Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The ugly front

I know it’s necessary to do it but it still makes me sad everytime I walk passed it because it looks so ugly….


This was the view 6 months ago, so verdant and full of roses of different colours…

And the view today after the pruning and the mowing we did on the weekend….


I told you nampak macam abandoned house aje kan, hehehe…

No more roses until Spring (hopefully, if I hadn’t kill them all). And the lawn looks dry sebab he cut it quite short.

And people can see straight at the front door, no more roses blocking the way. Luckily lah we all ni memang tak pernah bukak the front door tu unless ada guests. We all masuk rumah through the kitchen door Smile.

First time I had to prune roses ni! People say you have to be cruel with rose pruning to ensure a gorgeous bloom in Spring……

And our dinner tonite was baked chicken wings and baked wedges with coleslaw.

When I was plating my plate to be photographed, I rasa macam plate untuk budak 5 tahun aje pulak nak attract dia makan, hahahaha….


Konon2 nak buat artistic style but since I dont have an artistic bone in my body, jadi rupa lain aje, hehehe…..


The chicken is so crispy macam di goreng but I baked them so less fat Smile.


  1. haah, org kata kalau nk bagi rose berbunga kita kena torture dia...akak, rumput tu x mati ke? sbb nampak dry sgt2....

  2. I baru aje nak comment that it does not look too bad...until I scroll down and saw the second pic..alamak, why so brutal?...until gondol terus the plants...hahaha.I saw my neighbours prune their roses too but not lar sampai tinggal the tunggul aje...but maybe my neighbours roses stil keding-keding kot whereas yours dah macam pokok with thick trunks( is that the correct term?).Since you and your hubby got magic fingers, I am sure they are going to be alright.Anyway, your baked wings tu nampak lebih menyelerakan than the original recipe pic.Thank you for pointing the right direction and those type of recipes are very welcome.I dah bookmarked. Thank you and have a great day.

  3. adoiilah togel abis.. mcm ni jiwa mmg nak kena kental to prune all the lovely roses

  4. Pendragon,
    Memang betul orang kata tu esp kalau the roses dah established mcm we all punya ni but still rasa sedih sgt2 masa nak prune tu, hehehe.
    Grass tu tak mati cuma kering aje sbb winter ni cuma occas rain aje.

    hahahaha...the first picture definitely cantik ;-). I read in the books that you have to prune it really low if it's well established so I pun cut it low lah, hikhikhik...
    If they die after this, I will definitely cry :-(((.

    I ni tak nak prune sampai togel mcm tu but hubby I lah suruh potong lagi and lagi...
    I masa tgh potong tu rasa sedih sgt, hehehe...

  5. LG,
    Ala sayangnya..gondol betul..kalau i mahu meraung tgk gondol cmni..makan masa gak gamaknya nak tuimbuh kembali as before kan..

  6. kak min. tunggu salji turun. mesti cantik je depan tu. hehe.

    ada ke salji..? ;D

  7. Macam depan rumah kitorang aje. Tapi skang ni summer, hahahaha

  8. baking is the way! XD
    have u ever made any baked rice or baked-dishes?

  9. LG,

    I actually plan to make similar dishes tonight: baked chicken wings & roasted potatoes. Cuma all day, tengah fikir, what should I make for vegies. Rasa macam nak skip jer. hehehe.

  10. Biarlah roses tu duduk diam-diam, rehat sementara tunggu masa untuk bloom balik. I think sometimes I need to be like the roses too. Lay low, take a break from writing so that tak de lah keluar tulisan yang merapus. He he he.

  11. kak lg,
    kalau beli frozen wing mcm ayamas sume tu boleh bake jugak ke ye? tq..

