Monday, 1 August 2011

Pasta and frittata

Miss 7 is a bit terkejut a lot of people like her video clip cakap ‘melayu’ itu, terus termalu malu lah dia, hehehe…

Dia cuma boleh baca ‘melayu’ aje tapi dia tak faham pun apa yang dia baca tu, hahaha.

The Little Misses came home from school tadi saying that some of their friends have already started fasting hari ni. Miss 7 said her classmate, Ayisha dah mula puasa hari ni while she was still eating recess and lunch. Miss 12 pun said the same thing as well.

Like I said, it depends on Masjid mana yang kita ikut so if the masjid kata puasa mula hari Isnin, hari Isnin lah kita puasa kan. But selalunya, Raya tetap hari yang sama, hikhikhik….

In our household, our Iftar macam dinner biasa aje. But instead of just masak main meal, I tambah masak kuih or entree aje. And we definitely tak makan nasi every night!

Sahur pun we all memang tak makan berat, cuma makan the normal things we usually makan for breakfast tiap2 hari. The Other Half either makan weetbix or any high fibre cereals or multigrain toasts and coffee and water. Miss 12 akan makan 2 pieces of multigrain toast with nutella aje with hot milo and water, Miss 7 akan makan toast or cereal with hot drink and I pulak akan minum coffee and makan dates aje.

I rasa kalau I hidangkan heavy meals masa sahur, memang terbiar tak bersentuh langsung lah dari mula puasa sampai lah habis puasa, hahaha.

Since we all belum mula puasa hari ni, I tak lah susah payah fikir pasal menu untuk berbuka (tapi I dah tau nak buat kuih apa untuk berbuka esok, hehehe).

Ini our dinner malam tadi, baked sausage and potato frittata with green salad and pull apart bread.



I sauteed sliced onion, diced potatoes until golden brown in a frying pan on the stove top. Then I added sliced mushroom and sauteed them until wilted. Followed by chopped up semi dried tomatoes, powdered chicken stock, white pepper and paprika. Then I added frozen peas. Then I poured whisked eggs+cream mixture and let it fill up the pan.

Then I masukkan the whole frying pan in the oven at 170°C and bake it until the egg has set.

Dinner malam ni pulak, I masak creamy tomato fettucine makan dengan sauteed seasoned marinara.



From now on, I kena masak dinner cukup2 aje untuk we all sekali makan instead of masak extra for The Other Half untuk bawak for lunch the next day. Susah jugak actually nak masak just the right amount ni.


  1. macam dah boleh agak kak min nak buat kueh apa esok.. hehe.

    apa pun saya tunggu gambar apa yg keluar. kita tengok siapa yg kena.. ;D

  2. samalah kak LG, bersahur yg ringan je,

    saya selalunya sahur nescafe panas ngan biskut kering cukup.

    act sama je menu bukak puasa dgn hari biasa. tak meriah sangat dengan macam2 juadah pun.

    tapi kang kalau time raya, siaplahhh. haha

  3. selamat berpuasa kak LG and family. have a good day. can't wait for ucapan raya by miss 7. hehe

  4. Esok datang lg..mau skodeng menu berbuka akak....Sebelum tu..sue nak wish..Selamat berpuasa kak LG....(^_^)

  5. I pun suka video Miss 7 baca melayu & laaagi suka kalau dia boleh ckp melayu...hehe....pekat betul pelat mat saleh dia kan?!

  6. hye Salam Ramadhan from mumbai....nice blog...

  7. kat sana esok baru berpuasa ye..
    kat sini kami dah berbuka :)
    sedapnya menu dinner kat atas tu :)

  8. Aunty LG,
    Kalau lepas ni buat video ngomong jowo macam mana? Miss 7 ada beran???? Barulah boleh hantar kat Mbah ngan Atok kat Ijok tu. Bilalah nak merasa nasi ambeng lagi ni.... purrr *giggles*

  9. Salam Kak min... Selamat Berpuasa buat kak min, TOH, zahra & alya.. (^_^)

  10. Kak Min & family,
    Selamat berpuasa and menyambut Ramadan :)

    Kiut benor Miss 7 'baca' Melayu, ahaks!

  11. Salam kak min, selamat puasa di perantauan, nice food and nice picture, fritata and pasta a good combination, carbonara ooo laaa.

  12. kami plak terbalik. sahur yg berat, buka posa biasa2 je, sbb x lama lps tu nak tido (skang ni tgh summer). bgn sahur mmg mkn kasi kenyang, lama lg nak tggu berbuka tu (now maghrib 9.15 pm). slmt berposa kak LG!

