Sunday, 22 August 2010

It’s not long to go….

We received confirmation from the bank on Friday kata the loan has been officially approved that day. And the contract we signed with the real estate agent kata, the house settlement is 28 days after the approval. So, kalau di kira2 from Friday, 28 days will be a week after Raya lah kan. Which means, we all memang betul2 ada 4 minggu saje lagi before the big move! Agggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I’m not ready!!!!!!!!! :-D

Sebab we will be breaking our lease on this house, we have to pay for our current agent to advertise this house for rental, pay for the agent to come and do the final inspection after we’ve moved out completely, pay for the weeks that the house is empty and to make the house available i.e. clean and neat and tidy when they want to show prospective tenants the house. Dah lah rumah ni sekarang tengah berserabut with God knows what, so nak make it clean and tidy tu might take a while lah, hehehe. And then I have to make sure that we keep all our valuables, knick knacks, electronic games, cameras and what not securely hidden away so tak lah kena curi masa all these people come to view this house. Manalah I nak sumbat segala benda ni weh! Tu yang dah start pening ni.

And I pulak, kadang2 will make myself busy with other things to avoid thinking about all the things that I need to do around the house to prepare for the big move and for vacating this rented property. So, for the past few days, I pun buat2lah busy dengan my apron and hat project yang sikit nya lama dah terbengkalai. Kalau nak tunggu sampai dah pindah nanti baru sambung the project jahit menjahit tu again, memang lah definitely tak sempat siap because we’ll be busy with unpacking segala benda. Kesian lah nanti Miss 6 kalau tak dapat buat her birthday party kan :-).

And all the chef’s hat 95% done, tinggal nak letak velcro aje at the back so they can tighten it a bit. And the aprons pun dah nak siap jugak. Nasib baik lah she’s only inviting 5 guests so tak lah banyak set yang I kena buat, hehehe. We’ve never been the type of people yang invite the whole class, The Little Misses birthday parties memang very small aje. Kalau I invite the whole class to this party, adalah nanti Mummy jadi macam tailor masa bulan Ramadhan, tak tidur siang malam sebab nak siapkan tempahan baju Raya, wehehehehe……

A sneak preview of the birthday girl-in-waiting in her hat and apron with Mummy’s whisk and spatula :-D.


Kalah Iron Chef when it comes to posing, muahahahaha….. I know the hat and the apron tak matching but tak cukup kain nak samakan dgn the hat :-). I just guna whatever I can find in my material box aje.

Hari ni for iftar, I told The Other Half that I’m going to do a clean up of the fridge and we’ll be having only leftovers tonite. I tak larat tengok all the plastic containers in the fridge yang berisi segala macam lauk pauk, nasi, meehoon and kuih muih. Kalau we all tak habiskan, alamat lah akan masuk Cik Tong tak lama lagi.

So, for iftar tadi, we had….


Tepung pelita and kuih lapis from leftovers hari tu and kek gulung (kedai mari). Itulah tepung pelita I yg takde rupa tu, hehehe.

And for dinner pulak, each one of us had different meals, terasa macam kat restoran habis padahal like Miss 6 told her Dad tadi, “Mummy’s just reheating all the stuff for dinner Daddy!” :-D.

I had meehoon goreng with chicken fingers, Miss 6 had meehoon goreng and runny fried egg. I made meehoon ni a few nights ago :-). The Other Half pulak had nasi goreng biryani from the other day makan dengan kari ayam and dhal malam tadi. Miss 11 had roti canai with mince kebab (leftovers from weeks ago that I froze). Everyone was happy with their dinners and I managed to reduce the amount of leftovers in the fridge! Yeay!!!!


My meehoon goreng with sambal and chicken fingers.


  1. wah, congrats ye.. dapat uamh baru.. bestnya!

  2. alolo comelnya your little chef tu....anyway congrats nak pindah umah..hihi penat tu nak kena kemas kan!

