Our house has a front yard and a back yard (and the sides as well).
I guess that’s what all bungalows are like kan, hehehe.
In the front garden, on the left side of the driveway is the grassy lawn area with rose bushes along its 2 edges.
(saje je tayang some of the rose bushes, hehehe.)
On the right side of the driveway pulak is a small strip of tanah/ garden area.
The previous owner used to plant roses here but we all cabut cos there was just too many roses, tak larat we all. So, we gantikan and planted seasonal veges there.
Last year, we planted capsicum and zucchinis there.
This year, we put a bed of dried grass on it and planted some watermelon seedlings in a pot. Once the seedlings dah membesar, hopefully akan menjalar atas the grassy bed lah.
Our watermelon seedlings.
Along the same strip, we have lemongrass bushes and lavender.
And in the back garden pulak, we have 2 separate main areas of vegetable gardens/bed. Separated by a patch of lawn.
Kalau ikut The Other Half, dia nak aje penuhkan the back area ni dengan raised garden beds along the back wall….
The main vege patch yang dah sedia ada masa we all bought this house.
The main vege patch dah penuh dengan tomatoes, sugar snap peas, silverbeets, capsicums, different types of chilli plants, okra, eggplants (the lebanese and the big varieties) …..
and also daun kesum yang we all tanam inbetween the vege patch and the back wall (sebab dah tak tau kat mana lagi nak tanam the kesum, hahaha).
Punyalah happy nya daun kesum to get a big space all to itself.
The second vege area where we put the 2 no-dig garden beds and also the raised garden bed(against the back wall), the greenhouse, all the pots and planters and a table for The Other Half to do his semaian.
Our grape plants pun tengah galak berdaun sekarang ni. Every so often The Other Half has to tie them to the shaded roof woden bit. Hopefully in a couple of years time, the grape will cover the whole area lah, redup sikit kan .
Tengoklah our cucumber plants ni, sampai dah ke lantai diaorang menjalar, hehehe….
His greenhouse with all the hasil semaian. I have no idea kat mana lah we all nak tanam all the seedlings ni sebab I rasa our backyard ni dah jam-packed dengan plants.
(We keep the seeds in here masa Summer ni just so tak hilang moisture sebab Summer kat sini sgt lah kering nya).
Can’t wait to use it fully masa Winter nanti so bolehlah I semai benih chilli, cucumbers, zucchinis awal2.
The raised garden bed (against the back wall) yang dah ada blueberry, redcurrant, 2 chilli plants, a row of snow peas and a row of joi choy (I have no idea which one joi choy ni). At the back end of the bed tu, in that balck pot is our mint.
And last but not least, our latest penyeri in the back garden. It’s just behind The Little Misses’ rooms so when they open their blinds at night time, they can see them…
Solar-powered dragonfly lights. I think they are so comel!
Solar-powered dragonfly lights tu cantik le...suka.
ReplyDeletemacam kat i-city shah alam
LG..i suka sangat bila u update garden..mcm terapi.. dan itu dragonfly cuteenyaaa....seriuss, memang cantik, terjakun sekejap (tau tak si mat gebu kalau jakun kan, buruk gileerrr....sampai teleng2 kepala!!..hahaha)..
ReplyDeletesedang membayangkan pak cik mat teleng2 kepala...
ReplyDeletekak kasih,
ReplyDeleteI pun suka sgt, but The Other Half kata takde fungsi benda ni sbb bukan boleh makan, hehehe.
Cik Mat,
Kalau you letak itu dragon fly keliling rumah you kat Sedenak tu, mau lah orang yg lalu lalang naik motor depan rumah you tu, akan terbabas semua nya kan sbb terjakun jugak, hehehehe.
ReplyDeletePakcik Mat teleng2 kepala sure comel aje kan, hahaha
pak cik mat : setujuuuu mmg the best theraphy ever, sbb 2 lh i'm the fans of auntie LG's garden hehe =)
ReplyDeleteuuuwwwaaaa....rasa mcm nak pindah dok kat umah akak je.leh ke??? hahaha....bestnya kak ada garden mcm tu.jeles! jeles! tp ayu t'kejut gak bila akak kata akak cabut pokok roses yg prev owner tanam.sayang tuuu....tp klu dah byk sgt pening lak pale nak bela ye tak.hehehe..
