Saturday, 3 April 2010

Still no cycling today

You can plan but sometimes other things get in the way and your plan goes ‘poof!’ :-). Pagi2 morning tadi The Other Half took Miss 10’s bike to be fixed tapi punyalah panjang the queue at the bike shop so tengah hari tadi baru siap they fixed the bike. I guess semalam everyone wanted to go cycling and found out there’s something wrong with their bikes so hari ni they took the bikes to be fixed lah kan, tu yang panjang queue nya.

And then bila nak pergi cycling tengah hari tadi, Miss 6 pulak start demam and coughing so terus lah tak jadi pergi. But kesian pulak kat Miss 10 sebab satu hari suntuk cooped up at home so baru aje sat ni The Other Half bawak dia keluar cycling around the block. Dah nak Maghrib baru terhegeh2 nak keluar. Mummy pulak kena lah stay at home temankan Miss 6 yang tengah feeling sorry for herself sebab not feeling 100%. Mummy pun tengah feel sorry for herself sebab tak dapat ikut pergi cycling, sob sob, hehehe.

I think there’s a very big chance that I’m not going to be able to go cycling this long weekend at all! Oh well, doesn’t matter, I’ll go cycling by myself one of these days kan :-).

And since tak pergi mana2 pagi tadi, we spent the time cleaning the house inside and out (again!). Adalah jugak kan exercise keluarkan peluh plus the added benefit of the house looking clean, hikhikhik. Our 3-monthly inspection is just around the corner so since tak pergi mana2, might as well kemas rumah kan :-). What an exciting life we have, NOT! hahahahaha.

And sebab bored tak pergi mana2, pagi2 morning lagi I dah buat hot cross buns (again), scones and for lunch pulak I masak berat2 instead of just sandwiches and leftovers! Memang boleh jadi ibu/isteri mithali lah I hari ni, hehehe ;-).

Our lunch today was potato rosti with smokes salmon, sausages, scrambled eggs and salad. Kiranya berat lah kan for us yang dah biasa makan reheated stuff aje for lunches :-). Kalau kena masak tu dah kira berat lah for me, hikhikhik…. I made potato rosti ikut resipi ini.


And malam tadi pulak I made instant noodle + vege salad makan dengan grilled prawns and baked chicken. I called it salad sebab masak noodles tu lain2 dengan the sayur so tak boleh lah nak panggil fried noodles kan, hehehehe.


And malam ni since semua dah makan ‘berat’ for lunch, we are just having toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner :-). Senang kerja I tak payah masak, hehehehe


  1. Hi Kak Mynn...
    Ala..ciannya Zahra demam...get well soon ya chubby girl..mmm..nampak cam menarik ja hot cross bun u kak mynn...
    kena cuba buat ni...hihihi..kalau menjadi la...

  2. Semoga Zahra cepat sembuh. Agaknya selerqa makan dia ada kurang tak? Mesti kurus lah lepas ni

  3. Hahha tererla kak LG buat theory pasal orang nak biking ni. But then again it's gonna be a long weekend so I reckon u and ur family still have tomorrow and Monday to go riding kan??

    Just hope Miss 6 gets well soon!

  4. Salam Kak Min!
    adik gebu i demam ke? alah susah hati i mcm ni mesti nanti tak ada selera makan...semoga Zahra cepat sembuh ya Amin!
    Kak u tau tak banyak2 blog i puas betul tgk gambo makanan u! Besor weh tak tahan rasa mcm real je nasib baik tak jilat screen wakakaka

  5. Dear LG

    Ciannya dia. Get well soon. It is blessing in disguise, actually.

    Waaaaaa, your landlord so strict. Good for them. I wish i could apply here, but if i were to do that my tenant, he/she will call me SOMBONG..perghhh.

  6. Asilah,
    Zahra tu memang slalu demam, chubby2 pun tapi immune system tak kuat, hehehe.
    I suka buat roti kan sbb ada BM tu aje, tak payh susah payah I nak menguli :-)

    Kak Acik,
    Zahra tu kalau demam, selera makan still ada tapi dia jenis yg klu demam mesti muntah so tu yg 'kurus' balik, hahahaha

    I rasa kan sbb all the bikes selama ni simpan dlm garage aje tak diguna so bila long wknd aje baru semua orang eager nak pegi cycling. Tu yg baru realised tayar semua pancit, hehehehe.
    Ingat nak pegi cycling hari2, rasanya Monday aje lah kot klu dapat :-)

    Salam. Ha'ah you, aidk gebu tu demam. Muka dia monyok aje tak berseri 1 hari ni. Senyum pun tak banyak :-(.
    Psst... I saje je buat gambar I saiz besar gaban so semua orang boleh terliur tengok, saje je dengki kat orang, hahahahaha

  7. Melatie,
    Memang kesian kalau kids demam kan, kita yang rasa sedih tengok diaorang tak sihat.
    We all sewa through agent and agents kat sini quite strict jugak lah. I guess they want to make sure the landlords are happy with the tenants :-)

  8. Hi LG

    kesian Ms 6 demam??? I pon rasa nak demam ni..sakit badan semacam..with occasional sneezing..Penat betol my badan rasanya..

    Eh, now I see Ms 10's cheeks ada a bit chubby ya?? suits her & getting prettier by the lama dapat SIL kot he he..& I tngk pun mummy nyer foto by the bench tu getting prettier too:)

  9. Hi Yat,
    Ha'ah, sian dia, start aje school holiday terus demam :-(. You rasa nak demam sbb berjalan jauh, hehehe.
    Memang chubby sikit kan dia sekarang sbb I think she's stocking up on all food for the next growth spurt kot :-).
    Mummy sentiasa pretty you, wakakakakaka :-P
