Sunday, 13 November 2011

1 day at a time…..

Makin lega hati I bila tau ramai Mums yang garang and kurang sabar macam I kat donia ni, hehehehe….

And starting from semalam, I tried to change a little bit of my behaviour.

I make a conscious decision to zip my mouth quickly whenever the urge to membebel starts to materialise.

(We were told semalam that it is much better to clearly explain to our kids ONCE what we want, what we are dissatisfied with, which behaviour we dont like than terus2an membebel because they will completely shut our voice off if we membebel.)

It is hard let me tell you!

Ye lah kan, after so many years of membebel, tetiba terpaksa zip the mouth, memang lah susah, hikhikhikhik….

I dont think I will achieve the ‘non bebel’ stage 100% but I will be happy if I can kurangkan ia gradually and slowly Smile.

And (maybe because of that),  we had a marvellous day today without any fights and arguments! Smile

We spent an hour at the park this evening, Miss 12 playing frisbee with The Other Half while I power walked around the lake with Miss 8 riding on her bike. I think both girls enjoyed spending time with 1 parent just to themselves.

I did 11 laps and Miss 8 did 22 laps. Every 1 lap I powerwalked, she rode 2 laps around to catch up with me again.

We finally did some exercise, yeayyyyy!!!!!! hahahahaha.

I want my old svelte body back, heeeeeee…….

But makan tetap macam tu jugak, belum kurang lagi, macam mana nak kurus kan! hahahaha….

Last night for dinner, I made beef stir fry with veges makan dengan rice noodle rolls.


I marinated the beef strip in garlic, ginger and soy sauce. Pastu fry them on high heat in a bit of oil until masak. Then take them out of the wok.

Pastu I gunakan the leftover oil and beef juice in the wok tu to fry the rice noodle rolls. I guna fresh rice noodles so cuma kena soak it in hot water for a few minutes first before stir frying them.

Lepas dah all the noodles coated in the beef juice and oil, transfer them to a plate.

Then I added more oil to the wok and on high heat, fry 1 onion cut into wedges, julienned carrots and green capsicum, choy sum and bean sprout. Pastu add sweet chilli sauce, black bean sauce and soy sauce to the veges. Bila sayur dah masak, baru masukkan the beef and mix them all together.


Then pour the beef and vege mixture on top of the rice noodles.



Bila nak makan, just ambik a bit of rice noodles and the beef and the veges.


  1. Assalamualaikum kak min..

    sedapnya dinner.. malam ni nani masak sambal gesek, goreng ikan bilis je.. anak yang request camtu.. so senang ler maknye.. senyum lebar sambil menyediakan dinner tadi.. eheheh

  2. Aslmkm Kak LG..
    Simple ja menu akak...Kalo sue la masak mcm tu. kompem ada yg tak reti nak mkn nnti..Maklum la..dah tekaknya tu tekak melayu benor.....hahahahhaa..
    Akak!..up gambo garden lagiiii..(^_^)..

  3. Nani,
    Kalau anak I mintak sambal gesek and goreng ikan bilis, pengsan I sekejap, hikhikhik.
    Tapi I lagi suka makan simple2 mcm tu, sedap sgt2 I rasa.

    Hahaha...tekak kat rumah ni pun heran gak tengok mee yg I masak tu tp terpaksalah telan jugak kan kalau tak nak lapar, heeee...

  4. betul tu k LG, kita x keseorangan dlm hal ni...mcmana la I nk kurangkan membebel ni...

  5. ramai ye ibu2 garang dalam dunia ni..hik3
    termasuk le akak...huhu
    tapi kalau baik sgt, takut nanti diaorang tak jadi orang pulak kan.
    Akak rasa anak2 akak rasa ..akaklah ibu yg paling garang kot di dunia ni..heee

  6. kak, rice noodles ni kueh teow ke??

    my ibu memang suka membebel..lagi2 bila adik beradik dah besar ni.. lumrah alam..

    bila ibu bebel kami duk dlm bilik..tapi bila ibu tak bebel, semua tanya kenapa..

  7. Saya jarang membebel sebab letih membebel ni LG. Wat penat jer pok pek macam tu jugak anak-anak. kekadang saya biar jer..contohnya soal berkemas bilik..yg anak pompuan tu mak ai..mcm bilik tikus beranak..bilik anak lelaki 1000 kali kemas dr bilik dia..lama-lama saya malas nak bising..biarkan jer..satu hari ular masuk bilik dia..haaa ambik..serik dia pas tu dah bila dah makin besar ni mula sikit2 pengajarannya..kekadang kena pejam mata..hati tak sakit..mulut tak penat..
    Sekarang anak pompuan tu pulak yg kuat membebel..macam2 ceritanya kat saya setiap hari balik sekolah..telinga saya rasa nak tanggal mendengar cerita dia..aduhh..kekadang dia duk bertenggek atas katil saya bercerita berjam2..rasa nak halau jer kuar..hehhe
    So sabarlah LG..ajak anak jadi kawan..sesekali ajak Miss 12 tu lady to lady talk..kongsi cerita2 pompuan..share apa2 yg boleh ( saya kogsi dgn my gurl brooch..) pi kuar makan berdua jer ngan dia..mcm2 lg la..
    Insyallah she will be your fren..tak beast la kalau anak sulong pompuan tak rapat dgn kita..bila kita tua nanti nak mengadu kat sapa..? Kan gitu..?

