We were reading the news the other day about Facebook in Australia.
The OZ government is thinking of enforcing the starting age of FB users to 18 years old.
They say what?????
Bila Miss 12 dengar, she was quite upset sebab she has been patiently waiting all this while to turn 13 next year so she can finally be allowed to get an FB account.
Now, it looks like she might not be able to be on FB at all until she goes to uni, hehehehe…
All her friends at school dah ada FB because they are all either 13 or 14 so she feels so embarrased setiap kali her friends ask for her FB name and she has to answer in a small voice, “ummm….I’m not on Facebook cos my parents won’t let me since I’m not 13 yet….”
The Other Half doesn’t mind if she has one now because she’s already in high school and she’s turning 13 soonish. But I put my foot down and said that if she wants to join something on the net, she has to follow the rules set by that site lah. And since FB says you have to be 13 to join, she has to wait .
(I wonder if she will let her parents be her friends on facebook? hmmmmm )
And if the government does enforced the 18 y.o. rule, dia kena tunggu until she is in second year at Uni lah baru boleh ada FB account, hahahaha….
That will be hilarious!
Kakak dia nak ada FB account, adik dia cuma nak buat blog sendiri aje (which I think will also revolve around food), hikhikhik…….
Mak dia dua dua dah ada, satu ada sikiiiiiitttt private and satu lagi ada baaaaaanyak public, hahahaha….
And since blog Mak dia banyak jugak revolves around food, this is waht I made for dinner tadi, white bread untuk di makan dengan scrabled eggs (sebab Mak dia malas masak ).
Bakar kat oven atas pizza stone, supposed to make the crust a bit crispy but tak lah crispy mana cos I tak bakar lama mana pun, hehehehe.
owh! ye ke? alaaaa kesiannya alya... anyway, i rasa 13 pun macam still kecik lg to hv fb hikhik..
ReplyDeleteMiss 7 dah ada blog?? itu hari hasya beria nk blog, so i buatkan tapi rupanya hot hot chicken poo poo aje hasya ni..
ReplyDeletetak kuasa I nak buatkan Zahra a blog, hahaha. She has to be 13 too to have her own blog :-).
kalau miss 7 ada blog sendiri I akan follow blog dia nnti!
ReplyDeletehahahaha....nanti kan maulah dia lagi ramai followers dari I ye :-P
Aunty LG,
ReplyDeleteAt least you allow the Little Misses to wait until they come of age. In our household, the rule is very rigid: No FB for felines at any age. Zalim kan my Mama? har har har *evil laughs*
bagus jugak la budak2 kat sana takde fb kak min.
ReplyDeletesy tgok x-anak2 murid sy punya fb hanya utk main game dan x nampak apa2 faedah.
cukuplah berkawan dan berjumpa di sek saja.
I setuju bab age 13 tuh. Kita sama. Anak2 Kak Azie age 13 baru bleh ada FB, Sebab dah sekolah menengah, kena matang skit lah.
ReplyDeleteKalu sekolah rendah, no way!
Dan dalam ramai tuh (5 anak) cuma the eldest jer yang sanggup add Mak dia. Yang lain tuh, reject mak dia!
hahahaha U pun tunggu nanti. hehehehe
baru td my daughter minta buatkn blog utk dia...byk sgt la masa mama dia ni nk create one for her..not now la nnt ralit tgk blog n fb pulak...lama2 addicted to it...hehehe mcm i ni...oops ;)
ReplyDeletecantiknya rambut zahra!! cakap kat dia, aunty shidah nak potong, nak buat rambut palsu. it's so gorgeous! :D
Hahahah.. macam my nephew pun, mak dia suruh tunggu 13 untuk FB. Hari2 meronta, pasal semua cousin dah ada account. Tapi semua tipu cakap umur 18, hehehe
ReplyDeleteAlahai kesiannya Miss 12 ye... Mesti dah berkobar-kobar nk tunggu THE day.. But nak buat mcm mane... kalo kat Malaysia nih pakai hentam je.. Baru darjah 4,5 dah ade FB...
