Saturday, 5 March 2011

What you can do with a tripod :-)

We’ve been quite busy shopping the whole morning. I tak busy, I cuma tukang kata,

Yes Dear, you look really good in them” and

Erk, not really….” and

We are not buying that!” and

Fine, you can buy that for her even though her birthday is still 7 weeks away!” and

Let’s get that big pecan tart, it looks so nice. I will precut it into tiny slices and keep them in the freezer so we won’t be tempted to finish all of them in 1 go….


I would love a skinny flat white with no sugar, thanks Smile.”

Judging by this conversation, do you think I talk too much? hahahahaha…….

And in tha afternoon pulak, The Other Half busied himself with mowing the lawn.

Which gave me a brilliant idea lepas tengok the lawn so nicely mown.

I kerah everyone to wear black tshirt and blue jeans. Obviously, everyone knew what blue means except The Other Half (hehehehe). Poor him, he only has 1 pair of blue jeans that he can fit into nicely and he left them at work. Yang lain semua bagak2 Smile.

This was what we did Smile.




Ada persamaan tak? Macam Mum and daughter or macam maid and anak tuan? Muahahahaha…

(I know, she’s as tall as me now Smile).

Ada one Mum at school tanya I when she saw Miss 11 near me, “Is this your daughter? She’s so tall.” I masa tu punyalah nak tergelak giler2 but I control senyum and said to her, “She’s not tall. It’s me who’s short, heeee…


Merpati dua sejoli, muahahahaha.

(Lily! Dia dah belajar senyum for the photos Smile).

And Miss 11 whispered this into her Dad’s ear when I tengah sibuk suruh semua orang posing, “Ha..Ha… I can move out in a few years. You are stuck with her for life Open-mouthed smile.”

Cisssss……. Smile with tongue out.

And this was our dinner (minus the tripod though Winking smile).


Corned silverside toasted sandwich with salad and coleslaw.


  1. Beautiful. I tak pernah ada gmbr satu family sbb tak de tripod yg besar. Ada yg cenonit je...

    Gmbr you n your girl, U tanya samada org ingat maid or mom. Kalau kat Msia, boleh jd ada org akan ckp ngan maid atau mana mak budak tu (bukan mengata, tp pengelaman sendiri n pernah terkena kat batang hidung sendiri), kalau kat sini, org akan kata, you've a very beautiful daughter, just like her mom. :)

  2. nice family pic k.min.....


  3. Really...a very nice album!

    Hahaha, pandai Miss 11 joked about that! nanti bila dia dah tak tinggal sekali, sure menangis rindu kat mummy dia!

  4. These are very nice family photos. =) Kalau semua pakai baju merah lagi cun meletop kan? :D
    wah wah wah, anak dara u mcm tak sabar nak kuar rumah je? aish.. she sounds sooo matured now. cepat je rasa masa berlalu kan.
    i pon suka corned beef gini. tapi slalu makan gitu je. memang kena masak dulu ke before makan? hmmm... seb baik tak kena cacing..

  5. ya, Miss 11 mmg ada persamaan dgn k LG....tapi OMG, she's so tall...dh besar nnti boleh jadi model ni! Tang Miss 11 dok bisik2 dgn her dad tu yg x tahan tu...

  6. nice family picture. cheers!

  7. Nora,
    It is quite hard kan nak ambik gambar 1 family ni. Eeveryone has to stop doing what they are doing and then make sure the timer is set correctly and everyone is positioned nicely. With the kids, kadang2 memang susah, hehehe.
    Kat sini, everyone just assume I'm the Mum. Kat M'sia, orang straight away assume I'm the maid kan :-).

    dalam gambar, bahagia seketika, hahaha

    thanks :-)

    Kak Emily,
    hikhikhik...biasalah budak tu, sometimes dia lupa she's still 11 :-).

    Next photo shoot, kita buat merah pulak or black n white ye :-).
    If you beli corned beef yg dah slice, tak payah masak first because they've already cooked it for you. But I beli yg still in plasticwrap berdarah2 lagi, hehehe.

    thanks :-)

    Tak kuasa nak ambil photographer, terpaksalah buat sendiri kan :-)

    I am very short, tu yg nampak she's so tall. Padahal, she's one of the shortest in her class, hahaha.

    thanks :-)

  8. k.min,

    I suka!! cepat la upload dalam fb, i nak comment.. hehehe.. really love the photo of u and the other half. u guys look young! even gambar k.min and alya pun lawa. nampak cam k.min kakak je. eh! agak2 esok, ur butt naik tak 2 inci? hehee... keep it up k.min! :D

  9. "Ha..ha..I can move out in a few years. You are stuck with her for life."

