Friday, 12 August 2011

Finally, 1 tag is done

Hari ni, I can’t be bothered to tayang gambar our iftar and dinner food last night. I didn’t even take any photos of them, memang malas sangat2 nak ambik gambar.

So, dari takde entry, baiklah I jawab tag from Shidah ni. She’s given me 2 pieces of homework but since I bukannya a dedicated student so I buat satu dulu lah.

I have done a similiar tag before but since I ‘rajin’ pagi ni while waiting for the washing machine to finish its job (banyak lagi kerja rumah boleh dibuat tapi I nak buat pura2 tak nampak pagi ni, hahaha), I will state 7 other ‘facts’ about myself Smile with tongue out.

Before that, kena tayang the awards that came along with the tag.



The 7 facts (or is it fiction??? you have to decide yourself, hikhikhik):

1. I do not know how to tie/knot a tie. I’ve tried a few times but Embarrassed smile. Luckily my hubby knows how to tie it himself so everytime he needs to wear one (which is not often, thank goodness), he does it himself. I guess I tak pernah pergi finishing school kan yang ajar girls to be more feminine, do feminine stuff and also teach them how to tie their husbands’ ties, hehehe.

2. I do not know how to put make-ups on. I’ve tried tengok on youtube on how to do it properly but everytime I tengok the videos, I rasa macam dengar an alien language aje. I have no idea what they were talking about. Even masa kahwin pun takde letak make-up segantang, hahaha. Masa kahwin kat Adelaide, my friend volunteered her ‘expertise’ of doing up my face but since her ‘expertise’ was only slightly better than mine, memang kira bukan macam nak kahwin gah2 lah, heeee. And masa kenduri kahwin kat Msia, since takde bersanding, lagilah I cuma letak lipstick aje kot, hikhikhik… So not macam pengantin!

3. I am very wary of making friends. Sangatlah susah nya untuk I ‘rapat’ dengan anyone sebab I do not want this ‘friends’ to be busybodies nosy parkers. Sebab biasalahkan, once you start baik dengan people, they tend to want to know more about you, from your past to your present (what you did before, who you were before and so on) to everything about you which I find a bit uncomfortable. I think sebab I ni jenis yang wont ask about people’s past/life unless they want to tell me themselves so I expect people to do the same to me but susah nak stop some people doing that. Selalunya I pegang prinsip ‘only tell if they need to know’ basis. Kalau ada reason penting they need to know about me, then I will tell them. Kalau setakat nak tau for the sake of nak tau, malaslah I nak bagi tau, hahaha.

4.I love the colours blue and brown now (clothes-wise). Which I know menunjukkan betapa tuanya lah I ni kan, hahaha. Kalau you tengok my wardrobe, memang mostly you akan nampak either brown, blue or black. And adalah terselit sikit2 a splash of other brighter colours which I selalunya beli masa I tengah PMT, hikhikhik.

5.The highest heel I have is 3 inches (and only 1 pair sahaja). And the last time I pakai this heel was probably a few years ago kot, hehehe. I rasa kalau I pakai kasut macam Lady Gaga tingginya, mau lah I dapat altitude sickness kot Open-mouthed smile. And I still haven’t got any wedges at all which is so not fashion conscious kan!

6. I memang dari kecik dah ‘suka’ masak albeit cuma goreng telur and masak sayur goreng sahaja. I enjoyed them time I spent in the kitchen main masak2 and trying not to burn the house down at the same time masa kecik2 dulu. And bila lepas SPM kena duduk dengan arwah Atuk I yang masa tu baru kematian isteri and my Mak kerja lagi masa tu, so I lah yang ditugaskan jadi tukang masak. You taulah kan, kalau duduk dengan orang tua yang had very good tastebuds ni, memang siksa at first. I selalu kena ‘nasihat’ kalau my food memang rasa dia tak boleh belah. But the good thing was, he would praise my food depan orang ramai kalau kena dengan tekak dia. It made me feel so chuffed! Open-mouthed smile. So, I guess bila dah kahwin Mat Saleh with slightly different tastebuds and then ada family ni , my cooking skills develop even more gradually. But tak lah sampai tahap boleh jadi tukang masak terkenal ala Nigella tu.

