Monday, 17 January 2011

I only need 30 minutes!

I takdelah exercise lama mana hari2, cuma around 30-45 minutes aje in a day. Selalunya I exercise with Wii Maya for 30 minutes, dapatlah peluh2 jugak buat all those moves.

But hari ni I tergerak nak guna balik the elliptical machine yang dah lama dok tersadai kat luar tu. Sebab I jeles The Other Half rode to work today and he told me yang he spent 800cals riding to work pagi tadi.

I pun lepas buat  the housework, dengan penuh semangat started using the elliptical. I dolu2 slalu guna the machine on max resistance but today I could only do it at half resistance, itu pun rasa macam dah nak kaput aje…..

I’ve only been on it for 10 minutes when…

Miss 7 started asking me so many questions and not fully listening to my answers..

Miss 7: Can I have an apricot?

Me: There’s….no….more…….(sambil panting like mad)

Miss 7:You know that fruit that’s orange in colour, the one that I had before?

Me: There’s……no……..more…….(gilanya trying to pant and talk at the same time)

Miss 7: What is it called again? Or can I have another fruit.

Me: What..e…ver….. Don’t….ask…me….I’m…exer…cis……ing…….. (Dalalam hati dah tension habis2 sebab dah lah penat nak bernafas, pastu nak kena jawab her questions lagi)

Miss 7: I’ll have the plums then (Apasal lah kamu tak paham2, tak nampak ke Mak kamu tengah termengah2 tu, still tanya soalan gak!) .

Pastu tak sampai 2 minutes….

Miss 7: But this one doesn’t taste nice. Can I have another 1?

Mum: (Masa ni tengah geram sgt2 Annoyed, terus lah dapat energy sekejap untuk membebel). Can’t you see I’m exercising. Don’t ask me any questions, do whatever you like. I only need 30 minutes.

Terus senyap Miss 7, muahahahahaha….

Then masa I tengah betul2 rasa nak pengsan at 25 minutes, Miss 11 pulak datang and asked me a question.

Mum: Agggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I only need 30 minutes of peace!

Typical kids! I don’t disturb them when they are playing with their toys or on the Wii or on the computer. I nak exercise cuma setengah jam aje pun tak senang!

Ada aje orang kacau. Kalau lah I exercise jenis yg lepak2 masih boleh gelak2 sambil exercise takpelah nak answer all the questions.

Ini, nak bernafas pun semput, lagi lah nak jawab questions! Hikhikhikhik…..

The Other Half kata I should have advised/told/threatened them first not to disturb me during the exercise, baru lah diaorang tak kacau.

Hari2 kah mau kasi tau? Baring teeth smile

Tapi bila dah tengah hari, dah tak geram dah, dapat lah I buat bread rolls to have for dinner.



I buat white bread rolls untuk cicah dengan honey mustard chicken with leek, mushroom, carrots and beans.


That corn is called snow white super sweet corn. They are definitely very very sweet Smile.


It is not a soup, but it is not a stew either, hehehe….


  1. hahahahaha.. nk gelak guling2 bc post ni.. adoiii.. tp xpe sis, membebel tu kira senaman mulut..

    nk smbg gelak lagi... hahahaha^_^

  2. mauahaha memang gelak habis habisan baca post ni :D
    can imagine camner rupa u yg tgh exercise tu sambil menjawap soklan2 THM tu :D

    eh eh,itu bukan soup/stew tu macam kuah lontong pun ada ek...

  3. wah, tu jagung from ur kebun ke? i kalau jumpa yg putih ni kat woolies sure nak amik coz i know it is sedap & sweet.
    masa u buat bread rolls tu, u bubuh dough dia dlm breadmaker ke? then u gulung2 guna tangan bakar sendiri dlm oven eh. i slalu sakit gila tangan nak bentuk2kan dia jadi comel gitu. last last biar je la breadmaker tu bakarkan walaupon buruks rupenye. hehehe.
    comel la the kids sibuk2 nak tanya soalan. ahhahahhaaha. u better enjoy the interuptions coz nanti diorang dah teenagers nanti satu perkataan pon diorang taknak jawab nanti. :P