ReplyDeletebtw suka tgk dragonfly tu.so cute!!! mmg nmpk b'seri ur garden :)
akak suka la tengok your garden ni..daun kesum tu memang subur macam area tu dia nak bolot semua..:) geram tengok roses yang besar2 tuh!! eh! suke2!!!
ReplyDeleteLG, semangat kak Jun nak berkebun membuak2 ni. Macam mana u kat Downunder boleh tanam daun kesum sesubur itu...kak jun tanam, mati memanjang....!
ReplyDeletekak LG, I bukan peminat garden but definitely the dragonflies are awesome!
ReplyDeleteI x minat garden masa menyemai, menanam, menyiram jer yer, masa harvest n plucking all the hasil tu I suke!!
Masa masak n makan, lagi larrr I suke heheh
Waaaa..jeles dgn garden akak..(^_^). Akak..update byk2 n3 pasal garden lg tau...
ReplyDeletehuhu..i love your garden...tq tq..nanti bolehlah i bercucuk tanam juga macam u..
ReplyDeletethe dragon fly tu mmg awesome...
keep it up babe
Best betul tengok garden Kak LG..mcm nak melawat laman kak LG tu jer..hehe
ReplyDeletealaaa come nya dragonfly tu...
ReplyDeletesubur betul garden awak tu ye.. kesum boleh segar bugar cam tu..
beautiful garden..i wish i could have that much space to begin with..all the best to u with ur garden....i've been a silent reader of your blog for years..:)
ReplyDeleteberbudi pada tanah.. banyak hasilnya...
ReplyDeletehaaiippp... cantik sunggoh itu solar-powered dragonfly lights.. u beli kat sana ke? kasi export sini laa..
salam perkenalan LG,
ReplyDeletenak tanya, u pakai baja apa utk roses tu ya? suburnya..
jom lawat http://suteraterengganusilk.blogspot.com/
suka suka suka dgn garden kak lG.hari2 update pun takpe.err dragonfly a.k.a kinjeng light tu pun saya suka.(klu org lain punya tu asik suka jer kan?):)
ReplyDeleteOhhh...thanks ye sbb jadi fan kebun I ni ;-)
hubby I tak suka pokok bunga sgt, dia lagi suka pokok yg mendatangkan hasil so tu yg pokok ros extra kat tepi2 we all cabut aje. Yg kat depan lawn tu pun kalau boleh dia nak cabut gak tp I tak bagi, heeee
daun kesum tu slama ni emrajuk sbb kena sempit2 duk kat pot so bila dha bagi bebas, membiak bagai johan lah dia :-)
Kak Jun,
hubby I rajin bagi baja 2 minggu skali kat tanaman, tu yg kesum tu pun happy aje dia :-)
I pun tak minat sgt berkebun ni tp sbb hubby dah minat berkebun sejak dolu2 lagi, so terikut lah sama.
Psst... I pun suka menuai n makan gak, hahaha
once biji benih yg hubby I tanam dah bercambah, nanti I update banyak2 lagi ye :-)
once you dah pindah betul2 ke sini, bolehlah bercucuk tanam hari2 kan :-)
my friends kat sini pun nak buat rombongan Cik Kiah ke kebun I sbb tiap2 hari Ahad I asik bawak hasil kebun gi masjid aje :-)
Kak Yan,
comel kan dragon flies tu :-). Kesum memang hiduo subur kat Perth ni.
you have a magnificent garden as well :-). My hubby and I pun bought this house because of its big kebun project potentials :-). We wish we have more space though to plant everything under the sun, hehehe.
memang seronok berbudi kat tanah bila dah dapat hasil ni kan. SOlar powered lights beli kat sini lah but made in china, hehehe
Salam singgah ke my blog.
We all guna baja Seasol which is seaweed-based baja utk semua tanaman we all. Nanti I tunjuk baja dia mcm mana ye :-)
Kalau hari2 update pasal kebun, sian pulak gambar dinners I, hehehe
This lights are so beautiful!!!
ReplyDeletecomelnya dragonfly tu~~~~
ReplyDeleteweee...sukenya tengok garden kak LG.cikNor pun nak pindah rumah baru so dah berangan nak wat garden mcm akak...tapi xder la pokok strawberry kot maklum ler khatulistiwa...hahaha