Monday, 26 July 2010

conversation between Mummy and daughter

The conversation I had with Miss 6 tadi.

Miss 6: Mummy, do you know when people get married….

Mummy: Yessss….. (Oh shivers! Please don’t let this conversation go anywhere where I don’t want it to go!!!!)

Miss 6: Do they have to, you know, marry someone born in the same month?

Mummy: No, but why do you asked that?

Miss 6: Oh, because you know how Daddy and you have got birthdays both in July. I thought you have to marry someone that has the same birthday month as you.

Mummy: Hehehehe…..

Lega I sebab it’s not that kind of conversation. Then she sambung balik…

Miss 6: Mummy, you know when a boy marries a girl….

Mummy: Yess….. (Oh heck! please please please, don’t go there……..)

Miss 6: And they have kids…

Mummy: Yessssss……. (Oh definitely heck heck heck!)

Miss 6: And the kids have surnames right… do they have to take the Dad’s name?

Mummy: In most cultures they do but in some cultures they take their Mum’s surname.(phew….it’s that kind of question :-D).

Miss 6: Oh, that’s why I have Daddy’s surname.

I don’t know what brought it up though, this talk about marriage, hahahahahaha… (You are still wayyyyyyyy too young to be thinking about it, Miss!)

For dinner tonite, I made baked paprika chicken drumsticks, makan dengan dumplings and steamed veges. The dumplings I baked in the oven, in the same tray as the drumsticks so they’ll soak up the juice form the chicken. Dumplings ni lebih kurang scones lah.



Yang macam tahu tu are the dumplings/scones. Cantik tak my corelle plate ni? hikhikhikhik….

Yang in pulak masa they were still in the ovenware. I know they look a bit messy :-).


Tu yang I ambik gambar selalu nya bila dah plate it nicely instead of when they are in the tray, heheheh…..


  1. tgh terfikir miss 6 baca tak blog ni?hehehe.ingatkan miss 11 yang tanya pasal marriage,rupanya miss 6,advance eh.

  2. Haha I pun saspen, ingatkan Miss 6 nak tanya soalan pasal *toooot*

  3. budak2 sekarang ni bijak..

    sedapnya nak sikit..lapo pulak, nak p masakla..=.=

  4. Kak rose rasa you better be prepared for an answer to the *toot* question...dah dekat nak tanye tu..GOODLUCK....i have past that stage..hihihi

  5. mcm soalan who wants to be a millionaire! berdebar debar..!

  6. hehhe..mujur miss 6 tanya soalan lain..kalau tak..puas la mummy dia nak terangkan..

  7. Mrs Adam,
    hehehe, tu lah. Apalah budak tu, baru 6 tahun dah tanya soalan lebih2, hikhikhik...

    you baca dah saspen, I yg kena tanya tadi, lagilah berpeluh sekejap!

    budak2 sekarang diaorang tak kisah, tanya aje about everything kan :-)

    Kak Rose,
    Hari tu dengan Miss 11, nasib baik kat sekolah dia ada sex ed khas untuk budak2 11-12 tahun so terlepas lah I dari having to answer her questions. Hopefully, Miss 6 ni lama lagilah before I have to answer the same questions kan :-)

    hahahahaha...ini siap berpeluh2 lagi!

  8. Jaja,
    tu lah you, nasib baik lah soalan 'baik2' aje yang dia tanya, hahaha

  9. hahaha..nasib baik tak menyimpang jauh

    eh lupa nak bagi salam,Assalamualaikum

    sebenarnya dah lama baca blog ni,best sgt,tp yg tak best nya,selalu mengidam lepas tgk pic2 makanan dlm blog akak.haha

    btw,sy kat jpn.ada masa sy lawat lagi ke sini.kalau rajin pos la sepinggan dua mai jepun.hehe

  10. Amir,
    Waalaikumsalam n salam singgah ke my blog :-). Thanks ye sbb sudi baca my blog ni.
    Mengidam tu I tak boleh nak tolong lah, by the time sampai kat Jepun, dah berkulat2, hehehe

  11. LG
    kihkihkih (to your conversation) and yummy (to what else, hehe).

    Soft warning: She'll be back..

  12. owh..ruginya jumpa blog ni lambat... so nice!

