Sunday 13 March 2011

Weekend story

Pagi tadi, lepas hantar The Little Misses to Sunday school, The Other Half and I pergi dating berdua2an at the city!

Anak mengaji baik2, Mak Pak bershopping sakan, hehehehe.

We all pergi Harbour Town semata2 nak bershopping shirts and pants for The Other Half. Ye lah kan, orang dah kurus so kenalah beli baju baru. I dah tak larat nak belikan baju and seluar dia aje so tu yang I ajak dia shopping tadi so he can do it himself.

(Mentang2lah he knows he now looks good in clothes without the gelebeh2 fat around him, senyum aje dia tadi bila menerai baju n pants. Siap suruh I ambikkan smaller size lagi tu! Hikhikhikhik.)

And percayalah cakap I when I said, I didn’t even try on any clothes for me tadi. I only bought 2 plain tshirts that I just grabbed off the rack because they were so cheap. Sungguh tak percaya mendengarnya kan! Hahahaha.

He ended up buying 4 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. When I asked him what colour are the shirts. He sheepishly said, “Ummmm… 3 whites and 1 blue….” Bila I rolled my eyes, he said, “But I like white shirts….”.

Macam mana lah I nak buat our next photo shoot in pink and black kan when he won’t even touch other colour apart from white, hehehe.

Semalam we went to a birthday party at one of the Sunday school family’s house. And I told The Other Half of a good gossip yang membuatkan dia lagi kembang semangkuk.

A few of our friends at the party, last saw The Other Half last year masa dia tengah chubby ya amat tu. Pastu, bila he walked into the room, memang terkejut sangat2 lah mereka to see him looking so different and so good in his new svelt body, hikhikhik.

(The Other Half pulak was wearing a tight fitting top with khaki pants. Suka bebeno dia pakai tight fitting tops nowadays sejak his fat cells around his abdomen have shrunk ni Open-mouthed smile).

So, I pun bergossiped lah with the ladies about my hubby’s new body, hahaha. Jadi bahan gossip dia sekarang ni, muahahaha.

(Ye lah kan, kalau bukan wife dia yang nak puji melambung2 and cerita pasal dia, sape lagi kan Winking smile).

Now ni he has lost about 17kg and very close to his target weight. He said he’s definitely going to ask me to take a photo of him once he’s reached below 80kg (which hopefully will be sometimes next week or this weekend Smile). His current weight is 81kg+ still. Excited sangat2 hubby I tu sebab he hasn’t been this kurus for soooooooo long, hehehe.

And seperti biasa, bila pergi jemputan makan2, surenya balik mesti bertapau kan. I bawak balik roti jala and kari ayam. And we had them for dinner tonite.

But I masak oven baked ikan barramundi letak sambal as well sebab I nak something really hot for dinner.


My plate without the ikan yet. The Little Misses makan the roti jala, I makan carrot rice from the other day.


My plate with the ikan. Memang sedap makan ikan bakar dengan sambal ni kan. I guna sambal nasi ayam penyet yang I had frozen in packs. So, bila nak makan, tinggal thaw out a small portion aje.

And ini pulak the cupcakes I made for Sunday school. Sekarang ni, hari baking I cuma hari Ahad pagi aje untuk sedekah kat the Sunday school kids. Dapatlah jugak hilang rindu untuk membaking tanpa kena makan the baked goods, hehehe.



I made orange and choc chip cupcakes. I guna recipe ini but I kurangkan the sugar and added grated orange zest and some choc chips to it.


  1. Hi kak Mynn...
    semoga TOH akan capai body weight target ya!! btw ur cuppies sangat cute & comel....pasti sedap rasanya 'kan...nanti I cuba buat...hihihihihi

  2. I selalu x bernasib baik bab2 baking ni....cake I selalu jadi bantat or keras (x lembut & x moist), lagipun I x ada kitchen scale...kalau recipe yg pakai gm tu mmg susah lah kan...biasa guna cup je nk sukat bhn2..I nk try recipe yg akak share pulak lps ni...

  3. LG,
    i dah lama tak membaking...but dah bertukar membuat pizza..hehehe.. semlm buat sampai 8 mini pizzas for my nephew's birthday.. but alhamdulillah..lepas siap buat pizza..i dah penat n takde selera nak makan...nasib baik :)

  4. All the best to TOH in reaching his target weight, ya!

    nasik & ikan tu nampak sedapsssss!

  5. td ads kat tv ckp HT buat sale, buy- one-free-one / 50% off for second item. i dah lama x pegi HT, since ada major road construction kat wellington st. susah nak naik CAT :p

  6. LG,
    New photos without shirt please..of the other half,I mean...kalau boleh suruh dia posing habis like those male models in underwear ads..awwww!!!hahaha...eye candy for the day.I bet you both feel good knowing that you both look good.What a great feeling,aye!