7. I didn’t get any wang hantaran masa kahwin dulu, nil nada, zilch, not even 1 cent. Hikhikhikhik….Memang gelak lah kalau ingat sebab sekarang ni, koman2 wang hantaran pun dah RM5000 kan. Pastu, kalau makin tinggi pelajaran, makin tinggi wang hantaran Winking smile. Masa tu we all students, mana ada duit unless rompak bank or menang lottery kan, hehehe. Kesian mak bapak I tak dapat wang hantaran dari pihak lelaki. Nasib baik lah masa kenduri kat Msia, duit received from guests enough to ganti balik modal buat kenduri, hahaha….


  1. haha..when I get married to my Pak Arab...dia siap tanya lagi..berapa u mau untuk wang hantaran?
    Hahaha...jumlah? Ish takdelah tinggi mana cuma kalau tak salah my SIL dapat satu kilo barang kemas bling-bling from my BIL masa dia kawin dulu...dapat gelang omeh rantai kan?Takyah beli gelang cincin rantai semua..heheh :D

  2. Kak LG letak lah gambar kawin masa kat M'sia

  3. Ok, sekarang terjawab 'soalan di kepala otak' Ate selama ini... dari mana dan bagaimana LG boleh rajin dan pandai masak.

    Ttg ikat tie tu, mcm tak caya jer LG tak pandai...(Ate ingat, Ate sorang jer yg tak pandai...:))

    Yang other 5 facts tu...Ate tak heran sgt, bole agak dah...hehehe (especially tang tak pandai pakai make up). Hehehe.

  4. Tak pe lah Min. Buat apa gah kahwin tapi lepas tu tak happy. Akak masa kahwin pun mekap sendiri aje. Gasaklah. Setakat listik dgn aishedo je. Bila tengok balik, kelakar betul.

  5. LG,
    High-five!!...I pun tak tau how to tie a tie( betul ke ayat I ni?...hehehe.Nasib baik airline pilots punya tie jenis yang lekat saje ( for safety reason) or else memang takkan merasa jadi isteri mithali, you.
    As for being wary of making friends:-Ditto!Some ppl will think ppl like us ni banyak skeleton hidden in our closets...mungkin kot?...hehehhe.
    Back to tayanging ur din-dins,please.Macam tak complete my day tak tengok what you masak for the day...kepo mode sekejab.Have a great day,LG.

  6. so're kind of ..
    very humble and down-to-earth lady lah..

    takpe..takde hantaran pun..nampak hidup you sekeluarga happy je.. baguslah..

    duit bukan menjamin kebahagiaan.. (walaupun ianya amat penting di zaman2 skrg ni...)

    p/s..i pun tak berapa tau ikat tie.. kalau ikat pun.. kengkadang jadik..tapi senget jek.. cam buruk jek..
    sib baik pulak tie sekolah anak2.. dah siap pakai, everyday diorg tarik getah tu je ke leher.. tie depa maintain gitu..! hehehe

  7. Wahh ni kira sisi lain of LG la..Takpe, i pon tak tau nak ikat tie, hubby pakai sendiri je. So tak berpeluang nak ngada ngada aksi lomantik ngan hubby sambil ikat tie...

  8. kalau sekarang, if takde wang hantaran tak kawin laa kot. sebab kalau tengok wedding sekarang grand giler. nak bayar mak andam lg, photographer lagi, baju pulak salin 3-4 pasang. hehe.. padahal semua tu bukan penentu kebahagian rumah tangga pun. hehehe..

