Kalau orang tengok gambar2 I sekarang ni kan, sure orang akan kata, “eleh! mentang2 rumah baru dia ada pokok bunga ros berlambak2, saje je nak tayang all the roses!” Hehehehe… Memang betul pun :-D. I haven’t been taking photos of our food that much sebab my lightbox set up dah kena rombak haritu dek pindah rumah and until now, I still haven’t set it up porperly and nicely sebab tak tau nak set up kat mana lagi. And I’m thinking of constructing a bigger lightbox from one of the packing boxes tapi sebba busy dengan benda2 lain, so kena pendamkan dulu lah niat tu.
I pun dah lupa macam mana nak ambik gambar food, hikhikhik…..
Last Friday 2 hari lepas was the end of term and for the first time ever, The Little Misses could give their teachers flowers from our own garden, hehehe. Punyalah seronok nya diaorang memilih bunga ros to give to their teachers and I pun perasan jadi florist sekejap, muahahaha. Snip sana, snip sini. Now, if only I knew how to do a flower arrangement kan ke best. Lepas ni, boleh lah I pergi kedai cari nice vases to fill them with roses so I can put them in the rooms. Tak payahlah buang duit beli room deodoriser kan, hehehe.
But hari Jumaat hari tu, banyak roses yang tak kembang sangat lagi so the teachers only got 2 roses each aje. Takpe, plenty more to give to the teachers throughout the years kan :-D. And then, hari ni pulak, berlambak2 roses yang kembang. Segala macam kaler ada and segala macam jenis roses.
Layan aje lah ye gambar the roses from nearly all of the rose bushes since lambat lagi I nak tayang gambar dinners. Ada 2-3 bushes lagi yang masih belum flowering.
See, I told you! Banyakkan rose bushes yang we all kena jaga and bela ni! Hehehehe…… Dah lah aphids suka sangat2 kat roses ni and we have to sembur racun to kill the aphids. Ladybirds will makan aphids but we can’t find that many around.
And the view of our front garden.
And our backyard with the vege patch.
Kesian kat the movers when they had to move the pokok limau purut tu. One of them got stabbed by the thorns sampai luka berdarah2, sian dia. We think we’ll keep it in the pot rather than replant it in the ground. Pokok kesum and pokok serai I pun siap bawak pindah sekali! :-D.
I have planted lebanese cucumbers, chili, tomatos, ginger, mixed variety of lettuce and corianders. And we also bought a dwarf lemon tree which will hopefully grow nicely and give us plenty of lemons. The leafy plants on the vege patch tu are chards and turnips which the old owner left for us. I have never cooked turnips before. The Other Half kata they are like potatoes so I guess I can always bake or roast them.
Esok2 nya entry, I letak gambar dalam rumah pulak ye once everything is cleared of mess, hikhikhik…
Akhirnya dapat gak tengok gambar roses tu. Memang lawa. Mesti wangi jer keliling rumah U kan?
ReplyDeleteHaaa.. terpaksa bina semula kebun sayur yer. Takper, nanti hasilnya pasti lumayan bukkkk..hehehe
Fulamak punyalah cantik roses! Seronok betul tengok roses tu! Takda gambar makanan pun takpalah, jamu mata dgn roses tupun dah kenyang dah I, heheheh
ReplyDeletewow! alahai jelesnya...
ReplyDeleteehhehhee kat doha ni mau jadi dessert rose
kak LG, macam bleh wat poskad aje gambar roses tu seme...
ReplyDeleteKak Azie,
ReplyDeleteKalau jalan kat lawn tu, memang wangi aje rasanya walaupun tak mandi lagi,hehehe.
Kebun sayur kena bina sbb duit nak guna bayar mortgage, hahaha
Nasib baik ada pokok rose berlambak2 utk jadi ganti gambar dinner kan! :-D
Kat Doha tu kena letak dlm green house lah ye klu nak tanam rose :-)
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ReplyDeleteTu lah kan, lepas ni tak payah beli b'day kad lagi, tinggal print gambar ni aje kan :-)
OMG..Roses..Sukanya....Lepas ni rajin la akak berkebun ya..
ReplyDeletewahh min, seronoknyer tengok rumah baru min yg ada mcm2 roses ni.. halaman rumah pun lapang, boleh la tanam mcm2 kan.. tangan min tu dah lah sejuk, bila menanam menjadi jer pokok2 tu.. geram tengok! :)
ReplyDeleteI suka bunga rose jugak tp tak reti nak menanam so bila dpt rumah yg memang dah sedia ada pokok roses, seronok gila lah, hehehe
Kak Nor,
Memang best betul dpt rumah yg ada tanah lapang ni kan. Budak2 pun suka sbb boleh main berlari2. Mak Bapak budak pun suka sbb boleh tanam macam2 atas tanah instead of dlm pasu, hehehe
Psst.. tangan hubby I yg sejuk :-D
lawa2nya bungaaaaa...jeles tau..kalau kat malaysia ni semau rose jenis rose2 kampung tak pun yang jenis kudup kecik2 jek...nak lawa2 kena gi cameron...jgn lupa snap gambo umah banyak2 tau...
