Monday, 9 May 2011

Burger to prepare her for NAPLAN :-)

Esok Miss 7 will start her 3 days of NAPLAN test.

She’ll have 2 papers tomorrow, 1 paper on Wednesday and 1 paper on Thursday. Then dia kata dia merdeka!!!!! Hikhikhik….

The papers tomorrow are for Language Conventions (which I think is the same as grammar kot) and Writing (which I think is writing a story). Each test cuma 40 minutes aje. Then she’ll have Reading (which is reading and comprehension) on Wednesday for 45 minutes. Then Numeracy on Thursday for 45 minutes.

Every Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 student in Australia will be doing this test esok. But I’m not sure what kind of test the Yr 9 students will be doing sebab they are in high school already.

Kalau kat M’sia, the schools sure dah bersiap sedia berbulan2 awal with extra classes for the students, weekend motivational seminars lah and then pulun study for a few days before the big test kan.

Kat OZ ni pulak, jauh panggang dari api, hehehe.

Bila I tanya Miss 7, did they do test practice the whole day today and last week. She answered, “No. We only did a few practice but we did other things as well.”

But sebab Mak dia from M’sia kan ada sikit2 tempias kiasu, so terpaksalah Miss 7 membuat all the extra sample tests at home after school, hehehe.

So, Mum dia masak apa to prepare her for the big day esok?

Burger and chips aje, hahahaha…

I masak benda yang gerenti akan mendapat tepukan gemuruh from the clients and gerenti akan licin the platesOpen-mouthed smile.



I think a lot of kids will be happy to have this for dinner kan, hehehe.


  1. bukan kids je yg seronok dpt dinner mcm ni..mak budak pun suka..hehehe..
    neway, gdluck to ur doter kak :)

  2. LG, i rasa sbb kita membesar dengan exam..tu yang bila sebut je exam..terbawa2 ler kephobian takut takle jawab masa exam.. maka latih tubi tu menjadi perkara wajib..bukan je anak yg stress mak ikut stress sama.. hehehe..

    good luck to zahra..

  3. Hana I tgk relax je. Kita yg mak2 Msian ni lebih2 sikit. Tak lebih byk, sikit je. I cuma bagi dia nasihat je. Suruh dia baca2 elok2, paham elok2, baru tulis karangan dia. Yg convention tu my girl ckp easy peasy je. Bertuah budak2 Aussie ni. Kalau I mmg tak lena tidur ni.

  4. definitely! kalau i masak cenggini sure dpt pujian boleh jadik chef. hahaha.. pandai bodek sebab nak mkn burger & fries selalu2.. :p
    all the best to miss7!!!

  5. Good luck miss 7 and eh eh macam dah lama tak makan burger gitew.. maybe besok i will go to that halal shop yg i bump into the other day kat sini to buy meat :o)

  6. good luck zahra!! all the best ye...

    hm...ainnur pun tgh exam skrg ni.mid year exam.ntah apa la dia jawab tu.maklumlan...1st time mengalaminya.hehee...ala...dia baru 5tahun,so ayu xnak push dia sgt.biar dia tau apa tu exam n camne rasanya melalui seme tu.nx year baru la ayu serius skit sbb dah 6tahun kan...pastu dah masuk darjah 1.huhu...masa ni baru terasa cepatnya masa b'lalu.

  7. Good Luck MIss 7!

    Dia dah grade 3 ye? Bijak sungguh:)

    Ehemmm..thanks a lot bagitau i pasal windows live writer tu, skang i update guna tu la. Tak jadi nak pencen LOL!

  8. as usual la kak LG, worldwide syndrome. anak yang nak periksa, mak yang gabra lebih2 ;) :) silap haribulan mak yg buat sample test lagi byk dari anak.

  9. Mudah nak sediakan lepas anak2 suka.

    Good luck buat miss 7.

  10. good luck miss 7......... :)

  11. Nanak,
    Kat rumah ni, budak2 n bapak budak memang sgt2 suka klu dpt dinner mcm ni, hehehe.
    Thanks for the wish :-)

    tu yg I paksa dia buat extra homework kat rumah sbb dah membesar dgn homework hari2 n test tiap bulan kan. Kat sini, the teachers told them not to be stressed at all bila jawab exam tu and just try their best aje.

    Languaage convention tu memang nampak easy,t heir sample tests pun senang. I pun suruh Zahra baca n faham the questions betul2 baru jawab and make sure kalau ada masa at the end to check her answers, hehehe

    Kat rumah I ni boleh katakan every week mesti makan fries/chips sebab Mak diaorang malas, hahaha. But our chips sentiasa oven-baked lah tu yg I tak kisah makan :-)

    thanks :-). 2 more papers to go.

    thank you :-)

    thank you :-)

    On holiday pun masak jugak ke? hehehe. Macam I jugak lah, on holiday pun masak jugak sbb mana nak cari all the halal food senang2 kat sini kan :-).

    Kecik2 pun dah ada exam kan kat M'sia tu. Tu yg I rasa sentiasa stressed masa kecik2 dulu sbb asik nak dpt nombor 1 aje. Bila dpt nombor 2 I dah nangis, hahaha.

    My kids ni both the youngest in their classes, hehehe. Takpelah, as long as diaorang boleh cope, we all tak kisah :-).
    Best kan guna windows live writer tu, senang aje nak buat mcm2 :-)

    hahaha....mak pak asians aje yg gabra lebih2 ni. Mak Pak aussies relax aje I tengok, hahaha

    Kak Zai,
    memang betul tu, tu yg saya suka masak benda2 mcm ni :-).

    thank you :-)

  12. jgn kata kids yg suka..
    kita2 yg tua bangka ni pun suka kalau dapat makan burger & fries gitu.

    tapi i tepis2 sikit le sayur-mayur tu.. hehehe
