Wednesday, 20 April 2011

She’s 12 today

12 years ago, she came into the world quite smoothly. No major drama apart from her Dad nak terpengsan at the critical moment sebab he was left alone in the room with me and no doctors in sight (except medical students who had no clue what they were supposed to do Smile).

They thought it was going to be a long delivery sebab first timer tu yang the specialist pi balik rumah dulu!  Tak sangka pulak she was ready to come out only a couple of hours later, hikhikhikhik….

Nasib baik he was able to be paged and sempat sambut the delivery. Or else, memang The Other Half akan tergolek pengsan terus lah sebab kena sambut anak sendiri, muahahahaha…

(Eh, come to think of it. The girls dua2 keluar so cepat and unexpected and he was alone with me both times as well. Saje je I rasa the girls nak bagi Dad diaorang gabra giler Open-mouthed smile).

Layan gambar dia dari kecik sampai sekarang. From a chinese-looking baby to a toddler with the occasional glimpse of Mat Saleh back to a chinese-looking tween, hehehe.

(I rasa kan memang lah kalau Jawa+Mat Saleh ni, anak2 memang sgt2 tinggi the chance of ending up looking like a pure chinese Smile).


A Michelin baby who was fully breastfed at this time but everyone thought I must have added some formula milk because of her chubbiness. At that time I manually pumped the milk using just my hands while at work until I got so good at it Smile, bought so many baby bottles and a chest freezer so I could store all the EBMs (orang datang rumah I ingat chest freezer penuh dgn goodies tapi rupa2nya half taken dgn EBMs , hihihihi), taught the babysitter how to warm the EBMs and how to store them.

That was so much fun! Open-mouthed smile.


A glimpse of Mat Saleh here.


She had curly hair once! But it’s all gone now which is fortunate because she loves having wavy hair Smile.


Back to her chinese-look or is it javanese look (since ambik gambar kat kebun Atuk kat tepi parit kan, hahahaha)? Winking smile


And the latest of her a few days ago. (The Other Half kata she looks so cina in this photo.)

Happy birthday our darling daughter and sister. May your life be always blessed. Wishing that your life is always filled with happiness, surrounded by people who love you and whatever your heart desires comes true.

We are going out tonite to celebrate her birthday!

Yeay, seronok sebab Mum tak payah masak! Double, triple yeays!!!!!!


  1. happy birthday dari pakcik mat gebu DTS-MAT GEBU...Moga Allah memberkati kamu yeaa..utk semua juga..

  2. happy birthday to the birthday girl :o)

  3. med students= i immediately teringat phoebe's dr fonzie, hehehe (too! much! friends!)

  4. lama xsinggah sini...happy birthday to u darling daughter....she'so beautiful!

  5. happy birthday Miss 12..Masa kecik2 cumel n gambar tepi parit buncit..hihi..tapi dah besar jadi beutiful girl..:B

  6. happy birthday Miss 12. comel giler pic dia masa baby. chubby giler!

  7. wah...dh jadi Miss 12 today...happy b'day dear!!

  8. Happy Birthday Alya!! Semoga menjadi anak yg solehah dan sepandai mummy dia. :D

  9. hepi birthday cutie.

    salam kak lemongrass, saya dlu ada terbaca blog akak ni. pastu laaaaaammmaa x bava psl x ingt link. pastu terjumpa plak baru2 ni terus saya save link. suka sgt baca kisah anak2 yg comel tu... ;)

  10. Happy birthday from Auntie Zu, sudah besar anak mak yeeeeee.
    semoga jadi anak yang baikkk sekali

  11. Happy birthday to miss 12 Alya :) May Allah SWT bless you all. Amin

  12. yeah dia mcm cina kan..
    ooh u tau tak jawa yang keturunan banjar kan mcm cina mongolia gitu..mata sepet dan putih2...

    i think jawa ni ada mixed of chinese blood laaa...rasa2nya laaa kan...*sambil mata pandang2 atas renung2 siling* wahhh mula lah i feeling2 pakar sejarah ni....