ReplyDeletei love roses!!!.. ;)
ReplyDeleteGeramnya tengok all the roses!!!! Makin tinggi level jeles bila tengok kebun sayur tu pulak. Aduh ni yg wat semangat lagi berkobar-kobar nak cepat beli rumah landed. Ish katne nak dapat duit berkoyan-koyan ye hihi...
ReplyDeletekakak...roses u sangat lawa...naper msia xde ros camnih ek..seumur idup sy kan, xpnah kalo lalu jer terus leh cium bau rose, unless pegi dekat2 kat rose then only leh cium bau...sgt jeles ngan kamu~!
ReplyDeleteI suka jenis yg kudup2 rosebuds tu. Tapi roses yg kat rumah I ni, bila dia kembang, mak ai, terus jadi kembang semangkuk! :-)
I pun suka roses esp kalau orang bagi, hehehe..tp tak suka menanam nya :-).
Lepas beli rumah ni, terpaksalah we all bercucuk tanam sbb duit dah habis buat beli rumah, hehehe
roses kat sini pun ada jenis yg harum semerbak n ada jugak yg jenis cium dekat baru bau. I rasa sbb bnyk sgt roses yg tgh berkembang kat rumah I ni, tu kot sbb bau dia wangi aje.
bestnya akak,
ReplyDeletemesti mudah nak tanam kat sana. sebab cuaca best. and semua pokok yang tumbuh nampak segar je..
k min dah selamat pindah...turn sy pulak ni sdg bergelumang dgn kotak & kumbah semua barang2 soh dok diam2 dlm kotak hahahaa....ponat!!!
ReplyDeleteWah bestnye.. tak yah nak bersusah payah tanam.. tup tup dapat hasil. Cam-cam jenis lak tu.. Kat sini, tanam & jaga macam nak rak.. bunga belum tentu jadi. Kadang satu dua je...
ReplyDeleteNampak gayanya, pasni gambar dinner kak min blh letak roses kat sebelah le.. Tambah seri.. satu hari satu colour... k pe..
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Raya. love your roses, but missing pictures of your food.
BTW, turnip is sengkuang, so if you;re making popiah goreng or basah or inti for pie tee, you would need plenty of that. or cut them up and cicah sambal rojak pedas or turn them into rojak buah. best!
take care!
Dah habis unpacking ke? I masih byk lagi boxes yg belum habis unpack. Tak de motivated sbb unlike you, I tak tau bila lagi kena pindah. Knowing our luck, maybe every year. Nasib badan. Selalunya once I finished unpack, I kena pindah lagi. So I ingat baik I tak habis2 kotak2 yg ada ni, maybe I tak yah pindah2 lagi.
ReplyDeletebestnye kak..rasa cam aman je tgk sume2 tu..
ReplyDeleteroses tu ada shade2 mcm camelia la plak..
ReplyDeleteKat sini, kalau masa Spring, memang gardening shops sentiasa ramai orang beli segala mcm seedlings. Tu yg we all pun suka menanam segala mcm tanaman ni :-)
Good luck lah ye dgn segala kerja tu. Memang penat gilers kan! Rasa mcm tak sudah2 penatnya, ada aje barang yg nak di pack n di unpack.
Kalau I yg tanam pokok ros ni, rasanya memang tak hidup kot. Tu yg seronok sgt bila dpt rumah yg dah sedia ada pokok ros yg subur2 :-).
Salam and selamat hari raya.
I'm missing my lightbox too, tak tau bila I can set it up again to take photos of our dinners :-).
The turnip yg diaorang tanam ni is very different to sengkuang, it's got purple n creamy skin and tak manis langsung makan mentah. Kat sini sengkuang diaorang panggil jiacama tak silap.
I tabik betullah kat you sbb boleh pindah every year. I pindah once in 5 years ni pun rasa macam nak tercabut segala joints and still penat sgt2 badan even after a week later.
Kalau I jadi you pun, I rasa memang takkan unpack all the boxes, hehehe
I pun tak tau whether they are roses or camelias or some other flowers. Tapi daun dia and duri mcm roses, cuma bunga tu lain sikit fr the normal rose kan :-).
So many roses, ni semua from your garden?. Wah memang lucky lah tak payah lagi susah susah nak tanam.
ReplyDeletethat's right! Banyak kan! We love the smell everytime we go out in the front garden :-)
rose Ok x dengan cuaca kat malaysia???(sy budak baru belajar)