Friday, 16 September 2011

NAPLAN results finally here

First nak ucap Selamat Hari Malaysia to all Malaysians tak kira di mana jua anda berada.

Second, nak ucap thank you for all the get well wishes and doas. I am feeling slightly better than semalam but still not 100% better.

The Other Half is ok now but Miss 7 pulak makin teruk with her coughing. I guess it’s because of all the mucus that trickles from her nose onto the back of her throat which tickles her throat and makes her cough.

Poor her, bila dah batuk batuk, surenya muntah lepas tu. Kurus lah dia lepas ni kan, hahahaha….

But dalam semua tak sihat ni, our day today was made bright by what Miss 7 brought home!

Remember how nervous I was when she sat for NAPLAN for the first time and how she wanted a present as soon as she finished her tests. And I told her that she had to wait for the results to get one.

Se, she brought home her NAPLAN results today, finally!

4 bulan getar menunggu results kamu, hikhikhik.

Bila you duduk in a country yang takde exams every month nor every year so bila ada tests/ exams macam ni, barulah boleh you judge how well or how bad your kid is doing at school kan compared with her peers.

Setiap kali pergi parents teachers meeting, they will just tell you that your kids are doing well at school and not to worry too much. They can’t tell you how well your kids are doing because they don’t have tests at school.

Kiranya NAPLAN ni ajelah yang sort of tests our kids abilities academically.

I’m going to put up the results here, bukan untuk membangga or menunjuk but untuk explain to people yang tak pernah tau system NAPLAN ni macam mana. Masa first time Miss 12 sat for NAPLAN, memang we all tak tau apa yang dia nak and what were they testing for.

I tau ada a few bloggers yang duduk OZ and ada anak at schools yang baca blog I ni so bolehlah you all tengok what NAPLAN is.


This is basically what they test for in each paper. Instead of dapat percentage, they use the ‘band’ system.


On the paper that your child takes home, it will show the child’s results (how well your child is doing judging on the band she/he’s in). It will also show the National’s average for that year and also the student’s school’s average for that year.

Kira macam SPM dapat A1, A2, C and so on lah. We don’t know what questions they did wrong nor what their percentage is for each paper.

This are Miss 7’s results.



Miss 7 is so extremely pleased with herself for doing so well in the tests. We are extremely proud of her as well.

The Other Half whispered to me, “I told you she’s clever and you didn’t believe me!

Bukan I tak percaya tapi bila takde tests and what not and she is always doing silly things and asking silly questions at home, sometimes you wonder jugak lah kan, hikhikhik….

Now, baru lah boleh dia demand presents from us kan! Hahahahaha….


  1. Tahniah miss 7
    bagus bagus...akak pun ikut merasa bahagia :)

    Bila tengok gambar pun akak dpt agak miss 7 & miss 12 are speclever girl, good girl dan nampak so confidence.

  2. ralat
    bukan speclever...clever sebenarnya...salah taip :)

  3. congrats to zahra...terus kebah demam ye LG...

  4. Congrats Miss 7... please demand the biggest presents evaaa!!!1 =P

    LG & hubby, tahniah also.. my turn nanti camne plak kan.. debar..lambat lagi.. hihi

  5. Congrats Zahra! And get well soon!

  6. kak LG, kalau dah darah jawa tu insyaAllah bijak ye x? hehehe

  7. Congrats Zahra! Selalunya anak yg suka tanya banyak soalan (termasuk soalan yg silly milly, kihkih) adalah bijak. Ini kata mak I tapi I tak termasuk dalam kategori bijak tu, again according to mak I, kihkih

  8. Congrats Ms 7!!! I was home-schooled and didn't get to sit for any tests/exams. Asking silly questions tu memang banyaklah. Aunty LG dah OK ke? Have some Lemsip. purrr....meow!

  9. congrats cute miss 7!!

    u did it very well. tak baca pun explaination ttg exam tu, terus tengok result then tak paham. hahaha.

  10. Congrats miss exam MUET tu jga kn,pakai BAND..

  11. Lg,
    i baru perasan your daughter sebaya ngan my daughter but then she already sat for Naplan, mine year 1 pun tak habis lagi.Well done Zahra!!!

  12. congrats Miss 7!! Nampaknya akak kena cari present utk dia la pulak nya...

  13. woiiii pandainyer diaaaa!

    mesti kembang kempis hati you kan sis? hahaha!

    congratessss! sila bagi apa sahaja yang dia mintak hahah!

  14. tahniah miss 7 & kak LG too ^-^
    kira macam dapat straight As ni...
    kak LG.. please grant her all her wishes heheh

  15. congrats Miss 7! NAPLAN tu mcm MUET sikit kan?

  16. Kak Kasih,
    Thanks. Alhamdulillah syukur sgt2 atas kurniaan Allah ni kan.

    Menggeletar tangan I masa bukak sampul results tu, muahahaha.

    Kalau kat Msia, I rasa every month I akan berdebar2 bila the girls ada exams. In a way, I like it better here sbb kurang sikit debaran I, hehhee

    thanks :-)

    tersangat lah betulnya statement itu, hahaha.

    If you hear some of the silly questions she asks, your mind will wonder too, hikhikhik....
    Your Mak tak nak anak dia besar kepala tu yg dia ckp macam tu, hahaha

    thank you :-)

    thank you. My girls would love it if there were no exams or tests ever, hehehe.

    Miss Jue,
    Masa we all baru tau about NAPLAN ni pun, memang tak faham. Sekarang ni baru lah faham sikit2, hehehe

    I guess so mcm MUET but I didnt sit for MUET before so tak tau that system :-)

    thanks :-)

    Muffy baru aje turned 7 July haritu kan. Zahra pulak will turn 8 next month and we enrolled her in school earlier (patut tak boleh, hehehe), tu yg dia dah Yr 3 :-).

    nasib baik we all berdua still tak sihat today, so tak payahlah I kena usung dia pergi shopping mall cari present, hahaha.

    I kecut perut masa bukak sampul results tu but lepas bukak, rasa mcm tak percaya langsung2 with her results, hahaha. Teruk kan I ni :-).
    I tak sangka that she's going to do that well sebenarnya, hehehe.
    Hadiah memang kena something wow lah kot kan.

    she jokingly asked for a pony semalam. Banyak lah cantik I cakap. Baru aje Yr 3 test dah mintak pony kan, hahaha.

    I pun baru tau yg MUET ni pun guna band system ni. Memang samalah kiranya kan.

  17. sis, skrg kt malaysia pun dh nk guna sistem band ni.. kurikulum standard sekolah rendah..baru mula tahun ni..sepatutnya no more exam, suma based on pencapaian murid secara holistik, ckgu nilai.. baru start tahun ni utk darjah 1.. hehe.. tahniah zahra

  18. Congrats Zahra! Good girl...I pun baru dapat result Amirul tadi...alhamdulillah..bolela senyum sampai telinga :)
