat muka kesian, hahaha

    Seluar kain pelikat aje :-)

    Memang cumel bila dia datang nak ambik the food :-)

    hish, tak boleh buat script, nanti I sorang2 aje yg gelak :-D

    hahaha....wakil rakyat yg cuma akan dtg bila ada benda yg dia nak kan ;-)

    hahaha...I grew up with that tingkap as well and sebulan sekali, mesti I dipaksa jadi buruh kasar lap all the cermin one by one! Siksa sbb masa tu mana ada squeegee.
    Miss 12 cuma takut animals yg ada kemungkinan patuk dia, heeee...

    Miss 12 tu takut kena patuk, tu yg dia tak berani nak bagi makan. Adik dia selamba badak aje, hehehe

    I takut owner that village kira the emus and noticed dah kurang satu sebab kena sembelih dgn we all, hehehe

    Nasib baik malam2 we all tutup tingkap so tak nampak lah muka seram emu tu :-)

    tu lah kan, kalau cantik sikit rupa emu tu, for sure I tak terkejut, hehehehe

    memang rasa damai aje tinggal kat cabin tu. Pastu keliling pun takde orang so memang sunyi sepi :-)

    Kalau dia bagi salam, tak lah terkejut sgt2 kan, hahaha ;-P

    Hubby I tu pakai seluar kain pelikat sbb dia kata sungguh lah selesa nya pakai utk bersantai, hehehe

    are you,
    tempat tu memang terjaga habis sebab all the guests kena make sure all sampah sarap dibuang betul2 and kawasan dalam rumah ditinggalkan bersih :-).

  16. Kak LG
    i kan dah lama nak tanya kat mana you kidnap suar kain pelekat tersebut bcos my other half xpandai ikat kain pelikat *often terburai time semayang*.. he has now resorted to wearing full baju melayu for friday prayers and even normal prayers at home. kalau jumpa suar pelikat ni takdelah jenuh i nak membasuh baju melayu satu set all the time.. thanks in advance for the info.. ^^

  17. Salam Kak. Im your new blog reader. Nak tanya sikit, what does it meant by this - > tomato to lessen the glut. glut as in gluten? Bcos i memang tgh cari way to lessen gluten. Thanks.

  18. Silver Fern,
    sorry lah, teroverlooked your comment ni until hari ni baru perasan.
    Cayalah your hubby pakai full baju melayu, sure comel aje kan :-). Hubby I last pakai baju melayu was 13 years ago kot :-).
    I made that seluar pelikat myself. So many people gave him kain pelikat as presents every year and he will never wear them sebab asik nak terburai aje. So, I pun turned them into pants, baru lah dia nak pakai hari2 :-). But you have to know how to sew lah first, heeee.

    Salam. Thanks for reading my blog. Glut yang I maksudkan tu is 'an abundance of things' bukan gluten :-).

  19. Hehe..inilah akibatnya kalau tak check dictionary kan. Main terjah je. Dahla comment kt wrong entry pulak tu. Thanks Kak. Btw, your blog is awesome.
