Selepas bertungkus lumus menyental ceiling and the walls and the kitchen bench semalam, I bertungkus lumus sental the oven racks and the stove top metal bit thingy siang tadi.
And now you know why my biceps and triceps are so well defined kan! hikhikhik….
Tak payah susah payah lift weights at the gym, tak payah susah payah do push ups. Just sental bathrooms, sental toilets, sental the walls, sental all the periuk belanga, sental the oven hari2, gerenti akan dapat nicely well defined triceps and biceps!
My weight still hovers around 44.7kg-45kg nowadays. Kalau tiba2 I datang mood nak ‘binge’ eating, I akan makan fried stuff and sweet dessert. But lepas tu, I’ll just go back to normal eating and my weight will sort itself out . Sekali sekala binge eating wont make you gain weight. Hari2 over eating baru lah you’ll gain weight
The Other Half’s weight pulak has reached 72.8kg now. He’s happy now sebab makin ramai yang perasan he’s lost the weight. I guess sebab sekarang ni dia makin gemar pakai tight tops kan tu yang nampak obvious sangat, hikhikhik.
Oh ye before I terlupa…
The answer to the question is 80 calories burned in 30 minutes.
If you don’t know what the question is, don’t ask sebab my blog is definitely a G/U blog, hehehehe…..
If you know what the question is, macam tak berbaloi aje kan to only burn that much in 30 minutes!
And going back to the General theme of this blog, we had crumbed stuffed chicken breast with pasta for dinner tonite.
First, I stuffed the chicken breast with basil, sundried tomato and bocconcini cheese. Then I ground salt n pepper on it.
Pastu, I ‘seal’ the breast with a skewr so bila masak nanti, all the fillings tak terkeluar.
Then I crumbed it with breadcrumb and pan fry it in olive oil. Then I bake it in the oven for about 8 minutes so the inside is completely cooked.
Pastu, makan dengan gnocchi cooked in Leggo’s stir-through pasta sauce.
Sangatlah nikmatnya . The Other Half kata nampak mcm sangat lah posh nya the chicken itu, hehehe….
bila suami dah start handsome, sila berhati2..byk jerung out there...
ReplyDeletekhidmat masyarakat ini dibawakan percuma oleh the cute Ms. J... well u know what J stands for...
ha ha ha..
nmpk cm sodapp jer kak gnocchi ngn chickn tu..gnocchi tu akak wat sdiri ke kak?..klu tgk kat masterchef dia ckp gnocchi ni susah sikit..mesti btul caranya klu tak gnocchi tu jd xsedap..tul kak?
ReplyDeleteok! marked that chicken breast! nanti nak coba! sesuai utk saya yg dalam mood nak dptkan 26inches of waist, hikhikhik
ReplyDeleteKalau pompuan dot dot dot tu menggatal n laki kita pun sama2 gatal, it doesnt matter whether handsome or not ye tak. Masa tu agaknya baru I jadi ala2 Lorna Bobbitt! Baru dia tau, hahaha.
I beli yg ready made sbb memang betul kata Master Chef tu, it's supposed to be soft mcm pillow when you eat it. Kalau I buat, sure jadi mcm rubber aje agaknya, hehehe.
Memang sesuai sgt2 sbb breast kan lean meat, hehehe. My waist skrg 24inch, ok tak? :-)
alamak! balik dari kedai mamak lambat, tak dapat jadi 1st commentor. eh! kiasu pulak i.. hahahah
ReplyDeletehari ni, i binge, binge and binge. for once, in many weeks, i couldnt be bothered about my eating right regime. letih la k.min. takpe, esok i go back to eating right again.. hahaha..
ps : can i go to ur house now to have the leftover posh chicken? :D
LG dear,
ReplyDeleteBila tengok ur chicken, teringat pulak chicken cordon blue..err minus the ham la yea :-)
I can imagine the taste of the melted cheese when u bite it...ahhhh heaven....
keliur la plak tgk ni tgh2 malam. nak buat tak reti. huwaa
ReplyDeleteYg part soalan tu, I baca smpi a few times, sambil fikir soalan yg mana satu ni =) lambat pickup =) terliur I tengok chicken cheese tu.
ReplyDeleteapa yang myself nak kutuk you selain masak apa pun nampak sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaap...huhu..lum rasa lagi ...(nih kutuk ke..compliment?..apa-apa aje la..hehe) come move next to my my neibor..nak? hahaha..
ReplyDelete80 calories in 30 mins je? hahaha... baik layan sental dapur.
ReplyDeleteayam nampak sedap. ala kak, apa yg akak masak, semua nampak sedap.
Takpa....., sental sini, sental sana tu pasti berbaloi. Mungkin hari ni tak nampak tapi esok lusa mesti kena appreciate.
ReplyDeleteAyam tu nampak sedap lah, esp. yang bahagian terbakar sikit...hmmm mesti wangi dan nyaman!
sedapnyer kak..
ReplyDeletetingin nak masak kat umah..
tp tekak hubby tekak melayu kampung sgt..susah betull...huhuhu
wonderful dinner!
ReplyDeletewhat??? only 80 calories burnt??? haiiyyoooo.... :-s
ReplyDeleteMemang sgt2 kiasu, hahahaha. I pun once a week akan binge with cakes, fatty food, biscuits and loads of carbs. But I think bagus jugak sekali sekala treat our bodies ni so they dont feel deprived kan :-)
Maya Marisa,
It is a bit like cordon blue but I couldnt be bothered to put a slice of poloni/pepperoni in it, hehehe. But the melted bocconcini was definitely yummo!
Dia lebih kurang chicken chop tapi ada harta karun kat tengah2 :-)
hahahaha...biar lambat asal still dapat pickup :-D
Food yg tak sedap, I tak tayang kat blog, hikhikhik...
tu yg hampeh nya kan. I told my hubby yg lagi bagus I vacuum the whole house, lagi banyak calories burnt and the house looks nice afterwards, hahaha.
de engineur,
Hari ni I tak sental apa2 langsung except sental badan masa mandi aje tadi, hahahaha....
Nasib baik tekak orang2 kat rumah ni macam2 boleh telan so tak lah pening I fikir nak masak lauk apa hari2 kan :-)
sangat2 tak berbaloi kan buat itu exercise for the calories sake, hahaha ;-)