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY 12 aka ALYA!!!! Have a swell time celebrating tonight.

    Aunty LG, Mama kita kan Jawa + Banjar! Betullah, mata sepet tu. purrr....meow!

  14. Happy bday miss 12.. May ur life always being blessed by Allah swt.. InsyaAllah..

    Mummy nanti updates the bday celebration k..

  15. happy birthday Alya...may god bless you always...

  16. happy bufday miss 12... may ALLAH bless you...

  17. hepi birthday miss 12..may allah bless u..

  18. Happy birthday Miss 12. Wish you all the best.

  19. LG dear,

    Both cha cha & i wishes ur darl a very blessed birthday!

    Sepet jawa mahal ooooo. Same here, cha cha pun sepet jugak, but cannot challenge ur angel punya sepet. Anyway jawa rocks! Although i nie confirm bukan jawa, i tetap sokong jawa... hahaha

    EBM via hands, wah bole high 5 nie. I think by hand lagi laju as compared to medela ker, avent ker - betul tak? :P

  20. Happy Birthday miss 12..
    geram tgk gambar baby tu.. bulat montok..heheheh..

    congrats LG and Other Half, May miss 12 grows up to be a good Muslimah & May Allah ease her journey in life

  21. been a silent reader for quite a from now on we have to call her Miss 12. Happy 12th birthday Miss 12..happy2 selalu..She's so sweet n pretty..

  22. happy birthday alya... semoga sentiasa dlm limpah rahmat Allah dan berjaya dlm hidup didunia dan diakhirat..

  23. happy birthday Miss 12!!


  24. Happy Birthday to Alya!!!..
    Hugs & Kisses from 3Es sefamily...:-))

  25. jawa plus mat salleh jadi cino ye..hee

    anyway.. happy bufday to her

  26. Happy 12th Birthday to Alya!!
    May all your wishes come true!!
    dah ada anak dara dah LG ya..hehe
    she's so cute!! dah besar manis aje wajahnya..

  27. Happy birthday sexy!ehhhh....heheh..from katak ayu with luv...dah tua dah mommy u all ni yerk!hahahahahah....

  28. happy birthday alya@miss 12...
    u r so adorable.....wishing you a happy birthday n have a BLAST =D
    * to aunty LG : i love to read ur blog hihi every nite this blog n pakcik matgebu blog will be my sleeping doses hihi
    ENJOYED UR GIRL's BDAY NIGHT n jgn lupa post the entriessss WAITING ! =D

  29. Happy 12th birthday Miss 12! :D

    excited mommy tak yah masak.. LOL.. I pun sama jek ;p

  30. happy sweet 12th birthday to kak LG eldest daughter.

    ps : sorry, i dont know her name =(

  31. what is her full name kak? hehe. i stil wonder. anyway, happy birthday to Miss 12!! :)

  32. anak akak so chumels...=)
    happy bday to her..

  33. Happy Birthday to Miss 12..
    Dia sgt cantik!! like her mom...

  34. happy birthday pretty girl..

  35. happy birthday miss 12..masa baby so cuteeee!so geram tengok dia..dah knk2 makin comel..makin besar makin pretty..nanti dewasa mesti makin beauty...
    semoga dirahmatiNya selalu.. congrates to kak LG n hubby juga coz u hv so lovely n adorable daughters.. ;)

  36. Happy 12th birthday to Alya. Hmm Jawa + Mat Salleh, cemana Cina enterframe ye? Hihihi...

    My first delivery pun cepat. Infact both my kids senang keluar. Tapi kes naya, my first one la. Dahlah masa tu hari raya, Nurses ada 2 orang je. Doktor sorang. Masa orang sebelah katil mama baru je sudah bersalin, my baby dah nak keluar. Kelam kelibut ma tengok nurses tu berlari siapkan tray! Doktor siap datang kat mama, dia kata.... HAIYA, THAT FAST AA? Hahaha... aiyooo kalau boleh lagi fast, mau lagi fast la wei... hehehe... cam nak putuih dah pinggang den ni ha..

