Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Worst storm in years!

Sorry guys! Perth semalam had the worst storm in 20 years and since pukul 5 petang semalam, we all takde power/electricity. And since our phone and internet uses naked DSL which relies on power to work thus memang tak boleh lah nak update blog or nak surf the net or nak phone anyone even! Ini pun I just buat a quick entry at work to let you guys know that I won't be able to update my blog until lah the power's back at home which they say might not be until later today or tomorrow. Baru aje balik from camping, dah terasa macam pergi camping balik, wehehehe.

Nasib baik lah our stove top and our hot water system is gas-based so boleh lah still nak masak and nak mandi semalam and pagi ni. And nasib baik lah we could still find our emergency candles so tak lah bergelap gelita rumah we all malam tadi. But it was fun having candle-lit dinner, hehehe.

But it was utter chaos semalam especially on the road. Most traffic lights were down and still not functioning this morning. Trees and branches lying scattered on the roads. On the way to school to send The Little Misses pagi tadi pun all the traffic lights weren't working but luckily ada traffic police so tak lah jammed giler2. I heard on the news malam tadi (we all kena keluarkan our battery operated small transistor radio just nak dengar berita :-D) yang the roads were horrendous and with golf ball-sized hails pelting down and people got stuck for 2-3 hours on the road balik from work malam tadi. But Alhamdulillah, The Other half could come home a bit earlier and masa I picked him up at the train station, dah start hujan and dah start the thunders and lightnings but wasn't that bad.

Sampai aje we all kat rumah, the storm started! Winds were blowing from every direction, hujan selebat2 giler, thunders and lightnings bersilih ganti and our lawns and backyards were flooded. We are quite lucky that we haven't got any big trees around our house so tak lah risau kena hempap dengan trees. Banyak rumah2 yang rosak sebab kena hempap trees, the roofs got blown off by the strong winds and house windows pecah from the hail. Kesian kat all the people especially police and the SES volunteers yang kena bekerja keras last nite fixing every thing yang broken down.

I better finish updating now. Sedih aje nak balik rumah nanti sebab nak tengok what food yang we all kena throw out from the fridge and freezer because takde power since semalam. We haven't opened the back fridge and freezer yet so hopefully it'll stay cold and the meat and cheese and what nots will still be edible. But we might have to throw the milk out :-(. Oh well, c'est la vie...


  1. oh..oh..that's bad..syukur korang xpape..take care!

  2. Glad that you are all okay...Take care LG!! Mudah2han everything will be back to normal very soon okay?


  3. Semoga semuanya selamat.. Anak-anak ok kan?

    Begitulah pengalaman kan?

  4. Dear LG

    thanks God you and the family are oK. In USJ area where I lives, hujan lebat giler dengan angin. Rahmat Allah siapa tahukan.

  5. Ya la Kak LG..

    My Perth-based friends pun semalam and this morning ada post kat FB pasal this hailstorm. One x-schoolmate siap tepek lagi gambar kat FB. Hope everything is fine by today.

    Dia siap kata lagi..hujan emas dibumi orang, hujan batu di bumi sendiri, tp dah hujan batu tu dibumi orang gak camner???Hehehe..

  6. Salam LG.. around that time my place dilanda thunder n lightning juga. 2 kali bergelap tapi nasib baik bukan total e'city failure. Kesianlah my kakak n fmly dia kat sana..

    Hope your place will be UP and running in no time at all.

  7. LG,
    Glad to hear u guys are OK. Last May, we had a mini tornado. My garage sipi2 kena hempap and we were w/o power for 11 days!And since ALL our power is electric, we all mandi cebok kat backyard masak air on the camping stove! nasib baik takde neighbour belakang and kiri rumah, imagine I mandi berkemban kat luar tu, wakaka!!

