Monday, 14 June 2010

The pathetic lemon tree

Semalam I cerita pasal pruning my pokok lemon yang takde buah tu kan. Pastu, hari ni Puan TTM aka Chloe yang duk kat Melbourne tu kan, saje je tayang kat blog dia tu pokok lemon dia yang tersangat lah lebat nya berbuah. Siap 1 bucket lemons dia gi petik semalam. Nyampahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Saje je dia nak bagi we all jeles! :-P. Semalam sebelum pruning, I dapatlah kutip 3 biji aje lemons yang dah kuning. Yang lain masih lagi hijau tapi terpaksa say adieu to them :-((.

I nak tunjuk gambar pokok lemon we all bulan lepas. Ignore the 2 girls yang melompat sakan in this photo ye. Just concentrate on the lemon tree yang lebat merimbun kat belakang diaorang tu, yang dah tinggi melangit tu hah.


And ini rupa the same pokok lemon hari ini setelah di gondolkan dek we all semalam. It looks so pathetic kan! Macam nak tak nak aje hidup kan, hahahahahahaha……


Can you imagine pokok I ni duk sebelah pokok lemon TTM tu, mau kena gelak kaw kaw nya dek pokok lemon TTM. And sure lah ada inferiority complex pokok lemon I lepas tu. Terus terbantut tak nak berbuah punya lah!. Sian dia kan, hehehe….

The Other Half kata hopefully, it will grow back nicely to a manageable height (kalau it will grow back!). Kalau dia merajuk tak nak hidup sebab kena cantas maut, kenalah we all beli pokok lemon baru, hikhikhik…… But pokok lemon we all ni mereng sikit, cycle dia dah tak betul. Pokok lemons lain masa Winter ni lah tengah lebat berbuah kuning2 and dah boleh di petik. Pokok we all ni, baru sekarang nak keluarkan buah, ada banyak buah yang masih hijau and only ada 3 biji aje lemons yg kuning. I rasa pokok lemon ni memang dah nak menopause sebab tu ada hormone imbalance and cycle tak betul :-D.

Anyway, enough of the lemon tree. Tadi I made choc muffins for The Little Misses afternoon tea. I guna recipe jaffa muffins ni but instead of using orange-flavoured choc, I cuma guna dark chocolate pastu letak sunquick orange concentrate in it. I love the combination of orange and choc.



And I just hias them with whipped cream and sprinkles aje.

And for dinner pulak, I made baked rack of lamb with baked potatoes, sauteed zucchini and caulifower gratin.



Only The Other Half and Miss 6 yang suka sangat2 lamb ni so diaorang lah yang beria2 makan. I lagi suka makan jaffa muffins tu dari the lamb, hikhikhikhik……



  2. kak LG, me n my friend will head to perth before going back to malaysia this sept..kak LG ade email tak? nak email few questions pasal market @ Perth :P

  3. uish..pjg bebenor elaboration pasal ur pokok lemon kan..harap2 'dia' tak merajuk la..masa u tebang pokok tu, u kena bagi ayat2 memujuk sket kat pokok tu..baru dia berbuah balik..hehheh..the lamb is sooooo mabelessssss

  4. i really enjoy reading your blog ;)

    the gorgeous foood u made for ur family really made me dream of being a wifey and mother, baking n cooking for my family!

    keep on writing ^^

  5. Ain,
    I pun suka muffins esp yang ada perisa orange :-)

    you nak datang Perth bila? After Raya ke? My email is You nak pergi souvenir market ye? hehehe

    Tu lah kan, panjang benor I tulis, mengalahkan cikgu yang tulis, hehehe ;-).
    Esok I nak start nyanyi lagu hindi lah kat pokok tu, bagi dia tangkap lentok and cepat berbuah :-)

    thanks for the compliment :-). Occasionally, when the mood is right, I do love being in the kitchen. But there are times when I feel like it's such a chore! :-)

  6. memang gondol habis min cantas lemon tu. klu merajuk tak nak tumbuh balik pun patut kot.hihihi

    cantik muffin min.sekali pandang mcm faux muffin pulak!!

  7. ni pruning ke tebang menebang? kesian pokok tu...hehe

    p.s puan LG, that dinner is my kind of food.

  8. Kak Ain,
    tu lah kan, hehehe. Now I yang susah hati takut dia merajuk tak nak tumbuh balik :-).
    I kan tak pandai langsung gubah menggubah ni, so nak buat faux muffin tu memang hancus lah :-)

    I should have changed it to menebang kan instead of pruning ;-).
    Next time you are in Perth, if you drop us a line, I can prepare the same dinner for you. Boleh lah you join my hubby devour the lamb!

  9. kenalah sentiasa memberi sokongan moral kat lemon tree tu, supaya tak rasa inferior. Hehe.

    Sedapnya muffin tu. Nyum nyum.

  10. Salam LG :-D

    Hehehe...naik togel pokok lemon you tu ya? Bukan alang2 you memerun (or is it memprune). Rasanya you kenalah bagi naik semanagt sikit kat pokok tu. Apa kata you bagi dia dengar muzik ke? Lagu Pavarotti pun ok gak rasanya. Kalau pokok tu suka lagu rock or dengar gitar plucking, cuba2 bagi dia dengar lagu Extreme yang "More Than Words" tu. I'm sure the pokok would like to listen to Nuno Bettencourt! :-D Kecur tengok the rack of lamb!!!

