Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Tak boleh nak buat wordless wednesday, haha

Remember our supposedly romantic dinner for 2 to celebrate our anniversary last year?

Fikir punya fikir, last2 we all tukar ia jadi non-romantic lunch for 4, hehehe. Susah banget nak cari babysitter, nak cari time dinner yang sesuai and macam2 hal. So, tu yang tukar ke lunch and hangkut The Little Misses sekali!

Esok ni lah we all nak pergi our non-romantic lunch with the kids tagging along. Kalau ada budak 2 orang tu memang lah takkan romantik langsung sebab asik diaorang aje yang bercakap especially Miss 7, hahaha.

Tak boleh lah The Other Half and I nak berbisik2 ayat2 hangat cinta sambil melentuk2 manja dan bermain2 mata, hikhikhikhik……

(knowing us, we’ll be too busy shovelling food down our throats kot and we’ll be saying to each other, “less talk, more food!”.)


Tu yang the past few days, we all berkobar2 berexercise and cutting down on our food intake. Sebab nak melantak sakan esok ni lah! Tak lah rasa guilty sangat kan kalau we all makan lebih2 esok kan.

Tadi when I entered my final food intake for today on myfitnesspal, it says, ‘If every day were like today...   You'd weigh 44.7 kg in 5 weeks .’

But I rasalah kan, kalau I enter all the food yang I akan makan esok, it will marah I and say, ‘If every day were like today...   You'd gain 5kg in 5 weeks.’ hikhikhikhik…

Malam ni for dinner I made a combination of frittata and crustless quiche. I guna this recipe. But I added diced potato and sweet potato, grated carrot and peas in it and kurangkan the cheese.

So, tak payah lah I makan or make another carb to eat with the quiche sbb dah ada potatoes in it.


Just came out of the oven.


Choc-a-block with things inside it Smile.


My plate tonite. I had 1/8th of a slice aje (sebab nak makan banyak esok kan, hehehehe.)


But kenyang makan banyak ni aje pun especially if you drink lots of water with it Smile.


  1. Nyum nyum! I can live on this everyday! Nak)))

  2. haha..klo i makan banyak tu confirm sedap ler quiche tu..sudah teringin nak makan nie

  3. Sabar Min sabar ... budak kecik 2 orang tu lagi 3-4 tahun sure dah tak nak ikut mak pak dia lagi. Waktu tu boleh ler puas-puas u berhoney moon ;). Tapi lama lagikan 3-4 tahun tu ... hmmmm

  4. takpe kak, the more, the merrier ahaks!

  5. ooooh that looks good! mintak cikit? hehe

    takpalah, bab romantic dinner for 2 tu, kena tunggu the Little Misses jadi Grown Up Misses baru boleh la. sekarang ni, dream on bebeh, kehkehkeh!

  6. tgk gambar food pun dh kenyang! urm...nasiblah k LG, bila ada kids ni mmg susah dh kita nk romantic dinner...I pun mmg dh beberapa thn ni celebrate anniversary pegi lunch, I faham sgt2 akan situasi itu...(my kids jenis yg x boleh nk duduk diam kt meja...bising & all that...phew!)

  7. Kak Emily,
    I can live on more of that everyday as well tapi sbb nak makan besar esok, terpaksalah menahan jiwa raga, hahaha

    Sbb tgh berdiet kan, tu yg makan banyak tu aje. Hubby I pun tadi makan sikit sgt2, hehehe.

    Kak Acik,
    hehehe...lamaaaaaaaaanya nak tunggu 3-4 tahun tu. Alamat sampai dah lupa mcm mana nak berromantik2 at dinner lah nanti, hahaha.

    With budak2 tu talking non-stop, memang lah akan merry sgt2, hehehe

    Ada banyak lagi lebih quiche tu sbb hubby n I tgh diet kan so takde sape nak makan, ehhehe.
    Kdg2 sampai dreaming I pergi lomantik dinner berdua ni, kahkahkah.....

  8. Pendragon,
    Tu lah kan, nak buat mcm mana kan, kena lah tunggu the kids besar sikit baru boleh pergi dinner berdua, hehehe.
    Sekarang ni terpaksalah satisfied dgn lunch aje 1 family :-).

  9. emm..sedapnya nampak.

    kak, if tak habis la kan quiche tu, is it ok the freeze it and makan some other day?

  10. Miss Interpreted,
    slalunya we all letak dlm fridge aje and have it the next day or the day after. But after that, tak berani nak makan dah, hehehe.
    Probably boleh kot you freeze but kalau nak makan, defrost it slowly in the fridge first.

  11. Kat sini umur berapa boleh tinggalkan anak sorang2 kat rumah? Leceh gak nak bawak anak time2 romantik. You nak makan kat mana berempat nanti. Candle light dinner ke? Have fun. Just imagine dioarg berdua tak de. Atau just suruh diaorg duduk meja lain je.

  12. pergh x tahan ayat nak bisik2... lentuk2 manja... hahahaha

  13. Wahh nak makan sakan-sakan esok yaaa.. Best nya.

    Takpa, bawa anak pun takper. Buat-buat tak nampak jer masa nak bisik bisik or nak suap suap makan tuh.