  37. Yalah kalau tak bagitau memang akan fikir dia minum formula, sungguh gebu masa baby tu!

    Happy 12th birthday Alya!

  38. Happy birthday Miss 12!!! Have a wonderful birthday and may all your wish come true...

  39. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Daughter!!

  40. happy birthday my dear alya....

    moga alya n family sentiasa dibawah a good girl ok! tak sabar nak jmpa alya lagi.

  41. To everyone,
    Thank you so much for the wishes and the doas for Miss 12. She is very happy to be getting all the wishes! :-).
    (Miss 12 perasan fofular, hahaha).
    We hope all the said doas will be granted by Him. Amin.....

  42. Happy birthday Miss 12! Alhamdulillah senang keluar dulu-dulu ;)

    Gambar dia masa baby tu.. masya allah!

  43. today is my birthday too!!
    camne boleh sama pulak~~
    btw, happy birthday Miss 12 :)

    I slalu stalk blog ni tp tak pernah comment pon...segan :D

  44. setuju dengan opinion on her latest photo :) Apa2 pun nak juga ucapkan semoga Miss 12 sentiasa dirahmati Allah dan dapat mencapai segala keinginannya. Insyaallah :)

  45. happy birhday miss12!! she's getting pwettier by day.. jenoh nk shield from the boys.. tetiba teringat her conversation with her daddy on boys.. more conversation kot lepas ni?? hehe..

  46. Happy Bday Alya! May you grow wiser and healthy!! Be good to your mum and dad, sure u will!!!

  47. happy birthday miss 12.

    dari bb hgg skrg tetap comei.

  48. Happy Birthday Alya...
    Have a wonderful day with lots of pressies :D

  49. Happy Birthday Alya..

    Lg, walaupun ada rupa cina, tapi rupa cina exotic.She's a gourgeous girl.Sila asah parang dari sekarang..haha.

  50. Slm,

    Happy birthday to Miss12...semoga jadi anak yang solehah....Nizs

  51. aslmkm

    hepi besday alya...
    may allah blessed u
    be a gud daughter,sister
    smile olways
    luv ya....

    lots of hugs n kisses to mis 12, mis 7 and mummy....
    hv a rili superb besday party


  52. kak min..sampai kan salam pada alya.. happy birthday beautiful gurl..

    p/s kak min, my iman farhan is 8 today... :)....

  53. Hepy Bday Miss 12.. :)
    May Allah bless you and ur family.. :D

  54. Assalamualaikum..lama x tinggal komen, hihi...happy bday,Alya....moga panjang umur n selamat dunia akhirat....amiin..

  55. Assalam...

    been your silent reader...and wanna wish the lovely Miss 12 Happy 12th Birthday :)

  56. To everyone,
    Wassalam. Thank you for the kind wishes and the doas. May she grow up with all the doas coming true.

  57. camne boleh jadi rupa cina pulak??hmmm..her mother play with chinese guy maybe??hahaha..kidding..

  58. Shah-kayrul,
    thank you :-)

    I am very offended with that insinuation even though you say you are just kidding!

  59. biadap sungguh shay ni..banyak cantik kidding kamu..cuba kalau org kata mak kamu gitu..kidding konon..

  60. All along the way,
    Tu yg I geram sgt2! Dah lah tak pernah tegur I sebelum ni, pastu dah sahih muda lagi dr I. Tapi cara bergurau memang tak boleh belah betul!
    Tak respect langsung dgn tuan rumah.

  61. happy belated birthday miss 12 :-)

  62. happy birthday sicantik manis!!!

  63. Salam kak LG,
    bila tgok ada recent comment, saya teringin nak ucap "happy birthday to Miss 12" walaupun dah lambat sangat saya wish. :))

    Moga Allah memberkati perjalanan hidupnya. Cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat dan jadi anak yang soleh. :))
