Tuesday, 25 January 2011

School fees, AdventureWorld and Schnitzel :-)

Hari ni we spent the whole day at AdventureWorld which is a place a bit like Sunway Lagoon lah (but on a smaller scale, hehehe). The Little Misses memang tak berhenti langsung main air and naik the rides except bila kelaparan. even though bergelen2 sunscreen we all bubuh, they were still quite tanned when they got home Smile.

I plak spent most of the time lepak2 dalam tent sambil baca novel. Cukuplah spent 2 hours main air kan, lagi best lepak2 dalam tent lepas tu Smile.

I might letak some of the photos I took today esok2 lah ye.

Some people asked me rentetan entry semalam about the school fees and whether public school ada fees ke tak.

Students at public school in WA (I’m not sure about the other states) ni either primary or secondary schools still kena bayar fees. Takde free education kat sini, hehehe. They called this voluntary contributions. Different schools will charge different amounts of voluntary contributions ni. But the goverrnment has already set the max amount a school can ‘ask’ for. Tu yg amount dia boleh berbeza2 each school. But definitely lah tak semahal private schools!

Like Miss 7, her voluntary contributions this year will be $60. And on top of that $60, we still have to pay for anything that crops up throughout the year like swimming lessons, all the excursions, all the incursions, any activities that require some more money, edudance and so on and so on.

And the textbooks semua kena beli sendiri.

And for Miss 11 pulak, the fees depend on what subjects the students are taking. Ada subjects yang charge fees mahal and ada subjects yang charge fees tak mahal. And their voluntary contributions mahal sikit dari primary schools.

This is what we have to pay for Miss 11 for the whole year. Kalau kat private school, lain cerita lah ye, hehehe…


She’ll be taking all the subjects listed on the above bill. Subject yang paling mahal for her is Food Awareness. The Other Half kata, nak beli all the barang mentah to cook bukannya murah, hehehe.

So, anyone yang ada anak2 nak masuk public primary school or high school kat WA, this is just an example what you might have to pay.

And since we spent the whole day kat luar, I tak masak dinner malam ni. But I’ll show you what we had last nite ye Smile.

I made crumbed beef schnitzel, oven baked wedges and green salad.


All this was about 500cals so tak lah banyak sangat kan Smile.


Kat rumah ni lagi suka makan crumbed beef schnitzel dari chicken.


  1. i terus zoom kat GST, kut2 la school fee ada GST gak kan.

    AdventureWorld jauh tak?

  2. Betul, mana ada pelajaran yang percuma lagi sekarang ni...

    Orang yg dulu2 mengajar mengaji percuma pun, semua dah kena bayar...

  3. Bila dah ada anak, kena la siap duit untuk pendidikan dema kan :)

  4. mahal kan education fees kat sini walaupon public. org2 kat m'sia tu sumer dok anti government konon-konon government kedekut tak buat education free. cuba pindah aussie ni, lagi mahal. sapa nak bayar gaji cikgu2 & their training & stuff utk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran pelajar2 tu semua. health laaaagi la mahal kat sini kan.
    nuthing is free in this world.

    anyways, adventureworld tu tpt yg i tak sempat visit when i went to perth in 2005 dulu. mesti best eh?

  5. aiseyman..takde pic bebudak tu men air ker...

  6. Syukur kat malaysia ni education still "murah". Buku teks pun dpt pinjaman. Itupun ada gak orang merungut mcm-mcm.

  7. syukur kat msia still murah lagik..

    cuma 1 jer laa..klu leh sis pend.msia buat fun learning daripd exam oriented..sebb bawak buku teks tebal2x n byk2x sungguh memenatkan... teringt zmn i kecik2 dulu bawak buku teks rasa nak patah pinggang..hehe..

  8. LG, kejap je kan pejam celik dah nak abis 6 minggu!!!

  9. waiting for the photo.. hehehe..

    sis, i x der la xperience pasal anak skolah ni.. since my babies stil kecik lagi.. kalau sch fees, mmg mahal.. dlm sch fees tu ada mcm2 fees lagik.. hahaha.. amani juz attend the playgroup.. once a week for 1hr class.. itupon i rasa dah mahal..

  10. huhu...budak2 skolah skrg byk pakai duit kan.aritu ayu pi 1 blog ni...dia listkan school fee utk 2org anak dia (darjah 1 n 3).dekat rm2000 gak la rabak.

    masa ainnur darjah 1 nnti ntah brp lak kena spend.masa tadika ni kira ok lg.baju n pálatan skolah dia tak reti demand lg.klu dia dah pandai mntk nnti abis la ayu.isk..

  11. Anis,
    kalau education pun ada GST, memang lah, hehehe.
    Adventure world tak jauh, about 15-20 mins kot.

    Kak Azie,
    Memang betul, takde yg percuma kat dunia ni skrg kan :-)

    masa kecik, keluar duit beli pampers. Bila dah besar, duit mengalir utk education pulak kan :-)

    Betul tu, nothing is free in this world :-). I guess ramai yg still ingat the grass is always greener on the other side of the world. Education and health memang sgt mahal in OZ ni. Kat M'sia still murah lagi kan :-).
    The kids enjoyed it so much semalam. We enjoyed it too, hehehe

    I might letak gambar main air hari ni kot ;-)

    Kat sini takde aliran mcm tu, anyone boleh ambik apa aje subject yg diaorang nak. Best kan mcm tu! :-)

    Biasalah kan, orang yg tak puas hati ni sentiasa ada kat mana2 :-). kat sini pun ramai yg merungut pasal benda lain pulak, hehehe

    Memang betul tu kan, seronok klu system pendidikan tak bertuankan exam. Boleh the kids belajar sambil having fun.
    I dengar diaorang nak mansuhkan UPSR kan. I guess that's a good start :-)

    betul tu, rasa kejap sgt2 pulak this time, hehehe

    Bila kids dah start sekolah, segala mcm fees timbul kan! Kena siapkan duit aje lah, hehehe

    Memang betul tu. Makin tinggi sekolah, makin banyak duit keluar!
    Nasib baik lah anak2 I ni pun bukan jenis brand conscious or ikut kawan2 sgt. Apa aje bag n peralatan sekolah yg cantik kat mata diaorang, diaorang akan guna tak kisah takde brand pun :-).

  12. err..tu kalau convert ngan RM tu.. err.. hmmm..hmm..

    malas nak kira le.. ehhehe

  13. hie kak!

    selalu tengok akak masak beef/chicken schnitzel. can you please share the recipe? thanks :)

  14. Putu,
    hehehe...kalau convert, telan ayaq liur aje lah kan :-)

    Hi. We all memang slalu buat schnitzel ni sbb semua suka makan. I pernah letak mcm mana nak buat schnitzel kat entry ni http://salam2benua.blogspot.com/2010/03/come-on-people-learn-to-drive.html

  15. ooo.. ada subject food awareness ye. Patutlah nampak budak2 sekolah kat Queen Victoria Market masa gi Melbourne last year;)
