This was what Miss 7 and I did today… Well, Miss 7 had it done, I cuma Ibu Supir aje .
Sape2 yang pernah baca my old post, sure you all tau tentang Miss 7’s peanut allergy kan. She was first tested for the peanut allergy when she was around 18 months kot masa kat Adelaide and it was confirmed. Pastu, we moved here and we didn’t follow up on the test sebab selama ni her symptoms could be controlled with antistamine.
Then, bila dia start sekolah, memang dah lama cadang nak get her re tested just to see whether ada improvement ke tak. But biasalah kan, tak terbuat2 until today.
Kat sini kalau nak jumpa specialist, kena ada referral letter from GP or else you won’t get Medicare rebate. And kalau you nak jumpa specialist at a public hospital (you don’t have to pay extra money), the waiting list will be so long so we opted to go private lah. Kena lah bayar the extra tapinya but much better than waiting months and months kan.
So, we saw an Allergy specialist today and he did the skin-prick testing again on Miss 7. Masa dia kecik dulu, she got it done on her back and punyalah dia meraung, satu hospital dengar .
Tadi, she got it done on her arm and tangisan dia, satu klinik boleh dengar, hikhikhikhik….
But, memang sakit pun sebab you are basically pricked with a needle so many times. Kita pun kalau tercucuk jarum sekali pun dah kata, “Ouch!” or “Adoi!” or “Adehdehdeh!” or “sakitnya!” so her reaction meraung tadi was justifiable lah kan.
So, this was the result after 10 minutes…
She got tested for 16 different allergens that are common. Yang macam peta Australia tu is the positive reaction to peanut. It is considered quite a big reaction sebab saiz dia was 19mmX12mm. Anything bigger than 7mmX7mm is considered positive. The other 3 small marks are from grass-mixed, mould and pecan.
The specialist assumed that her reaction to peanut would have reduced over the years (because sometimes that’s the case) since she was first diagnosed but salah sangkaan dia tadi. Makin besar adalah .
And the end result, she’s put on epi-pen and I have to get her a MedicAlert bracelet. Anti histamine will still be her first line of treatment, kalau makin teruk, then only cucuk epipen.
And how much did the specialist and the test cost tadi?
$350 but we’ll get back around $173 from Medicare (which is the government public health cover). Our private health fund tak cover the specialist visits. It’s not bad lah kan to see a specialist .
Lepas balik from the specialist, I made mee goreng daging for dinner. I malas betul nak masak, hehehe.
Mee goreng ni I guna minyak more than usual, about 3 teaspoon instead of just oil spray . I exercised pagi tadi so tu yang boleh makan extra malam ni.
Mee goreng sangat2 sempoi but sedap, hehehehe….
besnyaaa ada mee kuning kat sanaaaa
ReplyDeleteamboi min,lepas gian makan mee nampak..mmg betul exercise nya sekali makan nya berkali2 kan?,,itu kalau akak lah..pantang exercise..mula lah nak makan lebih sikit.hehe
ReplyDeleteselalu dengar tntg allergic kacang nih tak sangka rupa2nya benar2 wujud.
siannye zahra, mcm ni sampai besarlah dia xle mkn peanuts.. sib baik dia xde prob with eggs,klu x lg byk benda dia xle mkn.
ReplyDeleteChian Miss 7. Tapi nak buat macam mana kan, better get tested sebelum termakan benda-benda yang tak leh dimakan, sok nanti, lagi teruk pulak jadinya.
ReplyDeleteMin, cemana ek nak goreng mi guna 3 teaspoons oil je?
Waaa k.min!! that's pretty bad rite? maknanya kalau zahra silap makan peanuts dalam quantity yg byk je, it'll be life and death for her la kan? poor zahra. rasa nak je peluk and cium dia sekarang.
ReplyDeletealamak! mee goreng k.min mengancamnya!!
Kesiannya...I know what both Miss 7 & you r going through. I pun had to go through the same process with my daughter when she was 13 months & then 24 months. She had egg, soy & some tree nuts allergy. Alhamdullillah the egg & soy allergy is all gone but tree nuts masih ada. Funnily, she pun tak suka makan any kind of nut.
