Saturday, 22 October 2011

Saturday food

I made some cupcakes today untuk bawak pergi Masjid esok (after so many weeks tak pergi, hehehe).

Bila cuppies tu dah siap, I noticed that semacam aje rupa nya, flat…..

Bila I fikir2 balik, I come to the conclusion…..

Do not fill up the self raising flour container masa you tengah mengantuk!!!!

Because you will end up filling it with plain flour instead and all the cakes yang you do after that will not rise, hehehehe.

So, I tengah fikir whether nak bawak cuppies kurang kembang to Masjid esok or bangun pagi2 morning esok and masak benda lain…..

Hish!!!! tak pasal2 kena buat lagi sekali, hahaha.

So, I might as well tayang the other food photos I took today lah ye.

The Other Half, our guest and Miss 8 went down to Mandurah today. I and Miss 12 malas nak ikut so I pun bekalkan lah snack for Miss 8.

Drive down to Mandurah cuma 1 jam aje but still kena bekalkan snack…

Kalau tak bawak bekal, kurus Miss 8 nanti, muahahaha Smile with tongue out


Comel aje kan snack for her ni. Adalah jugak healthy nya since ada strawberries and dried apricots.

And for dinner pulak, I buat Indian feast.

I made vegetable pakoras, butter chicken, grilled vindaloo steak, indian style vegetable stry fry and raita. Makan dengan simple pilaf.


Poppadum mesti ada. And we bought mango chutney as well as a side condiment.


The vegetable pakoras, penuh dengan diced potatoes, sliced onions, capsicum and carrot.

And then masa tengah sendukkan the lauk pauk, The Other Half suruh I ambik gambar his pinggan (yang dia ‘hias’ sendiri) untuk letak dalam blog.

I tak sampai hati nak kata yang dia takde artistic talent, ambik aje lah the photos, hehehe…


He thinks it is so artistic and air liur meleleh-inducing untuk letak all the lauk pauk around the nasi, hikhikhik…..


  1. LG,
    Turn the cupcake into cake balls. Just crumble the cake, and mix it with frosting. Lepas tu coverkan with melted chocolate. That's my typical plan b for cake tak jadi.

  2. hihi kelakarlah suami LG siap suruh ambik gambar lagi...oklah tu..boleh buat kenang2an ;-))

  3. hehehe.... TOH buat style mcm amek food from buffet q jer rupa nyer Kak LG =P

  4. ambik gambar pun cantik2 semua... sedap!

  5. wah..lauk keliling nasi hehehe

  6. pakoras. nyum nyumm. sy belajar makan pacoras dgn sorg makcik. sampai skrg beli je tepung pakoras. tp buat tak pun lg. hehe.

  7. Macam cucoq udang plak rupa pakoras tu eh, hehehe!

  8. kelakar la TOH..., nk mkn yg mana satu dulu tu?

  9. Kira OK lah tu kak LG.. dia cuba maximisekan ruang.. tu yg lauk appear di mana-mana :)

  10. suka makan nasi y e suami akak tu..hahaha

  11. oklah tu kira artistik la pada mata dia..

  12. T,
    I might do that actually, kuih utk Raya Haji, hehehe.

    Kak Kasih,
    slalunya I yg beria hias the plate cantik2 sebelum ambik gambar, dia pun nak gak merasa jadi food stylist, hahaha

    kalau ambik food kat buffet, rasanya lagi penuh kot pinggan tu :-D

    thanks :-)

    nasib baik lauk sikit aje kan, kalau tak, memang penuh keliling nasi tu, hahha

    sedap kan pakoras ni, walaupun semata2 sayur, hehehe

    vegetarian version of cucur udang lah ni, hahaha

    dia gaul semua and makan sama2 :-)

    Mrs D,
    nampak sgt selama ni dia memang bukan food stylist kan, hahaha ;-)

    Hubby I memang suka makan nasi, lagi lah kalau dgn kari indian. bertambah2 dia makan :-)

    tu lah nya, for him dah cantik sangat :-)

  13. ekekkeke....

    layankan je la kak lg,
    keliling ha lauk..haha

  14. penuhnya pinggan dia..hikhik..

    but...looks good!
