Saturday, 6 February 2010

Soalan tentang jodoh…

I ada account Facebook but I tak active FB, I tak main games langsung, I tak guna applications dia, I tak chat on it, occasionally aje I update my status and comment on friends’ status and I only joined a few groups in FB tu. The main reason I bukak account FB tu is untuk jejak kasih specifically jejak kasih kawan2 masa sekolah rendah, both sekolah menengah, matriks and also at uni. That’s the easiest way for me to find them and thanks to FB, I dah jumpa balik ramai kawan yang dah lama lost contact.

But since kat FB tu ada banyak details I yang quite private and connected to so many things especially about The Other Half, tu yang I amatlah berat hati nak accept friend requests from people. Bukannya I sombong or tak nak kenal but I really cherish having a private life. I’m not one of those people kat FB yang ada sampai beribu ribu kawan, jauh panggang dari api, but majority of my friends kat FB tu terdiri dari kawan2 sekolah from when I was 7 years old!

Sejak dah duduk terpelanting jauh dari M’sia, I feel like I need to get in contact with old friends and rellies. I guess it’s my way of making sure that even tough I’m far, they still remember who I am and most importantly, I still remember who they are :-).

Thus, I am very sorry kalau ada yang request to be my friend kat FB and I tak reply. Please don’t get offended by it. Sebab I lagi active kat blog banding kan dgn kat FB so I would rather kenal through blogs than through FB. Most of my FB friends tak tau I ada blog, which is hilarious kan. Kira macam I’m leading a double life lah kan, Clark Kent during the day and Superman when needed, wakakakakaka…..

Anyway, back to the story I want to tell, I accepted a friend request from a long lost friend from Matriks. We all dulu kampung sebelah menyebelah and my Mak used to teach him when he was in primary school. And my neighbour used to be in the same classes as him masa kat sekolah rendah. I tak pernah satu sekolah dengan dia ni sebab I ikut my Abah gi sekolah which was in a totally different zone. And nak jadi cerita, I used to have a big crush on him but for the life of me, I tak ingat bila pulak I had a crush on this guy, whether masa kat matriks or in high school, hehehehe. (Kalau dia baca blog I ni, mampus I kena pelangkung dengan bini dia!) Ye lah kan, bila dah tua2 ni, the years seem a bit blurry, hikhikhikhik… Either the years seem a bit blurry or ramai sangat boys yang I had crushes on sampai I lost count, wehehehehe… Uish, don’t get me wrong, study tetap study, crushes to cuma as entertainment on the side to make life more exciting :-D.

Anyway, he made a comment tadi which went like this, “ni nak komen...dah tak de pak we melayu ke....ambik mat salleh ni?” Hmm… I know he meant it as a joke and I shouldn’t be offended by it but I’ve been asked the same question so many times by so many different people sampai I don’t know what the right response is anymore.

I used to joke by saying, “Dah pakwe melayu tak nak kat kita, terpaksalah cari Mat Saleh!” But bila fikir balik, kesian pulak kat The Other Half bila I cakap macam tu, as though I only terima dia as a last resort or last choice. Which is far from the truth. Sometimes bila I tengah bad mood, I’ll answer back with, “pakwe melayu bukannya best, Mat Saleh lagi best!” (Please lah, jangan ada pulak yang offended giler2 sebab I cakap ni..). But bila I tengah in my rasional mood, I will just say “Melayu ke, Jawa ke, Mat Saleh ke, sama aje.. Dah itu jodoh yang ditentukan kita, tak kan nak tolak!” Which will normally shut them up!

Kalau I bagitau The Other Half about this guy’s comment kat FB, he will just shrug and say, “oh well, people can say whatever they like, they don’t know…” He is so right about that!

Enough of that story, I made stuffed canneloni tonite for The Little Misses and The Other Half but for me I made something a bit different. Canneloni tu I letak filling dia ricotta n feta cheese with meat and roasted tomatoes and chargrilled eggplants. And for me I buat eggplant rolls using the same filling but instead of canneloni, I used eggplants as ‘kulit’. Pastu curahkan dgn pasta sauce and then tabur cheese and pine nuts and baked it in the oven. The taste was surprisingly very good. Recipe dia lebih kurang mcm yang ini lah but I tambah benda2 dlm filling tu to suit my taste.


Ini lah rupa tube canneloni yang I guna.


