Saturday 17 July 2010

Shrek Saturday

We finally got to watch Shrek 4 3D at the cinema today after orang lain dah berminggu2 and berkali2 tengok that movie :-). We all ni malas nak tengok awal2 sebab the cinemas sure sesak with people. Tadi we went to the 10 o’clock show and it was quite empty which was really good. At least takdelah orang yang sibuk berborak2 and bagi commentary and takdelah mobile phones yang asik berbunyi during the movie which are my pet peeves! We really enjoyed watching it but quite sad sebab it looks like there won’t be any more Shrek sequel after this. Can’t wait to get it on dvd though so bolehlah watch it on the projector kan, hehehe.

Weekend ni is our last weekend before The Little Misses start school again on Tuesday after a 2-week break. It’s been a busy 2 weeks so tak lah terasa sangat The Little Misses keboringan duduk rumah. The first week was spent at Monkey Mia and this week was spent just relaxing at home with the occasional jaunts to the shopping malls. So far, they haven’t been driving me nuts that far up the walls. Either that or I am better at ignoring them kot, hehehe. Occasionally aje lah I’ll be yelling at them to calm down and stop making so much noise :-). With girls, it’s the noise yang membingitkan telinga not their actions yang memeningkan kepala, hehehe. But I bet, they can’t wait to go back to school to play with their own friends instead of just with each other!

And for dinner tonite, I made beef and beans nachos. The Mexicans will eat it with jalapenos chillies tapi we all makan dengan chili jeruk buatan sendiri yang tak kurang pedasnya jugak :-).



A bowl of nachos for me.


  1. i'm craving for thissss!!!!..akak ni mcm tau2 jek jaja mengidam menda alah ni..siap buat entry lagi pasal blog kak min dok buat nachos ni semalam..dah la puas pening pk kat mana nak cari nachos tu..kalau kat sana,nachos nya dah siap mcm tu ke? atau kena goreng dulu ke? dia packaging dlm kotak ke?

  2. jaja penah tgk kat astro pasal orang mexico makan nachos ni dengan lada jalapenos tu..dan rasanya itu lah cara pertama orang2 dulu discover nak makan nachos ni..heheh

  3. i've had experience of parents telling me "cikguuuuu, cuti sekolah ni serabut la saya depa ada di rumaaaahhhh!" kikikikih!
    i said, "saya pun serabut jugak kdg2 bila kena mengadap kerenah 40 org sekaliguussssss!" wakakaka!

  4. Jaja,
    corn chips yg kuning tu mcm potato chips yg kita beli as snack tu lah, boleh terus makan, pacakging dlm plastic. Betullah yg yr friend ambik gambar kat blog Jaja tu. Kat sini macam2 brand ada.
    Kiranya, bukak plastic, terus tuang atas tray, pastu letak mince meat kuah tu and grated cheese, pastu grill sampai melted :-).

    Hehehehe... Samalah mcm kat sini, muka cikgu cikgi semua ceria on the last day of school tu. Pastu, muka mak bapak aje yang kelat, hahaha....

  5. Sama la dgn my kids..tak sabar2 hari tu nak gi sekolah balik.
    1st week jalan2, 2nd week kat rumah je..ader la my bro bawak diorg tgk movie, toy story 3 tak silap.

    i biasa makan nachos cam u la..ada mince beef ngan cheese(kedai mari laa, buat blum lagi)my hubby ngan bebudak suka makan nachos kosong2 camtu jerr pulakk..

  6. wokeh..boleh dah jaja jalan kan kerja pembuatan nachos tu..hehhehe..siap dah c&p resipi u bagi hari tu...

  7. salam,

    nk tnya soalan yg x berkaitan dgn entry ni..bila last time u makan nasi hari-hari? susah tu nk tolak nasi ke tepi..sumbat apa pun last2 mst teringat kat nasi..

  8. Wawawaaa..sedappp..kalau abah ai kan, dia tengok 360 darjah, lepas tu soal siasat..lepas tu tanya..sedap ke?..last sekali dia kata apa tau.."koo makan sendiri jee lahh!!"...hahaha..

  9. pandai la akk amik pic.cun...nampak menyelerakan...

  10. min..akak gelak bila baca N3 psl hadiah harijadi tu..oklah tu daripada tak ada.

    kat sini benda ni mahallah..tu sbb tak buat.

  11. TTM,
    budak2 tu, hari ni baru kelam kabut tengok bag sekolah making sure semua benda cukup. Esok I kena pergi KMart cari benda2 yg dah habis, hish.... hehehe
    Kat sini susah sikit nak cari nachos kedai yg halal, tu yg terer buat sendiri, hahaha ;-)

    cepat buat, nanti kan meleleh aje air liur Jaja malam2 kat bantal, hahaha :-P

    Last sekali makan nasi hari2 masa balik M'sia tu kot. Kalau I masak nasi hari2 kat sini, semua nanti akan merajuk tak lalu nak makan nasi aje :-).

    Cik Mat,
    wakakaka...boleh lah Abah you kan join Abah I. Dia pun mcm tu, pandang sebelah mata aje, pastu buat muka mcm tak lalu nak telan. Susah betul tekak orang tu tu kan, hahahahaha.

    thanks :-)

    Kak Ina,
    hahaha...masih ada lagi gift card tu Kak Ina, I tak beli lagi benda apa2 :-).
