Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I’m back with some more stories

Baru tinggal beberapa hari, dah berhabuk rumah ni, lebih kurang sama tebal aje habuk nya dengan rumah betul I sekarang. I geram betul dengan habuk kat rumah ni, baru aje lap semalam, dah tebal balik habuknya hari ni (nasib baik lah dah nak pindah, hehehe).

So, what have I been doing for the past few days?

-Definitely merehatkan otak dari berblogging (which was a real bliss not having to think of a catchy title :-)).

-Memunggah and mengemas balik all The Little Misses’ toys in the cupboards, under the beds, on the shelves, in the drawers and around the house.

-Mengemas all the vacuum storage bags under the beds. Punyalah banyak clothes that we haven’t worn for so long that I think we will definitely never wear again! Kiranya macam dah habis fashion tu, and now dah datang balik the fashion lah, but I’m too old to wear the same fashion, hikhikhik…. And when it comes to The Other Half’s clothes, kiranya clothes masa dia kurus dulu so sudah tentu lah terpaksa I give away kan sebab for sure dia tak boleh muat nak pakai, kahkahkah….

- I also found so many baju kurung that I tak tau nak buat apa with especially The Little Misses old baju kurung yang dah tak muat tu. Tak kan lah nak donate ke Good Sammy kan sebab sudah gerenti Mat Saleh akan pelik tengok the baju kurung :-). Nak hantar ke M’sia, kat M’sia pun berlambak2 baju kurung, hehehe.

-Going to the Good Sammy stores so many times to donate the clothes and The Little Misses’ unwanted toys. You all bayang kan lah, we moved here from Adelaide when Miss 6 has just turned 2 so all her toys at that time were ‘baby’ toys (that’s what she calls them anyway!). Now she’s a ‘big’ girl, takkan lah still nak simpan the baby toys lagi kan (because now she’s collecting big girls toys). Even though, throughout the years, I dah banyak ‘buang’ the toys away, tapi masih banyak lagi in the cupboards. Hari Ahad semalam, we managed to ‘collect’ all their Duplo stuff to be given away, penuh lah 1 plastic besar!

(Thank goodness for Miss 11 who has such a good memory when it comes to bits and pieces of toys. She could remember where everything comes from and where they belong to even all the tiny broken pieces! I just had to show her a piece of ‘thing’ and she can tell me what it was or what it used to be, hehehe)

(Now if only I can have the same amazing ability with all my kitchen gadgets especially the attachments and what nots, I would be so happy! Oh well, kena banyak2 makan kismis and fish oil lah I lepas ni, hehehehe)

-Baking and making a few more kuih Raya :-). At the last count, I dah buat 10 jenis you! Ini pun masih ada hati nak buat some more kuih, Wahkahkahkah….

-Still making scrumptious meals for iftars and taking gorgeous photos pf them (let me perasan sekejap ;-))

-Teaching The Little Misses Saloma’s Raya song so they can sing it fully unaccompanied by me for our Raya video. It’s the same song they sang last year and it has taken them 1 year to hafal some of the lyrics! hehehehe……

-Finally receiving some of the boxes for packing so I can start packing today.


Uwahhhh, punyalah banyak nya benda I nak kena pack!!!!!! Ini baru separuh aje, the packers/removalists will pack some more. Sape nak datang rumah tolong I pack? Nanti I bagi lah you all Iftar dinner yang sedap2, hehehe….. ;-)

Ok lah, meh I tayang some photos of our scrumptious dinners :-).



I made smoked salmon maki sushi for the kids and the adults had japanese rice with stirfry carrots and enoki mushroom in oyster sauce and crumbed fried seafood. Sedapnya crumbed prawns and squids itu, hehehhe…..

Then On Sunday kan Father’s Day kat OZ ni. I made rice and kari as requested by The Other Half.


I cuma buat butter chicken (so everyone can eat it), sambal ikan bilis (tekak melayu I lah ni yang mengada2 nak makan :-)), sauteed veges+potatoes indian style and telur goreng.

