Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sunday night

Our bathroom scale has finally given up the ghost!

(I dont know why the saying is ‘give up the ghost’ kalau your barang2 have broken down or not working anymore.)

Maybe sebab we all stepped on it hari hari(kadang2 4-5 kali in one day, hikhikhik) or maybe sebab it’s 4-5 years old kot. Benda2 digital ni kadang2 jangka hayat dia tak lama sebab many more things that can break down.

Nasib baik we have another one in the other bathroom which we can use. Kalau tak, susah lah The Other Half nak keep track of his weight loss kan and susahlah dia nak ‘brag’ and go ‘woohoo’ everytime he steps on the scale, hehehe…

Masa dah habis Summer sale, masa tu lah dia nak break down pulaknya.

Sekarang ni, since I’m just trying to tone up my muscles, I’ve been doing weights and upper body and core body exercises.

I buat the exercises with The Other Half at home aje, on Friday morning and the weekend mornings masa The Little Misses tak bangun lagi. We normally do 30-45 minutes of exercise/morning.

My betis dulu yang saiz macam anak balak dah jadi macam ala2 bunting padi sikit lah, heeeee. And I can finally see the muscle definitions there.

The Other Half kata my thighs pun dah mengecut. My biceps and triceps are definitely showing their heads Smile. My abs and my obliques pun are getting there. So seronok!

And now I’ve increased my daily calories allowance, lagi lah macam2 I boleh makan. My favourite treat at night time is the snack size Picnic bar! 100cals aje/bar Smile. Only 10 minutes on the elliptical to burn that calories, hehehe.

And I can increase the carbs in my dinners as well.

Our dinner tonite, prawn fettucine with garlic and chilli.


Kaler dia kuning sebab I mixed grated carrot in it.


Our favourite pasta dish.


  1. dpt belajar lagi satu term "give up the ghost"....thanks k LG & I sgt teruja ikut perkembangan k LG bekerja keras nk turunkan berat badan...congrats..congrats...

  2. pun kadang2 timbang berat 4x kdg2..mcmlah berubah sgt..

  3. wah bestnya dapat lost weight..teruja tengok udang tu..cantik dan menarik

  4. kudos to both of u..!! ayoyaaii.. takut nak ukor betis.. jeles sungguh ni..

    but aarr, me so no disepelin one.. oh tidak, gotta start esok (or lusa, or .....)

  5. Kak LG, can't wait to see that new you after that consistent muscle conditioning exercises.....:)!!

    Haa...otot belakang betis yang comey cam bunting padi tu......gastrocnemius tau...err....tak yah pakai boots dah laaa.....:)

  6. k.min,

    jelesnya k.min dah boleh increase the calorie intake. I still have to stick to 1200 calorie a day, even on days yg I buat exercise yg consumed more than 600 calories. :(

  7. well done. seronok dengar ur determination in healthy weigh management. buat kat rumah with some internet help plak tu. jimat masa & tenaga & $$$. ni la the kind of weight managment yg kita patut promote to everyone. no additional food supps/ money spent. cuma semangat & motivasi diri je. hahahaha (ada bunyi cam ustazah tak?)
    nwys, good on ya. me biasa2 je. cuma kena maintain healthy weight + tone up muscles. :)

    p/s: kelakar word verification kat bawah ni tulis 'askeding'

  8. huhuhu....kita lak bertmbh bhgia.maka bertmbah weight.hahaha...jgn jeles ayat bahagia tu.bahagia bila mkn tak hinggat calorie.

    paha dah kalah kaki gajah.itu anak kita yg kata.

  9. salam kak LG,
    wah...! congrats! dengar betis ala bunting padi tu buat saya teruja pula.

  10. LG,
    scaler tu abis battery tak..???

  11. wah! kak.. boleh jadi sifu saya tak? nak belajar cemana nk kecutkan thighs.. anak saya tegur besarnya paha ummi!!! uwaaaaa!!!!!!!

  12. kak...klu scale akak rosak sbb slalu sgt naik atas tu,scale ayu lak rosak sbb jarum dia slalu sgt t'babas dr track.hahaha....

    huhu...bila ckp psl berat badan ni kan mmg akn buat ayu tensen! tensen jela...usaha nak kurus takde gak.camne la nak trn berat badan mcm tu kan (kes tak kuat semangat la ni).hehehe...

