Rambling number 1:
Miss 12 has for a few times now been mistaken for a boy. Most of the time by boys at the school, both primary and high school!
I can understand when she was in primary school last year and she had short elfin hair. All the other girls in her year had all ‘grown’ up except her so tu yang ramai boys were a bit confused. Dah lah nama dia bukannya a typical Mat Saleh girl’s name so lagi lah susah diaorang nak judge.
Miss 7 kata last year she got asked a few times by her friends which year is her ‘brother’ in, hahahaha. So dia pun kata lah, “That’s my sister not my brother! I don’t have a brother!”
But now, even with her long hair, some boys in high school still thinks she’s a boy, hikhikhik. Lagi lah bila her school uniform is a collared shirt (for both boys and girls) and either shorts or long pants. The girls are allowed to wear a dress or a skirt but she would rather wear pants/shorts to school.
She said that the other day ada this one boy was talking to her male classmate and then her male classmate turned around and said to her, “he wants to know whether you are a boy or a girl.”
(Maybe that boy suka tengok muka Miss 12 so he just wants to be certain yang budak dia minat tengok tu is a girl and not a boy, muahahaha).
We find this to be quite hilarious actually . We told Miss 12 to not worry about it and to not be offended by it. One day in the future, she’ll reach that stage when everyone will have no doubt in their mind that she’s a girl
Do you think she has an androgynous face?
Rambling number 2:
My high school teacher wants to be my friend on FB. My FB account is quite private, please don’t ask what it is ok . My FB tu memang lah I bukak untuk menjejak kasih old school friends and family.
But I draw the line at being friends with my ex high school teachers! I know I am very indebted to all my teachers/lecturers and I never could repay the knowledge they thought me.
But there are times during your schooling years when you have awful teachers kan. Sape yang tak pernah dapat cikgu yang memang kita tension sgt2 with, nyampah tengok muka dia, angkat tangan!
So kiranya, cikgu yang ask to be my FB friend ni termasuk jugak lah dlm golongan cikgu yang I would rather forget than become chummy with, muahahaha.
So I akan ignore request cikgu ni untuk selama2nya lah, hikhikhik….
Rambling number 3:
Why do your kids get upset with you when you just want to go out berdua2an. Every time The Little Misses found out we’ve gone out for coffee or lunch berdua or gi shopping berdua (which memang sangat2 lah jarang jarangnya), they moaned and sulked a bit sebab tak ajak diaorang especially Miss 12.
Until The Other Half kena threaten them with, “You know what guys, parents need to spend times together without the kids occasionally. It’s to keep the marriage alive. A lot of people get divorce because they don’t spend time together. Do you want us to be like that?”
Pastu I sambung pulak, “You should consider yourselves lucky because we only go out occasionally when you are at school or at Sunday school. We don’t go out at night time. We don’t go on holidays without you even though I would love to follow Dad when he goes interstate. A lot of kids get left behind with the maids or babysitters every weekend and some even for a few weeks.”
Baru diaorang sedar and terdiam…
Hikhikhikhik….sampai kena ugut macam tu baru berhenti their moaning…
Hish……macam lah we all ni selalu sangat keluar berdua2an kan.
Okay lah tu, cukuplah kan 3 ramblings in 1 night, hahahaha. Jenuh pulak nanti orang nak baca .
Malam ni I masak meatloaf, makan dgn steamed veges and leftovers roast potatoes semalam yg I stir fry balik in garlic and shop-bought sourdough rye bread.
I dont like meatloaf sgt but dah tak tau nak masak apa malam ni, tu yang buat meatloaf .
I'm so lazy to cook nowadays.
ReplyDeleteiffah pun selalu being mistaken for a boy. sian iffah..
- wahhh...if schools in msia let the girl wear pants, i'll be the 1st to wear it.
ReplyDelete- hehehe...sian cekgu tu...dia nk menjejak kasih le tu...
- LG, wait till they grown up - ajak gi mane2 pon x nak. Nak gi holiday pon siap tanye - nk buat ape kat sane...adoiii
assalamualaikum akak,
ReplyDeletesaya nak like rambling numero dua. eheh..
owhh..salam kenal-kenal from sunset country, Morocco.
My girl especially kalau kita gi dating mesti dia byk cerita tanya macam2. Yg abang dia tak kisah pun. Dia cool saja. My girl tu princess daddy dia. So kalau boleh dia pun nak menyibuk sekali lah. My boy, as long as dia at school or with his friends, dia ok. Tp kalau kita suruh nenek sedara babysit dia kat rumah, tu susah sikit. Tp still not as bad as my girl. Kalau boleh nak masuk dlm beg tangan I ikut sama. I guess girls lebih byk songeh.
ReplyDeletesekali sekala kena keluar berdua2an...I setuju sgt tu...mmg jarang2 sekali dpt lakukan itu, ada 3 "handbag" nk kena angkut sekali!
ReplyDeleteI guess bila diaorang dah ada boobs, baru kot people tau diaorang girls kan, hahaha.
I memang slalu malas masak, tu yg masak only things yg simple :-).
Kat sini, the upper high school girls yg ramai pakai dress, sesingkat2 dress pulak tu, hish... So, gembira hati lah I bila my kids suka pakai pants :-).
Cikgu tu meman gnak menjejak kasih tapi I tak kasihkan dia so how? hahaha...
Waalaikumsalam. Wow, Morocco..one of the places I really want to visit one day (bila ada duit lebih, hahaha).