ReplyDeleteSalam. Salam perkenalan. Selama ini sesekali Ate menyinggah hanya sbg silent reader jer. Tapi kali ini N3 nya sgt menarik dan menjadikan Ate tertarik utk meninggalkan komen.. err..sebenarnya nak bertanya soalan :)..
ReplyDeleteBerfesbok di usia 13 tu undang-undang di Australia atau peraturan Mak?
Apa pun Ate setuju semua yg berkaitan dg 'tenet-tenet' ni harus dlm kawalan.
I setuju sangat bila ade rules camtu...dan u pon straight ngan little misses. Kat mesia ni, budak kecik kecik dah ade fb...pastu jadi addicted. Lain la cam kite ni...kategori remaja purba.
ReplyDeleteKak lG,
ReplyDeleteKnplah makin hari makin lama Amy tgk muka Miss 12 ni sebijik giler dgn AUDREY HEPBURN? Dgn rambut lurus n kurus2 ala2 model dia...wah wah..pakej ni..ada satu snap dia dgn baju hijau cover kepala kat farm tu..lagilah seroooopaaa yu!!
Ni tambah lagi nak bukak fb account..hamboiii..lagi bertambah fofular la..kalah mak..hihi
ReplyDeleteYour Mama tak nak you conquer the pc or the notebook or the laptop or the iPad or the iPhone all the time if she lets you join FB. Kesian dia nanti if you have more friends than her, hehehe.
Kat sini ramai jugak budak2 yg ada FB sbb parents diaorang tak monitor and tak follow FB rules.
Kak Azie,
FB yg set the age limit at 13 so tu yg we told Miss 12, she just has to wait, hehehe. And I rasa dia akan jadi macam anak2 you jugak, reject parents dia as friends, hahaha.
I told my kids kalau diaorang nak buat blog, they have to look after it, not me, tak kuasa I, hehehe
I nak trim rambut dia pun dia tak bagi sgt sbb she wants to have long curly hair she said. But Mak dia jugak yg susah nak menjaga! :-)
tu lah nya, ramai yg menipu kata dah cukup umur. I told my daughter that there is a reason why they set the age at 13 so she has to follow lah kan.
Umur 13 tu FB yg set so budak2 yg under age yg ada account FB tu memang dah gerenti lied about their ages to open FB accounts kan.
Salam. FB yg set the age limit at 13 y.o. bukan we all. If you are under 13 and try to bukak account FB and tak tipu about your date of birth, memang FB tak akan benarkan you open an account. Ramai budak2 yg ada account FB menipu their ages which is quite sad jugak lah.
FB is good in a way tapi banyak jugak tak bagus nya. Tu yg I tak bagi my daughter to tipu about her age just so she can have an FB account.
Really? Mana ade eh, Audrey Hepburn tu sikit nya cantik jelita dgn leher yg sungguh menawan and muka mcm pixie :-).
But thank you anyway sbb kata dia pretty. Alhamdulillah :-).
klu on FB tu mesti LG skodeng tiap2 hari kan...hahaha
ReplyDeletekat malaysia, tak ada rules on age pun nak ada fb account.. budak darjah 5 pun dah ada fb account...
ReplyDeletehi auntie..
ReplyDeletekena tgu 18 baru boleh ader fb..that is good hehe..tp sian kat dier ek..hehe..
roti tu sdp nya..cicah kari pon best..haha
Yup! definitely.. termasuklah my nieces semua.. pandai2 letak umur dah lebih 13 but sebenarnye skolah rendah pn tak khatam lg.. for me bagus jugak bile Australia tetapkan undang2 mcm tu..
ReplyDeletekalau dia ada FB, memang dia cuma boleh bukak her fb dpn we all aje :-)
FB ada set age limit, 13 y.o. ad older aje boleh ada account but semua budak yg ada account fb tu lied about their ages.
Mama Lubna,
Memang kesian kat dia kalau tiba2 18 y.o. baru boleh ada FB, hehehe.
tu yg lecehnya sbb mcm2 ada kat fb ni especially kalau budak2 ni jenis yg add and accept friends tak kisah sape. Scary kdg2.
She's lucky. I have cousins in Sydney and my aunt would not let any of her children have a facebook account. The eldest one is already 17!