  9. Waaa.. takde hantaran, best nye! I dulu kalut nak explain kat hubby pasal hantaran, hahaha.. Nasib baik dia paham.

  10. gambar2..we want gambar! hahaha

    Kak lg,
    sy pon tak reti mekap..belajar2 jugak nak pakai eyeliner tapi mesti tersenget,sudahnya bedak ngan lipstik kalau org mekapkan nak la..hahhaa

  11. k.min,

    i dont know how to knot a tie too!! hehe.. bertuah punya isteri kan? :D

    ps : jgn lupa sipakan homework no. 2 ye. :P

  12. td i dgr few Rick Hart stores buat closing down sale sebab dah nak jadi Harvey Norman. Kot2 you all nak gajet baru sempena raya ni :p

  13. wang hantaran paling kecil...paling berkat sebenarnya.
    Itu semua bukanlah hal penting...yg penting bahagia.
    Akak doakan min bahagia hingga akhir hayat :)

  14. Salam LG
    Sesungguhnye wang hantaran tu tidak menjamin kebahgiaan.... ceh bah... now u are very happy and contented with a great family. That's what counts.

  15. I duit hantaran pun tak de. Mas kawin adalah, AU$100. Kawin kat Masjid Rivervale tak yah nak bagi byk2. I tak complaint asalkan laki I tak byk complaint bila I mintak mcm2 skrg ni. Kalau duit hantaran sekali bagi, terus habis. Duit mintak skrg ni boleh dpt tiap2 hari, minggu or bulan. Best kan.

  16. hohooo..mostly surirumah yg komen kat blog kak LG tak pandai ikat tie ;P hehee..saya blom kawen ;) hehehee..

  17. i pulak terbalik, i yg selalu ikat tie my hb. I grew up with a dad & 2 brothers yg mmg dok pakai tie time i membesar dulu.
    Wah no hantaran. I'm impresed. But then again, yg paling penting kan mas kahwin kan kan kan

  18. hahaha i ingat i je yg tak tahu letak make up tu.. pernah kengkonon nak ikut kat you tube tu tapi sepatah pun tak paham n tak reti. so kan enough with lip stick and muka togel aje lah hihi

    i sungguh tk suka tengok my wedding pic sebab pakai make up...i rasa mcm bukan i jek yg kawin tu

  19. Salam Kak Mynn, Gelak je saye tengok 7 facts ttg akk! Saya pun sama kak.. kadang2 tu tgk you tube beriye2 but bile nk apply kat muka sendiri terus blur! tak berseni langsung..

  20. Mira,
    wahhh...lucky you sebab ditanya :-). Patut you mintak 1 oil rig, baru lah best, hahaha. I wonder mcm mana rupa emas sekilo tu kan, sure banyak bebeno bling bling nya. Lucky her! :-)

    gambar kahwin dulu2 cuma ada hard copy on photo paper aje and films. Kena scan baru boleh masuk computer, nak scan tu yg maleh nya, hehehe.

    I dulu2 konon2 belajar gak mcm mana nak ikat tie tu but since hubby jarang2 bebeno pakai tie, terus tak ingat and terus malas nak buat :-).
    Arwah Atuk I tu memang very fussy pasal makan, tu yg I jadi terer masak terus, hehehe.

    Kak Aidah,
    Memang betul tu kan, asalkan kita bahagia. Mekap tu cuma sementara aje, hehehe.

    So many other ways to jadi isteri mithali, hikhikhik :-P.
    Maybe as we get older, there are more skeletons that we would rather keep to ourselves kan. Or is just us trying to be aloof? ;-) There's no point telling the whole world about the skeletons kan, just jadi bahan gossip aje nanti, hahaha.

    I'm not sure if I'm humble and down to earth but I try to be one :-).
    Macam saying kata, 'money doesnt bring happiness' but having money can certainly make you a bit happier I think.
    I pun kadang2 nak aje suruh hubby I pakai tie ada getah tu, senang cerita kan, hehehe.

    tu lah nya kan, konon2 nak lah jadi isteri mithali, lagi2 pakaikan hubby tie. Hampeh!!!! :-D

    Cik Siti Wan Kuncup,
    Memang betul tu. Tapi I tengok pun takut sbb some people yg spend beribu2 semata2 nak kahwin, still berhutang even after dah dapat 2-3 orang anak.

    It as quite funny actually, my parents sikit pun tak mention pasal duit hantaran when I kata I nak kahwin. I guess they know that students are so sengkek, hahaha.

