Monday 21 March 2011

Her family tree

I was walking passed Miss 7’s class tadi and tetiba terpandang something on their window wall which caught my attention and made me smile Smile.


Every kid in that class had to do their family tree.

I rasa bersyukur sangat2 yang The Little Misses tak ramai sedara mara sebab even adik beradik I yang 5 orang tu pun Miss 7 ingat2 lupa nama diaorang. She remembers all their faces and their names bila kat M’sia but bila dah kat sini and jumpa cuma once a year at most, so tu yang terlupa. And cousins dia yang cuma 7 orang tu pun dia tak ingat nama semua when she was doing the tree Smile.

(But she made sure she has a leaf for every one of the cousin walaupun dia tak ingat nama, baiklah kan anak I tu, hehehe.)


Untuk all the uncles and the aunts and the cousins, pandai2 lah ye you all bubuh nama you all on this tree Smile.

(Sape yang tak cukup daun tu, nanti I tambah kan ye, hikhikhikhik. Family Uncle Keem aje yang dia ingat lengkap. Mentang2 lah Uncle kesayangan kan, hahaha Smile).

Malam ni I masak smoked salmon pesto pasta aje. So quick and easy untuk orang2 malas macam I tadi, hehehe.



Patutnya letak lagi banyak pesto and smoked salmon tapi sebab nak cut down on the calories, terpaksalah kurangkan but still really yumm.


  1. K.min,

    lawanya the family tree. I think kalau i suruh my girls buat our family tree, mau confused kot coz dia org ada 19 cousins, 8 uncles and aunts.

    rindu pulak kat blog k.min ni. duduk kat rumah my mom, no internet connection.. huhuhu.. rasa mcm pacat bawah daun pulak :D

  2. Sekurang2nya dia ingat berapa uncles & aunts & ada daun untuk setiap cousin, hehehe. Oklah tu cara duduk jauh dari extended family. Kalau dekat & selalu jumpa, mesti dia ingat. Way to go, Miss 7!

  3. What happened to the cat, si hitam?

  4. Shidah,
    Kalau my kids ada 19 cousins and so many uncles and aunts, mau lah agaknya dia bawak balik that family tree suruh I aje yg buatkan, hahaha..
    Tak best kan klu takde internet connection ni :-)

    tu lah nya, at least her cousins' leaves semua lengkap, hahaha. Nasib baik tak kena buat dua pupu, 3 pupu, mau nangis dia kat sekolah tu :-)

    Zahra n I had quite bad hayfever from the cat bila dia start keluar rumah and brought back all these pollens, grass seeds lah.
    So, we had to give it away.

  5. mesti la..uncle keem kan uncle faberet..pasni darweesy jada cousin faberet lak..hehe

  6. Assalam Min,

    nampak gayanya kena balik Ijok selalu tu.. Emmm ari tu sembang dgn SIL. Cerita sal Min. Betul ke parents Min cikgu?

  7. kira orait la tu. Akmal last year buat 'my family tree' macam carta organisasi pejabat gitu hahaha...
    Mak dia pulak terpaksa la talipon sana talipon sini nak tanya nama moyang2 dia:D

  8. Good job girl! At least still ingat berapa orang kan. Honestly I sendiri kadang-kadang fail dengan nama sedara sendiri. Jarang jumpa, semua rupa dah lain bila dah besar!

  9. LG.. pasta ok ke for diet? i pun tengah berjuang gak ni.. mana tau kot2 leh pakai kebaya on this coming raya.. ehehehe.. i like nasi.. but nasi more kabohidrat.. so kena kurangkan.. roti pun i bedal gak.. but only for breakfast..

  10. kudos miss 7... sangat bijak sebab ingat kaum kerabatnya... though nama dia tak ingat..

    macam my kids la, dah balik malaya, baru tau suku sakatnya.. kalau dulu2 depa dok tanya, yg tu aunty ke, uncle ke, cousin ke... ingat nenek, atok & opah je..

  11. My cousins ada 70+ and still counting on my mom's side. I'm the second eldest and I don't even know 3/4 of them. Tambah dah duduk jauh ni. But they know me! Guess macam kita duduk kat boarding school dululah, kan? The juniors wajib kenal the seniors tapi seniors tak kenal juniors pun tak apa. He he he...

  12. sedap smoked salmon, macam mana nak buat?

  13. salam Lg,seronok kan tengok family tree and your daughter;s on looks nice;)i suka lah your smoke salmon and pesto pasta tu..tiamia suka fettucine and pesto;)cuma kat malaysia ni smoke salmon mahal..RM12 dua keping kecik ajer:)
    p.s ishhhh kalu ikut hati nak rembat semua,apa daya terpaksa berjimat sebab nanti Spring bercita2 nak pay a visit to kambing2 at Oz;)

  14. Akeem,
    tu lah heran betul. Auntie Rose n Darweesy dia ingat. Along dia lupa, hehehe.

    Kak Yan,
    Wassalam. My parents cikgu dah bersara. Sekarang ni diaorang buat kerja kebun and kerja rumah yg tak pernah habis tu aje :-). InsyaAllah, tahun ni balik Ijok kot :-)

    Zahra buat kat sekolah semua tu so takde can lah Mak dia nak call semua orang tanya asal usul, hehehe.

    I pun tak ingat nama cousins I yg kecik2 especially sebelah my Dad. Bini and Hubby diaorang lagilah I tak tau, hahaha.

    Pasta ok aje for dieting sbb calories dia lebih kurang nasi. Ynag penting portion control lah. 100g cooked pasta about 158 cals, 100g cooked long grain white rice about 130cals and roti gardenia enriched tu dah 160cals utk 2 slices.

    Samalah mcm my kids bila balik M'sia. Diaorang cuma kenal my adik beradik n atuk nenek and sepupu diaorang. My sepupu and my anak sedara sepupu semua diaorang tak ingat langsung. I pun tak ingat nama yg kecik2 kat M'sia tu :-).

    You are their mysterious cousin who lives in the faraway land ye? hehehe.
    But betul pun you cakap, kalau dah ramai sgt especially yg kecik2 and nama semua panjang2, hampeh I nak ingat, hahaha.
    I beli brand McCormick kat Woolies/Coles, on the bottle it says 'chinese five spice blend'.

    Cerita cinta,
    Tak kuasa I nak membuat smoked salmon itu, I beli aje yg dah siap smoked :-).

    Salam. We too think she did a good job. She's a bit upset that she forgot all the names though.
    SMoked salmon kat sini varies in price, I slalu beli around $30-40/kg. Mahal jugak lah for us, tu yg slalu beli around 150g aje untuk sekali makan :-).

  15. Okie... thanks. I'll try to find it today. Oh TUHAN... nama bebudak sekarang, glamer mengalahkan nama I... he he he. I remember my form six teacher cakap kat we all yang punya nama panjang, pelik dan glamor ni, yang one day when we have children, our children's name will go back to nama Melayu basic, macam Azizah, Rahimah and Kamariah etc. My niece punya nama Kamariah tapi bapak dia bubuh second name yang mengancam. The other niece, lagi special nama dia. Mysara Syauqeena. Adeh, terpeleot lidah nak menyebut. Guess my former teacher's guess was wrong.
