Monday, 5 September 2011

What really happened…..

Meh I cerita the chronology of the event and what really happened yang buat kan I nangis 1 malam…(and still sangat2 sedih bila teringatkan peristiwa hitam itu).

(and yang buatkan The Other Half tak dapat tidur malam tadi sebab rasa guilty sangat2, hikhikhik).

Panjang sikit ceritanya…..

My PC had been playing up for a few months now sebab dah uzur. We’ve had it for many years. Every time it was playing up, The Other Half would say, “I’ll get you a new computer, a laptop this time not a PC.”

Until last Saturday I said, “Ok lah, ok lah, we’ll get a new laptop.”

So, we got 1 and The Other Half spent Saturday and Sunday morning transferring folders, files, data and what not from my PC to an external hard drive.

All the photos that we’ve taken from so many years ago are stored in my PC, tak kisahlah what ever kind of photos from any of the cameras. But we also do monthly and yearly back-up of our family photos, but only the family photos that we put in the ‘family’ folder. I dont do any back-up for my food photos that I put in the ‘food’ folder because I’ve done it for 4 years and so far (until that peristiwa hitam) tak pernah hilang. Ada beribu2 gambar food/ our flowers/ our garden/ our vegetables yang I stored in that ‘food’ folder.

So, after he’s done transferring ‘everything’, he went and did a ‘hard drive nuke’ which is what The Other Half said, “it’s the program the US defence department uses to erase all their files so no one can trace anything or recover anything from their hard drives.

So, if we want to sell the mother board, no one can retrieve our personal info from the hard drive.

But before he did that, he forgot to do 1 major thing which was:

Checking to make sure all the folders and the files and whatever not were transferred correctly.

He only checked that the ‘family’ folder was there and couldn’t be bothered checking whether my ‘food’ folder was there or not!


Last night, when I wanted to update the blog, I couldn’t find the ‘food’ folder at all any where!


Tu yang teruslah berjujuran air mata I and tak sanggup I nak update my blog malam tadi.

So, the photos were lost not because of Picasa’s fault, it’s because of someone’s (who shall remain nameless, hikhikhik) stupid mistake!

Miss 12 siap cakap kat her Dad, “You made Mum cry! That’s really bad! If she leaves you, I’m going with her!

Apalah anak I tu, hahahahaha.

And yang buat I lagi geram nya, after all that, I still didn’t get a new laptop!!!

I got his old laptop while he got the new laptop because he said, “you don’t need the fancy specs in a computer just for the blog and to surf the net.”

And you might ask why he needs all the fancy specs on the new laptop?

So he could play his computer games!!!!!

I said to him, “This is so unfair, you lost all my photos and you took the new computer and give me your old one!

I am so going on a spending spree lepas ni to make up for him losing all my photos and not getting a new computer after being promised one!


Sape setuju dengan the green bold sentence tu, sila angkat tangan and tekan the ‘like’ button ye so I can show it to The Other Half, hahahhahaha.

And since I’ve lost all the food photos, I have to start from scratch lah and I can only show you the photos I took this morning of the garden…

My lavender bushes


So many bees around because they love lavenders.


The flowers on the plum tree.


Yeay…my roses have come back. Remeber this entry? After nearly 2 months, the roses have really taken off and some of the bushes pun dah keluar flower buds. Hopefully, the first roses will start blooming next week. Can’t wait to take more photos of them.


But sadly, can’t compare the new photos with the old ones lah nanti sebab the old ones semua dah hilang, uwaaahhhhhhhhh…….


  1. Setujuuu!!! Angkat tangan tinggi² nih!! Noth my hands! hahahaha couldnt find the Like button though...

  2. akak pun setujuuu.. apa butang pun akak tekan..

    kesiannya kat Min.. sabar je lah ye.

  3. siannya kat akak. sy TERdelete gambar pegi Lake District sampai hari ni rasa ralat. dapat gambar dr kamera org lain pun x sama dgn gambar yg ambik sdiri. sy leh paham perasaan akak. manyak sedih ooo..!!

  4. LG, sangat paham perasaan you..
    my FIL accidentally throw away my organizer in which dalam tu i simpan all the ultrasound scan pictures of my adam.. sedih betul.. i baru berkira-kira nak buatkan album untuk dia dr dlm tummy sampai lahir..but all gone kena buang..

