Sunday, 25 April 2010

Tengok wayang and afternoon tea….

Today is Anzac Day commemoration so esok is a Public Holiday in OZ but The Other Half still kena pergi kerja jugak sebab uni tak cuti, sian dia, hikhikhik…

And today we had a small birthday party for Miss 11. I suggested to her the other day to invite some friends to the movie to celebrate her birthday. But I told her she could only invite 4 people max sebab tak sanggup weh nak invite the whole class. So, she invited 2 boys and 2 girls who she’s really friendly with at school. But 1 of them couldn’t come so memang kecik betul lah her birthday celebration this year kan :-).

So, tadi The Other Half and Miss 6 became the chaperone for her and her friends at the movie. Let’s just say, sepanjang2 we all kat OZ ni, memang boleh kira lah berapa kali aje we all pergi tengok movie ni. Do you want to know why? Because it is so so expensive to go to the cinema nowadays. Tadi, 1 adult and 5 children tickets cost us $88!!!!! It is not a typo, let me tell you! Cuma untuk 6 orang and the kids pulaknya on kids’ price so murah lagi dari adult tapi dah $88. Memang mahal giler nak tengok wayang kat sini. The cheapest that we can get, if we buy the tickets thru this company online (but you have to wait for them to post the tickets to you first lah) is $10 a ticket. Itu kira dah sangat2 lah murahnya. Tu lah sebabnya we bought the projector and spend money buying dvds when they are on sale. Lagi best tengok movie sambil baring2 kat rumah kan :-). And we all tengah tak sabar nak tunggu Avatar keluar on dvd this Thursday so we cann watch it on Friday nite, yeay, hehehe….

(Nasib baik lah anak ada 2 aje kan, kalau anak ada 6 and everyone nak ajak kawan2 pegi tengok movie for their birthdays, mau kopak lah we all ni! hehehehehe).

So, lepas habis tengok wayang tadi, The Other Half brought everyone back home for afternoon tea. I tak pergi tengok wayang sama sebab I kan ibu mithali so kenalah duduk rumah siapkan the food for afternoon tea, hehehehe.

But since yang datang cuma 3 orang aje and then plus the 4 of us, so I tak lah masak macam nak buat kenduri :-). I cuma buat mini pizzas, sausage sandwich sushi, potato smileys and then lamington cupcakes again. Afternoon tea aje kan, bukannya dinner or lunch.




Nampak betul lah Mummy dia ni malas kan nak buat lebih2 :-). Asalkan diaorang kenyang and happy makan, cukuplah kan…

And some photos of Miss 11 with her friends at home.



Sambil makan sambil main Wii.

Psst… I ejek Miss 11 yang she’s got a crush on the boys (they are twins) and dia tak tau nak pilih mana satu since they both look the same so tu yang dia minat dua2, wakakakakkakaa….

Yang gelaknya, Mak boys ni pun ejek2 the boys yang they’ve got a crush on Miss 11, muahahahahaha…. Teruk betul kan I and the boys’ Mum ni :-D.

And Miss 6 pun mesti lah nak mencelah jugak kan :-)


And part afternoon tea yang I paling suka is when everyone is already so full from it and tak nak makan dinner.

Woohoo….merdeka… tak payah masak dinner!!!! Muahahahahaha….


  1. knp xdownload je movie kak?

  2. Ai,
    sebab takut kena tangkap buat illegal activity, hehehe...

  3. salam,
    Kak LG..
    please..please...tunjukla cara mcm mana nak buat potato smiley and sausage sushi tu. Nampak sgt menarik dan nyummy..saya suka jamu nak jamu kids (anak2 sendiri + anak2 sedara) tapi selalu kering idea nak buat apa :)

  4. Hayati,
    sausage sushi tu cuma guna white bread and then you cut off the crust. Pastu gelek sampai dia nipis and then sapu butter/margarine.
    Sausage, carrot n cucumber you potong halus sikit, then you letak memanjang kat roti tu and then gulung mcm nak buat sushi or nak buat swiss roll. Sebab dah ada butter tu, dia kan melekat tak terbukak. Then potong 2 or 3.
    Smileys tu I beli yang dah siap kat kedai, hahahhaha

  5. A'ah la kak Min,kami download je frm internet...jimat lagi murah! u want the link ke? sbb my bro in law download smp 500 movies dlm satu memory dia...the memory looks like astro decoder but smaller, in fact right now my husband and his brother is in bukit bintang computer shop dok sebok cari memory tu...

