I know most of you are already familiar with farm animals kan but we weren’t . So, it was a fun and exciting time for us and the girls especially to get up close and personal with some of the animals at the farm.
The farm we stayed at is an organic farm, it has fruit orchards (apples, plums, apricots and citrus), organic vege patch and also sheep and cattle.
Masa we all sampai tu, the farmer took us straight to collect some eggs and then got given a bowl of freshly picked fruits.
But they also keep a few other farm animals like chickens for their egg purposes, a couple of ducks for eggs (even though diaorang kata setakat ni belum lagi bertelur, hehehe), alpacas for their cuteness, a goat (for breeding and milk soon) and guinea fowls for insect control .
The alpacas and the calves, the sheep and lambs were in another paddock and we didn’t get a chance to meet them .
Ini sessi berkenalan dengan the animals.
Trying to get close to the alpacas on the first day..
Can you see the group of guinea fowls tu. Mencecet2 diaorang lari and squawking thinking that we were going to chase them, hahaha.
Milko the goat which was the girls’ favourite animal on the farm.
Who’s cuter? the goat or Miss 7? If you ask me I would say, dua2 ada tarikannya tersendiri, muahahha…
The Other Half said that I have to put this photo on my blog to show people how penggeli I am. I am not thaaaaaat peggeli but when an alpaca is sniffing your hand and trying to lick it, ugghhhhhhhh…… euwwwwww………
The 2 ducks that can’t be separated. They go everywhere and do everything together! Sampai sekarang tak bertelur2 so now the farmers are questioning whether they did get a female and a male duck, hmm…..
Sessi memberi makan and mengumpul eggs.
Lepas ni, I buat entry ‘activities at the farm’ ok, hehehe…
bolehlah i pinjam gambar you ni as my teaching aids for mt kids on animal topic..hehehec..hehehe
ReplyDeletebudak2 skrg memang susah nak jumpa real animals kan esp yg tinggal kat bandar, hehehe.
hahaha...I rasa yg pakai baju biru seluar hitam tu yg paling cute! dan...pertama kali I tgk alpacas....
ReplyDeleteselamba jer miss 7 dengan kambing tu.
ReplyDeleteU geli ke takut tangan kena ngap??
Hahaha..i lebih pada takut kalau tangan kena ngap.
hahaha betul..bila anak bandar blk kg, abis ayam itik kat kg stress asyik kena kejar..hihihi
ReplyDeleteso suweeet tgk kak LG buat muka cenggitu... kihkihkih..
ReplyDeletetunggu next entry akak ni...
wah...bestnya bila tgk pic ur holiday kali ni.rasa aman je kan? jeles! hehe...
ReplyDeleteklu zahra busy dgn kambing2...ainnur lak dok tunggang kuda.faris? lgsg tak nak.alasan? dia takut jatuh.huhu...
ReplyDeleteI tak berani pandang alpacas tu masa dia tgh nak sniff sniff and jilat2, tu yg pejam pata sambil buat muka geli geleman, hahahah.
Miss 7 tu kan dgn binatang apa pun dia selamba aje :-). I geli klu alpaca tu jilat2 sambil gigit2 manja, hahahha...
samalah dgn my girls tu, sampai dah tak larat kambing kat farm tu kena belai, hahaha.
tunggu ye ;-)
Memang aman damai sbb takde orang lain nak bising2 and anak2 orang lain nak mengspoil kan our holidays ni, hikhikhik...
Ohhh...so those are guinea fowls!!!We have many wild ones even kat parks in the city but I thought they are just a miniture turkey or some kind of exotic kind of chooks...hahahaha.Nampak sangat tak pass lagi nak jadi a farmer's wife.Glad you had nice weather and all went well.
ReplyDeleteAunty LG,
ReplyDeleteOstrich takde? Ooohhh...i do miss the farms in OZ. har har har *evil laughs*
1st time dengar nama alpacas! besnye kak.. teringin pulak nk bawak budak2 pegi farm tu..
