Thursday 27 October 2011

long weekend has started

It really felt like Friday hari ni…

I guess sebab esok public holiday so tu yang rasa macam Friday aje.

I said to The Other Half yang maybe we should go to the city esok, manalah tau kan dapat catch a glimpse of the Queen (yang sekarang ni in Perth sempena CHOGM).

Dia jawab, “you can go if you want to. I would rather stay at home and watch her on tv.”

Memang sungguh tak pro royalist lah hubby I sorang tu kan Winking smile.

But memang tak best pun pergi city bila public holiday ni sebab every shop in WA is shut kalau PH. So you will betul2 mati kutu lah melepak kat city tu nanti unless you nak pergi museum ke, art gallery ke, the gardens and parks ke…..

(Oops, pembetulan…The Other Half kata city of Perth shops will be open esok. I guess when there’s so many delegates’ wives and husbands around, tak kan lah nak tutup the shops kan. rugi besar lah nanti.)

How I miss all those shopping complexes in M’sia yang sentiasa bukak sampai larut malam tak kira weekdays ke, PHs ke, Sundays ke, hehehe….

Itu yang kadang2 rasa lagi best shopping online bila duduk Perth ni, sentiasa ‘bukak’ 24-7 kan and tu yang lagi senang duit mengalir laju……

Since I dont think we will be going to the city esok, I rasa we all akan duduk lepak kat rumah aje lah nampak gayanya…..

Hari ni for dinner, I made japanese style sushi. I thought nak buat maki sushi but since I started masuk dapur and masak lambat so memang tak sempatlah nak gulung bagai.

I pun terfikir nak buat gaya ala2 Jamie Oliver….


Dia kan selalu aje hidang his dishes on a chopping board in his ‘30 minute dinners’ show tu. I pun tadi, lepas chop up everything, malas nak tukar ke pinggan, terus hidang atas chopping board.

(kalau Mak, Pak, MIL and PIL I nampak I hidang food atas chopping board aje, mau lah agaknya diaorang terus belikan I set pinggan mangkuk and tray kan, hahahaha.)

And then I just gave everyone some nori, some rice and pandai2 lah semua lipat and gulung and makan sendiri, hikhikhik….


I masak tempura prawns as well.


And shredded roast chicken. Roast chicken ni I dah masak lama dulu and lepas masak I terus cut into quarters and freeeze them. Bila nak guna in anything (for example as pizza topping, vietnamese rice paper roll filling, sushi filling, rencah nasi goreng) I just take out a quarter and defrost and heat it up in the microwave. Sangat senang kerja I Smile.

This was my maki sushi (saiz giant, hehehe).




And then disudahi dengan sagu gula melaka….


I think it was the perfect start to a long weekend, heeeee……


  1. ya Allah! sungguh menggodanya maki sushi inih!
    i ni kan pantang nampak sushi mulalah meleleh leleh air liur tu..haiiii mana nak cari ni memalam buta ni...hmmm droooooool aje lah

  2. ooops! sagu gula melaka pun my feveret jugak....hmmmm mimpi makan sushi n sagu gula melaka lah i mlm ni hahaha

  3. Sedap sagu tu. Favourite tu!

  4. Uh, Zarin sampai dulu! ;p

    Alahai LG...bila ler dapat pi Perth and buat muka tak malu bertandang umah you and stuff my face with all your good food?! hikhikhik))

  5. sushi! my favouriteeeeeeeeeeee!
    tak sabar nk kawen n buat cooking blog mcm kak min juga.haha

  6. Zarin,
    Alamak sian you...Malam2 buta takde shopping complex or japanese restaurants yg bukak ke? Kalau you duduk dekat, boleh aje I hantar, hikhikhik.
    Pss...mimpi nanti jgn sampai drooling tau ;-)

    I think sagu gula melaka ni kan memang dessert yang sedap giler walhal nak buat nya sgt lah senang. I slalu kena tahan myself from taking second and third helpings, hehehe

    Kak Emily,
    Kalau you dtg Perth, memang kena lose weight a few kilos dulu kan so bila you dtg rumah I boleh stuff your tummy senseless, hehehe....

    hikhikhik...kalau tak kawen pun boleh buat cooking blog jugak tp kdg2 tak best kan kalau nak masak utk kita sendiri :-)

  7. Salam..meleleh I tengok maki sushi akak tu..Terus termengidam nk mkn sushi gak nih...Kene tunggu blk S.alam la nampaknye..baru leh mkn sushi..:(

  8. resepi tempura please..hehe
    ke akak pakai tepung segera je?

  9. wooowwww... drooling here.. maki sushi memang senang kalo tak cukup masa kan.. and the sagu..!!!! sgt2 lah I suka...

  10. Annisa,
    Salam. Kat Kerteh takde tempat sushi yg best ke? Takpe, Shah Alam n Kerteh tak jauh kan :-)

    I just guna 1 egg, 1/2 cup plain flour, 1/2 cup rice flour, a bit of ice cold water with ice cubes in it and salt. Mix them together tp jgn sampai smooth sgt. Pekat takpe sbb nanti lama2 jadi cair sikit bila ice cube tu mencair. Orang kata klu nak buat tempura kena make sure air tu sejuk habis so dpt jadi 'lacy' effects kat batter bila goreng.

    I slalunya ambik masa lama gak lah nak gulung each sushi tu. So bila malas, memang suruh setiap orang gulung sendiri mcm california roll tu :-)

  11. sedapnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  12. Heheheh tepek atas chopping board eh, stylo... ahahah mane penah orang buat. Seb baikkk chopping board cun melecun... kalau tak bg tau kompom org tak tau.

  13. Salam Kak, kalu tak silap harini public transport ke city free kan. tp pk2 baik dok rumah aje la lg bagus.. :)

    oh lupa lak, ahad ni tak pegi BBQ dgn PM ke?

  14. sagu gula melaka tu kalau lagi itam.. lagi pekat kalernya lagi sodap..!

    tempura prawns tu...
    waaaaaaa.. nak jugakk..!!

  15. oooo..ok, tq very much. hehe