  5. i know i'm supposed to sympathise tapi ayat miss 12 sangat lah membuat orang ketawa terbahak², hahaha

  6. stuju!!!!huahahahah...!!!
    neway klakar dgn statmen miss 12...apedaaa....hahahaah...~
    xpe kak pOn jadikkan fotografi as my mmg akan sedih if that really happens tO me..walau xpernah jadik lg..hrp xkan jadik lah..huhuh..~

  7. yeayy!! i da likeeeeeeee...

    kakak.. saye like 100kali taw..... hikssss

  8. baik anak mummy tu ya.. hehe

  9. kak,copy balik gmbr2 dari entri lepas..dpt juga buat hilang rindu walaupun x dpt balik yg dah tak de tu...
    sabar ye ~~~

    hehe, LIKE ^^

  10. Setuju dgn green bold tuh!! Harus...

  11. u said:
    I am so going on a spending spree lepas ni to make up for him losing all my photos and not getting a new computer after being promised one!

    i said:
    ok i agreed 10 million zillion times...
    ha ha ha...tapi jangan lah semata new computer jer kan??? mestilah beli menda2 lain jugak sekalikan.... yeahhhh....ha ha ha....

  12. Kesiannya tapi nak buat macamana dah terjadi sabar ajelah.Harap2 lg dapat laptop yang baru dalam masa terdekat.

  13. k.min,

    selamat hari raya to you, matt and the girls!!! sorry sgt, I terlambat wish. I'm back for good, insyaAllah. I'm more stable now, and dah boleh blog walking. really miss reading ur blog. I have 2 weeks of entries yg nak kena baca kat sini :D

  14. salam kak,

    so, thats mean all the pictures that uploaded before still in the picasa kan... except, yg akak tk pernah uploadedlah...

    sy bru nk suggest akak download diskdigger.. tp akak ckp the other half guna software yg kita tk blh recover balik kan...

    sbb dulu sy terdelete gambar kat memory card... sy igt tk blh dpt balik gambar tu... then, 2 bln lps tu, bru teringat nak google maybe ada solution...

    so, sy jupe diskdigger tulah, n surprisingly, sy dpt balik gambar yg dh terdelete tu kak... :)

  15. salam!!

    saye LIKE laju2 statement hijau tu..huhuhu..

  16. LG,
    Kira you ni very penyabar as you only nangis and just accept the old lappy.If I la...sure gaduh teruk-teruk...and agaknya siap tumbuk-menumbuk,hahaha.

  17. bruce, buy LG a new lappy :)

    sincerely yours,
    the foodie pics lover

  18. LG dear,

    Poor you...well, I'm going to skip my comment on your predicament but I'm giving you due compliments instead; because I'm all googoogaga over the lavenders pictures! I like that! hehe

    Er...go shopping, spend all you want to beat the blues..hikhikhik!

  19. Cepat kak Min,apa lagi!!!Paling tidak mintaklah Am-Ex Gold Card...lepas tu beli iPad,Galaxy Tab,laptop and all the new gadgets around.Nasib baik TOH dah shave all his hair,kalau tak maunya nangis dia sebab gugur rambut nak membayar segala hutang kak Min..heheh :D
    *Hope its not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to you and your family.

  20. Aunty LG,
    Semua kucing dah angkat tangan, kaki dan ekor. 6 x 5 = 30 votes tu. Sampai hati itu uncle no? purrr meow!

  21. pernaaaaahhhh sangat lar rasa apa yang LM rasa nie

  22. I setuju dgn green bold sentence!!!

  23. Uwwwwaaaa... Along can cry along with you... indeed is very sad to lose such a precious collection! Go, go LG ask for compensation... hehe!
    BTW, Selamat Hari Raya & maaf zahir & batin.

  24. LG, akak faham your feelings and can empathise.. cuma akak interested dgn perkataan 'diskdigger' yg saudara arif mention kat atas tu..i have lost about 15 photos this morn waktu transfer gambar2 drpd camera ke laptop.. i thought i dah transfer everything safely tapi kan.. sob sob sob.. i miss a few..
    then i deleted all the pictures in the camera.. that diskdigger boleh download drpd internet? akak baru aje bercadang nak gi kedai camera to retrieve the deleted pictures because my BIL said it can be done using a special software.

  25. tengah syok baca...siap menjiwai lagi (sebab pernah senasib..pernah rosak hd..dan hiang semua pics lama)...tiba2 akak tergelak besar bila part miss 12 cakap nak follow LG jika LG tinggalkan her dad...hahahhahah....jangan dik...nanti jadi isu antara 2 negara pulak cuma gara2 soooo sweet lah miss 12...boleh jadi calon menantu...hihi :)

  26. opppsss lupa nak angkat tangan...
    dah angkat 2 tangan ni :-)))

  27. Baik jugak you ni. Kalau I mmg I baling je lappy tua tu and demand new diamond ring mcm Kim K.

  28. I angkat 2 tangan ni, 2 tangan!

  29. Haniey,
    hahaha...klu both hands considered 2 votes lah kan ;-)

    Kak Yan,
    bagus bagus, lagi ramai setuju, lagi i suka, hehehe

    penat kan kita tertonggek2 ambik gambar dr segala sudut, pastu semua hilang dlm sekelip mata. Memang bukan rezeki kan :-(

    tu lah kan, nak marah mengamuk2, hubby and FIL sendiri so terpaksalah redho aje kan, hehehe. Sabar sambil menangis sendiri :-(

    My hubby kata tak aci lah angkat2 kaki semua, hahaha

    memang ayat tak boleh belah betul kan, hahaha.