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  10. huhuhu...takutnya dengar u cite ni mesti kelam kabut kan....
    harap2 u, other half and little misses ok je....take care LG

  11. hi akak and salam.

    i'm darlyn and i've been stalking and visiting your blog frequently now and then. i love to read your posts and always brighten up my day and love to see the cooking and dishes snaps on your post. it really makes my mouth watering.haha.

    so actually i have an ward to share at my blog.hope you like it *hugs*


  12. Salam...dear LG,

    alhamdulillah..glad to hear that you and your family are safe...

    take care

  13. hopefully sume ok.Aikk ...akak keje ke? Ingatkan fulltime housewife..Ke aku silap baca tadi kak.Baru baca previous entry pasal TAG yg akak buat (actually The Other Half yg buat but akak amended) .Hohoo...akak pun sama brand ngan saya ekk suka buat checklist.

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  15. salam min, seram juga baca ttg thunder dan storm kat situ, hope everything will be okay..kalau dekat boleh gak akak pinjamkan pelita2 akk yg banyak ni..hehehe..anyway glad to hear that you all are okay...take care ya..

  16. salam min,syukurnya min n keluarga dah ada dirumah..kalaulah storm ni terjadi masa you all kat camping ground huru hara dibuatnya..apa pun syukur semua selamat..

  17. Salam LG :-D

    My prayers that everything is going to be all right. Syukur that you guys are not affected except for the electricity and the like. Stay safe and be very alert when you are on the road, yeah! Take extreme care!

  18. Kniedaz,
    tu lah, memang bersyukur sgt2 we all semua takde apa2 :-)

    Alhamdulillah everything at home is back to normal.The roads are still messy but not too bad petang tadi.

    Kak Azie,
    Seronok + seriau gak bila tgh storm tu because tak pernah rasa masa kat sini. Alhamdulillah, semua ok :-)

    Memang rahmat Allah sbb kat Perth ni dah lama tak hujan and dams pun dah nak kering.And semalam memang betul2 hujan sampai banjir merata2 :-).

    hahahaha... hujan batu kat negeri orang ni boleh sampai pecah tingkap and dented kereta :-). I'd rather have hujan emas actually sbb boleh jual balik, hikhikhik

    Cik Som,
    tak pernah we all black out for 24 hours, memang resah gelisah aje bila takde power ni kan. Your sister and family tinggal kat mana? North or South of the river?

    Kak Yati,
    11 days without power? kalau I, memang dah nangis habis2an :-).
    Psst... I can imagine you mandi berkemban kat belakang rumah, wakakakaka

    memang kelam kabut jugak sbb takut banjir masuk ke rumah and takut our roofs tetiba di terbangkan angin. Alhamdulillah tak sampai teruk mcm tu.

    thanks for visiting my blog and enjoying the entries I posted :-). And thank you for the award. I'll pick it up soon ok! :-D

    salam. when we all dengar kat news about all the mishaps, memang bersyukur sangat2 that we are safe and our house is safe as well.

    I kerja casually :-). Entry tag tu zaman bila ye? hehehe. I memang suka buat checklist sbb I rasa mcm sempurna pulak hidup ada checklist ni :-)

    Kak Azah,
    salam. I pun malam tadi baru berangan alangkah bestnya kalau ada banyak pelita, boleh pasang 1 rumah mcm raya :-), hehehe

    Auntie Meriam,
    salam. memang betul tu, kalau jadi masa we all tgh bercamping, memang rasanya we all akan cepat2 masuk kereta and tidur dlm kereta. :-)

    Mia's Mom,
    salam. Thanks for the prayers and Alhamdulillah that we are all safe. Scary jugak semalam but dalam hati was saying syukur all the time because we were all safely at home together :-)

  19. alhamdulillah semua selamat.risau juga dgr.. pg tadi baru terdengar kat radio pasal storm kat perth ni sbb dah berbulan tak hujan.
    haah,nasib baik bukan masa camping tu kan.. kalau tak mesti lagi risau

  20. ribut..? hujan batu? oohhh.. takottt!!

  21. Wow that's bad huh. Kadang tu takut juga kan.