ReplyDeleteI myself have gone through that allergy testing. For me was ticklish sebab it was on my back & I had about 30 jabs. I pray mudah2an her allergy will get better.
olololo..kecian anak dara itu..kena hati2 la kan..
ReplyDeleteMemang best sbb kat sini ramai asiana kan so tu yg segala mcm mee boleh jumpa :-)
kak Anymz,
I berani makan lebih sbb my weight dah maintain so bila kita exercise, memang kena makan balik the exercise calories lah, or else, makin turun berat I nanti.
Kalau turun lagi, mau jadi skeleton aje I ni, hehehe
Hopefully her allergy will reduce in severity tapi so far, takde nampak gaya nak turun :-(. Like you said, nasib baik peanut aje, yg lain semua ok :-)
Since dia memang ada peanut allergy, tu yg kena tested utk benda2 lain jugak, manalah tau kan.
Kalau nak goreng pakai 3 tsp minyak, kena guna non stick pan mcm tefal tu. Pastu, letak 1 tsp utk goreng daging in batches. Then letak another 1 tsp utk goreng the bawang paste, pastu letak air sikit utk masakkan sayur. Macam masak mee goreng basah tapi tak banyak kuahnya :-)
She doesn't have to eat a lot, sikit pun cukup, sh'll reast straight away. Slalunya antihistamine will cure her symptoms. The specialist put her on epipen sbb Zahra's asthmatic as well so dia takut kalau Zahra termakan peanut while she's having an asthma attack so double whammy, tu yg then only bagi epipen.
Kesian dia kan....
Is your daughter on epipen too ke? Has she ever had to use it? Luckily she doesn't like to eat tree nuts kan, or else kesian dia kalau tengok orang lain makan :-(.
My daugher ni memang hates needles so bila kena buat skin prick test, tu yang meraung sakan, hehehe
Memang kena hati2, every thind yang dia makan we all kena check or ask about the ingredients.
siannya dia kena cucuk.. Alahh org tua pun sometimes tak tahan. nikan budak..
ReplyDeletesimple2 mee pun looks so tempting. Sesekali buat Nasi Ambeng...
anak2 kak min samalah dgn anak2 kak ct. dulu masa sy jaga pi mana mesti bawak bekalan ubat. pi rumah org kena tanya dulu ada letak nuts tak. makan kedai tak boleh sembarangan. sekali dah TERkena. memang kesian. tergaru2 kat bahagian sekitar bibir.
ReplyDeletesiannye miss 7...
ReplyDeletemee tu nampak sangat ler sedap..
Ala kesiannya kat Miss 7. So still no-no to peanuts la ye.
ReplyDeleteKesian Miss 7.. Peanut allergy memang serious kan.. Hope it will reduce in time bila dia dah besar... kesian kat dia!
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullillah, my daughter's nut allergy is not severe anymore so she's only on antihistamine ajer no epipen. Mudah2an Miss 7's peanut allergy akan berkurangan ya.
ReplyDeleteKesian Miss 7. Mudah-mudahan her allergy to peanuts akan sembuh over time.
ReplyDeletehamboi kak min, line kat tangan dia mcm nak buat jalan raya... mcm ara pon, kalo mkn antibiotik jer, naik lah air-air gatal tu...seksa betul...
ReplyDeletekesian miss 7...hope cepat baik :-)
kesian M7, so mkn kena jg2 la kan.. urrmm.. payah jugak nak jg budak allergy nih.. mkn nak kena jg.. silap sikit mule lah dok gatal2... my son plak x bleh mkn kacang parang... nanti x pasal2 dia mencungap sebab dia ade asthma n eczema too... kesian...
ReplyDeletekak min.mcm saket je tu..Dr suntik ke element2 tu?waaaa sian miss 7
ReplyDeleteAlahai.. mmg kesian kat dia. Buleh pulak makin teruk even berjaga all this while ek.
alahai..cian miss 7, selain bengkak2 tu ada effect lain tak??? mcm semput ke...