    Nur cahaya,
    Miss 12 sedih sgt agaknya tengok Mum dia nangis terisak2 so tu yg dia pun rasa mcm kenalah backing I, hahahaha...

    bagus, like banyak2 kali pun takpe so barulah hubby I tau, hahaha

    Kak Nor,
    hikhikhik....dua2 akan ikut I rasanya :-P

    it's not the same sbb banyak gambar yg dah edited and not the same spec so tu yg sedih sgt2 :-(.

    mestilah kena setuju kan sbb bershopping you! :-D

    takdenya I nak pergi shopping for a computer, I nak shopping segala benda lain pastu still demand a new computer from him, hahaha

    Kak Zai,
    I nak computer baru yg we all baru beli hari tu. I akan demand sampai dapat, hahaha.

    selamat hari raya to you guys too. At last you are back :-). Take your time :-).

    tekan like button tu jgn tak tekan, hahaha

    I slalunya upload onto my PC hard drive, not to picasa. I only use Picasa to edit the photos. Only some photos we upload into picasa web album. So, only these photos were saved.
    Tu lah, we all pun pernah ter rosakkan our memory drive but got the photos back using this one software but my food photos ni memang tak boleh recover langsung lah :-(.

    Salam. Best kan pergi shopping ni :-)

    I menangis satu malam pastu merajuk satu malam until pagi tadi. pastu baik sikit, then marah2 balik when teringat what he's done, then cool down balik, then marah2 balik, hahahhaa.....

    I would rather he gives me back my new lappy and takes back his old one! And then pejam mata when I splurge on the CC, hehehe

    we all cuma ada platinum visa aje, gold amex takde, ok tak? hahahaha. iPad would be nice kan, definitely cheaper than a laptop, hikhikhik :-D....

    bestlah you all, siap angkat ekor lagi, hahaha. Kiss kan everyone on my behalf ye because angkat all their paws and tails for me :-)

    memang sediiiiihhhhhh sgt2 kan :-(

    anything involving shopping mestilah kena setuju right! hahaha

    don't you worry, memang I akan pau sungguh2 the compensation until I feel happy and his guilty conscience lessens :-).

    Kak Haslina,
    I rasa there are a few free softwares on the net yang boleh help recovers lost/deleted photos ni. Maybe you can google for the software 'retrieving deleted photos from memory card' kot?

    Kak Kasih,
    siap menjiwai lagi tu, hahaha. Miss 12 sedih sama agaknya sbb nampak Mum dia menangis depan2 dia. Selama2 ni I kalau menangis, duk diam2 dlm bilik, hehehe. Tu yg sanggup dia cakap mcm tu, hahaha. Padahal dia lagi rapat dgn Dad dia dr I :-)

    Entah lah, I memang tension giler dgn hubby I tu semalam. But I memang bukan jenis baling2 barang, hehehe. Malam tadi I told him, "I dont want to hear you say sorry because there's no point anymore. You should have thought about it first and made sure."
    Hari ni pulak I went on and on about how it's not fair he got the new laptop when he lost all my photos. Esok I nak komplen about benda lain pulak, hahaha.

    Hahahaha....nasib baik ada 2 tangan aje kan, tu yg angkat dua aje :-P

    let's go shopping, yeay!!!!!

  30. Salam akak, siannyer...i know how it feel exactly...pernah terjadi masa belajar...nangis tak berlagu ler...huhu...totally agree with the green statement...:) happy shoppin' gurl!!!...Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin sis...:)

  31. aiseyymannn....takpela K'min...mmg sedih n ralat tp kalau the family folder yg hilang lg akan frust tertonggeng2:)...bukan bole diulang2 dr zaman dodulu sampai skang...but for the food u can always masak lagi n snap lagi and the flowers can always bloom again ...bottom line is...i still like ur green statement tuuu:)

  32. LG,
    nak minta tolong Kak Azie cubit dia? Boleh aja!

    Takpa lah, barang yang lepas usah dikenang. Pasti ada hikmah, cuma lambat cepat jer.

    Nanti balas dendam, snap banyak-banyak. Lagipun dulu guna kamera lain, belum ada DSLR lagi kan?