Last nite pulak, we had lamb chops, bread and salad (which was such a sempoi dinner) but I made egg salad sandwich for me sebab I teringin sangat2 nak makan something lite like sandwich :-).


Nampak macam dinner ala2 orang berdiet aje kan? Tapi lepas tu I pergi bantai mengunyah kuih raya, hehehe…..


Lamb chops with salad and bread. The Other Half makan 3 ketul, Miss 6 makan 2 ketul and Miss 11 makan seketul. I tak makan any sebab tak tertarik langsung nak makan lamb malam tadi.


  1. Masa nak pindah randah ni ler berkemas pastu jumpa segala tok nenek barang yang dulu cari merata tak jumpa, skang dah muncul balik.

    Ada jumpa duit tak? Atau jumpa butang baju? or jumpa cincin emas yg tercicir? hehehehe

    Heeee kalulah dekat, haruslah Kak Azie yg datang dulu bawak troli angkut semua toys dan baju kurung tuh. Sebab anak pompuan ramai, yg kecil lagi dari Miss6 tu pun ada, sure muat punyaaaa..hahahahaha
    sayang tu kalu dibuang...sbb my BONDA said, kalu buang barang, means kita buang duit.

  2. akak...geram saya tgk food akak ni..best yeh tgk presentation akak, cantik2....smlm tunggu gak akak update...da ketagih nak masuk rumah akak ni hari2...hari2 mau!....he3

  3. Selamat berkemas lagi ..rajin2 selongkar manatau jumpa emas ke berlian ker kann? hehehe..

    10 jenisss???? uwahhhh..jeles ai taww..i baru 3..tak sempat kejar dah ni hahaha..

  4. sentiasa je miss 6 try to catch up with her daddy bab² makan ni ye! hehehe :)

  5. sis LG,
    I dah le terbabas sahur tadi.. tengok all the food here buat i tak sure boleh tahan sampai berbuka ke tak...

  6. Baju2 kurung yang you tak pakai tu you boleh sedekahkan pada Islamic charity shop kat Langford. Sederet dengan halal butcher kat langford tu. At least diaorg ni boleh pakai baju2 kurung you tu.

    I pulak baju anak2 I selalunya I pass kan kat my friend utk dia distribute ke kawan2 dia yang lain. Selalunya baju budak2 tu baru lagi sbb every season kena tukar dan every season tak boleh nak carry forward sbb diaorg ni besar cepat sgt n mommy dia pulak hantu shopping. Kalau terlampau byk my friend akan hantar balik naik cargo pergi ke Indonesia utk sedekah pulak kat orang2 kat sana. Panjang perjalanannya.

  7. Haaa, dah ada entry baru. i semalam baca entries u yg lama2, hehe. ingatkan dah khatam dulu, rupanya ada banyak lagi yg belum dibaca. selamat mengemas & pack barang. banyak kotak tu, sure serabut.

  8. Welcome back! So busy packing ngeee. Eh! tayanglah kueh raya yang 10 jenis tu tu.

    Tumpang tengok je. I wonder what will happen to me if we the whole family move again anytime. Rumah sekarang ni dah duduk hampir 6 tahun, tapi my husband je pindah sana sini sekejap, merayu dan merayu jadi tak jadi pindah le.

  9. salam k.min...pekabo? byk aktiviti sepjg rehat from blogging ye.hehehe....bila tgk kotak2 akak yg b'susun tu,ayu pun dah mula kumpul kotak.nsb baik la kat opis ni ada byk kotak hamper.jenis kotak yg elok.yela...mark & spencer punya.pantang depa ckp tak nak...ayu trs rembat.nnti bila time packing brg kat umah,xde la melilau cari kotak lg.

    hm...klu akak bz dgn keje2 kat umah,ayu lak bz dgn keje2 kat opis.huhu....VP baru dah masuk.ayu lak yg mcm tak ckup kaki tgn sbb nak kena uruskan hal yg b'kaitan dgn kemasukkan dgn.arini ayu xpasal2 jd graphic designer sbb nak design memo rasmi VP.biasa buat kat bilik printing.depa tau apa yg depa kena buat.skali mesin rosak daaa...template lak takde.kena la godek s'diri based on prev punya memo sbb nak pakai segera.addeehhh...klu tiap2 hari kena perayak camni,mau mati kering ayu.isk....

