Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It is ok to eat!

Hari ni I rasa nak makan aje so I had cereal for breakfast, ‘light’ snack of 2 raisin toasts wirh peanut butter and mashed banana (banana sekarang tengah mahal gilers so banana yg dah sangat2 brown pun sayang nak buang so memang I makan, hahaha). Pastu some more snacks of plum and a mini Picnic choc bar Smile. Ini belum tengah hari lagi, hahahaha.

Then lunch makan sushi and leftover stir fry sayur and baked chicken wings. Pastu rasa insaf sekejap, terus berenti makan and minum air aje Winking smile.

And then dinner I makan leftover carrot rice hari tu with sambal bilis and terung ‘goreng’ with egg.


Sambal bilis terung ni tak lah tinggi calorie mana sebab I cuma guna 1 squirt of olive oil spray to ‘fry’ about 50g of ikan bilis. Bila bilis tu dah masak, I letak sliced onion, then tunggu dia masak and then I letak 1 teaspoon of ‘sambal nasi lemak’ yang I beli dalam botol. 1 tsp sambal ni cuma 23 cals aje. Pastu I letak terung and tomato and bila dah masak, I letak less than 1 tsp of kicap manis (which is around 21 cals).


Kalau tengok gambar, tak sangka rendah calories kan! And ini boleh 2 kali makan so tu yang tak tinggi calories dia.

Now my tummy is satisfied, hikhikhik…..

Everyday, I akan makan more than 1200 cals/day sebab it is not good to eat below the recomended daily calories. Our bodies will expend energy even when resting (it’s basically all the energy that all the organs, muscles and everything in the body use daily) and this is called our resting metabolic rate.

But I don’t eat ‘junk’ to fill up the calories. I eat healthy nuts and loads of fruit to fill up the calories. But occasionally I still makan chocs and chips and cakes Smile.

My resting metabolic rate is around 1200cals so basically I need to eat at least 1200 cals a day just to keep my body running with maximum energy. Kalau hari2 kita makan very low calories, your body just cannot function normally. So many research has been done that shows that your bodily function will slow down if you have too little calories every day. This includes your brain functions, your energy levels and even your metabolic rate will eventually go down which is not good.

Memang lah you akan lose weight kalau exist on very low calories every day but in the long run, your body will suffer, mentally and physically. Sebab, how are you going to maintain the very low calorie lifestyle throughout your life kan. It is definitely not sustainable!

What are you going to do once you’ve reached your target weight? Makan balik macam biasa?

You will become obsessed with food sebab you will think of food as the enemy. Ye lah, bila you termakan 1000-1200 cals/day (which is normal), you will become so depressed and rasa terus nak puasa the next few days untuk kurangkan balik the calories. Lain pulak jadi nya nanti kan.

And ada a few reaserch lagi yang kata kalau you’ve existed on very low calories for a long time, once you start eating normally again, your body will gain the weight back  quickly and then some. Because your body is not used to the extra calories so it will store it as fat. Undereating will generally lead overeating.

It is much better to eat the recommended daily calorie allowance and then top it up with exercise. This way, it is much healthier in so many levels. Your heart will love you for it, your body will love you for it, your fat will melt away as well.


  1. wah....akak..balas dendam ye...but it's ok...sekali sekala puaskan the tummy..tapi masih lagi beringat-ingat kan...

  2. ....and I eat ikut mood! hikhikhik))
    So untung ler if my mood is lousy! ;)
    Kang kalo high spirit sangat, terlebih la sudah makannya...

    One thing for sure, I don't eat junk food. :) Anyway, makan cara sihat ni patut kita semua amalkan. Am asking myself: bila hah? :D

  3. you really know what you're talking about la, I tabik!

  4. yelar.. penat diet low kalori dulu.. then stop.. start mkn blk.. mendadak naiknyaaa..nyesal sekarang tidak bergunaaa~ huhuhuhu

  5. caya lah u! i tak pernah kira calori hihihi..tu yg payah nak turun kottt..

  6. best la baca entry ni..macam penerangan free dari pakar diet sihat.hehe.emm,,cayalah LG leh diet secara sihat.nak tiru ni,tapi kalau kat MyFitnessPal tu saya kick in sekali sekala je.hehe

  7. Agak-agak la kan, kalau mama dok dengan Min, harus boleh turun berat badan. Each and every detail Min kira.. huhuhu, when can I be THAT diciplined!!!!

  8. Aduhhh!! bila baca yr N3, rasa nyesal lak makan 3 hari lepas..Berat2 tu..

  9. lg, recent posts buat i teringin to major in dietetics lah :}

    in all honesty, i jealous tengok your other half's physique transformation...yours too lah!

  10. huhu...ayu failed bab kira calorie ni.tak tau camne nak sukat.hahaha...yela,sbb klu siang tu dah sah2 mkn kat kantin.brp bykdia boh pun ayu tak tau.klu dinner tu leh gak ayu agak2 sbb masak sdiri kan.'klu gini la gayanya...camne la nak kurus.iskk..

  11. PenDragon,
    Memang sgt bagus sekali sekala puaskan tummy n selera ni sbb tak lah rasa mcm kita berdiet strict kan. Pastu, klu overcalories, esok nya I exercise lebih sikit, hahaha

    Kak Emily,
    I pun makan ikut mood jugak but yg problematic nya, mood makan sentiasa ada n high! Tu yg tak laratnya, hahahaha.
    I pulak makan junk food but not much lah, occas masa before period, teringin sgt2 nak makan benda2 mcm tu :-)

    I guess we all banyak membaca about all this calories stuff sbb nak make sure we follow the right thing :-). Tu yg berani letak kat blog sbb I tau it's right, hahaha

    research kata kdg2 susah nak naikkan metabolisme kita balik ke normal klu dah pernah ikut very low calorie diet ni.

    a few years ago, we all berdiet tak kira calorie, cuma portion control, cutting off minyak n fat n sweets n exercise aje. But skrg bila dah kira calorie, rasa mcm lagi senang pulak sbb anytime boleh nak makan dessert or cake or choc klu calories still berlebih dlm bank, hahaha.

    Mrs Adam,
    I n hubby dah log in 60 days in a row kat MyFitnessPal tu, cayalah, hahaha :-).
    Nanti lah, every entry I nak bagi 1 free healthy lifestyle tip, ok tak?

    We all berdisiplin ni sbb I guess jarang keluar makan and masak segala sendiri, tu yg senang sikit nak kira semua nya. Kalau I duduk kat M'sia yg food heaven tu, susah jugak rasanya :-)

    Kak Yan,
    jangan menyesal kalau makan banyak. terus kita ganti balik dgn exercise lebih sikit lepas tu. Baru lah ok kan :-). I pun klu gi makan kat luar or pergi rumah orang, memang makan banyak, tapi lepas tu pulun exercise, hehehe

    I think kan with the amount of materials yg we all baca about calories and exercise and healthy living ni, wajib kot dah dapat certificate in fitness training! hahahaha.
    Once he's achieved his desired weight, I will definitely put his photo up to make you lagilah extremely jealous ;-)

    Tu yg we all jarang makan kat luar sbb memang susah nak kira calories. Lagi lah kat M'sia klu kat gerai or kantin or restoran kan, sbb tak tau dia letak minyak or gula bnyk mana, hehehe
