Thursday, 23 December 2010

It’s either the girls, the food or the garden or all included….

Bila cuti sekolah ni, my mornings tak lah taken up with making lunches, getting The Little Misses ready for school and sending them off to school.

So, pagi2 boleh lah lepak2 sekejap and main2 kat kebun takde sape kacau (well, except Miss 7 yang suka sangat berkebun sama sambil talking n chatting non stop!).

Ingat tadi, nak lah dengar burung2 berkicau pagi2 sambil berkebun. Rupa2nya dengar another type of ‘burung’ yang berkicau! A new species, ‘burung curly haired’ yang berkicau non stop and selagi I tak jawab her questions, selagi tu dia akan berkicau but bila dah jawab her question, another question pulak will pop up! hehehehe….

Since I kat kebun pagi tadi, layan some photos I took.


Ini lah gambar the ‘curly-haired bird’ yang berkicau non-stop. Her favourite job kat kebun is picking the produce especially the tomatoes. Sambil petik, sambil masuk mulut sekali Smile.


Kangkung, eggplants and the still tiny radishes infront of the kangkung. I’m allergic to radishes but The Other Half loves it, tu yang I tanam jugak. And tadi I baru perasan dah ada sebiji eggplant berbuahSmile.


My very hot chillies. Pokok chilli ni so compact, memang sgt2 kemetot but I think tengok buah dia, sure pedas giler kan! Sapelah yg nak makan tu nanti, hehehe.


I baru aje transferred these 3 okra/bende seedlings pagi tadi into the vege patch. Hopefully, they’ll survive lah.


Some of the tomatoes that we left unpicked sebab masih belum betul2 merah lagi.


Miss 7 said to me pagi tadi, “you want me to tell you a fact about sunflowers? The flowers will face the sun when they open.”

Then bila dia tengok this multiheaded sunflowers going everywhere. She got a bit confused. Obviously, the sun is everywhere, hehehehe.

And ini pulak our dinner malam tadi. Noticed the corn?


We had stuffed roast chicken with roast veges n steamed corn.


Ini jagung hasil dr kebun but they were so tiny! Sama besar dengan the baby zucchinis.The Other Half kata, penat aje menanam but 1 tiny corn from each pokok! Terus dia tak nak tanam corns lagi dah, hahahaha.

So, pagi tadi I cabut all the corn plants except 1. Boleh I tanam benda lain lepas ni Smile.


  1. duduk jauh² kat negeri omputih akhirnya jadi petani, hehehe ;)... tapi best kan petik, petik!

  2. always enjoy your pics n writing style. anymore leftovers?

    i thought it's cute that 'fact about sunflowers'. just love chatty kids.

    keep well, lg

  3. wow, suka tgk pokok LG dah besar.. miss 7 pun dah besar. love the tomatoes, lain sikit rupa, tomato panjang

  4. Amboi peladang jaya. Makan jagung freshly picked from own vege. patch. Smlm saya mkn jagung rebus beli kat pasar mlm(tak tahu kat mana)sbb husband beli.

    Rasanya baka jagung tu mmg kerdil. I wish i have vege patch like you.

  5. salam kenal , so sweet my deares kids...rajin bercucuk tanam ye..bagus utk kesihatan.

  6. Miss 7 kasi hint tu ajak kuar jalan2. Takde plan nak travel ke year end ni?

  7. hehe... perasan the corn small size je.. tapi orait la tu kan.. puas ati dapat makan hasil titik peluh sendiri.. kan kan..

    seronok miss 7 dapat petik cerry tomato tu pagi2.. semuanya segar bugar dan menjadi2 ye.. sejuk tangan LG.. tu tanaman naik subur.. :D

  8. KOG,
    hikhikhik...nasib baik jadi petani berjaya kan ;-P

    thanks for the compliment :-). She is definitely 1 chatty kid!

    I think it's grape tomatoes, tu yg panjang but tiny just like grapes :-).

    When the night light is off,
    Takde lah berjaya mana, that's why our corns semua tak membesar dgn jaya, hehehe.
    Lepas ni, we have to go back to buying our corns kat supermarket aje lah :-)

    Salam singgah ke my blog. Bila Spring n Summer, memang bersemangat nak bercucuk tanam ni :-)

    Next week is going to be extra hot kat Perth ni. We all tak larat nak keluar bila panas sgt2 ni. Hajat hati nak berpicnic sakan Xmas n NY nanti but kalau panas, kena postpone lah :-)

  9. Nani,
    tu lah my hubby terus hilang mood nak tanam corns lagi sbb cenonet aje corns nya, hehehe.
    Tanam tomatoes aje yg best, berlambak2 buah fr 1 plant :-)

  10. salam..akak, u're such a talented multitasker mom and wife...the foods look yummy! if u don't mind, nanti bile-bile, akak share la recipe yg drooling tu k..

  11. Salam n selamat pagi LG
    Happy belated wedding anniversary. Waah, your hasil tanaman memang membanggakan! :-)

  12. salam kak LG..
    sukanya tgk tanaman akak menjadi.bleh makan from own vege patch lagi...

    miss 7 tu sgt la cutenya...