    Kalau tak koyak poket sbb nak tengok movies mana sah!!! wakakaka hari tu kami tengok Alice in Wonderland+popcorn+dinner = BROKE!!! huiehehuhuehuehe...tapi disebabkan bebudak tu nak gak tengok turutkan ajelah!

    by the way the party foods look yummeh!!!

  6. akak! lama tak drop komen kat sini...maklumla bz..hehehe
    tp bz2 pun sy takkan miss even one day tak bace blog akak.mesti gak bace even dh tersengok2 dpn pc.hehehe
    tetiap aripun tunggu akak update.hehe

    comel la mis 11 has crush on d twins..n twins pun have crush on her.sunggu comel!!!heheh

  7. Hahahaha....amboihhh...mak2 dia pun ikut sama gatallll!!!...sabau je aku.

  8. Mira,
    We all ni kan bila bab2 download movie ni kan sgt lah obey the law, hahaha.. Sebab takut sgt2 mana lah tau kan, nasib tak baik kena saman berjut2 lemon sbb buat illegal download. Mana lah mampu nak bayar, hikhikhik...

    Nasib baik lah I jenis yg boleh katakan hari2 update entry ye so dpt lah jugak you bahan bacaan baru hari2, hehehe

    Cik Mat,
    memang Mak diaorang yang terlebih gatal, muahahaha.
    Budak2 tu biasa aje, takde pun malu2 kucing :-).
    Nasib baik lah hensem gak mamat 2 orang tu, so ok lah kan jadi menantu, wakakaka

  9. Banyaknya makanan.Lg..
    And memang cute twins tu...hihi

  10. salam LG,

    we just bought Alvin n the chipmunks the squeakquel.. saw avatar in the store..tak sure vcd ke dvd..
    kat cni pun tgk movie bknnye murah..campur tolak tickets n jajan..rabak gak pocket.. kitorang usually tunggu vcd keluar.. tgk kat rumah...bley tgk byk kali.. jimat..hehehe.. klu lapar...pause godek-godek dapur..then sambung tgk balik.. :p

  11. min, kira nak 'jodoh'kan mereka ni masa masih kecik2 la...mcm org dolu2! hidangan2 tu look very yummy!!!

  12. rajin tula akak masak..yg penting cup cake tu yg paling myelerakan..

  13. Memang best part part crush ni.. kita yg tua pun ade crush kat pelakon hollywood yg hansam hansam hahahha

  14. moral of the story
    jadi kanak2 adalah sangat best.....

  15. Hi LG, happy birthday to simanis 11. Kalau boleh jemput 3-4 orang kawan to a birthday party, dah lama I buat cam tu (maklum I nih bila buat kerja very slothly).

    Psst.. kusyen jalur2 tu you beli kat SubPred ke? I ada cam tu tapi jalur birunya halus sket.

  16. good idea kan celebrate birthday bawak tetamu pergi tengok wayang. tapi kalau tetamu dah 15 orang parah jugak kan hihi

    anyway, nice looking cupcake. i wish dapat join afternoon tea kat rumah u la LG =)

  17. nice spread! kalau dekat I mintak tolong lah you buat this spread for MY birthday..hahaha! Enjoy cuti kelepasan dari memasak dinner!!

  18. Ibu,
    Kalau bday party kat M'sia, lagilah bnyk makanan nya kan dgn mee goreng, roti jala, kuih muih, pudding, kek 2-3 jenis, hehehe :-)

    tu yg we all lagi suka beli dvd jugak sbb boleh tengok banyak kali and tak rabak pockets, hehehe.
    Avatar dvd cuma akan keluar this Thursday kat OZ ni, tak sabar nak tunggu tengok on the projector :-D

    Kak Ita,
    Budak2 tu sikit pun tak berperasaan apa2 tp Mak2 dia yg lebih2 kan, muahahahaha...
    Mcm Mak orang dolu2 lah ye ;-)

    Ini tak rajin namanya, kalau rajin, dah penuh 1 meja dgn food I masak, hehehe

    Dari kecik sampai dah beranak pinak ni kan, masih tak habis2 dgn crushes kan, hikhikhik....
    Tapi sekarang my crushes dah makin berumur jugak, sesuai lah dgn I yg makin tua ni, muahahahaha

    memang betul! :-)