  3. congrats kak LG! kalo xde org nk abiskan food tu sume, i rela dtg dgn muka x malu :p

  4. salam min...dah nak pindah ye..?? mesti lepak bab2 ngemas nanti ni!! good luck!!

    psst...kita serupa la min..akak ni pun tgh dlm proses recycle semua leftovers dlm freezer. baru je ni, akak kuarkan sambal tumis n lemak ikan for sahur.hehe

  5. yey yey.. open house raya kat rumah baru :D

  6. Bab nak pindah rumah baru tu seronok tapi nak mengemas tu alamak! wah siap kena bayar macam2 kat agent tu eh? jenohla siap duit!
    Walaupun tepung pelita tu katanya tak jadi tapi nmpk sodap juga, Oz style bebeh!

  7. Tak pa...take it slowly....I think U ni kan yang well plan person,,,mesti boleh settle semua tu...go go super mom he he he...for the buka posa...tepung pelita tu nampak menggiurkan la...

  8. Tahniah... kat mana rumah baru ni located? Dekat area Curtin jugak ke? Anyway, how many months do you have on the lease? Tak boleh ke you discuss dengan real estate agent you tu and cakap that you'll find a tennant yang boleh sambung your lease? At least you don't have to pay for anything. Our friend did that. Of course, they had a long discussion. You knowlah real estate agent ni, selagi boleh dia orang nak korek duit kita. However, at the end he managed to persuade them. I think he was with Satterley.

  9. Ajak the little misses kemas barang sekali :-D.. Boleh jadi tailor jugak yer the little misses's mother ni.. Suruh Miss 6 masak makanan sedap sedap utk hari raya nanti :-D

  10. ur daughter is sooooo sweet. what r ur daughters' names ye? sure sweet jugak.

    wah, bestnye nak pindah to a new house. u kno, memang seksa nak kemas semua harta karun before pindah. but trust me, i'm sure u pon dah go thru this before, during unpacking tu macam best kan. bila dah keluarkan semua & rearrange everything rasa macam bahagia je kan.
    take care okay.
    p/s: kami akan serbu ur house nanti.. hahahhaha.

  11. Ica,
    Alhamdulillah, tak sabar nak pindah tp tak larat nak pening2 kepala mengemas rumah skrg ni :-)

    Kan best klu ada dayang2 yg sudi mengemas segala benda utk kita, hehhee

    Once rumah ni dah tak serabut sgt, I panggil you dtg rumah buka puasa ye! Tp you nak makan western ke asian dishes? :-)

    Kak Ain,
    Hajat hati I masa bulan puasa ni tak nak masak banyak2 tp still ada jugak leftovers tu! Tu yg tgh proses emngemas kini fridge, hehehe

    Open house nanti, alamatnya kena duduk atas boxes n makan guna pinggan plastic lah sbb tak sempat nak unpack :-)

    tu yg leceh guna agent kadang2, macam2 rules nya!

    Rumah baru ni down south abit dr current house ni. We all cuma ada 3 bulan lagi utk habis lease. I ingat nak jugak suruh orang take over our lease ni tp I think our agent ni hampeh sikit. Diaorang memang stickler for rules. I pulak jenis malas nak diskusi panjang2 dgn diaorang, kdg2 rasa mcm buang air liur aje cakap dgn diaorang kan.

    The Little Misses memang dah di agih2kan tugas utk pack n unpack tp barang2 diaorang aje lah, hehehe...

    Miss 11 is Alya and Miss 6 is Zahra, simple and senang for lidah Mat Saleh nak sebut, hahaha....
    Masa unpacking tu memang best sbb boleh angan2 mcm2 cara nak decorate and rearrange the furniture tp bila dah penat sgt2 tu, gaya tu jugak lah we all decorate, heheheh....
    Balik fr M'sia nanti, singgah lah Perth dulu. Boleh tolong I kemas rumah baru! hikhikhik....

  12. LG,

    my freezer pun byk leftover..i pun kena clear kan my "ice cream" freezer b4 raya.. ice dlm tu dah tebal..dah jadi mcm mini north pole dah...

  13. Bab pindah rumah memang kerja meletihkan. Tapi pindah utk permanent, takper lah letih dulu, nanti dah leh rehat lama.

    Musykil gak, kuih2 dah simpan fridge tu tak pula jadi basi ek esp. Kuih Lapis tu. Ada kuih yg wpun simpan fridge, tapi rasa dia dah lain macam...

  14. Blu4sky,
    Yg susah nya masa bulan puasa ni, tak boleh nak makan all the leftovers for lunch kan so tu yg makin lama makin menimbun leftovers.