  12. takpe kak...pasni insya-Allah pokok2 tu tumbuh balik dgn jayanya.hahaha...nenek hb ayu ada tanam roses.rasa nak kidnap je sepasu dua roses kang ayu yg kena perambat blk dgn dia.hehe...

    hm...tak kisah la artistic ke tak,yg penting food tu ttp nmpk sedap pd mata ayu :D

  13. Kak Min,
    Saya dok heran kenapa Kak Min sebut tak cantik, wahal menghijau je dengan segala pokok bunga ros. Bila scroll bawah sikit, baru paham :D
    Tak pe, andaikan je tu keadaan tengah amik aura, nanti tumbuh.. merimbun lebih dari 1st pic :)

    Kak Min, nak tanya soklan halaman pertanian sikit. Bila summer dulu, camno Kak Min jaga segala pokok-pokok ek? Pokok oregano saya dah nazak benor. Pokok cili pon daun macam hijau + kuning. Yang nampak gagah perkasa sekarang is.. serai. Soklan pasal serai pulak.. tanah tu kena cover seluruh batang serai ke ek? Tinggalkan bahagian hijau/daun je ke?


  14. Kak Min....

    Memang kena prune ke bunga ros nih??? ADOIIIIIII sayangnya nak prune.Nanti tade bunga dah.Ada org kata prune bunga dia jer???

    Dulu masa pegi rumah ros pun slalu pelik...apasal la dorang asik kuar masuk guna pintu dapur ni tak ikut pintu depan....??? mmg Aussie punya tradition kot...hahahahah!

  15. Sally,
    Kat OZ ni, memang semua orang akan prune roses sampai nearly gondol during winter time so masa Spring nanti akan berbunga cantik giler.
    But I tak tau lah kalau I ter over pruned, hehehe

    muahahaha...we wish ada salji kat Perth ni, baru lah best!

    muahaha...tak depk den nak tolong lah klu Summer gondol mcm tu :-P

    I love bakig cos I can just chuck it in the oven and do something else while it's cooking. I've made oven baked curry, oven baked risotto and a few other as well :-)

    I feel so guilty if takde sayur at dinner time, as though I'm such a bad Mum, hehehe...

    During Winter, memang kena prune roses ni so like you said boleh duduk diam2 sekejap before berbunga balik in Spring.
    Kita pun definitely need some quiet times too kan :-)

    I rasa boleh sbb kalau I beli frozen nuggets and what not kat sini, I bake aje semua :-)

    Sian MIL Ayu, penat2 dia jaga roses dlm pastu, tiba2 menantu nya pandai2 aje curi bawak balik, hehehe...

    Masa Summer, memang kena rajin giler menyiram pokok. Summer kat sini I rasa sama panas dgn Summer Spain tu kan. Tapi ada gak a few yg akan kering nazak and tak survive esp the herbs.
    My serai mostly tak kena cover tanah, just akar aje dlm tanah. But then ada setengah tu even akar pun terkeluar tanah dah, hahaha.

    Masa Winter memang kena prune the roses sampai batang2 dia. And then bila Spring and Summer, dia akan tumbuh balik on other buds. Yang prune bunga aje tu we all panggil dead head and memang kena buat everytime bunga layu kat pokok.

  16. Lepas pruning dah hilang seri die.. Macam rupe tanah yg ketandusan je.. hihihi..

    memang tertarik sangat dengan presentation makanan tuh! Nampak sedap n menyelerakan..

  17. Assalam LG,
    so sorry, I missed ur the other half's birthday the other day..Happy belated birthday to him ya..maklum ler, sekarang I ni tak boleh ngadap depan pc lama2..banayk kerja, so blog pun tak boleh nak update selalu, so that was why I selalunya termiss blogger's birthdays or yang related dengan nya..banyak juga ur posting I termiss or overlooked..
    Ada juga masuk sini tapi tak tinggalkan jejak..huhu..Thanks ya LG for the wishes for my Marsya tu ya..mudah2han termakbul doa2 semua insyaallah.

  18. Kak Min,
    Ooo.. kena banyak siram la ek? Tu la panas benor, kesian kat pokok especially the herbs.

    Hmm.. saya siram sekali je sehari, time sebelah petang. Memang rasa nak siram 2,3 kali sehari tapi orang tua kata tak buleh siram time tengari or time panas, kang pokok melecur. Camno ek? Ke belasah siram jugak?

    * tu dia.. banyak soklan sungguh. :D

  19. Ape u buat dgn roses yg dah prune tu? Letak dlm vase atas meja ke? Nnt roses tu dah tumbuh lebat semula, blh u share gambarnye kat sini =)

    Selamat bercuti dgn family u =) nnt u dah blk, blh baca cerita cuti2 u tu =)