The baked eggplant still dalam bakeware…


I’ve never imagined myself eating terung macam ni. Kiranya ni first time lah I cuba and it wasn’t bad at all. The Other Half memang would rather eat the canneloni than eat terung ni, vegetable kan, susah sikit nak masuk tekak dia! :-D.


  1. "....crushes to cuma as entertainment on the side to make life more exciting.."
    betul2 =)

  2. oohh...akak ada fb ye.baru tau! hehehe...ayu pun ada fb tp baru 4-5bln ni la aktif.klu tak selama ni haram xsentuh.sign up pun sbb disbbkan ayu guna fullname,so dpt la kwn2 skolah rendah ayu m'jejaki ayu.iisskkk...paling tak syiok mamat yg prnh ayu t'suka pun dpt jejak ayu.ampeh! tp ygsronok tu kwn ayu masa skolah rendah (time skolah agama),dpt cari ayu w/pun ayu juz tayang gmbr ank2 dia kat jepun.rasanya member myr pun ada yg kenal dia.bila ayu tnya dia camne dia tau tu ayu (selain dr fullname la..),dia kata ank2 ayu ada iras ke?

    kak....canneloni tu besar ke kak? ke saiz mcm macaroni tu?

  3. Dear kak LG,

    “..dah tak de pak we melayu ke....ambik mat salleh ni?”

    “Dah pakwe melayu tak nak kat kita, terpaksalah cari Mat Saleh!”

    saya pernah ditanya soalan tu, lepas tu saya pernah jawab sebijik macam kak LG jawab...

    ada 2-3 lelaki pernah kata kat saya masa saya nak kawin ngan mamak..

    "dia masuk Islam mesti tak ikhlas tu..masuk Islam sebab nak kawin ngan awak jer tuh" sambil sengih²

    "pesal nak kawin ngan matsaleh, nanti mesti awak bercerai..saya tgk semua perempuan kawin ngan matsaleh semua rosak..bercerai..anak² lagilah.."

    "ada la sorang jadi elok, tu pun sebab laki tu melayu..bleh pimpin isteri dia.."

    every last comment yang kat atas tu saya kena batang hidung saya...

    COBAAN!...I just smile and tell them to 'doakan kami selamat dunia akhirat ya!'..

    i know how you feel...

  4. Salam LG,
    This is kak yati from usa..yg dah lama menghilang tu hahaha n yg kahwin matsalleh also.. lagi HAHAHA!
    My dear, apa yg u tulis tu I faham sesangatlah. n trust me I hv my share of comments yg menghiris hati.
    all i can say is NO worries!
    Take care, nanti I bagi my blog so we can share n laugh together.
    kak yati

  5. Salam Min...what you wrote about FB...touches me in a way....I have my reasons too not to get involved with FB....which...having a blog...give me more privacy...and I still have lots of people who cares...

    It is hard to please ramai I think what we did is okay kot!....

    About the looks ...and I bet the taste is so Italian...right!

    You have a great weekend!

  6. Kak Lg,

    Sungguh faham..tapi tu lah..tak kuasa nak layan kan...

  7. bukan kita utk melawan takdir yg Allah dah tentukan sejak sperm ayah kita bercantum dgn benih mak kita min.. semua tu DIA dah suratkan.. waktu kita dilahirkan, rezeki kita dan ajal kita semua tu dah DIA setkan automatik waktu tu la.. so ignore jer min.. ada la yg dia jeles tu kut :)

  8. kak LG
    nak tanya, u just used the eggplant punya skin je ek?isi dia tk amik ke?apa rasanya?sedap ek?hihi byk soklan pulak..actually dah lama i nak buat baked eggplant ni tp takut tk sedap pulak...kang tong sampah yg konyang :D
    terung ni my husband punya feveret vege..dia yg suh buat baked eggplant ni tp i yg takut i tkleh mkn ;D

  9. Salam LG...
    Besar dugaan & cabaran u all yang kawin dgn bangsa asing..orang lain mana tau..
    biar apa orang lain nak kata..jodoh pertemuan, ajal maut semua Allah tentukan...memang kita boleh merubah qada & qadar dgn doa..tapi kalau dah dari luh mahfuz tertulis jodoh u dgn si polan,mcmane u pusing pun akan kesitu jugak

    Mcm sya dari keturunan Sharifah Syed..sya pernah kena marah & condemn kerana kawin dgn jawa..kenapa buang keturunan kata depa..sampai ada seorang syed tu suruh sya minta cerai dari suami,& kawin dgn syed..tapi bagi sya..ini jodoh ketentuan Allah,sya redha..biar apa org nak kata..kalau bg persatuan syed sharifah ni,sya kiranya dibuang keturunan lah sbb kawin dgn org biasa..

    sya pun faham apa yg u rasa...