  13. Irma,
    hikhikhik...I ni kan mana ada masak kuih lain dr yg lain, balik2 ulang kuih yg sama, hahaha.

    I guess we all kat sini memang slalu dinner lepas maghrib so masa ramadhan pun memang takde beza lah. Tu yg boleh kurus sikit masa puasa ni, hehehe

    Mohamad Hazwan,
    Salam ramadhan to you too. Raya nanti I kena suruh Miss 7 nyanyi lagi Raya lah, hahaha

    Pagi2 ni I dah kena fikir nak masak apa utk berbuka nanti :-).

    Miss 7 kata dia anak Aussie, tu yg pekat habis accent dia, hahaha. Tapi her accent memang bukan pure Australian lah :-).

    thanks for dropping by ye, jauh tu dari Mumbai :-).

    Kak Kasih,
    Kat sini, ada yg dah berpuasa on Monday tp we all ikut masjid yg we all slalu pergi and mula puasa hari Selasa.

    kahkahkah...Kalau nak buat video nogmong jowo, Mak dia yg kena pergi kursus speaking jowo dulu :-)

    Salam. Thank you :-)

    Buka puasa kali ni, you masak kuih muih apa? :-). I think I recycle menu last year lah, hehehe

    Resipe masak makan,
    Salam. Frittata and pasta are quite easy to make which suits me so well, hehehe.

    I pernah puasa masa Summer kat sini but not as long as your Summer lah. But still siksa juga lah nak menahan haus tu. Memang lost quite a lot of weight lah masa tu, hehehe.
    Good luck ye with your Summer fasting!

    tak lama, around 12-13 hours aje. Dari pukul 5.30 pagi sampai 5.45 ptg mcm tu.

  14. My anak pun byk kawan2 dia yg start puasa semalam. Tp for us, puasa hari ni. Mcm you I prefer to follow 'my' mosque and 'my country', some of them ikut negeri asal diaorg mcm Turkey, Msia or Indonesia. My philosophy, di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung. :)

    So hari ni nak masak apa?

  15. huhu...x start pose lg eh? hari ke 2 pose...okla.semlm pun sempat lg ayu merempit ke ampang n jln tar.pdhal naik train tu.hehe...mmg takde keje la tu mmg kena pi gak sbb ada urusan skit.letih la skit tp takde la smpai lembik.haus2 pun takde.alhamdulillah...

  16. Kak LG,

    creamy tomato fettucine akak tu nampak menggoda.. bleh kongsi resepi? :)

  17. mmmm ...pose ari ni kan kak? Masak apa yer? Hmmmmm wondering nih!!!

  18. Selamat berpuasa LG & family. Kami kat Melbourne ni start puasa semalam, as p ICV.
    I think me & hubby akan put on weight time puasa lah coz so far sahur & buka puasa makan berat. For now cuti 4 hari frm semalam until Thursday. Bila i dah start kerja balik hopefully turun berat. hehehehhee..
    This is my 12th puasa here in Australia, first time was in 2000 which was in summer. Since last yr dah puasa in winter :)
    Take care, dear.

  19. ituu video clip sama itu budak miss 7 mmg comel..heeheehe..

    sotong tu sgt menarik..cayalah, menangis mata saya tengok..=p

  20. owh i love frittata, can use any ingredient in the fridge! but yours look yummy of course, and i think i should be going to sleep now because im getting hungry already! =___="

  21. Nora,
    I dengar cerita even the AIC Thornlie principal pun start puasa hari Monday ye, hehehe. I pun pening jugak tengok different dates ni.

    Salam ramadhan utk you :-).

    Kalau pergi that area, memang kena guna public transport lah kan. Kalau drive sendiri, memang lagi terbakar hati masa bulan puasa ni. Kadang2 best jugak merempit masa bulan puasa ni kan :-)

    hehehe...I guna recipe paling sempoi. Nanti I letak ye :-).

    Ayu Safieza,
    budak2 and bapak budak aje pose, I tukang masak aje, hahaha.

    You kena makan berat2 lah or else mcm mana nak buat ward rounds, nak treat patients and nak layan kerenah patients tu kan, hehe. I kalau makan berat2, memang akan naik berkilo2 lah nanti :-).
    This is my 17th year puasa kat OZ ni.

    Qaseh Ferna,
    I nak suruh dia nyanyi lagu raya nanti lah, laiglah tergolek2 ketawa you all dengar, hehehe..

    That's why I made the frittata the other night because I was really stuck for what to make for dinner :-).

  22. LG, nice blog... have been following your blog for the past few months and almost all yang ada kat blog u I dah baca & tengok... Your blog give me ideas not only for cooking tapi untuk all the activities yang u & yr family buat. Thanks, LG...