ReplyDeletelaaa... kesian nya miss 7.. hope nanti makin dia besar, takde allergic lagi..
ReplyDeleteDulu time kecil kecil tak pernah pun I dengar orang allergic dengan peanut. Tapi semenjak I tinggal kat sini Canada baru lah I dengar banyak budak budak ada peanut allergy sampai tak boleh bawah peanut butter sandwich kat sekolah.
ReplyDeleteMy kids and hubby memang suka betul makan peanut, so siapa siapa yang ada peanut allergy tu, tak dapat lah datang kat rumah I.
ish..teruk gak allergic dia yek?
ReplyDeletesian dia..
* sodapnya mee goreng tu
hm..kesian zahra...mujur la seme benda yg dia mkn akak yg sediakan.klu main beli mcm kat sini...kita xtau apa yg dorg ltk.tau2 sakit je nnti.
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ReplyDeleteowh dear.....poor zahra....moga cepat hilang merah2 tu....
ReplyDeleteKak Lg...Ayu ada alahan some mushroom....tahu lepas kene sekali....satu badan gatal2 and bengkak2 langsung macam donut jari jemari aiii...pergi hospital...emergency case...kene injection pastu PIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!
Pengggggsan....kene masuk air sebotol....air garam la...besoknye surut bengkak....
Kak Yan,
ReplyDeleteI suka sgt2 makan nasi ambeng tu tp bila terfikir kena masak 3-4 jenis lauk, terus rasa malas nak buat, hehehe...
Zahra ni bukan setakat tergaru2, bengkak satu badan semua klu termakan. kalau tersentuh aje pun dah merah2 satu badan :-(.
I suka segala jenis mee ni. Tu yg kalau I buat mee goreng, I sorang yg habiskan leftovers (tak kisah lah sedap ke tak, hehehe).
Still no peanuts for her. But I told her she can have all the other nuts in the world so tak lah rugi pun, hehehe.
Memang serious especially kalau the Doctor dah prescribe epipen for them :-(
We all ingat at first yang her allergy has reduced by now but judging from the skin prick test, tak pulak nya. Hopefully, one day it will reduce.
The specialist kata, only 20% of peanut allergy sufferer will outgrow it. I hope Miss 7 will be one of them one day.
Nasib baik dia guna non permanent ink kan, so bolehlah hilang marking tu bila dibasuh, hehehehe....
Susah jugak nak jaga tapi so far, my daughter ni pandai jaga diri sendiri. Dia yang akan tanya sama ada makanan tu ada peanuts atau tak sebelum dia makan.
Doctor tu letak the liquid allergens on the skin guna pipette-type thing. Pastu dia guna needle utk prick the skin so the liquid dpt masuk under the skin. Part tu yg dia nangis gilers, hehehehe
tu lah nya, makin kita jaga, makin teruk pulak kan.
So far dia cuma bengkak satu badan n itchy 1 badan bila tersentuh peanuts. Tapi doctor tu takut dia akan semput bila termakan, tu yang dia prescribe epipen.
Hopefully lah, dia tergolong dlm 20% of people yg akan outgrow the allergy.
My house still ada peanut butter but we only eat it when she's not around, hehehe. But then, lepas tu, we all kena make sure everything is washed clean and no trace anywhere.
teruk jugak lah and yg tak best nya, makin teruk bukan makin better :-(
I beli jugak cakes n biscuits and benda2 tapi memang I check segala nya lah. Tu yang kadang2 shopping benda sikit tapi ambik masa berjam2 sbb kena baca all the ingredients, nutritions. Penat mata I, hahahaha
That is bad! Siap kena injection semua and pengsan lagi.