  10. el_kz,
    boys tu pun bukannya tau kita ada crushes on them kan, hehehe. Tu yg seronok ye :-).

    tu lah, I bukak FB sbb nak jejak kasih lah.Memang seronok bila ramai kawan yg lost contact berpuluh2 tahun tetiba dpt jumpa balik. Rasa kecik aje dunia ni tetiba kan :-).
    Canneloni ni besar about 10cm kot panjangnya sbb nak sumbat inti dlm dia.

    tu lah kan, dulu masa I muda2 bila orang tanya, selalu jawab the joky way. Pastu bila I fikir balik, kesian kat my hubby because I will be sad too klu dia jawab kat orang, "sebab Minah Saleh tak nak kat I tu yg I kawin dgn Malay."
    Skrg ni I dah 'pandai' sikit lah jawab, hehehe..
    Memang banyak COBAAN ni kan....

    Kak Yati,
    Salam..Memang lama you menghilang ye? ;-). Tu lah, dulu slalu gak terasa but now dah malas nak layan, hehehe...

    Kak Watie,
    Memang kan, kat blog ni I rasa walaupun I write a lot of things about myself and family but banyak lagi yang I simpan. Tapi kat FB tu I rasa susah pulak nak buat mcm tu... Kalau I buat nama samaran kat FB, kawan2 sekolah dulu memang tak kan dpt cari I kat FB, tu yang kena 'curah' kan segala rahsia kat FB, hehehe...

    memang kan, tak kuasaaaa.... :-D

    Kak Nor,
    betul betul betul!!!! Tapi biasalah kan kita manusia ni, kadang2 terlupa benda2 yg mcm ni, tu yg I slalunya senyum aje....

    Sekapal ye kita, hehehehe

    I guna isi dia, kulit eggplant tu mcm liat pulak bila dah di grill tapi isi dia lembut sangat2 and memang boleh gulung.
    To tell you the truth, eggplant tu itself takde rasa sgt sbb kita tak letak apa2 on it cuma salt n oil aje. Cuma texture dia lah yg I like. Filling dlm eggplant tu yang compliment rasa eggplant tu.
    I pakai eggplant yg besar tu and sebijik cukup dah for the 2 of you.
    Try lah, you might like it :-).

    tu lah kan, memang dah ditakdirkan oleh Allah. kita cuma boleh berdoa aje supaya rumahtangga ni terjaga, aman and diberkati oleh Dia.
    Kiranya you pun kena teruk jugak lah kan even though you kahwin 'melayu' sesama islam jugak, sampai suruh cerai tu dah kira unbelievable kan. Sometimes people ni can be too much lah, diaorang aje yang betul!!! I pun geram dengar...

  11. jodoh ajal dan maut kan tentuan Allah. Tak kiralah bangsa apa juga pun, asalkan boleh buat kita sgt bahagia. dan akak boleh nampak min sgt lah bahagia sekrg!!

    akak pun ada fb, tp tak aktif, klu ada yg request nk jd kwn tu, akak main add aje.kdg2 tak tahu pun siapa.hehe. actually hubby pun tak berapa setuju sgt akak too xposed dgn fb.

  12. Kak Ain,
    memang betul kan, asalkan kita bahagia and diberkati Allah hidup kita, tak kisah lah kan apa prang nak kata :-).
    Berani ye Kak Ain main add aje orang request ni, hehehe. I still tak berani lagi sbb my hubby pun tak berapa bagi sgt too exposed :-)

  13. salam kak, i used to be ur silent reader. anyhow..i really enjoy ur food pic n your story n ur cute kids.... sgt comel...
    yes, its happened to me too... im married with foreign n my kawan lelaki keeps asking me ..takder laki melayu ker? my simple answer is... "its bout love"
    nway kak..nice to meet you...
    hope one day i can meet u n family..

  14. Same here heheh. Apa nak buat dah jodoh kan (^_*).

  15. Min,
    Jodoh pertemuan ditangan Allah! Melayu ke, China ke, Jawa ke, mat salih ke...terima seadanya. Dah jodoh kita. bercinta bagai nk rak pun, kalau xde jodoh...x kemana gak.

    Pasal FB tu, patutle k.ita req x jawab2! dh tau jwpannya!