  10. Hi LG... Bestnya tengok kotak kotak tu..I wish I was there to help you paCk. Bab bab pack ni memang my favourite..this is the best time to sort yang mana nak and yang mana tak nak kan?

    Like in my house , I clean like I am moving:) so barang barang dah tinggal sikit:) made me the happiest person coz azam pun nak live minimally!!

    My blog have gone private. If you wanna read, kasi kasilkah email address ya... Tak paksa... Just If:)

    Enjoy your cleaning and packing.. Nak tgk gambar kuih 10 jenis please

  11. syukurrrrrr u're back sis....rindu giler nak baca entry2 u and nak tgk ur gojes2 dinner..happy packing barang2 ek...

  12. yay! k.min is back!! hehe...

    k.min, buat 10 jenis biskut raya dah?? ishk! banyaknya!! I havent started. patutnya hari ni, tapi tak buat2 lagi... huwaaa...

  13. Salam Min,

    Lama sungguh tak jenguk ke sini. Tup2 sampai, dah nak pindah ke rumah baru.

    Rajinnya buat biskut raya byk camtu. Memang tabik lah! I just buat 5 jenis jek.

    I nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin. Semoga bergembira di hari raya nanti.


  14. wah, menariknya all the food esp the lamb tu...pandai akak masak....maz suka gak masak2 tp besele masa x cukup time...sian my boys sampai yg the smaller one punye fav food is maggie kari plus daddy yg masak sbb lg sedap....grrrr....fathers day aritu siap dia kata i love my dad because he cooks meal for me...sabo je la...mummy dok busy manjang dgn lab...hehe

  15. i love reading your blog.makes me wanna learn how to cook.

  16. Kak Azie,
    tu lah nya, I baru jumpa segala mcm tuala yg still baru2 lagi kat dlm vaccum bag tu.Padahal, punyalah lama dah I mencari, hahaha.
    Tu yg I sayang sgt nak buang baju kurung tu, benda yg lain I memang donate terus kat 2nd hand shop so senang hati I :-).

    Itu kan berapa hari punya dinner I tayang, hehehe. Sejak akhir2 ni memang busy, segala bilik dah mcm tongkang pecah kat rumah ni :-).
    Thanks ye sbb masih sudi dtg lawat rumah I ni walaupun tak berupdate :-).

    You ingat I selongkar kedai emas Mazzuchelli tu ke? hahaha :-P.
    Kuih I yg 10 jenis tu kan, semua nya I buat 1 adunan aje so dpt balang kecik2 aje, taktau lah sempat nak buat raya ke tak, hehehe.

    diaorang berdua tu memang hantu lamb, tu yg bila dinner lamb, diaorang aje lah yg melantak :-)

    hehehe...takpe, you bukak blog I sambil pejam mata, sure tak terliur nya ;-P

    thanks for the info, bolehlah I sedekah kat situ nanti. I tau ada kedai baju tu but tak tau pulak dia accept 2nd hands. Kalau I tau, dah lama I sedekah kat situ aje.
    Best lah your kids baju, sampai Indon dia berlayar ye :-).

    3 tahun punya entries tu, sure lama jugak you duk depan PC semalam ye ;-).
    Rumah and otak I sama2 serabut! hehehe

    Nanti bila I dah letak 'cantik' dlm balang/containers, I tayang my kuih raya ye. But my kuih raya semua jenis tak mengancam jiwa langsung rupanya.
    Hopefully, lepas ni we all takde lah pindah mana2 lagi, tak larat nak mengemas :-)

    Dapat cuti Raya tak nanti? Takpe, buat kerja tu best2, mana lah tau kan, dapat terus jadi PA VP and then terus ke President tu nanti! :-D.