    Kahkahkah bertuah punya anak! sabor jalah.

  10. Shidah,
    susah betul nak ambik gambar 1 family ni but now ni dah getting better sbb Matt suka ambik gambar sbb dia dah slim sikit, hahahaha.
    My butt dah kembang sgt2 ni sbb you kata mcm kakak n adik, hahaha

    Memang anak I tu, bila besar, sure sarcastic habis mcm we all agaknya, hahaha

  11. Wahhh seronoknya tengok sefamily posing macam tu. Cute sangat! Baju pun sama jer kaler.

    Nampak jeans LG dah longgar sangat dah tu. Banyak dah susut. Bersaing dgn husband yer...


    Berkongsi Blog dengan Orang Sebelah: Sebuah Pendapat...

  12. Kak Azie,
    kalau kat M'sia, buat photo shoot, mesti semua gambar sedondon aje kan. Tu yg I pun gatal saje2 nak buat jugak, hehehe.
    Dulu jeans tu ketat kat peha, hahaha.

  13. nice family picture!mcm kakak dengan adik pun ada akak.agaknya memang we asian awet muka kot

  14. nice pic kak... suka tgk..==))

  15. Akak macam adik beradik jer dengan Miss 11. Nampak awet muda.

  16. wowowow...kalau kat malaya, masa hari raya or kenduri, bila tengok je ada anak dara besar mcm emak, mesti ada ayat ni.."ooo..ada anak dara dah..tak lama dah la ni..kenduri..kikiki" eeeeee..very not like oke.. :B

  17. Fuyoooohhhh chanteknyer family outdoor portrait! Self service lagi tu.
    Mum & daughter? Its more like akak & adik... :-p

  18. the happy family... sonok tgk family kak LG... 1st pict 2 blh frame kan kak coz nmpk cantik sungguh..

  19. what a beautiful family! i love to see all the pics especially the second one. It looks so natural and harmony. :) and your miss 11 got his father genes obviously by the height.. ;)

  20. LG,
    Though colour ada a bit out, actually she got your features la..definately look like adik and kakak...don't kembang,you..and omg,you actually look thinner than Miss 11!I always tell my hubby that if ever I hit 42kg again..which was about 7 years ago,I would like to take our wedding photos again.I rasa tunggu sampai kucing bertanduk pun,it won't happen la..I'm 16kg overweight!!!Argh!!!!

  21. LG
    bahagianya saya tgk u n family..tumpang gembira..insyallah bahagia selamanya..
    bila your hubby senyum nampak lg muda..chewahh..hehe

  22. Ruch,
    Asians memang ramai yg awet muda and they don't believe it when I tell them I'm 40, hehehe

    thanks :-). Orang buat photo shoots, kita pun nak try jugak :-)

    tunggu dia lagi tinggi dr I, baru sgt2 nampak mcm adik n kakak kan, hahaha

    Kalau kat Malaya, masa kenduri lah masa segala gossip dan soalan panas keluar kan. Masa tu cuma boleh 'senyum' pahit aje, hahaha

    Maya Marisa,
    Other people pay a lot for pro photographer which shows in their photos. But we all cuma guna tripod and self-timer aje so I'm very satisfied with the photos, hikhikhik.
    Psst...I kena start dressing like 18 y.o. lah mcm tu, muahahaha :-P

    Tu lah, memang we all nak print some of the photos pastu nak letak cantik2 kat frame :-)

    Thanks. Nasib baik masak ambik gambar ni, semua tgh mood happy so I guess it shows in the photos kan :-)

    The last time I was Miss 11's weight was probably 25 years ago kot, hehehhe. And the last time I was 42kg, I can't remember :-).
    I think my hubby will put his foot down if I were to ask him to wear his old baju kahwin, hikhikhik.

    All along the way,
    Amin and InsyaAllah. Semoga makbul doa you :-).

