Sunday, 27 June 2010

Toy sale everywhere!!!!

Here in OZ, most kids will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of July. Why, you might ask…

Because of the arrival of these things in the mailbox…


The extravaganza Toy Sale catalogues!!!!!!

Every year in July, all the major departmental stores will be having a mega toy sale. Why in July? I guess so people can put the toys they want on lay-bys and then pay for them bit by bit and just have enough time to pay them fully by Christmas.

That’s what a lot of people do here. Kalau you all pergi the stores on the first day of the toy sale, Mak Oi, macam apa aje. Memang tak boleh gerak kadang2 and everyone will be pushing the biggest trolley they could find and setiap trolley tu will be choc-a-block with toys! And kadang2 tu, most of the shelves will be empty! Kalau you all pergi lambat sikit, nangis aje lah yang you all boleh buat sebab everything dah habis.

And can you imagine, what happened when 2 little girls saw 3 thick toy catalogues?

Bangun tidur catalogue, makan catalogue, duduk catalogue, dalam kereta catalogue, nak tidur catalogue! Muahahahahahaha…


And if you can see, some of the toys have already been circled :-). Dua2 beradik tu sama ligat you, tak padan sorang kecik and sorang besar. The circled toys tu kiranya the toys that they wished for and kalau Santa Claus baik hati this year, dapatlah diaorang the toys, hikhikhikhik…….

The other day, we got a $200 gift cards from Big W for our frequent flyer points and we told The Little Misses that they can have $25 each to spend on anything they want. Tu yang segala toys yang $25 kalau boleh diaorang nak circle, hehehehe……

(Tapi dalam hati sure kata, apasal lah Mak Pak kita ni tak se kaya Bill Gates ye… Macam mana kita nak beli semua benda dalam catalogue ni :-(…).

You better start collecting all the coins you found on the floor then, hahahahahaha….

They are not into clothes and books pulak we can get from the library. So, everytime they get some money gifts, memang akan pergi ke toys lah. Padahal every year, memang we all akan buat spring cleaning of their toys and donate their unwanted toys to Good Sammy. But still nak jugak beli toys kalau ada pocket money lebih :-).

But at least, nowadays, the toys that they bought mostly revolves around Littlest Pet Shop toys, Polly Pockets toys and Lego. And they do play with them (even Miss 11 yang konon2nya dah besar tu). I know she still loves playing with LPS and Polly Pocket toys but she would be horrified if her classmates found out. So uncool to be seen playing with them at that age I guess :-). But Lego is still a cool toy for a kid her age to play with kan!

Ada sape2 big kiddies out there yang tiba2 rambang mata tengok the toy catalogues ni ke? hikhikhik…..

Since I ter rajin tulis entry during the day, obviously I cannot tayang gambar our dinner lah kan. But I’ll just tayang gambar the bread I made this afternoon untuk makan with dinner tonite.



Continental bread loaf (but I tak bake lama sgt so tak tebal sgt crust dia). Malam ni I malas betul nak masak so I might just make scrambled eggs with sausages and thne makan dengan toasted bread. Sedapkan! :-).


  1. Haha...memang banyak betul catalogue sampai kat mailbox skang ni kann..
    kalau i yg jumpa dulu, sempat gak belek2..pastu berangannnnn!!

    Kalau yg lagi sorang tuu dpt dulu...terus ke TONG SAMPAHHHH!!

    sure budak2 ni termimpi2 toys kannn??

  2. TTM,
    Sekarang ni pun budak2 tu tengah membelek catalogue tu. Agaknya kan, sure diaorang tgh wishing yg mak pak diaorang ni loaded mcm Bill Gates kan, hahaha.....
    My hubby tau kalau dia buang catalogue baru masuk tong sampah, adalah yg perang dingin nanti, hikhikhik....

  3. sis LG, looks fluffy le your roti...share recipe plzzz.. ;) tq

  4. Salam LG,

    Agak-agak...those toys boleh buat birthday presents kat you and your other half tak? Hihik... kat akak pun boleh, hahaha, kan kita berbirthday berturut hari! ;-)

  5. Zila,
    I dpt recipe ni dr my breadmaker recipe book, dapat 2 big loaves. nanti I letak the recipe ye :-).

    Kak Emily,
    hikhikihik... kalau you suka main lego, banyak lah yg tgh sale :-). Nak ke? hehehe

  6. Mynn,
    anak zana yang 6 tahun tu,dapat tengok catalouge pun jadilah,dia boleh tengok berjam-jam lamanya,bila ditanya kenapa tengok lama-lama sangat.Dia boleh jawab "adik berangan je macam semua toys tu adik punya" he he.Nasib baik berangan tu free dan tak kena bayar kan Mynn:-)

  7. LG,

    Uiks! Siap dah circle suma yang hajat di hati ye. Hehe!

    Tuh kalo the girls belek toys catalogues. Kalo dapat kitchenware catalogue and Mummy nye lak yang membelek.. agaknye baper circles la ada dalam tuh gamaknye kan. :D

  8. Salam LG,

    I tengah blog-hopping then terjumpe your blog..I dah link your blog in my blog..

    Jangan kata budak jer yang excited dapat tengok catalog yang banyak fancy toys tu sometimes mak budak pon terlebih excited jugak..hehe..yelar dulu zaman kita mana la ade toys yang fancy2 macam la ni..

    Your bread looks so fluffy la..sedap kaau dapat dip dengan air teh panas..