  4. ehhh type arrr...not THM laaaa TLM eh :D
    tk habis gelak lg ni :D

  5. heheh dapat bayangkan masa dorg tnya tu..kalo saya pon rasa berasap je telinga.hehe

  6. hahahahaaa.....sama je dgn ainnur.suka sgt tnya mcm2 soalan masa kita tgh bz buat keje nak2 keje yg perlukan ketekunan.leh hangin 1 badan...

    faris lom byk tnya lg tp suka sgt mengekor mana ayu pi.masuk bilik tak smpai 5min pun dah sibuk m'cari.jgnla ayu ilang sat dr pandangan dia,abis dia check 1 umah.prnh dia t'congok dpn pintu bilik air sbb tunggu ayu abis mandi.addeehhh....nak mandi pun tak aman!

  7. i rasakan agaknye u kene bagi ur kidz excercise dulu smpi penat giler sampai x larat bukak mulut. then only u excercise kak. haha

  8. kak,
    kena pakai sumtink n gantung kat leher ms exercise tu..ahaha

  9. Lain kali kalu taknak orang kacau, U exercise dalam bilik..


    U kurung anak-anak U dalam bilik!


  10. hahaha..kelakar je dua orang tu..nnt musnah harapan mak dia xdapat kurus...hehe

  11. wah semangat nya berekesais...good luck to u, LG. anak2 mmg cam tu, nnti dah beso cakap pun dah x nak! harap2 x jadi cam tu la kan...

  12. Layaleya,
    I lepas aje habis exercise tu terus membebel again on the phone kat hubby pulak, hahaha..

    I masa tu dah tercungap2 nak kayuh the elliptical, pastu nak keep up the resistance pastu nak jawab her questions lagi, aduhai anak! hehehe.
    Ha'ah kan, mcm rupa kuah lontong dah :-)

    Itu jagung Woolies mari lah. hari tu dia buat sale, I pun borong lah because they are so sweet kan!
    I cuma guna dough cycle aje on the BM, pastu I shape them myself and thenbakar dlm oven :-).
    Now ni memang they talk non stop, bingit telinga I sometimes :-)

    dah lah penat2 kan, pastu asik kena tanya questions aje, tension lah I, hehehe

    diaorang ni kan mcm tak nampak kita busy kan, masa tu lah segala mcm soalan diaorang nak tanya, hehehe...

    diaorang ni kan I rasa guna battery energizer kot kat mulut tu, tu yg tak berenti cakap :-)

    Next time I kena jegil biji mata to them, baru diaorang takut nak tanya maybe, hahaha

    Kak Azie,
    diaorang dua2 dlm bilik masa tu, tu yg I ingat aman lah I nak berexercise, rupa2nya kena kacau gak, hehehe...

    Tu lah kan, mcm mana lah I nak kurus mcm ni bila setiap kali I nak exercise, ada aje orang yg kacau :-D

    Kak Rose,
    Bila umur dah meningkat ni, kena stay fit so tak lah sakit mcm2. Tu yg nak tak nak, terpaksa gak exercise sikit2, hehehe

  13. It's about time for them to go back to school. Kat rumah I pun sama....

  14. Nora,
    Memang betul kan. Tak sabar I nak tunggu sekolah bukak ni!

  15. lolz, musti le hari2 kena kasi tau. we adults pun perlu constant reminders, apalagi budak bijak tu, kan? tip azieazah tu a good one *wimk*

  16. hahahah dapat bayangkan you exercise sambil kena jawab soalan dari the Little Misses. you tercungap2 pun boleh jawab, kalau I pakai pandang sajalah or jawab dengan bahasa isyarat, kahkahkah!

  17. saya selalu swimming masa tengah gigih nak turunkan berat badan dulu. tapi ni dah lama tak buat. kalau sekali pegi, balik mau pengsan.

  18. Noir,
    I thought we the female species have a greater memory than the male but I guess kids aren't included in the 'great memory' group ye, hehehe.

    My kids tak paham bahasa isyarat or jelingan manja. Bila I bukak mulut bebel baru diaorang paham! hahahaha...

