Thursday, 12 August 2010

The soaking hippos

Alhamdulillah, selamat sudah first day of fasting. Miss 6 tak puasa hari ni sebab she’s still not well, nak tunggu sampai dia sihat sepenuhnya baru boleh puasa. But she’s already decided to do a full fast once she’s better, we’ll see…. :-). Tahun lepas, she managed a few days of puasa penuh. The rest of the month, she had breakfast sebelum pergi sekolah and then berbuka either masa lunch at school or bila balik rumah. Tahun ni, she’ll be the only one fasting in her class sebab bukan sekolah agama lagi kan, hehehe. But there’s quite a few muslim families in that school so The Little Misses won’t be the only 2 fasting. Miss 11 has found a few students from her year who are fasting as well so she’s happy :-).

Their teachers pun dah dapat surat ‘cinta’ from we all explaining to them that The Little Misses will be fasting for a month. Miss 11 sukalah sebab she’ll be excused from sports! But I told Miss 6’s teachers yang Miss 6 is still learning and I will still provide a snack and a drink for her just in case she can’t continue with her fasting. The teachers tanyalah I whether Miss 6 will feel guilty kalau dia terpaksa break her fast at school. I guess they want to find out if we are really strict with Miss 6’s fasting ni. I told her that Miss 6 knows that we’ll understand if she has to break her fast since she’s still at the learning stage. And I also told them that she won’t be fasting yet until her coughs and sniffles are better. I guess I want the teachers to know that Islam ni agama penyayang, kalau you sakit, tak payah puasa (but kena ganti lah kan kalau dah tua bangka kan) and kalau budak tu kecik lagi, teaching them how to fast step by step.

Menu berbuka puasa we all tak lah semenggah mana. Kan I cakap nak buat kuih koci tapi takde daun pisang. Memang lah hampeh betul I ni. Baru lah I tau yang kuih koci tak tau malu aka naked ni di panggil badak berendam. But this was how the conversation went with The Other Half and The Little Misses tadi…

The Other Half: So, what are we going to have for break fast?

Cook aka Mummy: The soaking hippos

The Other Half and The Little Misses: the what????? Did you say hippos?

Cook aka Mummy: you heard right! We are going to eat the soaking hippos tonite.

The Little Misses: We want to see it!

Cook aka Mummy: these are the soaking hippos.


Punyalah besar gedabak my soaking hippos kuih ni memang sebijik badak saiznya. Makan sebijik dah tak larat, muahahaha…. I buat muat2 acuan silicon bunga2 tu and dapatlah 12 biji muat2 pengukus comel I tu :-). Kita takde acuan kecik2 cawan apam tu, tapi kita ada acuan kecik2 silicon so ok aje lah kan, hehehe.


Soaking hippos dari jarak dekat.

The Other Half: Is the name really ‘soaking hippos’?

Cook aka Mummy: Well it is Badak berendam in Malay and badak can mean either Rhino or Hippo but I think only hippos like to soak? in water. Probably soak is not the right word in this context but it’s near enough :-).

And I also made choc cake for Miss 11 which made her so happy :-).

And for dinner pulak I cuma buat sausage casserole makan dengan potato nuggets.


It is not an appetizing dish to photograph! But taste wise, it is really nice. Probably nicer if eaten with mashed potato instead of nuggets, hehehe….

Psst… sementara I tak boleh puasa ni, I’ll update malam2 hari lah but once dah start puasa, kenalah spend time at night beribadat kan so barulah I update lepas sahur, hehehehe….


  1. Kak Mynn,
    oooooo..tak puasa ya...samalah dengan I...hihihii..

    by the way, the badak berendam tu memang nampak cam gabak sikit...kata badak 'kan, sure lah besar...


  2. Kak LG, nak tanya penah tak nmpak anywhere ada jual pengukus or chinese steamer? Ours dah bocor, blh pakai lagi tp later air bertakung aa kat stove.

  3. salam min...rajin btul bt kuih buka puasa...1 pun i x bt,beli pun tidak-nnti anta spiring kat sini yeeee :) badak tu mcm berendam dlm bath tub je min...sbb tu dia muat2 je kan,kan,kan :D

  4. Asilah,
    tu lah kan, tension I. I nak kalau boleh, tak puasa in the 3rd week, so boleh pulun buat kuih raya masa tu! Tak puasa first week, tak kan nak buat kuih raya sekarang kan, hehehe...
    Badak ni jenis badak obese, hhhahaha...