ReplyDeletefirst time tgk kak LG bermukakan ketakutan. hehe
ReplyDelete- comel je alpacas tu kan...tapi comey lagi mynn buat muke geli tu...hehehehehehehehe...
ReplyDeleteWargghhh... manyak syiok la Kak Myn.. Mesti pegi ni one day! Tapi saya tak tahan sejuk... -_-
ReplyDeletesyoknyaaaa....cant wait for part 2 story hehehehehhe
ReplyDeletebest2..mcm lawatan sambil belajar kan..farm kat san acantik2..kalau kat malaysia ni..ermmmmm
ReplyDeletebestnya....exposure utk diorang..
ReplyDeletenampak goat tu jinak ye...
wah sangat best, tapi saya jenis geli dengan semua binatang tersebut. ekeke.
ReplyDeleteKak LG, mcm mana eik bunyi binatang2 tu semer eik? Muahahaha....penat la kak nak wat list and the sound the had....:P
ReplyDeleteSuke tgok muke geli akak....ekekekekek...cute miut!!
wowo bestnye kak!
ReplyDeleteteringat masa sya feed kangaroo kat Perth last april.. hehe
Kak Zai pun kadang2 rindu dengan suasana kampung yang ada binatang peliharaan seperti ayam,itik,kambing dan lembu.
ReplyDeleteAnak2 langsung tak merasa duduk kampung,nak buat macamana.
ugghhhhhhhh……euwwwwww………terbaik la pose tu min! :)) enjoyed going through all the photos! :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know what they were either until hubby told me :-). I guess it's his NZ upbringing at farms definitely pays off ;-).
sadly no, if there were ostriches there, my girls memang gerenti tak nak balik I think, hahaha
oh ye ke :-). Kat OZ ni banyak ladang alpacas around. I think apacas ni adik beradik llamas kot, hehehe
I ni penakut orangnya but only with certain things, hahahaha
I geli sbb nak menanti the alpaca cium2 tangan I tu, hehehe
maybe you kena pergi masa end of Summer lah so tak lah panas n tak lah sejuk. We all pergi ni masa tgh2 Winter so memang sejuk giler kat farm tu.
hehehe...tgh mengarang ni :-)
maybe sbb tgh musim sejuk kot that's why ladang tu tak bau busuk and cantik aje unlike mcm klu kita pergi ladang lembu and kambing kat msia, hehehe.
memang sekali sekala patut bagi exposure kat budak2 ni or else kambing pun diaorang tak kenal, hehehe
I setakat pegang aje ok lah but kalau nak bermanja2 maybe tak kot :-)
itu kena bukak buku nursery rhyme balik lah, rasanya ada dlm tu bunyi2 all the farm animals, hahaha
Mama Noriz,
memang best kan feeding animals ni. Rasa semacam aje :-)
Kak Zai,
anak2 saya kira beruntung sbb Nenek and Atuk duduk kat kampung so every time balik Msia, memang dpt lalui suasana kampung :-)
hehehehe...I am very penggeli occas :-).
sukanya tengok miss7. sangat comel. dengan rambut curly tu, rasa nak cubit2 je pipi dia tu.
ReplyDeleteMiss Jue,
ReplyDeleteMasa kat farm tu, I tak larat nak comb her hair so biar aje curly and tangly mcm tu :-).
hahaha...lawak jer muka kak LG time kena sniff oleh er, alpaca tu..haha
ReplyDeleteheeee....muka geli kena cium :P
Salam LG,
ReplyDeleteApa bezanye Alpacas dg LLama ye? Kadang2 akak pun tak dapat bezakan. Mungkin beza dari segi size ke.?macam wallabies dg Kanggaros tu ke?
Seronoknye pergi countryside tu ye LG....
Kak Arina,
ReplyDeleteThey are from the same family but like you said ada bnyk differences jugak lah like the size, the coarseness of the hair, the shape of the ears and a few others.
Mmemang seronok berjalan ke tempat2 yg lain dr yg lain ni :-)