    So kali ini pasti dapat gambar yang laaagi cantik hasilnya!

  33. Aduuduuh.....sedihnya! Saya pun penah kena mcm ni tp salah sama-sama sebab nobody didn't bother to do backup. Sekali PC & laptop both kaput...hah amik everything inside cannot be saved.

  34. Raising both hands. kaki sekali perlu tak?

  35. kak,

    kucing2 bleh angkat ekor, kaki seme... yaz pun bleh laaaa angkat kaki gaks... hehehheh

  36. Assalamualaikum sis...
    siannya...sedey kan bila kena benda dah nak jadi...nak wat camna...ada hikmahnya tu...

    Selamat hari raya sis..maaf zahir batin dari E-na...baru nak berjalan raya umah kwn2 maya...ada lg ke sekut raya...klu dh abis hidang kek lapis pun jadilah...hihii

  37. laa..sedey kan hilang all the pics tu..i can feel that too...okeh..setuju dengan statement warna hijau tu..!!

  38. hahhaha..oke..sedih..sian akak..mesti dapat laptop baru jugak. Miss 12 kelakar oke..haha

  39. he he he..ha ha ha..sabar, sabar, sabar. Tak tahan ngan ayat Miss 12.

    To The Other Half..he he he, bagus bagus bagus sangatlah tu, MEM dapat yang 2nd..hik hik..huk huk


    Takpelah LG..nnt ambil gambar lain ye, jangan kecewa..biasalah namanya manusia, mana ada yang x buat silap, even orang genius pun..

    Selamat hari raya.

  40. I angkat tangan nih and tekan butang LIKE banyak kali...

  41. Kak Min,
    Alahai.. dari 2008 nye simpanan? Isk.. kalo saya pon, mau nangis tak berlagu!

    Psst.. saya pon dah joined in click "Like" :D

  42. salam kak...

    selamat hari raya...maaf zahir & batin!!! huhu...ayu pun dah like.hehe...

    ekceli ayu pun prnh kena mcm akak.folder ilang tp bkn sbb org yg buat tp virus yg buat.frust sesgt tp nak buat camne kan.mmg tokleh diselamatkan sbb virus tu gakle ayu dpt pc baru.yihah!! :D

  43. Auntacu,
    Memang sedih kan bila gamabr hilang, so hopefully shopping tu maybelah dpt buat I gembira for a while, haha

    Yang buat I sedih sgt2, dia sikit pun tak check my food folder tu mcm tak berharga aje. Padahal, a lot of the food photos tu were of foods yg I masak utk dia kan. Memang kena 'ajar' lah lepas ni, hahaha

    Kak Azie,
    gamabr yg hilang tu start dr saya takde DSLR, ke ada DSLR. Dari start takde macro lens to ada macor lens, tu yg sedih sgt2 sbb hilang all those precious memories.
    I nak you sambung bebel ke dia, boleh tak? :-D

    Kalau fault sama2, boleh nangis sama2 and sedih sama2. Ini sbb his fault, tu yg I geraaaammmmm sgt. Dia pulak, rasa guilty 1 malam aje, pastu dah ok. Tension kan! hehehe

    both hands pun cukup, tak terkira dia nanti,hahaha

    Hubby I kata, mesti ada yg tekan buatng 'like' tu berkali2, tu yg banyak nombor dia, sama mcm orang angkat both hands and feet lah, hehehe.

    Selamat Hari Raya. Meriah tak raya kat Jepun? :-). Biskut raya kat rumah I ni ada banyak lagi tp kek lapis memang takd langsung, hahaha.

    Lady Windsor,
    Statement kaler hijau tu memang boleh buat sesiapa pun rasa happy kan lepas bersedih! :-)

    Memang kesian kat I kan, dua2 tak dapat :-(.

    Bila tak tengok muka hubby, memang rasa calm down and sabar balik. But bila tengok muka dia and bila tengok dia guna laptop baru tu, rasa geraaaammmmm aje balik, hahaha

    patutlah dah sampai 300+ like tu, rupanya you tekan berkali2 ye, hehehe ;-)

    tu lah, lama giler kan, 4 tahun worth of photos so memang ribu2an lah. Dia relax aje bila dah hilangkan all the photos, rasa guilty 1 malam aje, tension I, heeee.....

    Salam. Kalau I dpt laptop baru tu lepas dia hilangkan semua gambar I, takpelah jugak. Ini dah lah hilang gambar, laptop I pun dia 'curi' gak, tu yg tension, hehhee

  44. ish..ish..siannya kat you LG..

    geram tu mmg tak boleh hilang punyalah..

  45. Putu,
    bila ingat balik, memang geram sgt2. Tapi redha aje lah kan sbb dah tak boleh nak buat apa lagi pun.
