Friday, 19 November 2010

pen pals anyone?

Miss 7 came home 1 day many weeks ago showing me a letter from her pen pal. Terkejut I sebab kecik2 dah ada pen pal. She said that all her classmates have got pen pals as well. Then she told me yang her teacher organised with another teacher from another school North of the River for their kids to be pen pals to each other. So, kiranya each kid in her class ada 1 pen pal from that teacher’s class in the other school lah. It’s a good idea sebab it teaches the kids how to write sentences, spell words, ask questions and it makes them happy to have friends somewhere else. But they exchange the letters at school, bukan kena pos surat tu sendiri Smile.

And a week before school finishes, their pen pals will be coming to their school for a picnic together so dapat lah berkenal kenalan and see each other’s faces. Seronok sangat2 lah Miss 7 sebab dia ada pen pal and Miss 11 takde!

And now, jadi kerja pulak untuk I sebab Miss 11 asked me to find her some pen pals. Well, I guess with her it will be email pals lah bukan pen pals sebab diaorang mana ada guna pens lagi dah kan untuk tulis surat, hehehe.

I said to her yang I can help her cari pen pals from all over the world (Mak dia perasan terer and ramai kenalan konon2nya, wahkahkahkah). Pastu bila Miss 7 dengar yang I nak carikan Miss 11 pen pals, dia pun terus lah nak jugak!

So, sesiapa yang ada anak or anak sedara or anak angkat or anak kenalan or sape2 lah yang baya2 Miss 11 and Miss 7 yang suka berutus email and suka cari kawan (cari kawan eh, bukan cari awek!), please let me know.

Miss 11 and Miss 7 tak kisah sama ada boys or girls, diaorang kawan aje dengan sesiapa Smile. But kenalah guna English ye sebab I malas nak jadi translator kalau dalam BM or Jawa, hehehe.

Ada tak agaknya yang berminat nak berkenalan dengan The Little Misses? Kan tengah cuti sekolah kat M’sia sekarang ni, dari tak buat menda, baik tulis surat kat kawan baru kan! hikhikhik……

Manalah tau kan, kalau we all balik M’sia bila2 nanti, boleh lah gather2 jumpa2 sambil makan pizza macam ni…


Ini dinner we all tadi. Kenapa I buat banyak sangat sampai 3 jenis? Sebab tekak lain2 selera and boleh buat makan untuk dinner and lunches on Saturday and Sunday! Punyalah pemalas I ni kan, hehehe.


Ini pizza The Little Misses, pineapple, poloni and capsicum pizza.


  1. Salam Kak Mynn....
    Edelyn boleh jadi pen pals Alya & Zahra. Mula-mula, biar Edelyn write something to Alya & Zahra thru email....ok kan?

  2. Asilah,
    I rasa Edelyn boleh jadi pen pal Zahra kot sbb Alya rasanya nak budak baya dia, hehehe. Teenagers kan! ;-)

  3. auntie, my name is Arina. Jun's dauhgter (cupcakekasih).I want to be her pen email address is,my blog is my regards to your daughter and hopefully she will like me and accept me.Thank you.

  4. alamakkkk..!! i blom ada anak laa.. ;)

  5. Hi Arina,
    I would convey your message to Miss 11 and hopefully she'll send an email to you soon. Thanks for wanting to be her pen pal :-).

  6. Raino,
    anak kucing you terer guna PC tak? hikhikhik ;-)

  7. salam...
    erm anak sy tecik lagi la Kak LG. erm sy mmg ada anak sedara sebaya miss7 n adik sebaya miss 11 tp bab nk tls2 in english mmg ssh la. t kang bkn diorg yg tls surat 2 tp sy lak yg jadi pen pals anak2 akak...

  8. k.myn, masukkan iman and iffah in the list yek. nanti i'll msg u in fb their email address. they'll be thrilled.

  9. Minat juga nak ade penpal utk anak2 saya yg usia 8 dan 10 tahun.....cuma tak reti pulak nak translate dr english ke bm....

  10. errr, baby i yang baru 7mon tu boleh?hehehehe

  11. oh dah ramai yang antar permohonan ni..Sally baru dok cadang nk ajar cik mek kat rumah ni ber pen pal sebab nk bg dia pndai bahasa inggeris skit..boleh mohon gak tak?hehhe

  12. Bagusnya...idea bernas cikgu dia.

  13. You ada facebook kan? Apa nama glamer you kat sana. Boleh I add in as a friend n buat date utk lunch or shopping. I tau you ni kaki shopping kan.