That's why the specialist prescribe epipen untuk Zahra sbb dia takut tiba2 mana tau, she gets a really bad reaction sampai tak boleh nafas and pengsan so the epipen is there to give adrenaline to her.
salam akak,
ReplyDeleteksiannya miss 7, saya ni ada juga problem ada nak share lah tips klau dah terkena..cerita dia pnjg sket..roommate sy yg x pernah ada asal usul keturunan allergies kena..habis satu badan + muka ada kesan timbul2 tu..alien la gamaknya..then balik kmpg dia cari tok moh--tok moh pon bg ubat--ubat tu = kunyit + garam..sapu tempat allergies tu..hahaha..saya gelak je lah tapi....seminggu lepastu baik cam x dek kesan apa pon
sy plak..sbb teruk sgt kes eczema ni..baca2 majalah..kat situ ada kata kajian scientific prove yg kunyit mmg boleh overcome & my mummy try..mmg sgt berkesan!! cuba lah akak mana taw, klau time2 ter out of stock ubat..bleh la guna kunyit hidup or powder..
OMG,LG..I never knew it was that brutal to go for allergy test.If I am Zahra,I think I'll not just meraung but siap bukak kung fu move I.Seeing Zahra go through that test,I'll have to rethink of sending my little 4 legged girl(dog...hehehehe...memang lebih)the same test as she too is having very bad allergy reaction to don't know what.She's been on some kind of medicine for almost a year and her vet is worried that her kidney might suffer due to prolonged use of drugs.At least according to the vet,knowing what she is allergic to,we can control her environment.But seeing Zahra,I think I don't have the heart to traumatise my old girl.Bravo to Zahra for being so brave...and you to..ahaks!
ReplyDeleteHopefully Miss 7 cepat recovery. Kasihan kat dia.
ReplyDeleteI masih ingat lagi gambar yg you letak of Zahra masa dia tengah alami allergy tu, kesian betul. Harap2 as she gets older, keadaan dia akan bertambah baik & allergy tu akan berkurangan or hilang terus.
ReplyDeleteSalam. wah, kunyit n garam ye? Terer ye tok moh tu, hehehe. Tapi dia cuma treat symptoms kat kulit tu aje kan, bukan cure the illness? Nanti lah, kalau Zahra's skin kena teruk, I might try that kunyit+garam remedy :-).
It was quite sad to see her crying but I told her not to watch the doctor pricked her skin. It was worse when she had it done when she was a baby.
But I think you might have to get your 4-legged daughter tested lah sbb kesian her if her kidneys suddenly stop functioning fr too much medication. But I think you yg menangis nanti :-(.
I think lagi besar probability that she will never outgrow the allergy tapi insyaAllah kan, kalau kita doa banyak2, mana tau termakbul jugak kan :-)
tu lah, tu yg we all jaga everything she eats tapi still jugak tak lessen the allergy. Apa nak buat kan. hopefully, mana lah tau kan, bila dah adult nanti, tiba2 disappear mcm tu aje :-)
alahai sian miss 7...wah masih berdiet rupanya..lama tak singgah sini tu ygtertinggal byk entry hehe
ReplyDeletestill lagi ikut healthy eating lifestyle ni. Terpaksa buat selagi nak maintain berat ni, hehehe.
hi kak LM,
ReplyDeletemy daughter is allergic to peanuts too and had her test done last year, positive for most tree nuts *sob*
akak kn rajin masak, so nk tanya if ada substitue for peanuts in food, esp msian food? like kuah satay, mee rebus/bandung/rojak. i am soooo craving for them tp terpaksa make do without, and they hardly taste the same. so how leh? any input appreciated :)
ReplyDeletePoor her (and you too) :-(. I told my daughter yang she's lucky that she's only allergic to peanut and can eat all the other nuts in the world. Pity people yang can't eat any nuts at all.
I haven't eaten the real mee rebus, mee bandung, rojak and yong tau foo for a loooong time. Even when I balik M'sia, I tak makan sbb she's always there.
Last time I buat kuah sate, I subs it with cashew nut but taste dia lain lah. Hubby I kata sedap, I kata tak sedap sbb tak rasa mcm kacang tanah, hehehe. I think klu campur a bit of almond, a bit of hazelnut and a bit of brazil nut, probably sedap lagi kot.
But your kid is allergic to tree nuts as well so might be difficult lah for you to do it.