The net is still not connected yet so the drive to update this blog with loads of photos is still not there yet. Hopefully, it’ll be connected in the next few days lah. What we are doing now to surf the net and do a quick blog update is using bluetooth connection from the handphone to the EEPC. Nasib baik lah we all ambik mobile plan yang includes net connection, kalau tak, sure mati kutu we all tak dapat surf net berhari2! hehehe….
After 3 full days of unpacking, the amount of unopened boxes have definitely receeded. Kalau ikut malas hati I, mau lah agaknya makan masa berbulan2 untuk unpack all the boxes. Ye lah, buat benda2 like unpacking ni kenalah selow and steady kan. Tapi dek disebabkan adanya Drill Sargeant aka The Other Half yang bersungguh2 penuh motivasi untuk unpack all the boxes by this coming weekend, terpaksalah I pun menurut perintah Drill Sargeant itu! Terasa jadi buruh kasar sekejap, hikhikhik….He loves unpacking while I don’t enjoy doing it. The Little Misses said yang unpacking all the boxes felt a bit like unwrapping presents masa birthdays and Christmases, except that instead of new presents, it’s old presents, hehehe….
Tapi bini Drill Sargeant ni rasa terlebih penat sebab apart from the unpacking, still kena jugak buat all the other daily chores like basuh baju, lipat kain baju, gosok baju, masak all the meals! Terasa mithali sungguh! Hahahaha.
I pulak pening kepala fikir macam mana nak sumbat all my kitchen toys andd gadgets and food into the new compact kitchen. Rumah lama dulu ada walk-in pantry where I can sumbat a lot of things. Kat rumah baru ni, we had to buy an extra DIY pantry and still tak muat tempat jugak. Maybe I should learn to minimize from now on kan instead of always buying things when they are on sale! :-D. Luckily, there are no more unopened boxes of kitchen stuff, lega no! hehehe. But I had to put all the spare kitchen ‘toys’ which I rarely use into boxes again and sealed them up to be stored in the shed :-(. Kalau lah I buat garage sale of all my kitchen toys ni, mau berduyun2 orang serbu rumah I agaknya, kahkahkahkah……
Malam ni, instead of tayang gambar rumah and gambar dinner and gambar all the boxes, I tayang gambar bunga ros kat rumah ni ye! Ada 1 rose bush yang tengah berbunga sekarang with a few roses yang tengah kembang mekar besar saucers. I suka bunga rose yang kecik2 tu, yang besar2 gajah ni tak minat sangat pulaknya. But the smell was heavenly!
These 2 are from the same bush, but 1 kaler pink and 1 lagi kaler oren2 sikit. Dont ask me what kind of roses they are, I memang tak boleh jawab, hehehe….
Ini pulak bunga pokok nectarine. Hopefully, since dah berbunga sekarang, it will bear fruit sometimes in Summer lah. Tak sabar nak merasa buah nectarine rumah sendiri, hikhikhik… Well, if the bugs dont get them first lah!
I’ll put up some more photos of the roses as they bloom later.
soooo....lovely that roses...
ReplyDeleteand I start to envy your environment..
garden full of roses..kalau leh baring atas pokok ros,tuh kan elok..hehehe..duri tak ingat...ouch..
wah! lepas2 ni selain gambo2 makanan, nampak gayanya penuh ngan gambo bunga la kan? hehheh..tak sabar nak tgk gambar kawasan umah akak..
ReplyDelete...busy unpacking and still have time for photography? Hehe! Beautiful, them flowers! :)
ReplyDeletebagusnye rumah ade taman...jeles sungguh....
agaknye lelaki memg mcm tuh..unpack bila nak mengemasnye tuh pacal yg hina ni jugaklah yg terbongkok2 menyusun sadis btul....heheh
ReplyDeleteIt's really amazing to have a garden full of rose bushes but it's scary to look after as well because flowers and I dont get along well, hehehe...
Tu lah you, lepas ni selang seli gambar food dgn gambar roses lah pulak kan, hikhikhik....
Kak Emily,
Masa tengah busy unpacking tu asik teringat kat the roses aje, tu yg I grabbed the camera and took some photos :-), hehehe...
ReplyDeleteKat depan rumah ni memang mcm taman sbb tuan rumah dulu suka tanam pokok bunga. Tuan rumah baru pulak tak tau nak jaga pokok bunga, hehehe...
Betul like you said, masa packing, memang mostly I yg buat but bila tang unpacking, laju aje dia nak membuat, hehehe
ReplyDeleteAlahai.. sian dengo orang tuh berhempas pulas ye.
Sy ada cadangan untuk tak yah unpack, why not LG buat lucky draw or kasik cenderamata kat readers, gerenti abes licin. Hehe!