  23. your hubby nmpk kurus la! =)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Kak Lg....u both nampak kuwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!!! I love family photos.....mmmmmmm dah dpt boots baru ka?
    Muahahaha..."Stuck for life???" muehehehe.....kelakor3!!

  26. LG....lawaa pic ni..i likee pic satu family tu...i bayangkan macam cerita telenovela, kira u ni awek jawa kaya dari Ijok, then kawen sama mat salah "so-so" saja...tapi mak mertua saleh ni ego dan tak suka sama awek jawa...konon depa kelass atasan, tapi kenyataannya no money maaaa (konon lahh) ...dan dia tatau menantu jawa dia kaya's raya's..wahhhh...jangan caya okey, cerita tipu!!...hahaha

  27. Love all the pics!! Nice family pics!! Semua cantik la!!! Miss 11 dah sama tinggi dgn u....baru je 11 yrs old tu.

  28. zack,
    memang dah sgt kurus banding dgn 3 bulan lepas, hehehe

    Boots tunggu Winter kang baru beli. Sekarang ni masih mengasuh betis supaya selim lagi, hahaha.

    Cik Mat,
    wakakakaka...telenovela indon ke? Best weh kalau citer I buat telenovela, tapi kena banyak kelentong lah utk bagi lagi oomph kan, hahaha

    Thanks. Miss 11 dpt Mum yg kemetot so sgt senang lah utk dia overtake her Mum in height, hehehe.

  29. LG..CUN GILER lah :-) u n ms mother like doter laa, mane de maid maid ni, sapa cakap cam tu mmg mata dia kt pala lutot..kekeke

  30. One happy family! I love all the shots! Mama dah lama juga tak ke mari, was so shocked to see your other half! Dah susut sungguh badan dia. Ish, if only I am able to loose as much as he had lost, alangkah bahagianya. Tapi semangat ku hanya di mulut je. Bila tengok makanan je, hancus.... selalu cakap, tak pe la, hari ni last, hari ni last... last last, habuk pun tarak! :D

  31. Suzi,
    Thanks :-). Seronok you buat photo shoot family ni rupanya,hahaha.
    How come bila I balik M'sia, semua ingat I maid? hikhikhik...

    He has been dieting and exercising religiously for the past few months thus the new slimmer look :-). I guess with guys, once they've made up their minds to do s'thing, they are really motivated kan.
    I pun kalau berdiet sorang2, memang tak berjaya nya.

  32. paling suker entry ni....sweet :-)

  33. Ara,
    best rupa2nya ambik gambar sedondon ni, hahaha

    Mama Anis,
    Thanks :-). Memang seronok sgt2 masa ambik gambar ni.

    Thanks :-)

  34. awesome..!
    nice photos of your family...

    maknya awet muda betullah

  35. like the family pic.. fantastic sis..

    nak kena beli dslr jugak la..

  36. Putubambu,
    Maknya sbb dari kecik makan tempe, tu yg awet muda kot ;-)

    once you've bought the DSLR, dont forget to buy a good tripod as well so senanglah you all nak ambik gambar 1 family nanti :-)

  37. LG

    wowww...cantiknya photo. Suka sgt tengok photo u n family sgtlah harmoninya.

    Gambar Min n Alya mcm adik n kakak, sgt comel.

  38. Kak LG, gambaq famili nie mmg best gilos.. Sumer2nya comel2 belaka.. Sukanya saya tengok.. Very2 sweeettt...

    Kak, gambar merpati dua sejoli tuh pon amat menarik tertarik.. ;) (macam lagu KRU lah pulak)

  39. Mrs Zack,
    Masa we all ambik gambar ni, mood semua tengah ceria and baik so tu yg semua muka happy sgt2 :-).
    Kejap lagi I yg jadi 'adik' sbb dia lagi tinggi dr I, hehehe

    Ini baru ambik gambar sendiri aje kan, kalau pakai pro photographer, sure lagi cun melecun and awet muda and tak toleh2 mata memandangkan, hahahahha ;-P

  40. wah! sungguh jeles tgk picta semua tu...bila la perut ai nk jadik nipis camtu...hukhukhuk

  41. kak..
    cantiknyer gambar akak sefamily..
    moga keluarga akak bahagia sentiasa.. :)..cantik sangat..really make me smile.. :)
