Hari ni I Miss 7 stayed at home recuperating from her cold. But I told her that I had so many chores to do that I couldn’t be at her beck and call all the time.
Nasib baik lah dia ni jenis yang duduk diam2 aje bila sakit and quite happy just lying on the sofa watching tv so dapatlah I sapu habuk, vaccum rumah, kemas rumah, cuci toilets and bathrooms, mop the floors, clean up the kitchen, basuh baju, sidai baju and lipat baju, hikhikhik.
Sampai terlupa I yang Miss 7 was at home with me, hahahaha…..
Occasionally aje dia akan bersuara mintak minum and makan, heeee…..
And since The Other Half wanted to take the car to work and send Miss 12 to school, lagi lah I suka sebab I don’t have to go out of the house at all.
But The Other Half only finishes his lectures at 3.30 every Tuesday and Miss 12 pulak habis sekolah at 2.45 everyday so buat pertama kalinya, we asked Miss 12 to catch a bus by herself after school tadi.
Unfortunately takde direct bus from the school to our house ni, so fikir punya fikir, we asked Miss 12 to take the bus from her school to The Other Half’s workplace at Freo. And The Other Half will meet her at the bus stop and take her home. Luckily there’s a special bus for school kids right in front of her school that goes direct to Fremantle and memang jam packed with her school mates lah. So, tu yang dia berani naik that bus and we all pun berani bagi dia naik that bus.
Tapi nervous jugak we all nak bagi dia naik bas ‘sorang2’ for the first time. Siap suruh dia sms me once she’s on the bus and The Other Half pun made sure he was there waiting for her at the final bus stop, hehehehe.
Now dia dah tau how to catch the bus to The Other Half’s work, if I demam and tak boleh ambik diaorang and The Other Half can’t pick them up at school at finishing time, she can take herself and Miss 7 on the bus to Freo so tak lah susah hati sangat we all kan.
Kawan2 dia ramai yang catch 1 or 2 buses or even the train to school but I think selagi I boleh hantar and ambik them from school, I’ll keep on doing it.
Entahlah, I rasa she’s still quite young at 12, hehehehehe…..
Walaupun I tak keluar rumah langsung hari ni, I still malas nak buat dinner yang remeh temeh, hehehehe.
I made crispy buttermilk chicken, makan dengan bean salad and oven baked fries.
The chicken I guna this recipe yang gunakan buttermilk to soak the chicken in untuk tenderise the meat. But I replaced the breadcrumb with cornflakes and tak letak sesame seeds in the coating.
But you have to make sure you bake the chicken on a rack in a tray instead of direct on the tray so the chicken juice won’t pool around the chicken and make it soggy instead of crispy.
Everyone agreed the chicken tasted really yummy .
get well soon miss7! wahh.. miss12 sudah boleh naik bas sendiri means sudah besar lah :D
ReplyDeletebut then.. even if they are 21, our kids will always be our baby kan? my mom pun sampai skrg risau kalau i drive sorang2.. padahal balik dr rumah dia kat pj je :p
zaman sekarang dengan cerita kidnap lah bunuh lah i pun tak berani nak suruh my son to walk to school..padahal sekolah dia jalan kaki tak sampai 5 mins.. tapi kena lintas jalan...eventhough ada traffic light..i don't trust malaysian drivers..lampu merah pun diorang selalu langgar...
ReplyDeletewaktu akak kecik...ayah akak selalu hantar dan jemput pergi dan balik sekolah...first time dapat nak bas dengan kawan2 sikit punya happy..happy giler waktu tu hihi.
ReplyDeleteKat Msia sekarang tak berapa aman mcm dulu2 lagi...ada je cerita bunuh2 ni kat tv, so sangatlah takut nak lepaskan anak2 :(
ReplyDeletebetul tu, walaupun I ni dah kira tua bangka, my parents still risau gak, hahaha.
Nasib baik sekarang ni semua orang ada mobile phone so senanglah dia nak call we all kalau ada apa2 but still risau jugak nak bagi dia naik bas tu, hehehe.
kat sini pun banyak jugak kes kidnaps and rapes and murders so tu yg selagi boleh memang I akan hantar and ambik diaorang. But at the same time we all nak dia belajar berdikari jugak and tau mcm mana nak naik bas sendiri, tu yg kdg2 susah kan nak lepas or not...
Kak Kasih,
I pun masa sekolah rendah, memang ikut abah pergi kerja sbb dia cikgu sekolah yg sama. Balik klu ada tuition extra, baru lah balik naik bas dgn kawan2, memang seronok sgt2 kan, hehehe.
I pun akan lakukan perkara yg sama, selagi I boleh hantar & ambik, I akan buat...sehingga I yakin dorang boleh buat sendiri nnti....
ReplyDeletespeedy recovery to ms adorable.
ReplyDeleteLG, it's a natural parental instinct lah. my boys dah taller than me pun i still hantar sampai they rimas. some people don't do that takut anak susah independent, not really lah.
dinner tak remeh temeh cam ni lah yg yum yum :}
have a nice day madame
Aunty LG,
ReplyDeleteButtermilk punyalah mahal kat sini, kotak paling kecik pun dah RM16! So Mama dah lama tak masak anything that recipe calls for buttermilk. Ganti dengan yogurt macam tak ngam gitu. Ooh...pengalaman baru tu Ms 12 naik bas. Kita homeschooled so tak merasalah. purr...meow!