Adohhh cantek bunga tu! Siap terasa macam boleh bau gitu, heheheh. Laju jugakla unpack bila dah ada supervisor bersemangat gitu eh, kehkehkeh!
ReplyDeleteBestnya ada roses. Sure harum memanjang... Ada fruit trees lagi. Ni yg jeles ni hihi I dok apartment..takde le taman bagai just a few pasu je.
ReplyDeleteFrom chef di dapur, bertukar bidang ke gardener di kebun. Mantop gitu.hehe
ReplyDeleteAm still waiting for the kitchen gadgets/toys u tu..alahhhh bilang jer which ones..nanti kita orang bule punggah dari umah u ..hehe...
ReplyDeletemasa spring and summer kalau semua bunga keluar sure lagi cantik...
my neighbour masa kat UK dulu roses dia menjalar naik ke dinding..cantik tul..
Mesti wangi je nnt rumah akak bila semua roses tu berbunga..
ReplyDeletecantiknye bunge, memang rasa macam romantik pulak post kak LG kali ni sebab ada bunge cantik.. hihi
ReplyDeletesakan unpacking n mithali sungguh.
Agak2 lose weight tak ... takpun naik muscle hehhee..
Wah cantiklah itu bunga ros. Tak sangka pulak bunga nectarine pun cantiks....
semua orang like your bunga rose, I like the nectarine. Or the prospect of it. It'll be nice when you can actually have your own tree-ripen nectarines. yumm... I can taste the juiciness of plump nectarine. oh my. summer is winding up here, so I'll be missing those nectarines while you enjoy yours :-)
ReplyDeletealaaaa cantiknya roses!!!
ReplyDeleteNow, I envy of you..because around your house full of roses and fruits. Rumah Ai penuh warna hijau je, camelia yang Ai tanam hampir 10 tahun dulu tak mahu berbunga pun. Cam ne lah Ai nak buat ni. Kalaulah rumah itew aku yang punya...
ReplyDeleteIssh.3, manusia ni memang ginikan, yang ada depan mata semua tak cantik, yang diseberang laut tu juga yang dia kata cantik. Saya bersyukur kepadaNya, Ya Allah.
salam k.min....
ReplyDeleteslamat hari raya..maaf zahir & batin!!! maaf lmbt wish.ingat sempat la ol masa mlm raya tu tp tak dan gak ni baru tul2 ngadap pc.
dah slamat pindah ye kak? huhu...nmpk gayanya dr skrg ayu kena la start packing brg2 yg jrg n tak guna lgsg.nnti takde la penat sgt bila smpai nak packing brg tu kena la budak b'dua tu tido.klu tak kang...depa yg ayu sumbat t]
dulu dlm kotak!
kak..akak ada tak gmbr umah lama yg akak ambik kat luar umah? ayu tíngin la nak tgk.umah baru akak dah ambik gmbr kwsn umah lama rasanya ayu tak tgk akak prnh tyg tp ayu yg tak tgk? isk...
Salam LG
ReplyDeleteK'Nor minat sungguh baca blog LG. Hampir tiap hari lunch break akan baca. Very interesting. Congratulations on the new home. Love the flowers... mesti cantik nie masa summer nanti. K'Nor & family pun baru visit WA July lepas. Road Trip. Nie ade sikit suggestion untuk barang2 dapur LG. Boleh dibeli/buat toy shed kat blakang rumah tu untuk extra storage space.... all the kitchen toys/gadgets and knick knacks. Selamat Hari Raya.... Salam dari Singapura.
ReplyDeletefeel like can smell from my pc screen!! wahhh
Salam LG..dah habis unpack tak??tak sabar nk tgk the gambar rumah baru ni..kemas elok2 tau..nnt ada yg buat lwatan mengejut lak kan!!
ReplyDeletethe roses r so beautiful. lucky you!
ReplyDeleteKak Zai suka sangat kalau tengok bunga tambah lagi kalau bunga rose,cantik dan wangi.
ReplyDeletebestnya rumah baru banyak pokok!!
ReplyDeleteby the way, I'm also kind of a hoarder as well....had to learn to let go of my things....either buang or bagi orang...initially je rasa macam 'separation anxiety'...after that, it felt really great...sebab semua barang dah clear
Sangat sangat lah cantik bunga ros tu.
ReplyDeleteBest eeh kak min.. masuk je umah baru, roses berbunga, pokok buah2 berbunga.. Mcm dia org ni welcoming sungguh ur family to the hse. Tak yah penat2 tanam.. semua dah ada. Bertuah betul.
ReplyDeletecan imagine the smell of the flowers in the early morning....must be very nice...hhhmmm