    You pernah pergi Kong's supermarket kat Vic Park tu tak? Yang kat depan Target kat Vic Park shopping centre tu. kat situ ada jual steamer murah jugak lah.

    I terpaksa merajinkan diri buat kuih masa puasa ni sbb tak nak tengok muka sedih orang2 yg berpuasa tak dpt makan kuih, hehehe....
    I dah ter trained diaorang, kalau puasa mesti ada kuih. Silap I gak lah, hahaha...

  5. betul, betul, betul.. hyppo jer suka berendam, raino tak :p besides, posa2 ni kalau berendam takut terbatal posa lak, ahaks! (lawak betul la nama kue tu..)
    i tadi beli laksa jer kat psr ramadan, layan jugak lah.. 2 bgks!! hehee..

  6. Kahkah sangat comel soaking hippos tu okeh! apapun namanya, yang penting sodap!

  7. comel la soaking hippos tu. teringin plak nak rasa. hehehe

  8. wakakakakah...gelak guling2.. mau direct translation..soaking hippos..

  9. HAHAHAHAHA..kelakar je..:B

  10. LG agaknya kalau U buat kuih orang Kelantan yang nama Tahi itik tu....he he he mcm mana nak explain tu.....anak I tak makan buah mata kucing coz dia dok imagine mata kucing...

  11. LG agaknya kalau U buat kuih orang Kelantan yang nama Tahi itik tu....he he he mcm mana nak explain tu.....anak I tak makan buah mata kucing coz dia dok imagine mata kucing...

  12. Kuih orang melayu ni memang pelik2 namanya.Kalau nak tahu tunggu bulan puasa ramai yang masak.

  13. Salam LG :-D

    You perasan tak LG, yang kuih Meayu ni banyak juga yang nama pelik2. Hari tu I teringin nak tengok kuih2 Melayu, bila I google appearlah nama like kuih serban tok aji, serabai, agaknya to accompany the badak berendam, putri mandi, tepung gomak and ketayap kut! :-D

  14. wakakaka..soaking hippos!

    mak jah punya favourite ni..nanti i nak buat jugak lahh..

    my kids pun suka tanya nama kuih in english...kalau translate sebijik2 gitu la jadinyerr...

    semalam i buat serimuka..

    mama what is serimuka in english??
    errr...radiant face!

  15. soaking hippos looks good... all green & yummy :)

  16. Raino,
    hahaha...mentang2 sedara you ye? ;-P. Berendam lama2 kat M'sia, best lah sbb panas. Berendam lama2 kat sini, adalah yg mati kesejukan nanti :-).

    My hubby makan 3 ketul semalam. I makan seketul aje pun dah senak perut, hehehe. Dia kata sedap sgt2 kuih soaking hippos ni :-D

    Kalau kat M'sia, I rasa lagi cantik n comel lote aje kuih ni. I aje yg buat besar bagak :-D

    Hehehe...dah kata nak belajar BM kan so tu yg kena direct translation :-P

    semalam makan soaking hippos, hari ni makan animal apa pulak agaknya ye, hahaha

    I awal2 takkan buat tahi itik tu sbb memang tak tergamak nak translate kan maknanya, hahahha

    Kak Zai,
    tu lah nya, memang seronok jugak dengar nama2 kuih melayu ni kan :-)

    Mia's Mom,
    Bukan setakat pelik aje, pastu bila kat lain negeri, terus tukar nama lain. Tu yg memang confused aje bila makan kuih, sbb tak tau nama. But semua sedap2 walaupun nama pelik kan :-D.

    Mak Jah pandai buat soaking hippos tak? hahahaha...
    I pun suka kuih radiant face tu, nak kena buat jugak lah puasa ni, hehehe

    Princess Mulan,
    Patutnya I use brown colouring kan, then they'll definitely look more like a hippo :-)

  17. i love potato nuggets tapi tak reti (read: malas) buat, yang packed kat giant/carrefour punya lah mahal... pelik, kentang je!

  18. betul badak ni kak..gedabak!hehe...u know,my mom kat kampung..selalu menang utk pertandigan membuat kuih badak berendam ni...persatuan kaum ibu kat my kampung..mmg buat event pertandigan membuat kuih2 tradisional every year..hehe..hari ni kuih apa plak kak?

  19. LG

    Kuih hippo berendam? Just want to add something, hopefully can improvise the hippo berendam. Since you steamed it with coconut milk and it soak into the hippo berendam. Why not next time, make extra coconut milk, half of it you pour onto it immediately after you lift it out from steamer. So, it will look a like kuih koci. No harm trying again dear.

