Saturday 19 November 2011

Our morning tea

Bangun pagi, bukak PC, cari recipe sambil minum se mug coffee, heeeee…


Made this pagi tadi!

(I found this Banana n walnut bread recipe but I altered the ingredients a bit to make my version of Coconut, walnut banana bread. I added about 50g of dessicated coconut and 50mls canola oil to make it more moist.)

I dah ada this cylindrical nut loaf tin dah lama but probably I’ve only used it baru 1-2 kali.


So, pagi tadi terdetik pulak hati nak try this tin again and the cake turned out really well in it Smile.


The slices look so pretty, hehehehe.


But instead of coffee, we had it with tea.

(Have you noticed how mind boggling it is nowadays to buy a packet of tea? There are so many blends of tea that it took me about 15 minutes to choose the ‘right’ ones. We tried Twinings Russian Caravan blend this morning which was slightly smoky and nutty Winking smile).


Add a dollop of butter, rasa macam makan tak nak berhenti, nak lagi dan lagi, hahaha…..


A perfect way to start our Saturday.


  1. Oh my...that banana loaf looks so yummmy....kelmarin Mama buat banana crumble muffin, must have been your influence. Pakai pisang rastali...sedapppp. purrrr....meow!

  2. Cantiknya kek pisang bakar dalam cylindrical loaf tin bila dipotong. Agak-agaknya ada tak tin macam tu jual kat M'sia ni ya.. I mesti nak cari nihh..

  3. comelnye kek pisang tu...dah jadi mcm rupe biscuit plak..

  4. love the shape of the bread..memang comel bila dah slice, auntie LG. and I agree with what you said about tea..there's so many blends, entah sampai bila baru habis rasa semua ;)

  5. adeehhh....suka tgk banana loaf akak tu.nmpk cantik! hahaha...

    dah pesan kat mak srh belikan pisang.mcm biasala..seblm dia kata nak belikan,dia akn bebel dulu.hahaha...sbb anak bongsu dia ni t'amat la suka mengirim segala stok makanan yg ssh nak dpt kat kl ni tiap kali dia pi sini :D

  6. Oh my, that looks so good! I've never seen a round shaped banana bread, or even heard of a round cake tin. How unique! Must look for it!

  7. Ooops, make that cylindrical cake tin!

  8. wah..cantik...!! mane nk cari tin tu ye? nk gak satu..heheheh

  9. Mula-mula tengok gambar tu ingatkan kayu or gula merah/manisan hihihi. Rupa-rupanya roti. Dekat-dekat last dah mula rasa lapar tengok, siap dgn butter bagai....

  10. So cute buat dlm silinder tu.. Comel sgt.. Bila dah dipotong pun cantik jer..

  11. wohhooo.... lg.. lg.... mana buleh dapat itu silinder nut loaf tin..?? sungguh menggoda.. nx time roger2 la nak minum coffee tu eekk... hehehee...

  12. Angelina,
    kat sini apa2 aje pisang based food yg I nak buat, terpaksa guna pisang montel sahaja, hehehe. No such thing as pisang rastali or pisang tanduk or pisang emas :-(.

    I pulak rasa sayang nak makan sbb comel, hehe

    I pun tak tau ada ke tak that tin kat Msia but I rasa surenya ada kan sbb kat Msia tu, semua benda ada, hehehe

    Kak Kasih,
    comel kan :-)

    nasib baik masa I masak tu, the batter tak meleleh keluar, seriau I sekejap, hehehe.

    I pulak jarang minum teh so tu yg I think I will never be able to try al the different varieties in this lifetime ;-)

    I think you can find it in the US tu especially at second hand shops sebab orang dulu2 suka masak in this cylindrical tin ni. They call in nut loaf tin.

    Soo Hae Daa,
    I pun jumpa kat second hand shop benda ni cos the oldies used to bake their nut loaf in this kind of tin :-)

    I think bentuk bulat tu yg buat dia jadi lagi delish, hehehe

    hahahaha...roti kayu pisang ;-)

    Maybe I should try making a lot of my cakes guna tin ni kan, baru lah comel aje nanti, ehhehe

    I jumpa this tin kat kedai 2nd hand you sbb orang dolu2 aje yg guna tin ni, hahaha.
    Set, nanti I calling2 you ye bila I buat morning tea :-)