  14. Salam LG..

    How I wish I was 11 or 7 so I can become their pen pal.. I never had a chance to have pen pals before huhu


  15. pen pals... hehehe.. comelnya! dulu kecik-kecik pun i suka :)

    nanti i will ask my nephew kalau dia sudi, he's 11. tapi tak boring ke, dapat surat dari malaysia? :D

  16. Tempted.
    Daughter is 6 and speaks Jawa (German Hehe). Would give her some practice for her English since she will only have English in 3rd grade and she is only in the 1st now.

  17. LG.. yeah memang suatu idea yang baik. Macam zaman dolu-dolu,kan?

    Nanti anak-anak ni akan bertukar-tukar cerita dan pendapat. Bagus lah.


  18. Salam LG :-D

    Adakah offer ni terbuka untuk kanak2 di tanah air sahja? Bolehkah Damia apply sama untuk berpenpal dengan Miss 7? :-D

  19. i used to have pen pal with i was younger not that i'm very old now (still in denial..hahaha)

    LG...that's a good idea.. boleh my son aiman berpan-pal ngan miss 7..he is 8... aiman suka bila dapat surat..eventhough it was only newsletter from sustagen club (kelab susu yg dia minum)...hehehe.. boleh gak improve his english... will let you know later...

  20. Bagus lah sekolah dia orang ada idea macam nih. I teringat masa kecik kecik dulu ada satu rancangan TV they call "The Big Blue Marble".
    My Brother just suka-suka hantar dan dia dapat Pen Pal dari German, dan sehingga hari ini dia still keep in touch dengan that girl from German tu as Pen Pal. Lama tuh, dari umur abang I, 11 tahun sampai la ni dah 46 tahun ... hikhikhik

    Teringin nak jadikan Hilman Pen Pal anak Min .... tapi mamat ni tak ada email ... hukhukhuk

  21. Asilah,
    just use my email ye so bolehlah Zahra baca :-)

    alah, takpe, suruh diaorang tulis sikit2 aje sbb my kids pun bukannya tulis panjang berjela sbb ambik masa weh nak taip 1-1 huruf tu, hehehhe.

    that'll be so good! Boleh lah whenever we all balik M'sia sambil kita2 jumpa gather2, diaorang pun jumpa gather2 kan :-).

    takpe, my kids pun cuma guna simple english words aje so tak payah you ken atranslate :-).

    hikhikhik...wah, terer lah yr baby kalau dia boleh guna keyboard at 7 months :-P

    boleh aje! Just guna my email, pastu boleh dia hantar email ke my kids :-).

    tu lah kan, memang best idea mcm tu sbb memang happy all the kids dpt pen pal :-)

    ada tapi tak boleh lah bagitau kat sini nama glemer I, hahaha.

    Salam. I think you are a bit too 'old' for the girls lah, hehehe ;-).
    Masa I kecik2 dulu ada jugak penpals fr Europe tp kejap aje pastu dah lost contact :-).

    my kids ni teramatlah sukanya dpt surat with their names on it esp klu bukan stamp Australia, hehehe

    Kalau yr daughter nak ckp German dgn my kids, I kena bukak kamus lah but I guess it's never to early for her to start learning English like you said :-).

    Kak Azie,
    kita masa kecik2 dulu suka sgt2 kumpul penpals kan, seronok! Hopefully my kids pun suka jugak lah :-).

    Mia's Mom,
    Salam. I think Zahra will be happy to get a penpal from so far away (one up from her sister, hehehe).

    Hehehe...teringat kenangan masa zaman muda2 dulu ye :-).
    My kids pun suka dpt surat with their names on it even if it's just from the dentist, hehehe

    Kak Acik,
    Uish, bestnya ada pen pal yg lama sgt2 macam tu. Semua pen pal I masa kecik2 dulu dah lost contact.
    Psst... bila lagi nak kenal2 kan Hilman dgn bakal bininya ni kalau bukan dr sekarang, muahahahahaha

  22. ok dokey. I'll invite you tru your email address. I have to invite org, sbb org tak leh nak invite me. I disable kan my add as friend button. I ni kan kera sumbang. hehehehe.

