Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Quick trip

Kalau tengok gambar dibawah, agak2nya berapa lama lah tuan tanah nak pergi merehatkan diri ye?

Cubalah teka….. hehehehe…..


Macam nak pergi berbulan2 aje kan, hahahaha.

Padahalnya cuma nak pergi 3 days and 2 nights aje Open-mouthed smile.

We all nak pergi somewhere remote yang memang sangat2 remote sebab takde mobile phone receptions, takde TV reception, no drinking water except from the rainwater tanks, the nearest convenient store is about 20kms away (the nearest shopping centre precint is around 200kms away, muahahaha).

Thank goodness there’s a kitchen, beds, dvd player, electricity and hot water though!

What we do know from the info sheets is that there’s a lot of wildlife (like kangaroos and emus) around including SNAKES (during the hot Summer weather), a lot of trees and a dam.

Oh ye, they also have an outdoor toilet. (Again???? Oh man! wildlife and outdoor dunny certainly do not mix! hehehehe…).

Tu sebab lah, we have to bring everything with us (minus the kitchen sink) especially food for 3 days and 2 nights.

So, tadi I dah pre cooked the sausages and I have also made fried rice siap2 for dinners at that place.

Esok malam, makan pasta with stir thru sauce and sausages and on Thursday nite makan fried rice with telur goreng.

Lunches just makan sandwiches aje or scrambled eggs, senang…

Tak kuasa I nak masak nasi briyani dgn kari daging, acar and ayam goreng! hikhikhik….

We are also taking along our kindles, the iPods loaded with games and stories, the Nintendo DS, the iPhones loaded with games, books and dvds. These are good for entertaining ourselves at night time. Nak jalan2 kat luar dlm gelap malam2, takut weh!

Hopefully, The Little Misses will have loads of fun there exploring everywhere. While The Other Half can relax fully and I can find some peace to start healing…..

Before I forget, I have finally managed to put things on the wall rack that The Other Half had lovingly installed for me in the kitchen.

I am going to accessorize it a bit so it doesn’t look too cold and clinical but nanti2 lah lepas balik dari bercuti ni.


I know, I know….pots and pans I semua tak berkilat sebab I tak larat nak menyental, hehehe…..

One day in the future bila I tak malas, I will sental it with the stainless steel cream…… In the meantime, biarlah dia kan Smile.

So, I wont be blogging until we get back.


  1. snakes?? oh no!! hate snakes...anyway..happy holiday kak mynn and family..jgn lupa snap pic byk2 yek...

  2. ada snakes?? owh! definitely i takkan pi sana heeee takuuuut sangat
    i pun malas nk sental my pots n pans unless bila my mak nk datang baru i bertungkus lumus menyental hikhik
    btw have fun ye!

  3. Jaja,
    I pun tak berani langsung dgn snakes so I doa sgt2 yg we all tak kan jumpa snakes kat situ :-D.

    I kan kalau nampak snakes, terus my lutut jadi jelly like, tak boleh nak bergerak langsung sbb takut, hehehe.

  4. Yeayy..pengembaraan bermula!! Have fun sis! Nanti blog xdpt update ke sis?:-)

  5. selamat menikmati ye LG...
    wauuu preparationnya sungguh lengkap sekali.

    owwhhh akak sungguh takut & geli dgn ularrr...huhu

    feriuk itu tak de le seteruk feriuk akak :)

  6. ohh! some wild adventures! tak sabar nak tengok macamana tempat tu la..tapi bagus jugak , at least different experiences utk misses kan?

  7. wahhh!!!!! sounds fun! have an enjoyable trip in the nature ^^

  8. Happy holiday LG. Ngeri bila tau pasal ular tuuu...

  9. Selamat berholiday k.min tapi hati2. Mendengar snake aje sudeh kecut perut. Kangaroo tak apa..

    Huh, segala periuk kalau kilat sangat org ingat tak guna pulak.. Bior aje gitu rupa dia :)

  10. wah!! g camping la tu!! tak pon, g naik caravan ke...amik gambar banyak2 n cantik2 tau kak LG !

  11. slamat b'cuti kak!! have a good rest k.tak sabar nak baca n3 akak psl ur holiday n all d piccas.mesti cantik2! huh! jeles beb...

    hm...psl sental periuk tu apa kata akak hire je beruk yg la ni tgh pemes kat youtube tu? dia kan expert bab menyental periuk ni.hehehe...

    btw TOH suka bebeno pakai seluar kain pelekat tu ek.hehehe...

  12. LG
    Be safe and enjoy! jgn go toilet malam malam.. bahaya hehe

    Part pots and pans.. ur not alone.. ade cream pun masih tak kuasa nak buat hahaha

  13. kak LG.....have a nice time, safe one n enjoy ya....mmm nak g uk uk memalam, put your hat on....sssssssssss?? :P

    The pots and pans yg tak berapa nak berkilat tu..oooo no worry....we are still in a good team, that we are still COOKING...hah3!!!

  14. Seriosly?? bestnyer... kami memang suka sesekali cuti begini.. seronok cuma bab toilet tuh ada kureng sikit coz kami memang guna air yg banyak.. hik3.. happy cuti2 dear..

  15. happy holiday sis...mesti rasa seronok..

  16. Kak Mynn.. Bestnye! Sesekali terputus hbgn dr dunia luar syok jugak! Sekarang ni sy dah agak trauma dgn benda yg merayap n menjalar ni. Since kena sengat lipan aritu hihihi.. Hope all of u have fun there..

  17. wowowo..syoknya...sy suka jugak cuti2 yg susah payah ni..hahaha...nnti letak gambar banyak2...:)

  18. Salam sis ...

    Luv reading ur blog.
    Anyway, pots/pans yang tak berkilat tu indicates that they are fully utilized, hehehee !!!!

  19. ooo LG , sounds so fun..so enjoy yr trip n take care ya :))

  20. Salam, I added your blog in my blog, I hope you can put mine http://cooking-engineer.blogspot.com/ to your blog. Thanks.

  21. Wah bestnya...percutian wildlife gitu..heheh..kak LG hati2 ngan ular.

    Have fun ya!!

  22. lesung batu yang mahal tu dalam gambar!

  23. selamat bercuti akak. brg2 tu nampak mcm nk pergi berbulan lamanya. tapi kalau area tu sgt2 remote mmg patut lah bwk byk brg2 keperluan terutama foods!

  24. sis, cuba sental pots dan pans guna sabun mandi. InsyaAllah berkilat :)

    p/s : petua dr someone..
