Thursday, 11 March 2010

It’s nearly Friday again

The Little Misses have been having swimming classes organised by their school since Monday and it’ll go on for 2 weeks. Most public schools kat sini have in their curriculum a 2-week swimming slot. The Little Misses obviously enjoy abis lah sebab their usual swimming lesson is only once a week but for this 2 weeks, hari2 dapat main air. Luckily for them, they got the Summer slot so lagi lah bestnya sebab panas2 dapat berendam dlm pool. Yang tak best nya Mummy lah sebab I have to wash their swimming bathers and towels every day so they can wear it the next day, hehehe. They have other bathers but biasalah kan this girls, nak pakai yang itu jugak! So, balik aje from school, terus lah I kena basuh (sebiji macam ibu mithali, hahahaha).

Bila ada swimming classes ni, The Little Misses have to wear their bathers underneath their uniforms when they go to school in the morning. So tak lah kelam kabut for them to change when it’s their turn to swim. You tau lah kan with that many kids, sure ada yang lambat nak tukar baju and ada yang tertinggal baju ke. So, the easiest is for them to wear it straight. Pastu they need to bring a bag with a towel, thongs, goggle and knickers to the swimming place and all these things have to be labelled. Ye lah kan, kalau tak label, ada lak yg terpakai knickers orang lain, tak ke haru! :-). I takut betul kalau terlupa nak letak knickers dalam bag diaorang cos I can imagine Miss 6 menangis tersedu2 sebab takde knickers nak pakai, hehehehe… And sure diaorang akan phone I suruh hantar knickers to school, wakakaka…

But esok, The Little Misses have 2 swimming lessons, one at school and 1 at their usual swimming place. Kesian diaorang, sure penat especially Miss 10 sebab she’s in the higher level class where they do mostly laps for an hour. Adalah yang akan komplen of aching arms nanti tu minta di urut :-).

Dah 2 malam I terasa malas nak masak and malas nak ambil gambar so bila ambil gambar, terus jadi tak cantik :-). But malam ni, I ada mood nak ambil gambar cuma mood masak tu masih belum pulih seperti sedia kala (well, mood masak I memang tak pernah naik tinggi mana pun, selalu mediocre level aje, hehehehe).

Hari ni I betul2 tak tau dah nak masak apa. Bila I tanya everyone, semua cuma kata, “don’t know. whatever you want to cook is fine.” Susah betul lah bila idea tak datang2 ni. And then I dah malas nak fikir, I buat aje cheesy baked meatballs makan dengan chips and salad. Selalu buat meatballs makan dgn pasta tapi I dah menyampah pulak tengok pasta tu, hahaha. Tu yg makan dgn chips :-). Chips tu kedai mari, I beli kat Coles, $1.87 aje sekilo tu. Takde lah I nak penat2 buat chips sendiri kalau yg fozen tu murah bebeno, hehehe.



  1. Bleh ler your little misses lepas nie masuk challenge "berenang merentas selat laut cina selatan"...huaaa huaaa huaaa

    Klau hari2x training mcm nie....

  2. haha, bagus lahhh, kecik2 pandai swim, i pon baru nk blajar :D

  3. Nasib baik duk kat oberseas, kalau hari hari buat aktiviti berenang kat Malaysia ni, mahu rentung anak anak u yang putih melepak tu ... kekekekeke

    Anyway, masakan orang yang tak berapa rajin tu tetap sedap jer kat mata I yang rabun nih ;)

  4. Salina,
    muahahaha...anak2 I boleh berenang tp tak terer berenang, hehehe

    at least you baru belajar, I ni belum lagi belajar..hikhikhik

    Kak Acik,
    Tu lah you, nasib baik pool dia dlm building so tak lah rentung budak2 tu :-).

  5. kalo tgk LG punya dinner mcm kat western food restaurant kat malaysia ni.bile tgk blog u je terasa lapar.hehe

  6. hehehe...akak tak tau berenang. kena ejek je ngan anak2. nak masuk kelas dah tuaaa!!!!

    psst..terliur tengok dinner min!!!

  7. uish, terliur tgk meat ball ni pagi-pagi buta...

    rasa mcm nak mkn spegeti pulak -___-'

    tok sah ckp banyak, asal tgk gambor dkt blog akak, mesti mengidam pastu...

    bukan setakat mknan je. tgk beskal excercise akak pun boleh berangan nak beli satu...


  8. meatball tuh LG beli ker buat.? Kalau kat sini ada jual kat kedai Turki tuh Tapi mmg tak berapa nak sedap laaaaa...100x sedap meatball yang kat Msia.......

  9. Same here, setiap kali tanya nak makan apa hari ni. Ah gitu lah tu semua pun cakap "don't know" or "whatever". But, bila makanan tu di hidang ah ada yang cakap "i don't want that, don't want this. Eh...ada ada saja hehehe.

    Anyway, dinner look yummy.

  10. He hee my latest blog post pun pasal takde idea nak cooking..ada jugak la a few pics of pasta..yang u dah naik muak tengok eh :P
    I punya mood to cook pun mediocre je..I really salute people who love (sincerely!) to cook, who say cooking is a de-stresser. When I cook, there are always "noises" in the definitely gives the opposite effect he hee..

  11. sana pun macam sini gak ek,kena label dan derang kana phone kalau anak kita tertinggal brg.

    Swimming class tu kira free la ek,lg?

  12. Mrs Adam,
    tu yg bila we all balik M'sia, memang tak pergi langsung western food restaurants (exc fast foods lah) sbb rasa mcm rugi aje makan benda yg sama kat M'sia, hehehe

    Kak Ain,
    satu gang lah kita. My hubby dah bnyk kali suruh I belajar :-)

    hehehe...Dah makan spaghetti ke belum? I pulak bila masuk rumah orang tengok nasi n mee yg terus rasa terliur n lapar :-).

    meatballs tu I buat sendiri sbb beef mince senang nak cari kat sini. Then just letak onion, egg, breadcrumbs, segala mcm seasonings or herbs dlm food processor and blitz until fine. Pastu mix dgn mince tu and bulat2 kan :-). Senang aje :-)

    memang the same kat rumah I pun. When we asked, the say tak tau but bila kita dah masak sometimes they say, I don't want this. Maybe 1 day I'll ask them to cook! :-)

    SOHO Mama,
    Masa I kecik dulu when our helper kat rumah tu kata dia tak tau nak masak apa, I selalu heran sbb at that time I ingat masak ni tak susah :-).
    I pun kan nyampah aje bila dengar all the chefs kata cooking is therapeutic, muahahahaha....

    CT Nik,
    Klu anak kita tertinggal lunch pun diaorang akan call suruh hantar, hehehe. Swimming class tu tak free tapi subsidised by the government so tak lah mahal :-)