    Nasib baik orang2 kat sini tak kisah langsung kalau you jemput some kids in the class and not the others sbb memang semua tau yg mana larat nak jemput the whole class kan :-). And since we all takde family kat sini, lagi lah takde cousins yg nak kena jemput sama, hehehe..
    Kusyen tu I beli kat K Mart kot tak silap, murah gilers.. $5 aje, hehehe

    Mommy Lily,
    tu yg I had kan 4 orang aje max, kalau tak, memang rabaklah poket we all :-)
    Orang lain kalau buat afternoon tea party, penuh 1 meja tapi sbb I malas sikit, separuh meja aje lah, hahaha

    Kak Yati,
    Ini afternoon tea spread for kids. Kalau untuk you I buat yang berat2 sikit lah ye. I masak roti jala n kari ayam ke, popia ke, meehoon goreng ke.. Hahahaha :-P

  19. Salam LG

    It's quite sometimes that don't leave comment for you..I am busssssy..bee.

    Well, as U said you are Ibu Mithali gitu. Yes, U are. You seem to understand what your daughter feels and wants...which is good. Hopefully she will appreciate your sacrifice and understanding. As I said b4, mother-daughter bonding ni lain sikit.

  20. Enjoy dia orang makan tentu sedap. Kak Zai c/p sausage sushi ya, minta halal.

    Baca komen mat gebu buat kak Zai gelak, kalau betul dia nak kawan apa salahnya.Kak Zai teringin nak dapat menantu ori melayu tapi tak tahulah, satu dah dapat mat saleh, yang tengah berkawan anak lelaki dengan siam, yang perempuan pula dengan cina he3....

  21. wahhhh Miss 11, patutlah malu2...hehehe

    2-2 pon ensem (dah muka pon sama...kembar yek..hahaha) tapi tak serupa...pilihlah mana yg berkenan ek...hahahah

  22. Salam Kak Min!!!
    best nya birthday party...
    rajin lah u Kak Min :)
    haha weeee weeettt adik beradik kembor u !!!
    which 1 ni??? i ada cousin yg kembar sampai lani i tak cam ok wakakaka
    apepun am almost fainted wiv ur sweet smile adik gebu Zahra haha

  23. Melatie,
    kids will be kids kan, sometimes they appreciate us and sometimes they forget :-). Tu yg sometimes rasa gerammmmmm aje dgn diaorang ni :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Boleh aje nak C&P.
    Tu lah kan Kak Zai, yg ori melayu pun tak tentu kahwin dgn melayu, lagi lah yg tak ori melayu ni, hehehe... Kalau dah jodoh, terima aje lah kan :-)

    susah betul kan nak pilih antara 2 ni, hikhikhik.... Sampai tak tidur malam dibuatnya, muahahaha ;-)

    I tak rajin, kalau rajin, dah penuh 1 meja dgn food, hahaha..
    Senyuman adik gebu you tu menggoda sgt2 kan :-P

  24. tgk eyg..psstu main wii..pastu mkn petang? wa.. set lengkap untuk keluarga!

  25. Aibaks,
    the kids lah yg sgt2 happy dpt tengok wayang, main Wii and makan2 lepas tu :-)

  26. salam k. min...kalo rajin nnti tepek resepi lamingtons cupcakes tu guna resepi lamington pas tu bubuh je dlm papercup tu...(budak baru blajar...)

  27. Ummi_D,
    I guna resipi untuk vanilla cupcakes tu tapi I guna separuh adunan aje sebab itu pun dpt banyak. And the icing pulak I guna recipe Tapi dia cair sikit so you maybe kena reduce the amount of water ye.
    I cuma dip the top of the cupcake ke dalam icing tu. Pastu biarkan sekejap sebelum dip dalam shredded coconuts :-).

  28. Mahal juga kan kalau mahu pigi tengok wayang. kalau 2 orang ja tak apa ni 5 budak tambah adult lagi wah..memang mahal lah. Nasib juga you ada projector. kalau tidak ada huhu susah lah hehehe.

    Wah...mesti miss 11 happy ni kan.

  29. LG ingat tak masa kecik dulu kita pun pandai feeling feeling bila tgk budak lelaki hensem. Apapun, kalau Miss 11 settle down dgn anak jiran tetangga di situ...maknanya, dia akan terus di bumi Kanggaroo ya...! :-))