    I pun rasa kalau orang offer nak mekapkan I, maybe I will say yes too. Tapi nak mekap sendiri, takut jadi macam opera cina aje nanti, ahhaha.

    kita memang isteri bertuah :-P.
    Your other tag tu kena tunggu dulu. Wa tada masa mau gali old entries lah, hehee

    bulan puasa kena bersederhana! Hikhikhik :-P. Padahal dah shopping giler last Saturday. tu yg kena cool down dulu.

    Kak Kasih,
    as long as kita happy, itu dah cukup kan :-). Semoga doa Kak Kasih dimakbulkan Allah :-)

    It is true but you tau lah kan people kat Msia, the more wang hantaran, the more they crow about it :-). But I am very thankful with the family I have, Alhamdulillah.

    Samalah mcm I, duit hantaran takde and mas kahwin cuma $100 which was a lot for students like us 15 years ago! hehehe.

    I guess we have other things to do instead of ikat tie, hehehe.

    I did learn a few times how to tie it porperly but since hubby only very rarely wears tie, I've lost the skill ;-).
    Luckily takde wang hantaran, or else memang lah hubby I kena buat loan kat bank, hahaha.

    Tu lah nya, I sibuk bukak youtube nak belajar. Memang tak faham any of their terms. Base powder lah, foundation lah. What???? hehehe
    I have never in my life wears full make-up, sometimes nak jugak I try sbb nak tengok how different I will look :-D.

    I cukup heran tengok orang yg terer ber mekap ni tau sbb I rasa mcm complicated sgt2 all the stuff tu :-).

  21. Kak Min,
    Hehe! Saya dok gelak sorang-sorang baca facts Kak Min. Sempoi sungguh! I LIKE, I LIKE! :)

    #3 tu, I feel you as saya pon sama. Kalo saya rasa macam "cepat" je berkawan, gerenti saya "slow down" sikit :D

  22. I pun x pandai ikat tie hubby....tie anak pun hubby yg ikatkan...hehehehe....

  23. LG,
    My mas kahwin/wang hantaran sama macam you. I told my now husband, kalau nak bagi, I nak 1 million, kalau tak, tak yah :-P

    About kawan, I tak banyak kawan too. Tapi I still feel my social life pretty hectic, though I only socialize maybe once a month.

  24. Aida,
    hehehehe...nak buat mcm mana, dah memang mcm ni hidup I :-P.
    I pun kan, klu ada 'kawan' yg beria2 so excited nak kawan dgn I, terus I back off a bit sbb takut, hahaha.

    I rasa kan, cukuplah sorang yg tau ikat tie kan. It's called job delegation, hahahaha.

    Samalah kita ye in the same boat, hahaha. Basically they got us for free ;-P.
    My social life pun maybe once a month kot but like you, itu pun I rasa dah cukup for me :-).

  25. Kak Min,
    Hantaran skrg x main dah rm5k... susah nak cari anak dara yg ndak terima rm5k. The ladies in my family semua kahwin hantaran rendah xde demand2. Money can't buy love or happiness ;-)

  26. salam LG,
    hehehe..tempek je bedak sejuk..sure muka jadi halus mulus.. :p
    my wardrobe pun colour semua klu tak putih, hitam..tak hitam brown..
    klu kaler lain tu semua tak my sister mom tolong belikan..esp kain utk buat bj kurung.. hahahaha dah tua2 masih my mom yg pilihkan..i think my mom lg bergaya dari i.. :p

  27. Lia,
    sekarang ni kalau dpt 5K, jiran2 sekeliling akan ketawakan kan. Nasib baik lah masa I kahwin dulu, takde sape tanya berapa duit hantaran I, hehehe.

    I rasa I ni memang dr dulu tak pandai bergaya and tak fashion conscious so kalau orang yg suka berfeshen tengok wardrobe I, memang geleng kepala habis2. Mak you sure geleng kepala jugak tengok wardrobe I kan :-)

  28. Salam very first comment ni...hehehe

    Seronok baca all of your entries... especially tang masakan and pictures of your pricncesses tu...they are so adorable...