  13. oh..soalan yang memeningkan..huhu..tapi, apepun kena bersiap dari segi mental n fizikal nak jawab soalan2 sekitar perkara tu again and again...hehe...
    psl foods tu, saya rasa yang menyerikan makanan tu ialah carrot tu...hehe...suka tengok kombinasi warna yang sangat menyerlah...hehe

  14. kak lg,
    masa umur 4 tahun muffy tanye i where do babies come from? my answer was, 'daddy planted seeds in mummy's tummy and 9 mths later the baby come out'..haha.ok tak jawapan i?

  15. LG,

    kalah debaran nak amik periksa errkk..

    when aiman asked me "the question".. straight away my answer..dr potong tummy and keluarkan baby dari tummy..gerun tak answer..kikiki..

  16. Salam kak LG,
    Tersenyum saya pagi2 ni. Itulah cabaran seorang ibu. hihi.
    Saya tak penah buat dumpling. Nampak ringkas, mudah nak buat bersahur ni. Yum yum...

  17. LG,salam ziarah,
    Nice blog you have.Reading the post make makcik sayu cos all my kids are grown up and I miss all those silly milly small talks when they are kids.Good time not bad times though.

    Makcik blogger dari utara M'sia.

  18. cute la Miss 6 bila tnye2 camtu..
    Paprika chicken tu best x rasa dia??xnak bg resepi ke?? (*_*)

  19. salam k.min....

    bila baca n3 akak ni,ayu lak yg b'debar2.memula ayu ingat alya yg tnya.rupanya si zahra.iisskk...budak2 skrg advance kan? coming soon my turn la plak.huhu...hrp2 ainnur tak t'lbh advance la.jenuh ayu nak explain dia suka tgk drama dr cartoon.camne tu?

    hm...pasni leh la ayu melawat blog akak dgn aman damai sbb dah dpt pc baru.flat screen lg.yihah!!!! pc lama tu dah nazak.tu yg ayu tak dpt jenguk blog akak

  20. berdebar hati mummy tunggu soklan mss 6 tu..hehe

  21. phewwwww..!! budak2 bila dah besar dan byk tanya..kita as a parent pulak yg panik kan..??!

    cam semalam.. anak dara I tanya.. mama ape tu bermukah?
    gara2 baca dlm H.Metro semalam..

    aku buat tak dengar jek..pehtu dia tanya lagi..terpaksa le jawab.. ala..tu depa berkawan tapi tak berkahwin lagik.. (sebenornya it's hard to explain or..i rather no to explain that 'thing'..!!!)

    suspen lagik ni..

    by the way, mmg cantik pinggan correle tu..hehehe

  22. hahaha..mak dah gelabah.
    yang baca pon suspen je..hihi

  23. i penah ada that kind of "conversation" with my mom when i was 9 y.o. Still remember clearly my mom jawab camne huhuhuhuuu...

  24. CikSom,
    tu yg I tgh ketaq2 ni if she comes back with some more 'deep n meaningful' questions, hahahah

    thanks ye sbb sudi singgah baca my blog :-)

    tu lah kan, bila dah ada kids ni, macam2 soalan yg timbul :-).
    I think carrots tu memang ngam letak sebelah green kan!

    hehehe...memang betul dah jawapan tu kan tp kalau dia mintak nak tengok the seeds, haru jugak kan, hahahaha...

    nasib baik boy kan, kalau girl lah anak you tu, mau terus dia phobia tak nak ada baby, hikhikhik

    tu lah kan, bila dah ada anak ni, kena bersedia jawab soalan2 yg mencabar, hehehe

    salam singgah :-).
    Bila anak2 dah grown up, lain pulak soalan2 and talks with them kan :-).

    Masa dia tgh tanya tu, memang tak rasa cute langsung! Hahahaha...
    Paprika chicken tu ok lah rasa nya, not Wow but not yuck either, hehehe....

  25. Ayu,
    salam. Budak ni kadang2 tak kisah umur, semua dia tanya tapi kena pandai jawab ikut umur lah kan. Kalau jawab kat Ainnur yg komplex2, mau dia tercengang, hehehe..
    Wahhhh... bestnya dpt PC baru :-). I pun baru aje tukar screen baru sbb screen lama dah hampeh!

    aklau boleh buat2 sibuk masa tu, I dah buat, hahahaha

    muahahahaha... tu yg tak larat kan bila budak2 start baca paper ni sbb macam2 perkataan dlm tu. Pastu, paper skrng ni penuh dgn berita2 sensasi pulak tu :-).

    Mak dia ni memang extra gelabah kalau bab2 soalan 'pelik' ni ;-)

    Your Mak jawab macam mana? Merah padam tak muka you berdua? hehehe