  16. hai kak lg..
    tiap kali tgk blog akak air liur saya mesti meleleh ..sedap la..

  17. Salam LG :-D

    I agree with you that one should have the privilege of their own privacy. :-D

    Whether intended or not, such comments can be hurtful at times. Well, anyway jodoh is one of the four which you have no power to change - kerja the Al-Mighty. But anyway, looking at how happy and blessed your marriage and family is, it is a Blessing, isn't it? No question of Mat Saleh or not, kan?

    Ambil gambar kat mana pulak weekend ni? :-D

  18. crushes time study mcm side dish menu utama kita..kdg bukan apa pun..kita suka tgk dia senyum je..& so on..bila dh ber'usia; ni suma tu ble wat kita tersenyum balik..hehe
    ala..xkisahlah kawin ngan orang mana n bangsa apa as long as we love each other..

  19. k.min, I'd say this "kenapa dengan pakwe mat salleh? bukan manusia ke?" ... the truth is, I dont understand orang yg tanya soalan mcm tu. pakwe melayu best sgt ke? aiyo! I hate typical malay guys, I'll not elaborate why, nanti orang kata I ni mcm bagus pulak. sham is half malay.. phew! :D

  20. LG, it's funny coz the same person who asked you those questions, when asked why they chose their life partner, will say that it's their jodoh.

    I ni x de lah kawin dgn org jauh sgt..setakat seberang Tambak je. Tapi itu pun org kata, dah x de org Malaysia ke?

    At the end of the day, jodoh pertemuan tu di tangan Allah.

  21. interesting, cume hairan, kadang2 orang bercakap tanpa ade perasaan bersalah pd org lain ye. :) biarlah org nak kawen dgn siape pon, jodoh dia.

    It's all about love n chemistry. kan? i pulak pernah je dgn foreigner, tapi mcm tak serasi, cik abg tue juge yg i melekat ;p

    Simple as that, kalau x cinta, x de jodoh. takde lah. ppl kene start fikir mcm tue, takyah sibuk2 nk tanye ;p (tp soklan dia bukan bertanye, more to statement ;p)

  22. RedApple,
    salam singgah to my blog and thanks for reading it :-).
    Yang peliknya tu yg selalu tanya the guys kan, diaorang pulak yg terlebih kepoh :-).

    kita sekapal. Memang true, it's jodoh :-)..

    Kak Ita,
    memang betul bab bercinta bagai nak rak tp kalau bukan jodoh, tak kahwin jugak kan. I have a few friends yg macam tu, tup2 kahwin dgn orang lain, hehehe..
    Sorry ye pasal FB tu :-(

    hehehe... kena masuk time dah kenyang! :-)

    Mia's Mom,
    My hubby kata maybe I should open another FB account just for new found friends.. tak kuasa I nak ada 2-3 accounts! hehehe..
    Tu lah kan, kalau I kahwin Melayu, tak tentu I hidup bahagia and jodoh kekal berpanjangan kan...
    Tak tau lagi nak pegi mana this wknd :-)

    like you said kdg2 sbb senyum aje pun boleh buat kita ada crushes kat the boy kan, hehehe.All the boys yg I had crushes on bukannya cun gilers pun, wakakaka..

    Dah takde pakwe melayu ke you nak pilih? Wakakakakaka ;-P

    Agaknya this guy n his gang perasan sgt kot yg they're such a catch tu yg dia tanya I that question, hehehe..
    Bukannya I went out of the way to cari Mat Saleh semata2! :-D

    you are so right there! Bila tanya diaorang, pandai pulak jawab, dah jodoh...
    Orang sebrang tambak pun diaorang question kan, memang sentiasa tak puas hati lah manusia ni, hehehe

    Maybe for them love n chemistry cuma can happen between malays aje kot, hahahaha...
    I pernah bercinta dgn melayu but entah lah, tak serasi towards the end so memang takde jodoh, hehehe

  23. Hi LG,

    On FB, you boleh set up setting, so that certain people can only see certain stuff. I usually add people yang I kenal professionally atau yang pernah kenal dulu-dulu and set up that they can see my basic info only. Only close friends can see my pictures & my details and wall. I reject people yang I memang have no idea who they are.

    As for kahwin Mat Salleh, jawab jer "dah saya cinta dia, dan saya tak cinta orang lain melayu ke other mat salleh." Lepas tu elaborate "saya sangat cinta dia, etc" Melayu dengar geli-geleman, lepas tu dia tak tanya. hahahaha.

