Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Something is wrong yet again

There is something wrong with the connection between WLW and Blogger and I can't publish my posts using WLW. Which is a major pain in the a**e!

(I don't like to use the blog post to do my updates).

So, I won't be able to post any updates until this problem is solved.

In the meantime, kalau you all rindu kat I, rajin2 lah tengok all the pretty photos of the flowers, of the food, of the tuan rumah ;-) and of her family and baca baca lah my old entries ye, hikhikhik.....

See you again hopefully very very soon.


  1. uwaaaaaaaaa....gonna miss u babeyh!!!

  2. k.min,

    pagi tadi i was an anonymous on my own blog. takleh comment, takleh tulis, takleh post. hampeh sungguh blogger ni.

  3. sama la kak. nk tulis pakai window live writer xleh. tp lepas dh uninstall n install balik, barulah boleh post mcm biasa. cuba kak min try. dpt kot lepas tu.

  4. err. memang blogger prob kot? tadi i nak buat entry auto publish untuk esok, dah setting baik punya, sekali dia kuar jugak hari ni. adess.

  5. samalah...shiela pun suker guna WLW kalau nak post entri...senang nak masukkan gambar...

  6. Hope the problem will be fixed soon. Or else I'm going to miss reading your posts. Hahaha... Drama je =)

  7. Pendragon,
    Phewww....thank goodness cuma satu malam aje it went bengong. Or else, adalah yg dapat withdrawal symptoms tak dpt baca my updates, hikhikhik ;-P

    Blogger ni skrg makin hampeh kan. Slalu sgt dia 'rosak', maybe sbb benda free so tak boleh nak cope bila ramai sgt yg dah ber blog skrg, hehehe.

    I tried buat tu mlm tadi tp still tak boleh jugak. Luckily pagi tadi, saje2 try publish, boleh pulak :-D.

    Cik Fara,
    Blogger rasanya yg tak berapa betul tp takd epulak dia ckp ada maintenance ke apa. Nasib baik mine dah ok.

    Memang senang n cepat nak upload gambar n video klu guna WLW ni kan. Klu guna Blogger post, sampai 1 mlm tunggu pun kdg2 tak boleh jugak.

    hahahha...nasib baik dah fixed or else berdrama lah you ;-)

    :-D. Fixed already, yeayyy...(for the time being).

  8. Kak Min,
    Tu la pasal, kan? Saya pon sama. Tulis buleh, nak upload gambo pulak tak buleh. Nyampah je.

    So skang dok layan segala gambo-gambo makanan Kak Min sambil dalam kepala dok sebut "Ok esok nak lauk ni, lusa yang ni, tulat ni.." Muahaha!

    Psst. tak sabor nak tengok hadiah birthday Kak Min nanti! Hehe!

  9. Aida,
    Memang nyampah kan Blogger sekarang, macam nak tak nak aje provide free service ni kat kita dah, hehehe. Selalu sangat 'rosak' nya pastu kadang2 lama pulak tu nak baik.
