Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The story of baked beans

I’m finally getting to be really peeved and annoyed with Blogger now. And judging from what I read in the Blogger forum, I am not the only one who’s muy annoyed!

I guess the most annoying bit is when so many people have complained about the same issue and yet no one from the Blogger team has kept us updated on what they are doing to fix the problem. I know it is a free service but I thought the Blogger teams do get paid to ensure that the system works without any glitches.

Come on guys!!!! We can’t live without our blogs!!! Hikhikhikhik Winking smile.

Enough of them…

Semalam Miss 7 said to us…

You know what, I’ve never tasted baked beans….”

The Other Half terus said, “That is so sad… How old are you now? And yet you have never eaten baked beans…

Baked beans and OZ kids go hand in hand so for a true blue OZ kid like Miss 7 who’s never tasted baked beans all her life, tu kira sedih lah, hahaha.

Kiranya macam budak2 Malaysia duduk M’sia tapi tak pernah makan roti canai lah!

How sedih is that kan! Open-mouthed smile.

The people here eat baked beans for breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner and anytime they are hungry. They have it on toasts, they have it with sausages and bacons for breakfast, they eat it out of the can just like that…

But kat rumah I ni, I rasa adalah baru 2 kali agaknya I beli baked beans in the can sepanjang2 we all satu family duduk kat OZ ni, hahahaha…..

The first time, I think I must have opened the can and then no one ate it and I had to throw it away…

The second time, I mixed it into chilli con carne because it had been sitting in the pantry for ages so I had to use it up.

The Other Half said he doesn’t like baked beans sebab he ate too much of it when he was growing up. I pun tak suka sangat baked beans ni even though masa I kecik2, Mak I selalu beli canned baked beans Smile. Miss 12 memang lah takkan makan baked beans.

So, tu yang buat I jarang2 beli baked beans….

And then bila Miss 7 lahir, we got so used to not buying and eating baked beans.

I terlupa pulak that Miss 7 ni likes to try new things so obviously sure dia selalu terfikir macam manalah agaknya rasa baked beans ni kan everytime she sees the Heinz Baked Beans adverts come on TV, muahahahahaha…….

Takpe lah anak, esok Mum pergi buat grocery shopping, I will buy 1 can of baked beans specially for you ye! Open-mouthed smile.

Makan lah kamu puas2 sebab orang lain tak kisah you tak nak share the baked beans dengan we all, heeeeee….

Anyway, ini our dinner malam semalam. I made Thai green chicken curry for us and I made nasi goreng with chicken satay for the girls.

The Other Half kata dah laaaamaaaaaa dia tak makan nasi….




I letak sugar snap peas and carrot in the curry so tak payah lah masak extra veges kan Smile.


  1. Salam LG,

    Blogger ni dengki dgn I kot since I'm trying to make blogging my profession! *blueekk)) hehehe! You know what? My entry dated 12th May, boleh terlepas jadi new entry dated 25th? Tak ke geram.

    hadohai, kenapa ler tak tayang gambar nasi goreng bersatay tu? ;p

  2. hai kak LG
    kalau saya sehari tak dpt nasi bole pengsan oooo...hehheheee
    BTW, so sweet miss 7...let share2 w me...

  3. alah2...comelnya bekas letak kari tu..bak mai sebijiiii.... :p

  4. Kak Emily,
    salam.why dont you tell them that you've changed your mind and you will update once in a blue moon only. Manalah tau kan, it'll fix the whole problem, hikhikhik.
    Nasi goreng bersate I just dump on their plates aje, hahaha.

    Rumah ni kalau makan nasi hari2, memang akan kena komplen :-).

    I pun suka sgt that mangkuk comel itu :-D.

  5. Wahhh..ank akak yg second tu mmg suka try new food! so balance laah kan? mskn melayu boleh, mat salleh pon boleh! ada geng laa akak! teehee :)

    >silent reader! :D

  6. Puan LG,
    Saya nak resipi green curry boleh? Cik Abe kita ni selalu hint hint nak green curry, tapi I cakap dia bahan-bahan takde, hehehe.. kesian pulak dia, rindu gelpren di Thai agaknye

  7. mangkuk tu cantikkk
    sukaaa :)

  8. dulu masa kecik, mak i goreng baked beans with onion and sedikit minyak sapi and then pecah2kan telur... makan dgn roti bakar...ooooh sedap ....

    kesian ms. 7 tak penah makan baked beans yer... :)

  9. yeah..nak resipi green curry tu leh??hehehe

  10. baked beans...zahra x allergic ke dgn beans tuh?

  11. Kat rumah ni, yg suka Baked beans sorang jer...Si Adnan..tak kisah pagi petang malam, suka hadap tu jerr sampai i tak beli la 1-2 minggu nak suruh dia makan benda lain pulak.

    Tengok ur dinner, baru teringat ada red curry paste beli last week belum masak..

  12. Juliet,
    anak I yg second tu, jenis yang tak boleh tengok makanan, semua dia nak try, especially the food that I cook for the adults, hehehe

    Kak Aya,
    Nasi ni makan dengan apa aje pun memang sungguh menyelerakan kan :-)

    I beli ready made paste from Thailand, and then follow the recipe taht's on the container, heeeee....
    Hubby I ni pun slalu rindu gelgren thai dia and gelfren indian dia :-D.

    I pun suka mangkuk tu tp guna masa nak ambik gambar food aje :-)

    samalah dgn Mak I jugak. Makan baked beans dgn toast with butter and telur goreng! Tapi I lagi suka makan dgn kacang peas dlm tin tu dari baked beans :-)

    I takde recipe sebab I beli ready-made paste. Pastu buat ikut recipe yg tertulis kat container green curry tu, hikhikhik.

    memang kesian kan dia sbb tak pernah merasa makan baked beans, hahaha

    Tak, di acuma allergic to peanuts aje which is good :-)

    Macam manalah si Adnan tu boleh minat kat baked beans tu ye? Ini mesti tersampuk orang Aussie, hehehe. Dia makan baked beans dgn apa?

  13. hehehe...cian zahra...baked beans nie fav amirul...mmg dr mesia sampai ke sini tak tinggal...kalau pack for his lunch mmg dia amat gembira...mana nak cari curry paste tu? btw, dah berjaya jumpa silverside tu...mmg kat coles ada jual n cheaper from the butcher kat cecil av...kat coles around $6.50/kg kat sana $8.50/kg.
    K'min, harvey product yg lain i.e sosej halal tak?

  14. Dia cicah dengan roti jer. I suruh dia buat sendiri masak dlm microwave. Taktau la mana dia tersampuk suka sgt dengan baked beans ni. I pernah jugak try, letak bawang, cili, dengan telur mata. Tapi muak juga lahh..

  15. Maz,
    Sure Amirul gembira ria makan baked beans kat sini kan sbb semua budak2 OZ ni makan baked beans anytime, hehehe.
    I beli curry paste tu kat asian grocery shop kat High Road tu aje :-).
    I tak berani beli sausage harvey beef tu sebab tak tau casing dia dr mana. Nanti I tanya my friends yg tau ye! :-).

    Sedap ke kalau cicah dgn roti aje? hehehe. I rasa I lagi suka makan telur mata dgn roti aje, hahaha.