    Bestnya kalau ada orang yg suka packing ni nak tolong I kat sini :-). I pun bila packing sambil pack, sambil buang barang.
    We all pun dulu ingat nak live minimally, tapi bila nampak sale aje, terus terlupa sekejap motto hidup itu, hahaha..
    My email lemongrass@y7mail.com. Thanks ye sbb sudi invite :-)

    Bestnya ada orang rindu kat I ni :-). Tunggu kan kedatangan entry2 I yg seterusnya tau, hahaha.

    you tak main kuih tunjuk2 aje ke? Sian you takde Makcik Ton nak tolong you buat kuih sama :-).

    Salam. Biskut2 I tu semua jenis yg 1 adunan sikit2 aje and takde decoration langsung, so tu yg cepat aje boleh buat :-).
    Selamat Hari Raya utk you and family jugak ye. May you have a safe and joyful Raya.

    I ni bila dah ada family ni and dah pindah sini, baru merajinkan diri masak. Especially bila ada orang yg suka makan kat rumah ni :-).
    Psst... maggi kari memang sedap apa esp klu letak mcm2 benda dlm tu :-).

    thanks for liking my blog :-). It's never too late to fall in love with cooking :-).

  17. My indonesian friends tak kisah kalau pakai 2nd punya baju. Kalau tak pakai pun diaorg mmg selalu kirim baju2 gini balik ke Indo. Byk lagi yg memerlukan. Kat sini semua org kekaya.

  18. Salam LG,
    Selamat berkemas. sorrylah I tolong tengok dalam your blog jelah. Amboi you, bz pun still ada masa buat kuih..10 jenis tuh. Bila nak buat tayangan kuih, kot2 I boleh cilok resipi dari you in case ter rajin nak buat di malam raya hehehe...

  19. Salam...welcome back...at least ada sesuatu yg melegakan hati I hari ni...pindah...sama la kita..nampaknya I pun kena pindah lepas raya..tak jd sblm raya coz hubby tak cuti lama ..dah tu dia stocktake pula 29/9 ni...kuih raya 10 jenis..hebat..I tunjuk je..kat sek sblm cuti ari tu, bilik guru mcm shopping centre...fyi..your blog dah buat I look at life the other way around..thanks..

  20. LG dear,
    Been ur silent reader for quite sometime. Anyway welcome back. Definitely look forward to ur write ups. U make a hse wife chores look enticing n interesting. Happy packing yea.

  21. Tabik spring sama u. Dlm busy-busy packing masih sempat siapkan 10 jenis kuih raya. Your photos are getting prettier and yummier looking....

  22. Pindah rumah memang best tapi nak packing and unpack tu lah yang ada susah sikit hehehe.

  23. FairyLilly,
    I punya biskut and kuih raya semua tu jenis yg memang betul2 tak mengancam mata, so tu yg malas betul nak tayang. Even my tart nenas pun tak jadi sgt2, tension I! Awat tolong tengok kat blog aje, tolong packing sama kan lagi bagus :-)

    Lega kan bila tak payah pindah sebelum Raya, at least dpt lah you berhari Raya dgn aman gembira :-). Kat sini ada jugak biskut tunjuk2 tp mahal sgt2 pulaknya, mcm tak berbaloi aje :-(.
    How do you view your life now if you don't mind me asking?

    Thank you for reading my blog :-). There are so many times when I hate doing all the daily chores but just didn't put them in here, hehehehe...

    I buat kuih tu semua 1 adunan aje so tak lah dpt bnyk mana, tu yg boleh buat 10 jenis, hehehe....

  24. SJB,
    I think kan nanti my unpacking at the new house will take months! :-)

  25. Lg,samalah tu,memang pantang nampak sale kan...Itu sekarang ni Rumah i tak habis habis dok declutter:D

  26. OMG! those foods pictures really inspired me to cook! ( i've been hell lazy to masuk dapur since dtg melb ni) :P thank you kak 'lemongrass'( sorry, i taktau your name yet) :)

    other than that, SELAMAT HARI RAYA :)