  13. haahaha.. uols so often steps on the scale.. sbb tu scale tu dah x larat nak bkerja.. masa scale tu dah sampai.. inallillah.. hahaha.. btw, luv to see ur foodies.. sumtimes i copycat ur menu.. ahaks..

  14. Min....
    Kesian scale aka alat penimbang tu kerana bekerja keras utk tuannya...sbb tuannya gigih nak mendapat berat badan idaman.

    tapikan Min, baca blog u hari2 buat I bersemangat nak kuruskan bdan dan mengamalkan cara hidup sihat mcm family U.

  15. Pendragon,
    banyak english sayings yg pelik2 ni kan but best jugak bila guna sekali sekala :-).Skrg ni cuma tinggal my hubby aje yg masih bekerja keras nak kurus,hehehe

    hehehe...samalah mcm I. Dlm 1 hari, mcm2 nombor the scale keluarkan utk my weight :-)

    Best bila tengok weight makin turun or stabil, tak best bila tengok nombor tu makin naik :-)

    hahaha...I should have ukur my betis n peha sebelum mula weight loss journey ni kan. Baru lah boleh tayang kat blog the measurements, hehehe

    I pun tau nama that betis muscles but kalau I tulis, takut ramai yg garu kepala tak paham, hehehe.
    Lepas ni boleh cari boots lagi skinny ;-P

    I know how it feels on 1200cals/day, been there done that, hehehe. But it's not too bad if you tak snack in between meals because then memang enough lah utk bfast, lunch and dinner and no tog over 1200:-).
    Your protein shakes yg menaikkan cals tu?

    Itu lah kan, that's why I try my best write the way we do our 'lifestyle changes' on this blog so orang boleh ikut the right way to lose weight.
    We don't believe in fad diets, nor pills, nor herbal supplements for a long-term success. Cuma memang kena bersemangat and motivasi tinggi, hehehe.
    The word verif. is trying to tell you yg you cekeding ke? hikhikhik

    Hahaha...kaki anak gajah tu besar weh! :-D. Mogok kang Mak dia tak nak masak sbb kena ejek kaki anak gajah, baru dia tau ye, hehehe

    Salam. Betis I ni mmng dr dulu sentiasa besar so bila dah emngecik sikit tu, memang happy sgt2, hehee

    dah ganti battery, tapi still mogok. We all nak bagi dia rehat a few days dulu and see how. Sian dia tak pernah bercuti, hahaha

    hehehe....nak gelak dulu. Ada pulak anak you sanggup tegur, hikhikhik. Tapi kan, anak2 ni slalu ckp yg betul ye tak? ;-)

    Scale I tu mogok sbb tak pernha bercuti. Agaknya dia nak jugak merasa pergi holidays naik kapal terbang seminggu dua kot baru dia tak mogok balik, hehehe.
    I kalau balik M'sia, memang tak kuat iman langsung nak menguruskan badan :-)

    scale tu kan tak larat dah tengok we all hari2. Sure dia kata, sudah2 lah tu timbang berat. Bukannya beza banyak mana pun! hehehhee

    Mrs Zack,
    Alhamdulillah, ada jugak yg terikut our style of healthy living ni :-).
    I tgh bagi scale tu rihat a few days, so hopefuly lepas ni tak lah mogok lagi, hehehe

  16. tengok tu the scale pun pandai timing dia nk rosak tau.mesti dia ckp tuan aku ni da 'selim melim' so takpelah kalau aku rosak skg ;)

  17. kak LG...i have moved to a new house...meh click sini!!! Keep in touch ekkk

  18. kak Zai dah malas nak diet2 biarlah ukuran macam ni (tembam)cuma kalau boleh nak sihat sepanjang masa.

  19. Shahlin,
    yang susahnya hubby I tu still tak selim melim lagi, hikhikhik

    Ok! Thanks ye for the new link :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Tu yg I nak start awal, ini pun kdg2 rasa malas sgt2 nak exercise.