You pun sure ada cikgu yg sgt2 ta berkenan kat hati kan, hehehe
I think girls memang mcm tu kot, merengek tu dah sebati dgn diaorang. Lagilah my eldest, memang daddy's girl so tu yg dia sulking tak dpt ikut. They are lucky kan, kalau kat m'sia, memang dah lama kena tinggal dgn bibik aje, hahaha.
Memang betul tu, kat rumah memang lah spend time together tp nak jugak kdg2 keluar bergaya show off to people yang we are a couple kan, without all the handbags tagging along, hehehe.
Kak LG, you pakai which recipe for your meatloaf.. I dah lama carik recipe meatloaf yg tak fussy, hehehe
ReplyDeletesebenarnya the girls mesti jealous sebab mesti they thought you pegi makan best2, shopping best2, hehehe, kann?
LG, memang girls will be attached to the father dan ada sedikit ciri2 FREUD kat situ where the daughter will be jealous of the father's attention on the mum and vice versa.. betul kot teori psychology class yg akak masuk more than 20 years ago tu.. hikhikhik..
ReplyDeletein less than 2 years' time, miss 12 will not be mistaken as a boy again. hehehe..
my marsha pon masa kecik, depa ingat baby boy... dah la masa kecik botak, sampai 4yrs old baru keluar rambot.. muka pon sangat tough gitu..
ReplyDeletemiss 12 sangat2 sweet... kalo kat msia tu, lain citer nya.. takot u tak larat nak layan bakal2 menantu yg dok usik miss 12 tu nanti.. hehee...
malam ni i makan roti dgn jem jer... malas nak beli malas nak masak...
ReplyDeleteEllerinize sağlık,herşey çok güzel gözüküyor :)
ReplyDeleteTürkiye'Den sevgilerimle..
No lah..LG..A's has such a sweet adorable face..definitely a girl's..diaorang jer yg rabun ayam sket...
ReplyDeleteAnd abt the kids tagging along...maybe it's more to girls la..and also their age...sekarang kalo ai keluar berdating ngan dude, dia orang wat derk jer...but then kalo tempat ai nak pegi kena ngan citarasa dia orang, dah besar2 pun nak memvontot kita gak!!!
Assalamualaikum Dik...
ReplyDeletetadi dah tulis comment..tapi hilang pulak. so kena tulis lagi sekali.
Both me and my wife are avid fans of your blog. Reading your blog is a must thing for me every morning. Both of us used to live overseas and what you wrote always gave us happy memories.
Usually we only read. But today I just had to comment. It'll be a short one.
A teacher is always a teacher. No matter how bad they are to us, they are still a teacher. When I was in highschool (zaman masih ada lagi english stream), I ada sorang cikgu yang sangat garang. I think he don't like my dad who was a head master at another school. But anyway, he really took it on me. Ada je salah. He is the guy who kalau boleh I nak erase him from my history.
But when you reach my age... you tend to think again. A tacher ia a teacher. No matter how bad they are, there is something that we learnt from them. The teacher who thought us ABC, jasa dia sama juga dengan teacher yang mengajar kita e=mc(square). Walau macam mana pun jahat dia pada kita.. maybe ada ilmu yang kita belajar dari dia. Sekecil zarah pun, itu tetap ilmu yang kita pelajari juga.
Mungkin bagi kita, dia lah manusia yang paling jelik dalam sejarah hidup kita. Mungkin bagi dia, kita lah pelajar yang membuat dia terasa bangga menjadi seorang guru.
Just give it a thought...
take care
hehehe..sian alia..
ReplyDeletetakpe..nanti dia grow up jadi beutiful young lady.. masa tu akan terbeliak le bijik mata mamat2 omputih yg lain tu.. ekekke
cantik sungguh le tgk meatloaf tersusun 4 segi teratur atas roti tu.. cam sayang jek nak makan (macam le aku dapt..! hahaha)
tq, crite ni buat saya tersenyum....
ReplyDeletepadahal tgh takde mood nih.
i love your stories very much.
It's ok Miss 12. Give it a couple more years and such confusion won't be such a problem anymore..
ReplyDeleteBesides, just look up Hanson (a music group in the 90's) and take a guess. Are they girls or boys?
Just enjoy the moment and let urself blossom in ur own time :)
Kak LG, being the first daughter myself I sometimes feel left out when my parents went for a date. Hehe. Saja mengada haha..
ReplyDeleteI guna this recipe http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/585/healthy+meatloaf sbb it's so simple, hehehe.
Akak Haslina,
Memang betul Freud kata about Oedipal complex tu kan but my girls belum sampai tahap hatred tu lagi lah, hehehe.
I guess my girl tu mcm I jugak dulu2, tomboy habis so tu yg susah nak tau girl ke boy, hehehe
Thank you for reading my blog and finding joy in my writing :-).
This particular teacher wasn't very nasty to me. Occasionally he liked to humiliate us in class! However, he made me uncomfortable with some of his behaviours. And until now, whenever I think about this teacher, I never associate him with nice feelings. I know he did teach me a lot of things once but I guess I still feel uncomfortable with him finding out about my life now even though he's far away :-D.
Maybe one day.....
Tu lah kan, once dia dah bertukar jadi 'swan', baru lah kot diaorang sedar yg she's a girl, hahaha.
Meatloaf tersusun cantik sbb nak ambik gambar :-).
I'm glad my story made you smile a bit :-).
I guess that's why some of the boys are a bit confused with her gender thanks to Hanson! :-). There's a few boys kat sini who look so effeminate which doesn't help jugak :-).
Miss 12 memang rapat dgn her Dad, tu yg dia memang jeles kalau I keluar berdua2an aje, hehehe