    That's why bila I started the elliptical again, memang rasa mcm nak pengsan even though dulu it wasn't that hard to do :-)

  19. LOL..i think i tak payah imagine cos i know how i look like part part geram mengeram ni hahah.. i lagi worst.. langsung tak de chance.. selagi sonia is awake.. selagi tu lah i cannot do anything.. sometimes part part dia asyik repeat and tanya tu ade a little bit annoying lah bila kita tengah busy giler :op

  20. Anak2 memang selalu macam tu kan.Kadang2 kak Zai baru habis solat tengah baca doa sempat tu bertanya itu ini terpaksalah kak Zai angguk atau ngeleng.

  21. Rima,
    Kids kan have an amazing ability to ask the same questions over and over again, memang annoying kadang! Especially when I'm sweating like mad and trying to breathe at the same time, hehehhe

    Kak Zai,
    Anak2 I pun mcm tu jugak kadang2 walaupun dah ulang kali cakap jangan kacau masa I tengah solat :-)

  22. Hahahha...sgt comel itew dialogs... :P

  23. LG,
    whenever i want to do my pilates or aerobic.. masa tu lah my kids pun nak bersesak2 nak bersenam sama.. dah ler tempat sempit..geram kan..

  24. hahahahaha.. meleleh2 air mata baca post ni.. sori ye kak.. takleh tahan gelak. mujur dok dlm bilik sorang2 :p but i can imagine you tercungap2 pastu nk kena jawab soklan2 budak tu.. maybe they should try to do it, the elliptical machine exercise.. then you ask them questions :p

  25. ahahahaa..senaman mulut jugak tuh..ekekkeke..kelakar je..kan da kene marah..:B

  26. hehehe.. not a stew, not a soup.. so it's a STOUP!! as Rachel Ray's said.. hehehe

  27. MyRule,
    When you tgh penat giler exercise, mmng tak comel langsung, hahahha

    I guess for them, there's no such thing as 'Mum's me time'. Apa aje kita buat, diaorang nak ikut sama. Tu yg my kids slalu kena marah, hehehe

    Mrs Plain June,
    Tu yg I heran sbb bila diaorang main sorang2 and the other one kacau, tau pulak marah. But bila I tgh mengah2 exercise, relax aje diaorang kacau I!
    Tu yg kena marah terus, hehehe

    Padan muka diaorang kena marah dgn I, hahaha. Senaman mulut tu memang I buat hari2 :-D

    I tak pernah tengok that show. Boleh lah I guna that word from now on, stoup, hehehe.

  28. salam. just found your blogs via other people's blog. love reading your blog entries. so "bersahaja" and some are needless to say hilarious (like this one). they make my day..ha ha ha ;)

  29. Tahniah. Saya salute sebab akak sempat curi masa utk exercise. Macam saya ni ada hati nak kurus juga tapi exercise malas plak.

  30. kenapa la sume masakan akak nampak sgt sedap walaupun just the corn??hehehehe

  31. Salam,
    Thanks for dropping by here and liking what I wrote. It is good to be able to make people laugh with my celoteh :-D.

    tu lah kan, actually 30 minit tu tak lah lama mana, duk blogwalking pun sometimes lebih dr 30 minit, hehehe. Tu yg I sedaya upaya cuba gak exercise ni :-).

    hehehe...Maybe sbb camera kot ;-)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Kids! Kalau akak kena kacau time nak exercise, saya lak kena time nak tengok tv. Dlm sehari sejam dua je saya blh tengok tv (dgn baby time tak menentu). Time tu la diorang nak mcm-mcm, nak tanya itu-ini, nak main depan tv etc. Mula la saya angin satu badan hihihi.

  34. Unaizah,
    lagi2 kalau diaorang kacau masa tgh sinetron atau cerita korea ye, hahahaha.
    Tak sempat nak feeling2 kan!

  35. Heran kan budak budak ni, sana time kita busy time itu juga lah mereka nak ini, nak itu.

  36. OMG!!! that was hilarious!!!

  37. Same here... anyway, if it's thicker than a soup but not quite a stew, then it must be a stoup! Bak kata Rachel Ray in 30 minutes cooking. :P

  38. Sue,
    they have this busy Mum sensor kan, as soon as kita busy, macam2 lah dia nak! Memang geram kadang2.

    You should see me trying to talk and breathe, lagilah hilarious :-D

    I kena tengok lah that Rachel Ray show. I've heard about her show tapi tak pernah tengok :-).