  11. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!<-pokok lemon kat rumah i ni ye yg gelak..bukan i taww:D

    Mabuk daun tu LG, tu pasal tak mau berbuah ..takkan muda2 dah nak menopause haha... Elok jugak u ikut semua suggestions nak kasi naik semangat pokok lemon u tu..

    terliur tgk ur muffin tu la..i nak google la jaffa tu apa.. 1st time dengar hehehe

  12. Bintang,
    Go lemon tree Go!
    Go lemon tree Go!
    Go lemon tree Go!
    hehehehe.... I ni tak pass nak jadi cheerleader :-).

    Mia's Mom,
    You rasa kan, kalau I yang nyanyi instead of dengarkan lagu2 from the cds, berkesan tak? Or makin mati adalah agaknya? hahahahaha...
    Psst.. Which one more motivational, Pavarotti or Raihan? hikhikhik :-P

    Kak I dah cakap, memang kena gelak punyalah! Lepas ni sure merajuk setahun tak keluarkan buah! hahahaha

  13. Salam LG :-D

    Oooohhhh! Kalau tuan dia ada masa nak nyanyi kat dia, tentu2la pokok tu suka - special attention gitu? Tapi ambil masa la jugak at least sampai merajuk dia kurang. Boleh ke tuan dia nyanyi lagu Raihan sambil petik gitar? :-D Opps... rebana pun sesuai jugak... Tapi tolongla jangan pakai didgeridoo - tenggelam tuan dia.

  14. Salam LG...
    Teringin rasa kat tekak ni makan rangka kambing macam yang akak masak tu... nak kene p cari la... tp orang slalu ckp tak blh makan daging kambing bebanyak coz t dpt darah tinggi...

  15. muffin tu yumm...

    lemon boleh hidupkah di malaya? :B

  16. i think i would go for the lamb rack, LEPAS TU jaffa muffins... u didn't say it has to be an either-or choice kan? hehehe

  17. Sungguh jeles sekali menengok pokok lemon yg berbuah lebat kat blog kak TTM kan kak Min?...tak sangka pokok pun boleh kena kanser ek? i thought sum kind of infection...buah sikit punya lebat!!! boleh bukak gerai lemonade depan umah hahaha...boley kutip duit menjana pendapatan..huahuahuauha
    Malang sekali rumah i ni tingkat 21..takde can nak menanam-nanam nih

    Huuhu...sedey sbb my fren nak pindah ke Oz(Queensland) next month...they will be residing there permanantly.. her husband left last night and she'll be tagging along in July....

  18. canteknye gambar makanan. rasa lapar plak biler tgk. hihihi.

  19. i love lamb chop
    tetiba feeling nak nyanyi mary had a little lamb, little lamb...heee

  20. Dear Salam2Benua,

    i've been yr silent reader for a few weeks now. i thk u're an amazing cook coz all yr so-called simple meals look so darn appetizing. yr girls are so adorable and i just love reading abt yr family esp yr malayanised matsalleh hubby.

    pardon my silly question. i'm planning a trip to gold coast in december, but i;ve bn told that that early december will be really hot, sampai lalat banyak sangat. is that true? when is the best time to visit?

    hope u can help. keep on blogging and take care!


  21. Mia's Mom,
    I nak suruh my hubby yang nyanyi sbb dia yg beria gondolkan pokok lemon tu. Tapi dia cuma tau lagu2 Cat Stevens aje, ok tak agaknya?
    Tak pun I suruh budak2 tu nyanyi, hehehe...

    I rasa makan daging banyak2 ni memang tak bagus. Lagi bagus makan ikan kan :-). Sayang nya orang2 kat rumah ni tak minat sgt ikan kecuali I, hehehe

    I tak tau lah lemon boleh hidup kat M'sia ke tak. My Mak kata masa dia kecik2 dulu jiran dia ada pokok lemon tp sekarang mcm susah nak hidup.

    betul tu, lambk rack for dinner pastu muffin for dessert kan. kita makan dgn vanilla ice cream and choc sauce, boleh? :-)

    tu lah yg buat I ni so envious kat pokok lemon dia. Pokok lemon I tu memang hampeh betul, malas nak berbuah, tu yg kena gondolkan terus! hehehehe
    Boleh lah you pergi melawat yr fren kat Queensland nanti kan sambil2 pergi ke Gold Coast :-).

    Kena masuk bila perut dah kenyang :-)

    bila nyanyi lagu tu, terus tak jadi nak makan lamb sebab sian kat lamb tu kan, hikhikhik...

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and enjoying it :-).
    I tak pernah pergi Gold Coast but I've got some information for you. Try this website
    It's got some general info about the weather in all the months.
    Kat OZ ni, bila Summer, memang banyak lalat because that's when they breed I guess. Sometimes it can be quite bad, other times it's ok.
    I think Autumn would be a nicer time to visit, around May-June kot, sebab it's cool down :-)

  22. I don't eat lamb either. Tapi nampak fancy lah dinner malam ni. Kalau kat restaurant mesti kena bayar mahal heheh.

  23. SJB,
    I eat lamb but I would rather have fish than lamb, hehehe

  24. Hi LG....
    Ni 1st time rasanya I bagi komen but I baca blog u for quite sometime. Tak tau kenapa tapi I suka. Kesian lemon tree u. Tapi my mom pernah kata kalau kita rajin berbual dgn tanam-tanaman kita ia akan hidup subur n berbuah sakan. So selamat mencuba. I suka tengok muffin u simple but nice. Hope kita boleh jadi kawan. bye

  25. Azah,
    Hi. Thanks ye sbb sudi comment :-). I sebelum cantas pokok lemon tu dah bagi amaran ke dia to bagi buah lepas ni, kalau tak, we all akan potong terus, hikhikhik...