Harapnya Miss 7 cepat sihat, cian dia selsema. Risau la jugak Miss 12 naik bas sendiri gitu for the first time ever. Apa komen dia, best ka tidak pengalaman tu? Nak tau jugak, hehe..
ReplyDeletenampak cam sedap ayam tuh, esok nak cari buttermilk lah
ReplyDeleteLooks nice and sedap walaupun simple ;)
ReplyDeleteKesiannya dia. Get well soon miss 7.
ReplyDeleteAkak faham macamana Min rasa. Masa first time nak lepaskan anak akak, Farah naik bas public bila balik sekolah dulu, hati rasa berdebar2 aje. Siap tunggu kat bus stop. Tapi kat sini tak leh bawak hp. Tu yang buat akak lagi tak tenteram. Selalunya tawakal saja dan bekalkan dia dengan safety alarm tu.
ReplyDeleteish..ish...rangupnya ayam tuuu..
ReplyDeletetelan ayaq liuq lagi ni..!
ReplyDeleteHarap miss 7 get well very soon & tq for the recipe... Sheila pun sangat risau everyday my daughter cycle to school yang jaraknya 5-10 minit je dari rumah... sebabnya ramai sangat "sick" people kat Malaysia ni cth. penyimbah asidlah... pencolek lah... gerun, rasa dah tak seselamat dulu2 kala...
My anak2 byk kali tanya samada boleh naik school bas pergi n balik sekolah. Tp kesian lah sbb kalau pergi mesti awal pepagi bas ambik n balik lambat lak sampai rumah nanti. Bas AIC mmg hantar n ambik sampai depan rumah, tp I tak bagi. Iyelah I tak kerja. Kalau tak buat mcm tu tak de lah I jumpa kekawan kat sekolah nanti.
ReplyDeletefish buttermilk can ke?
ReplyDeleteyeahh!the food looks yummiesss!
ReplyDeletesemoga cpt sembuh ms 7.. :)
Semoga miss 7 cepat sembuh.
ReplyDeleteAyam tu nampak rangup tentu sedap.
ReplyDeleteMiss 12 tu pun baru 12 tahun. Akak ni anak bujang 14 tahun pun akka takut lepaskan.. Padahal kan Shah Alam je ni. 5 minutes je naik taxi..
ReplyDeletemasa sekolah dulu saya rasa macam tak bebas je kalau ayah hantar & jemput balik sekolah. Bila dah tua bangka gini baru tau kenapa orang tua kita buat macam tu :)
di mata pon suda nampak yummy!
ReplyDeleteSalam Kak Mynn, em dah boleh naik bas alone ok la tu but slowly...
ReplyDeleteAnak I tu sgt2 lah nak nya naik bas sendiri. Kalau ada direct bus from depan rumah to school, maybe lah kot I bagi but so far, I would rather hantar and ambik sendiri lah, hehehe
Nowadays my eldest will say her goodbye in the car and then walked fr the parking to her school by herself. Takut sgt orang nampak agaknya her parents still kiss her, hehehe.
I made my own buttermilk with vinegar and milk when I don't have it in stock but doesn't taste the same lah, hehehe.
dia tak risau naik bas sendiri, kita yg risau :-D. Dia happy aje sbb dah perasan besar kan!
it is sedap sbb crunchy and crispy kan :-)
I ni laig simple recipe tu, lagi lah I suka buat :-)
she's still not 100% until today. Sian dia.
Kak Aidah,
Kat sini I guess diaorang tak boleh nak sekat budak2 bawak handphone so tu yg memang we all give her a hp so we all boleh contact dia anytime out of school hours lah. Masa school hours, she will switch off her phone.
I pun masa kecik2 dulu dah naik bas dgn kawan2 keliling kampung jalan2 rumah orang masa raya, hehee. Tak tau lah mcm mana perasaan my parents lepaskan we all masa tu dgn takde hp bagai, hehehe.
My hubby lectures kat uni kat Fremantle.
gambar aje pun dah nampak kerangupan nya kan ;-)
Salam.My daughters kata kalau lah we all duduk rumah dekat dgn sekolah, memang diaorang akan cycle to school. I guess kat sini lebih selamat nak bagi budak2 cycle pergi sekolah banding dgn Msia kan.
Macam2 perangai orang skrg ni kan, takut betul bila dengar.
My kids masa kat Langford dulu pun sibuk tanya bila diaorang boleh naik the school buses, hehehe.
I guess boleh aje :-)
Cik Bambam,
Memang yummy ayam itu :-)
Kak Zai,
I suka ayam yg ada coating yg rangup2 ni. Kalau makan, susah nak berenti, hehehe
Kak Yan,
I rasa tak kisahlah kan berapa umur anak kita, sure perasaan risau tu akan sentiasa ada bila diaorang keluar dr rumah sorang2 or dgn kawan2.
Cik Aloyah,
Salam. masa kita kecik2, memang rasa naik bas dgn kawan2 tu lah yg paling seronok kan :-)
tengoj gambar aje pun dah tau ye ;-)
I think occasionally boleh lah kot dia naik bas sorang2 or with her friends ni kan :-)