Friday, 30 September 2011

Castle and roses and The Little Misses

Miss 12 and Miss 7 so happy sebab the school holidays have finally started which means only 3 more sleeps before the flight to M’sia.

But they are unhappy sebab their teachers still give them holiday homework even when they told them that they will be going off to M’sia for the whole 2 weeks, hehehe.

And I pulak kena wrote a letter to Miss 12’s teacher to ask for her to be given an extension for her holiday homework since she wont be bringing her MacBook to Msia (which she has to use to do her homework).

And then Miss 7’s teacher told her that the best time for her to do her homework is when she’s bored on the plane.

Terus tension Miss 7 sebab tak dapat get out of doing her holiday homework, hahahaha…..

I tanyalah dia banyak ke homework yang dia kena buat.

She said “Lots Mum. There’s 4 pages of Maths homework and an assignment on insects I have to research on the computer!

For her that’s lots lah, hehehe.

So layanlah gambar dia with some of the roses ye.

She said that most of the roses are bigger than her face and taller than her, tu yang dia suruh I ambik gambar nak tunjuk that what she said are true, hehehe.



I said to The Other Half yang muka Miss 7 in the above photo baru lah nampak Mat Saleh sikit instead of Arab, hahahaha.

And then The Other Half kata, “If any modelling agent spots them in M’sia, make sure you demand lots of money so we can be rich!”

Lagi lah muahahahahaha……



I would rather they be my models for my photoshoots with the roses and the vegetable garden and the food kan Open-mouthed smile.

And ini pulak gambar the castle that Miss 12 and her group have decorated at school today.

She took the photos with her iPod so quality-wise not that good lah.



Siap ada drawbridge made out of wafer biscuits, Lego knights and horses, moat around the castle and fir trees, hehehe.

I made them grey icing so they can put it around the castle. Ye lah, castle kan slalu nya grey in colour, hahaha.

And afterwards, everyone enjoyed the cake!


  1. they so cute..huhu..selamat pulang coti2 malaysia auntie..huhu

  2. I mmg tunggu sangat2 entry ni sbb nak tgk hasil tgn Miss 12.. Creative betul.. :)

    slamat pulang ke tanah air LG.. I pulak yg terasa cam nak balik KG sama.. I pun dah lama tak balik mesia kah kah

  3. i rasakan pokok rose u tu memang hidup subur..mcm baru je u trim kan! now dah tinggi n bunga dia ..cantiksnyaaaa
    p/s selamat balik kampung ye kak! moga selamat sampai dan selamat kembali nanti

  4. cantiknya miss 7 dgn bunga tu..dua2 sweet sungguh!

  5. memang anak dua orang ni sama cantik..sama macam bunga ros tu jugak..masih wangi harum sebab sedang mekar menjadi anak dara sunti...:)

    selamat kembali dan bercuti di mesia min..
    Alhamdulillah akak sudah beransur sehat..darah tinggi je min.biasa lah kalau dah ada penyakit tu memang pantang tersilap makan mula lah kepala nak meragam...:)

  6. ya Allah cantiknya bunga2 tu...dan besar2 pulak tu...mmg betul le, sama besar dgn muka miss 7.

    kalau jadi model kat M'sia..mmg kena letak harga mahal, akak boleh jadi PA....hihi

  7. kak LG, cantiknya bunga2 tu :) seronoknye boleh tatap bunga ros hari2..

  8. LG, muka zahra nampak mcm cengkung sikit..sbb dmm hr tu ke?

    i think if zahra sekolah kat mesia..sure stress abis..aiman punya holiday homework dah lerr berpages..semua subject ada homework plak tu..

  9. best tengok project castle Miss 12 tu ;) best lagi kalau time sekolah dulu buat project camtu

  10. Maakkkkk, besarnya roses tu sis. I thought tak lah sebesar tu sis. Cantik dan subur sungguh.

  11. Feeqa,
    thank you :-)

    You bukan seberang selat aje ke? hehehe. Miss 12 and friends seronok giler dpt decorate the castle and makan the castle afterwards :-).

    Memang I pun rasa I baru aje trim pokok2 tu and now some of them dah lagi tinggi dari Zahra :-).
    Tak sabar nak balik kampung!

    All along the way,
    dua2 sama comel but satu wangi and satu lagi kureng wangi, hehehe

    Kak Anymz,
    Alhamdulillah Akak dah keluar hospital. Susah kan ada darah tinggi ni, memang kena sentiasa jaga makan and makan ubat.

    Kak Kasih,
    Memang bunga2 ros yg kat rumah ni semua bila betul2 kembang, besae lagi dari mangkuk, hehehe.
    Kalau jadi model kat Msia, adalah peluang I bercuti2 Msia selalu, hahaha

    memang hari2 kena beli bunga ros ni sbb nak spray all the pests, kalau tak, dia kerumun balik.

    I pun noticed muka dia cengkung sikit sejak lepas puasa haritu. But I rasa balik Msia nanti, sure gebu balik lah, hahaha.
    Tu lah kan, kalau budak2 ni sekolah kat Msia, memang hari2 lah diaorang akan nangis sbb kena buat homework berlambak2.

    We all pun jeles kat dia sbb ada project macam tu. Masa I kat sekolah dulu, project semua jenis yg hampeh, hahaha.

    Memang besar gedabak all the roses. I kena cari vases yg fat to be able to put cut roses kat dlm rumah, hehehe.

  12. Yalah, konpem the roses lebih besar dari muka Miss 7! Besar sungguh!

    Projek sekolah yg boleh dimakan afterwards memang best, kahkahkah!

    Welcome back to Malaysia :)

  13. Cun nye roses tu.. Besau betul.. Cute je gamabr si budak comel tu ngan roses..
    Welcome back to msia akak...

  14. Dinas,
    Kat sekolah you ada buat project yg boleh dimakan afterwards tak? hehehe.

    Memang besar gedabak the roses, itupun ada yg lagi besar :-)

  15. comel2nya the little misses..!!

    i love the castle...!! very nice..

    selamat pulang ke Msia dan selamat mkn bermcam2 mknn..ngeeee =)