  7. akak....hmmm dah lama tak mengomen kat sini.Nak tanya akak buat cuppies tu bakar dlm acuan tu ke dah siap baru letak dalam tu? Cantikkk je ...tak sememeh!

  8. wah...mesti TOH senyum smpai ke tinger kan.yela...bkn seme org kuat semangat mcm dia n akak.contoh t'dekat...ayu la!

    btw pizza akak yg semlm tu ttp nmpk sedap.takde sape sangka pizza tu low calorie version

  9. Kalau dah kurus macam2 baju boleh pakai kan.Tapi berlainan dengan hubby kak Zai dia tak nak kurus sangat sebab katanya takut nampak cengkung.

  10. u reach target weight? MM ayu rasa...Kak LG dah comey dah cam tu...continue condition muscle je kan....

    MMM I wish to join not now....tak dapat sbb in process of making a homosapien....wakakakakkaka.....

  11. Hes 81kg now?? satu ketika dulu waktu ku preggie.. itu lah weight ku and then sonia only came out 2.41kg.. cuba terang kan mana datang weight yg berlambak tu hahaha

  12. Asilah,
    Hopefully not long to go lah for him to reach his target weight :-). Cuppies ni kan, kalau budak yg nak makan, as long as ada choc in any form, sure laku, hehehe

    I pun tak suka sgt guna recipe yg pakai cwn sbb I slalu terover measure the tepung so jadi keras. Kalau pakai gram, I boleh measure to the last gram, hehehe

    I nak membaking, tapi takde sape nak makan so tu yg Alhamdulillah ada Sunday school, dapatlah I membaking, hehehe.
    Pizza tu memang every week I buat, hahaha.

    nasi panas n ikan bakar with sambal memang sedap. Rasa nak tambah2 aje semalam, hahaha

    We all semalam, sambil shopping sambil exercise sbb we all jalan kaki briskly dr city ke Harbour Town and back. Memang bakar banyak kalori, hehehehe.

    My husband said, he'll do it with only a plate placed strategically, muahahahahaha....
    Adalah ramai yg termuntah nanti :-D

    I bakar dalam paper cup kat muffin tray lain. Dah siap masak n decorate, baru pindah :-).

    Memang hari2 sengih aje bila timbang berat dia, tak larat I, hahaha.
    Pizza tu still ada cheese tapi memang tak banyak, tu yg still sedap tp rendah kalori :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Kalau kurus ni, masuk kedai, senang aje capai baju n seluar sbb mesti ada saiz kan :-). Hubby I pun tak nak kurus sgt sbb tak nak cengkung jugak :-)

    I dah reached my target weight lama dah but so far belum lagi reach my toned body, toned abs and toned butt target lagi but definitely getting there, hahaha.
    Homo sapien baru ni buat kat Doha ke tunggu buat kat M'sia? hikhikhik

    hahahahaha....kat mana agaknya you sorokkan the lemak ye? Luckily the lemak tersorok dah disappears sekarang ye :-D

  13. He said wud be gud if we cud have international in making product..:P...made in doha, born in Msia...or made in Msia, born in myak siiiiiiinang!!!

    MMM gud...toning body.....wawawawawa....I tervayang2 muscles toned everywhere on you....opps!!

  14. lama tak buat cupcakes.. tq for giving the link... leh try..hehehe

  15. ehh..sama lah kita hantar anak ke sunday school..mama papa ke mall school...ahaha.. :) tapi saya di melbourne.. sunday je lah pun dpt cuci mata ni..kalau tak terperapp jelahh kat rumah..masak, masak dan masakkk.. bila tgk blog akak bergardening..saya pun teringinn nak cuba gak gardening..beli benih itu ini..:) tq for sharing!

  16. ms mula2 dpt tau pasal from ur entry dolu2, byk jugak resepi saya dh cuba. the best wld be "step by step chocolate cake". ms raya and dh 2 kenduri sy buat tp guna cups and guna nestle cream for the ganache.. rmi ckp sdp. cheesy meatball, lasagne pon best.. sbb resepi dia sng nak ikut. highly recommended. thanks kak for sharing.

  17. Ayu,
    hehehehe....proses nak membuatnya tu senang ;-), tapi jadi ke tak tu yang kadang2 kena banyak kali try kan, hahahaha...
    Bayangkan perut I yg dah boleh nampak which ones the obliques and which ones the rectus abdominus :-).

    Ticer Syah,
    I pun skrg ni buat cuppies on Sunday aje so gerenti habis and I tak payah kena habiskan, hehehe

    Kat Perth ni hulu sgt2, Sunday shopping malls tak bukak kecuali city and a few other places. Nasib baik lah masjid tu dekat dgn city so tu yg we all pun berjimba sakan, hehehe

    Fad n Sarah,
    You are welcome :-). I suka taste website tu sbb most recipes ada review so senang nak tau sedap ke tak. I pun tengok that site utk cari recipe yg sempoi2 aje :-)