  13. salam Kak Min
    apa petua ek semua tanaman u subur belaka hehe....i rasa tangan kak min tangan sejuk tu menjadi je
    i ni entah lah tgn sejuk ke panas mcm best pulak tgk kebun akk... bersinergi dgn alam betul! well done jgk buat adik gebu yg rajin tlg mummy hehe

  14. Min
    anak kedua memang rajin dan agak becok. bagus betul dia ni, kecik2 dah rajin berkebun.

  15. rasa mcm nak je pegi rompak sayur2 kat belakang rumah k.min! jeles tengok semua tengah membuahkan hasil!! :D

  16. Salam Kak LG,
    Selama ni dok baca je blog akak hari2.. tapi hari ni tak tahan tgk pokok2 dan makanan yg yummylicous tu.... keep up the good work sis...

    comelnyer budak rambut kerinting tu... nk je cubit2 pipi dier... :)

  17. Happy miss 7 petik buah tu...
    Geram tgk tanaman akak..segar bugar ja..Rasa mcm cepat sgt..dah kuarkan hasil kan..Heee

  18. kak Lg,
    dulu2 kan mak sya cakap kalau tanam jagung jangan borak2. Nanti isi jagung jarang2..hahhaa..apakah motipnya pon tatau la..:B

  19. LG, tangan u memang menjadi kalau bertanam... seronok tengok the curly haired-bird tu petik buah... at least ada kawan nak pot pet kan..

  20. LG kira ok la tu corn u walaupun tiny tapi penuh isi....model tu jugak yang cute...hehehe...model buah tomato...

  21. I suka tengok cherry tomatoes & the sunflowers & the 'curly-haired bird'! hehehe

  22. ish..ish..geramnya tgk sunflower tu..!

    ngan budak curly hair tu sekali..hikhik..comel sungguh le dia..!

    err..cili api kecik2 camtu biasanya mmg pedas giler..
    kalau buat sambal belacan..mmg menyengit ahh..! hehehe

  23. corn tu sama mcm yang dibeli kat cameroon highlands... RM10 for 3 stalks...but besar laa sikit dari u punya corn tu... heee..

  24. Farhana,
    Wome are born to be multitaskers, hehehe.

    Cik Som,
    Thanks. Tu yg rasa happy aje masuk kebun hari2 bila tengok all the produce :-)

    Memang best bila dpt petik n terus makan straight fr vege patch. Rasa dia mmng sgt2 fresh :-)

    Salam. I tiap kali pergi library skrg, memang akan borrow all the gardening books. Memang banyak yg nak kena belajar lagi. But we fertilise our sayur selalu dgn seaweed solution. Maybe itu kot yg buat dia subur :-)

    Dia ni memang suka berkebun n menanam n makan all the hasil. kakak dia lagi suka memerap dlm bilik main games. Beza betull kan :-)

    Sambil u rompak, pastu masak lah bnyk sikit utk I sekali ye, hehehe

    Salam. thanks ye sbb sudi baca blog I ni.
    Budak tu memang montel abis, termasuklah pipi gebunya tu! :-)

    Memang I pun rasa mcm cepat pulak tetiba keluar hasil dah. Tapi bila ingat balik, dah 3 bulan we all tanam, tu sbb dah berhasil kot, hehehe

    hikhikhik..Mak I pun pernah bagitau petua tu. Tapi kan, apasal kemetot aje yg jagung I tu? ;-)

    Kak Rose,
    Memang seronok gak ada kawan nak pot pet tp dia pot pet 95%, I cuma pot pet 5% aje, hahahaha

    corn tu kan, buat lekat celah gigi aje, hehehe.

    Tomatoes tu dah tau, everytime the curly haired bird masuk kebun, mesti diaorang kena petik! hehehe

    Tu yg I tak tergamak lagi nak makan cili tu sbb tak tau lah lidah I sanggup nak makan ke tak, hehehe.

    Prof Bruttenholm,
    I think my corns tu kalau jual kat Cameron Highland, sure kena gelak dgn the other corns :-)

  25. sweet corn tu pendek dan montel :)

  26. Lina,
    kejap lagi tuan sweet corn tu pun nak ikut bentuk dia, hehehe...

  27. Seronok sangat kalau apa yang kita tanam mendatangkan hasil.Geram kak Zai tengok tomato tu.

  28. salam kak...

    happy 15th anniversary to both of u,kak.moga bahagia b'kekalan hingga akhir hayat.klu akak sambut ulangtahun yg ke 15...ayu lak yg ke 15 on 3rd dec aritu.masih jauh p'jalanan ayu.isk....

  29. Mesti manis je tomato cherry fresh dari pokok tu kan LG. sbb tu your girl suka

  30. sukanya tengok pokok2 ni.
    rs hepi.

  31. Kak Zai,
    tomatoes tu so sweet, tu yg anak I boleh petik n terus makan :-)

    tomatoes yg saiz kecik2 ni memang sedap kan :-)

    thanks for the wish. Takpe, kena start perlahan2, tak lama lagi sampai lah 15 tu :-)

    Mommy Lily,
    Memang manis n fresh sgt rasanya. Tu yg dia suka ratah mcm tu aje :-)

    I pun rasa happy aje bila tengok semua berbuah :-)