    Kak Azie,
    tu lah, hopefully nya lama lah we all stay kat rumah baru tu nanti :-).
    Tak tau lah kenapa but kat sini benda2 lambat sgt2 nak basi esp yg dlm fridge tu even yg bersantan2. Kuih lapis tu, memang I lepas potong, terus simpan dlm fridge and kurang pegang dia, so prob tu yg lambat basi kot. But so far, rasa di masih sama and tak sakit perut lagi, hehehe

  15. uuwwaaa...b'tambah tahap kejelesan ayu bila akak ckp akak ada 4mggu je lg nak pindah umah baru.aarrgghh...tapi kan,ayu rasa ayu lg prob bila nak packing brg nnti sbb kat stor tu segala mcm tok nenek ada.hb ayu pun dah pening pale sbb dia la yg kena angkat seme tu nnti.hehehe...

    hm...comel zahra dgn apron n hat tu.pape pun congrats la sbb b'jaya mengurangkan leftovers dlm magic esbok akak tu.untung akak coz hb nak mkn leftover food.klu hb ayu la...dia tak nak mkn nak2 klu dah lama.sesilap ayu kena dgr ceramah free dr dia nnti.isk...

  16. saya suka konsep leftover akak tuh, saya pun suka buat mcm tuh, jimat masa kan....congrats akak, sooner dpt stay umah baru...:)

  17. LG, kueh tepung pelita tu OK, cuma bekasnya terlalu besar. I selalu makan during wedding, dia orang buat dalam bekas plastic juga tapi guna saiz yang paling kecil. and stackable too. Try again till perfect 10.

    Since you have to pay for the next 3 months, why not take your time to move out. Phase it out. Or is it everything done, I mean kitchen cabinet, build-in wardrobe, curtain, floor polishing, carpeting and etc?

  18. Ala mynn, i baru baca ur blog harini! kalau tau u ada leftover tepung pelita tu nak jugak i. the one that u gave us the other day, sangatlah sedap. honestly one of the best i have ever tasted :D. oh well, takde rezeki. anyway, congrats on the new house! happy for u guys.
    ps- my brother suruh gitau yg dia leh tolong masa pindah nanti ;p. semangat pulak dia gitau i. hehe

  19. moga2 dimudahkn urusan akak nk pndh nnt.. :)
    Miss 6 pegang senduk mcm nk ketuk org kak..cantikla apron tu..

  20. Tahniah...rumah baru...kalau lg berpindah dibulan Syawal bolehlah ajak jiran2 untuk makan2(rumah terbuka).

  21. Ayu,
    Kat sini memang cepat proses jual beli rumah yg dah siap ni. Tu yg tetiba aje dah nak kena pindah,hehehe...
    Hubby I klu dia tak makan leftovers, alamat dia kaan kelaparan lah sbb bini dia ni garang, hahaha

    I ni kan rasa bersalah aje bila masak lebih2 and duk lama dlm fridge tu. Lagilah skrg ni bulan Ramadhan, lagi rasa besar bersalah nya, hehehe...

    Tepung pelita tu tak cantik sbb I tak ratakan every layer. I cuma senduk masuk dlm bekas, pastu senduk the next layer straight away, hehehe...
    We all beli rumah yg already occupied so everything dah lengkap. Tu yg klu boleh nak masuk awal sbb tak nak kena bayar both rent n mortgage at the same time.


    Amin...Nak pindah ni emmang pening kepala kan! Nampak sgt Miss 6 tu tak pernah masak kan, pegang senduk pun awkward, hehehe

    Kak Zai,
    tu lah, sambil buat open house, sambil buat house warming party kan :-)

  22. I certainly do not envy all the packing and cleaning you'll have to do. Good luck sorting the house!

    You have inspired me to freeze all my leftover food now. And since bulan puasa ni lagi banyaklah I dok menyumbat dalam freezer. Nasib baik ada dua freezer if not tak tau lah.

  23. Melina,
    Thanks for the wish. I need all the luck I can get to get all the jobs done on time :-).
    Tu sebab I like shoving everything in the freezer because we've got 2 as well. Kalau ada 1 aje, I think I'll be throwing a lot of stuff away :-(.