  8. wow.. nmpknya kak LG kena selalu riding la. you 3 laps miss 8 6 laps. hehe. chaiyok2 exercise.

  9. Hehe how to stop membebel.. kerja yg susah tu hahaha.. hairi is now 21yrs old.. i stop membebel since dia masuk army.. nowadays if i membebel sure bec of his saman motor.. tak letak parking coupons lah.. tak letak erp gantry lah.. haishhh selagi ku yg membayar itew saman selagi tu lah mulut ku tetap akan membebel hahaha.. now yg kena membebel si dak SOnia.. tak habis habis serak kan rumah! grr.. harus kah ku stop doing that? i shud lah for the sake of good relationship with sonia.. hmm

    eh today i cook dinner also the same.. kway teowwww

  10. My Elsa said I'm hilarious when angry... maybe I confuse mengamuk dengan naik sawan??!!

  11. That noodles looks lovely. Sangat suka rice noodles.

    As for parent-child relationship, while a lot of parents feel like they are not good parents, a lot kids feel they feel they are not good enough for the parents too. It's worst for older child sebab they don't have older sibling to look up to. I am way over my teenage years, but I still feel that I still fail to be the daughter my parents want me to be. It is sad. But I don't blame them, they tried their best; maybe my identity, values, and worldview are just too different and too complicated for them to comprehend. Though, it would be nice if my parents could somehow assure me back then that they would never give up on me; and that they were not doing stuff for me out of obligations but mainly out of love.

  12. Kekadang membebel dan marah tu datang serentak kannn. Sampaikan I fikir, yang mana patut didahulukan. Hahaha...tapi lepas semua cooldown, especially bila anak anak tengah tidur, rasa kesian tengok muka diaorang. Baru timbul rasa nyesal marah marah and membebel.

  13. Semoga lg sukses hehehe....

    Bila lama tak jumpa banyak perkara yang boleh dibuat bersama,happy gitu.

  14. i ingat i sorang je yg garang & banyak bebel dgn my kids..

    fuuhhh.... datang rumah u ni bikin mulut i menggeletar je... plus ternganga.... hehhee...

  15. Pendragon,
    Kalau jadi Mak ni kan, memang susah sikit lah nak kurang kan bebel. But I memang berazam sgt2 nak kurang membebel and so far, 2-3 hari ni adalah kurang sikit, hehehe.

    Kak Kasih,
    kalau tanya anak2 I pulak, diaorang akan kata I lah Mak yg paling garang dlm dunia, hikhikhik

    rice noodles tu kuey teow tapi I pakai yg rice noodle rolls so lain sikit bentuk dia :-).
    Kalau I diam aje, my kids pun heran jugak, hehehe

    All along the way,
    Memang penat membebel ni kan sebab memang diaorang akan terus tune us out kalau kita membebel. Tapi kadang2 tu geram jugak dgn pe'el diaorang so tu yg laju aje mulut ni nak bebel, hahahaha.
    Anak sulung I tu rapat dgn Dad dia skrg but I rasa nanti bila dia dah besar sikit, maybe akan rapat dgn I kot (hopefully lah) :-).

    I walked and she rode, tu yang dia laju giler boleh buat berlap2 kalah I :-)

    Hahaha... Sonia pun kena bebel ke? My girls sekarang dah pandai tune my voice out bila I start membebel. Pastu, bila I tanya apa yg I bebelkan, diaorang tak tau. Gerammmmm betul I, hahaha.

    Hehehe...naik sawan lagi hilarious dari mengamuk ke? :-D

    I think you are right. I am guilty occasionally when I want my kids to be perfect all the time and they could feel my frustration when they are not. But most of the time I get frustrated when I know they can do better and they know they can do better but they are too lazy to try, hehehe.
    I think your parents love you very much but a lot of Asians are not used to saying the L word.

    Memang betul tu, bila tengok diaorang tidur, rasa bersalah aje sebab marah diaorang kan :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Thank you. One day, insyaAllah, saya akan berhenti membebel, hahaha

    I rasa lagi ramai Mums yg kaki bebel n garang dari yg tak reti membebel ni, hehehe