  14. If dah ada anak, memang susah sikitkan nak curi masa to berdua-duaan dgn hubby. Saya ada maid pun still susah nak keluar berdating dgn hubby. Tambah-tambah ada baby kecik.

  15. Hi Lemongrass, hehe at least you have 2 girls yang I tengok sangat sopan dan berhemah sebelum,ketika & selepas makan. I am sure there would be plenty of chances to have that romantic moments between you & your hubs.hehe My boys kalau bawak pergi restoran macam cacing kepanasan and we would end up being stress tension suma, I would rather have them talk a lot macam Miss 7 hehe. Nonetheless do have a great lunch tomorrow!!

  16. pra-makan besar memang kena makan kecik, heheh...

  17. Kena tua-tua sikit la baru boleh nak beromantika d amor ngan hubby.
    Sekarang ni, semua kena hangkut sekali:) I cuma keluar berdua-dua hujung minggu ke PASAR jerr..haha.

    Teringin plak nak buat frittata..sekali je i pernah buat ni.

  18. Kak Zai gelak guling2 baca n3 lg ni sebab ada kaitan dengan honeymoon kak Zai.Less talk melantak yang lebih, tak ada bisik2 dan tak ada lentok2 tapi bila balik hotel baru manja2 hehe....

  19. LG,
    Ahaks! Saya pon sama la.. minum banyak air untuk avoid makan banyak (more when there's a huge feast coming)

    * have a great lomantik lunch with the family, have fun! :)

  20. salam...kak min,mcm mane ngan lunch??? romantic or non-romantic lunch?? kacau daun la little misses tu...mak bapak dieorg nk romantic2 tu...hehe...

  21. k.min,
    blh tak guna daging ayam instead of sausages (after tgk resepi) hehehe...senang btul resepi quiche tu...nak try for dinner tonite.


  22. Hi Min,
    Sedap tue...meleleh air liur. I tergelak pasal u cakap nak berbisik ayat2 cinta...feels like I did that so long ago.Sekarang mana ada chance. With my son..mana ada bisik2..dia cakap punya lah kuat, lepas tue backside tak leh duduk setempat..lagi tension.
    Enjoy your lunch dear.

  23. kak min, thanks for the recipe. mmg menepati janji la akak nie. hehe.

    masuk sini,terus rasa lapar

  24. salam
    nice to see you blog..bestye meriah...salam kenalan 2 benua..

  25. wow..! sedapnyaaaaa!

    telan ayaq liuq lagi ni...

  26. wow yummy..frst time here..lov ur space with wonderful pics..glad to follow u!

  27. Nora,
    I pun tak tau what age is legal but probably around 16 kot. Memang leceh bawak budak2 ni but lagi leceh nak cari babysitter yg boleh dipercayai, hehehe

    hahaha...dah lama weh tak berayat2 cinta ni :-P

    Kak Azie,
    hahaha...ayat2 cinta berbunga2 sambil tersipu2 menyuap ke mulutnya ;-P

    Kalau ada baby kecik, memang sangatlah susah nya nak keluar berdua esp kalau still breastfeeding kan.

    I pun rasa bagus jugak with my girls ni sebab they can sit quietly aje, hehehe. Dapatlah jugak we all borak2 without asik nak mencubit aje, hahaha.

    Memang yum! :-)

    Nak makan besar nya sehari aje tapi nak get rid of the calories ambik masa berhari! Tension I, hehehe

    hahaha...we all klu nak keluar shopping berdua bila the girls at school and hubby work fr home. Kalau tak, jangan harap lah :-)

    Sekali sekala mkn mcm ni, memang sedap :-)

    Kak Zai,
    samalah mcm we all semalam, takde nak manja2, less talk, makan aje! hehehehe

    Memang berkesan sungguh kan bila minum air banyak2 ni, hehehe

    takdenya romantik langsung, hahaha. Takpelah, tunggu lah diaorang besar sikit nanti. Baru boleh tiap2 wknd ber romantik habis kan :-P

    boleh aje tapi letak serbuk kari sikit or spices/chili sikit nak bagi rasa dia naik sikit lah.
    Kalau tak, dia bland sikit lah.

    hahahaha...memang dah lama we all tak berbisik2 ayat2 cinta bila makan kat luar ni. Kalau bisik2 sikit, ada aje minah2 kepoh 2 orang tu yg sebok nak tau.

    you are welcome. Kalau recipe tu I tak payah taip, senang aje I bagi. Kalau kena taip, tu yg lambaaaaatttt sikit, hehehe

    Salam kenalan. Thanks ye sbb sudi singgah sini :-).

    hehehe...telan banyak2 ayaq liur boleh kenyang jugak kan ;-)

    Memang yummy :-)

    thanks for dropping by. Your blog looks so tempting as well with all the food :-)

  28. tgk gmbr quiche ni mcm yg saya selalu buat jek.

    tapi sy pggl dia, roti savouri.

    tgk resipi pun lbh kurg je pun. :D

    entah2 mak sedara ajar yg ni la kot.

    yummy2 :D