  20. LG, selamat berpuasa. wah dah jadi ya soaking hipos aka naked koce aka badak berendam... sedapkan... ari ni kak rose pun wat lagi tuk bukak posa.

  21. kat TTM ada Radiant Face..kat sini ada Soaking Hippos plak yer..tu la..makanan kita kan unik2 namanya..dah kalau nak translate..cenggitu la namanya..hehehe

  22. Kadang tu susah juga kan nak cakap from BM to English, terutama nya perkataan perkataan yang pelik pelik ni.

    Anyway, the soaking hippos looks so yummy.

  23. comel jugak soaking hippos to yek? hehehe..kalau tgk dari kuih apam jek...

    Selamat Berpuasa ye Lemon..!

  24. salam Ramadhan buat LG & Family, suka betul baca blog u nih. Very inspiring on cooking yer..suka betul, really made my day :=)

  25. salam ramadhan?..hha myself pun baru tahu bila baca n3 ni yang kuih koci tu=kuih badak berendam ya...tapi saya tak pernah beli badak berendam ni..kalo kuih koci laju jer beli. saya pun belum boleh puasa lagi..raya tak tahulah sempat berjemaah ker tak tahun ni..awal2 lg dah punch card..hheh

  26. salam..

    sorry la kak, lari topic ni..
    btw, my name is ARFAH.. i ni silent reader @ ur blog..
    ok, mcm ni.. 3rd raya me & my family plan nak pegi perth.. boleh tak u recommend/suggest me place to stay & activity with the kids..
    hope to hear from u soon.. thks.. =D

    anyway, dis is my email add :

  27. thanks kak LG.. nnti esok i g cari. Semangat nak makan pau ni :P

  28. Echah,
    Kat M'sia, sejak dr dulu dah ada kuih ni but baru ni I tau nama dia badak berendam, hahaha

    My hubby loves potato nuggets as well but I pun mcm you, tak kuasa read malas nak buat. Minggu ni Woolworths tgh sale nuggets, half price fr $3.62/bag to $1.81 so I pun bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang lah, hahaha

    I bet kan yr Mak nya badak berendam sure comel2 and tak pecah2 and cantik aje kaler hijau nya kan. Tu yg dia menang. I punya ni boleh gak menang utk category saiz paling bagak! hehehe

    tu lah, I rasa next time I nak steam it first, pastu baru curah kuah santan kan. Baru sedap makan ada kuah :-)

    Kak Rose,
    Kak Rose punya comel2 cantk terletak aje. I punya ni, besar gedabak tak hingat! Tapi, memang sedap kan. My hubby suka sgt2 badak ni! hahaha

    Tu yg I kdg2 malas nak translate sbb nanti jadi pelik giler, hehehe...

    that's right, sometimes pening nak fikir how to translate it to the right normal names kan :-)

  29. Putubambu,
    orang lain buat comel2 aje, I buat terlebih comel sebab besar gedabak mcm hippos! :-)

    salam singgah and salam Ramadhan utk you juga. Thanks sbb sudi baca my blog. I ni suka memasak but jenis yg simple2 aje :-)

    I pun kalau kat M'sia, asik beli koci aje, badak berendam tak pernah beli. Padahal adik beradik aje kan! :-)
    I hope I dapatlah berjemaah Raya tahun ni sbb period cycle I panjang sikit :-).

    Nanti I email you ye :-).
    Have you tried Kat situ kdg2 ada last minute accomodation deals yg bagus.

    You beli pau instant or buat sendiri? :-). Kedai asian grocery yg kat Bentley Plaza tu pun ada steamer tak silap but probably mahal sikit lah.

  30. salam kak.. saya dah lama jadi silent reader blog akak ni. Seronok tengok gambar2 masakan akak tu. duduk di perantauan ni kena lah pandai adjust kan? like ur soaking hippos nie hehehe.. good idea! apa kata lain kali kumpul kan semua2 hippo tu dalam satu bekas, then curah santan yang dah dimasak.. baru buleh soaking together-gether.. hehehe...

  31. Watie,
    salam. Thanks ye sbb sudi baca blog I ni. Bila dah duduk kat perantauan ni kan, barulah tekak ni terasa nak makan mcm2 kuih muih melayu! Tu yg memang kena pandai2 adjust and adapt, hehehe

  32. hahahahah..tak terfikir plak namanya soaking hippos kalau translate ke BI..nice one