    Mami brought up about people cakap kahwin mat salleh nanti bercerai. I would jawab "Right now, kitaorang bahagia. Tapi kalau in the future things don't go over way and that we're bad for each other maybe that would happen. Tapi it's all for pursuing happiness. Better bercerai than rot in a bad marriage. Especially kalau lelaki tu abusive and doesn't respect the lady." Orang selalu ternganga with my response, and just stopped asking. Lain kali jangan tanya. hahahaha.

  24. Typo atas tu : I meant to say "...things don't go our way..."

    oh, another good comeback, you can cakap: "Look at him, what not to like about him, handsome, baik, pandai, and puji banyak-banyak.." So it reminds you all the good things about this man you are married to and how proud you are to have him in your life.

  25. Dear Mynn..
    All I have to say is jodoh di tangan tuhan..pedulikan apa orang nak kata.I agree whole-heartedly abt FB, I managed to connect to all my friends frm school as well. Best sesangat and like you, I have only a handful of friends on FB, and I memang tak reti main-main game kat sane....
    Have a nice weekend Mrs Mat

  26. salam LG,
    akak pun ada account FB tapi malas la nak aktif sgt. Cam Lg gak mula tu sebab nak jejak kasih tapi banyak plak request..he..he..he..
    Tang jodoh tu..sapa pun tak kisah janji bahagia..akak tengok Lg ok jer..hbby hensem, anak comel,pandai masak..bla.bla.bal...
    sampaikan seronok akak ikuti perkembangan blog u....

  27. salam...

    mat saleh or melayu or bangsa apa pun, bukan satu masalah... yg penting kita serasi... hubby saya melayu, tapi suka pada movie, paper, food, baju, nama, everythinglah yg mcm mat saleh.. yg tu pun org bercakap jugak.. mcm suma tak betul.. bila dia pilih nama kids yg ada bunyi mat salih sket, ramai yg mengata dari memuji.. so pada semua yg jodohnya bukan melayu, jgn lah dengar komen2 tu... jeles sebenarnya tu.. sbb tu bercakap... betul tak min? kita sebaya kan?

  28. T,
    oh ye ke you can do that on FB. See how sgt lah tak active nya I kat FB sampai benda2 mcm tu pun I tak tau :-). Thanks for telling me.
    I pun geli geleman dengar all the cinta words, hahahaha...
    Like you said, melayu kawin sesama melayu pun ada gak yg bercerai so tak semestinya kalau I kawin dgn Melayu will bahagia forever kan :-).


    People ni susah kan, everything diaorang mesti nak komen. Kalau I kawin dgn malaysian chinese or indian [un surenya lah that friend akan comment jugak, hehehe..
    I pun rasa seronok sgt bila dpt connect balik with my primary school friends yg dah 30 years tak jumpa, hehehe...

    Kak Lily,
    Account FB I tu pun memang betul2 jejak kasih lah tu yg I tak aktif kat situ sbb malas betul nak main mcm2 kat situ :-).
    Memang betul kan pasal jodoh tu, asal kita bahagia, anak2 bahagia, Alhamdulillah lah kan :-)..

    Orang kita ni kadang2 memang suka komen. Kalau tak kawin melayu, kena komen, kalau dah kawin melayu pun masih gak diaorang komen you ye! hehehe...
    I rasa you lagi muda kot dr I, I ni dah masuk 40 tahun ni, hehehe

  29. aha..tu la part yg bestnye bile ade perasaan2 crush ni..

    FB mmg mmbantu jejak kawan2 lama
    ..jgn kate kawan, cikgu pon sy dpt jejak balik..haha

  30. hmm, sy ni xde lah smpai dengan mat salleh. dengan orang sabah je pun. itu pn dh kena kaw2. xde org semenanjung ke, awat jauh sgt. org melayu pure xde dah ke cari org sana.. mereka yg tnye soalan mcm tu seolah2 xfaham ketentuan yg Allah dh tetapkan untuk setiap ummat dimuka bumi ni..

  31. It happened to me too..I chose an Indian national working in Saudi. My office mate - guys and also kawan satu Uni .. the ladies .. sometimes tak prihatin.. ask kenapa kahwin dgn foreigner? Tak ada melayu lagi ke? Carilah yang melayu..

    Dalam hati .. what the heck???? All that was 7 years ago.. dah tak ingat respond pada comment sebegitu. I thank Allah swt kerana ditemukan jodoh dengan suami saya.