  9. owh,ada gak eh reward kalo spend byk2 kat Big W tu eh.Kena guna kad yang nama Flyby ke pe tu eh?
    p/s: nak aircond,panas tul hahahhah

  10. Zana,
    samalah dgn budak2 ni, sampai sekarang masih lagi belek2 catalogue tu! Ntah apa yg diaorang angan2 kan I pun tak tau, hehehe. Tapi betuk cakap you yg angan2 tak payah keluar duit kan! :-)

    Kalau I tengok catalogue kitchenware, sampai meleleh2 air liur you and sampai mimpi2 lagi! Wakakakaka....

    Thanks ye sudi singgah and link my blog. I'll link yr blog sama ye!
    Best betul kan budak2 sekarang, toys pun ada catalogue khas! I pun tengok gak catalogue toys tu tadi selepas diaorang circle benda2 yg diaorang nak, senang lah I nak belikan present masa bday, hehehe

    Oh, we all dpt gift cards tu sbb we all guna Woolworths everday rewards card and then link it with Qantas frequent flyer.
    Masa hubby I asik2 gi interstate past 6 months, tu yg kumpul the points. Dapat lah tukar dgn the gift cards (berbaloi I bagi dia pergi outstation, hahahaha)...

  11. jugak ek kalau kat mesia ni pun ada mcm tu..kalau jaja la bila ada anak nanti..mau jaja sorok kan menda alah katalog tu dr anak2..hehehhe

  12. waa toy catalogues sudah tiba! jgn kata bebudak, i pun kalau tengok apa2 catalogue mmg berangan. my mum mmg akan simpan semua catalogues yg sampai ke rumah sebab lepas kelebek, dia akan jual kat apek suratkhabar lama, kehkeh

  13. laaa.. ingatkan toys mummy kat dapur yg offer :)

  14. Salam LG :-D

    Kat rumah ni, I yang sibuk membelek. Kalah anak2 I. Dia orang sekadar hari pertama je excited. I yang dekat tiga hari tak habis2 lagi. Melampau kan? So, i faham sangat la perasaan the Little Misses tu :-D

  15. semalam masa berkemas, baru pasan yg bebudak nih duk simpan lagi last year punya OZ toy's catalogue...itupun sorok2 buang nanti dowang kutip balik.

  16. eeeiii..bestnya toys..!

    kita pun suka main ngan toys tau.. walaupun dah tua. hikhik

  17. salam k.min...

    pekabo? ayu mcm biasa!!! adoila...cepat la abis audit kat opis ni.tak sabar nak tunggu 1st julay coz masa tu t'lps la segala seksaan audit kat sini.

    huhu...bestnya ada toy sale.klu dorg leh makan catalogue,tido catalogue etc...ayu pun mcm tu gak.selagi tak lunyai catalogue...selagi tu la dok hadap.biasanya katalog ikea la yg jd mangsa.hehehe...

    uiks...tetiba lak ayu t'berkenan kat dapur masak2 tu.cute! ainnur mesti suka klu faris lg suka sbb dia leh tumpang sekaki then jahanamkan all the compartment.

  18. Min roti tu makan cecah dengan bubur kacang pun best jugak!!

  19. Sama je la budak2..kalau Danish & Danial tu pantang tengok katalog Tesco & Carrefour..mesti tgk toys tp sekadar tgk je la..mama dia takde beli punya..kecuali hubby terbaik hati belikan haha

  20. kalau lah mini stove tu 39rm je kat sini! bestnya! (yang tua pun excited tengok katalog, tu baru nampak 1 page)

  21. Jaja,
    Memang kena sorok catalogues tu sbb we all pun dah tak larat dengar diaorang asik cerita pasal toys aje! :-D

    I love the supermarket and the departmental stores catalogues. Memang boleh verangan sekejap, kiranya like Mother like daughters lah, hehehehe...
    Our catalogues we all masuk recycle bin.

    Kak Nor,
    nanti kalau I tayang Mummy nya toy catalogues, takut ramai lak yg meroyan sampai termimpi2, hikhikhik.....

    Mia's Mom,
    You can join my kids lah, sampai sekarang masih lagi belek the catalogue tu, tak larat we all, hahaha...

    hehehehe....siap bawak balik M'sia lagi tu :-D

    Boleh lah you join my kids, satu hari suntuk dlm bilik main toys :-)

    Salam. Takpe, kejap aje lagi 1st of July, pastu boleh lah kamu lepak2 sambil update blog! hehehe
    Dapur masak tu memang best, budak2 ni masa kecik2 dulu ada but skrg dah di donate sbb diaorang tak main lagi.

    Kak Watie,
    sudah ku buat bubur kacang tadi dan sudah ku makan bersama biskut kering!!!! Manyak sedap weh! Hehhehe

    tu lah kan, my kids pun berangan aje sbb diaorang tau yg Mum n Dad akan belikan kadang2 aje, hehehe

    KOG, stove tu you ke yg nak? :P

  22. Salam Kak LG
    Now I knew, kenapa tmak ngan betiba ada toys sale nie, maklumlah baru 3 bulan kat Adelaide nie...dahlah ada 2 org boys, bila dapat catalog, bukan anak aje yang excited, mak bapak pun sama..nice blog and story

  23. Kat sini tiap tiap minggu ada toys catalog. Kalau my boys nampak ah habis lah telinga saya ni, asik asik dengar "I want...., I want..." semua lah dia mahu. Hishhhh pening kepala.

  24. Gina,
    Masa ni lah paling best nak kumpul toys sebab memang ada toys yg betul2 di discount! hehehe.
    Dari toys for kids ke toys for adults, semua ada kan! :-)

    Memang betul tu and I will answer, "I want my kids to be quiet!"