  23. teringat zaman sekolah2 dulu.. tulis surat kat pen pal serata alam, rasa happy sgt bila posmen dtg bagi kita surat. cikgu pun encourage as a way to improve english. ada satu akak kat kampung kept in touch with her childhood pen pal in UK punyalah lama sampai dah besar and ended up marrying that guy! hebat betul penangan pen pal ni :-D

  24. talking about penpal, I just want to share my sweet memories with penpal.
    1986-getting a penpal's address thro 'ape-kenama-programme-tu-i-dah-lupa' during school year.
    1997-finally met her in UK coz further study there..we really hugged each other...
    2010-lost for 10 years no contact, thanks to fb, we comunicate again in cyberworld..the most toucable word from her was .."you are the first person i search/put in the facebook.."
    so, go for truely penpal..i sokong your intention getting penpal for the kids..
    PS:melalut plak my comment..haha..

  25. Nora,
    hehehe....takpe jadi kera sumbang ni. Kat FB ni skrng mcm2 jenis orang ada :-)

    Wow! Cerita Akak kat kampung you tu memang boleh buat script drama lah. I nak aje suruh you tulis about her love story kat yr blog so boleh I baca, sure romantis habis kan! hehehe

    That's really sweet between you and your penpal. Memang kiranya true kawan lah kan. I ada jugak penpals dulu but memang tak ingat langsung their names :-(.

  26. kak Lg,
    dulu masa skolah kan, ada satu classmate yang macam jadi ejen tau. Dia ada kupon budak2 yg nak jadi penpal dari oversea so kitaorang bayar je bape sen tah untuk dpt kupon tu. so lepas tu bersurat2 la...hehe..klakar je.

  27. Alamak..terlepas peluang buat anak2ku..depa dah tua kerepot compared to zahra & alya..aiseyman!!!

  28. Dear lemon..
    pls email to me your add at mybe my girl Alya(7year old) can be Miss 7 penpal... I preffer them to writing via post card or card sure lebih excited ada surat kat mailbox... hehehehe

  29. LG, my littlest brother is very much interested in penpals. kalau ur princesses sudi, ni i kasi email dia:

    nama dia haziq. umur dia 13 tapi aiseh kanak2 lagi. i guess adik bradik i including i mature sangat lambat. hahaha. just let me know kalau the princesses sudi :)

  30. my daughter will be 11 in a few months, she would love to be miss 11's penpal, her email:

  31. salam k.LG.. saya nak jd pen pal anak akak boleh??? tapi umur saya 23...hehehe.

  32. Afid,
    sungguh genius itu budak kan, kecik2 dah pandai buat bisnes lain dari yang lain, hahaha.

    Kalau depa nak jadi pen pal Alya n Zahra, mcm ada udang sebalik mee aje, hahahaha
    Psst... marah lah nanti girlfriends diaorang kan :-P

    I'll ask Zahra to email your daughter first and then see whether they want to continue emailing atau guna snail mail ye! :)

    My daughter ok aje pen pal boys ni, hehehe. As long as your brother tak kisah ada kawan pompuan lah :-).
    Nanti I suruh dia email Haziq ok!

    thanks for the email. I've relayed it to Miss 11. She'll email your daughter in the next few days :-)

    Miss Jue,
    hehehe....dah terlebih had umur lah! :-P

  33. Kak Min,
    anak buah riha nak join. she's interested. maybe boleh jd pen pal miss 11. boleh add di fb kalau miss 11 ada fb.

  34. Riha,
    My daughter takde FB but I'll ask her to email your niece ye! thanks sbb dia sudi nak jadi penpal :-)

  35. kid2 would like to be your kids pen pal..

    Eliza Yasmin -

    Elmie Daniel -

    Eleeza Natasya -


  36. hari ni saya buat pizza juga..n the result

    sadis! x menjadi langsung! frust huu

  37. Ida,
    How old are they? If diaorang sebaya, my kids would be happy to have them as penpals.

    Alamak, siannya you. Kenapa tak jadi? yeast dah out of date ke?

  38. LG, nanti i pass your email address to Irfan (going to 11 next yr) and Irdina (going to 8 nxt yr) kalau depa berminat. both of them can speak mandarin - kita tengok jadi lagu mana...ngeh3.

  39. Hi,
    Just came across your blog, I think my daughter would love to have a friend. She is a quiet girl at school. She is 8 and her name is Erisa. I hope your daughter won't mind another friend from M'sia :)
    Hope to hear from them.
