Monday, 11 January 2010

Meatballs and quiche

We went to IKEA this afternoon. Sejak IKEA pindah to the new location, we all memang tak pernah pergi lagi. So tadi tergerak hati nak pergi sebab nak cari a chest of drawers for Miss 6. We got her the cheapest IKEA drawers a few years ago, Kullen kalau tak silap namanya, but now dah tanggal all the bases of the drawers! I guess sebab Miss 6 ni jenis yang just shove everything in, so drawers yang tak muat tu pun she would try to muat kan everything so mana lah tak kopak the base kan. And probably sebab we got her the cheapest one tu yang tak tahan lama, hehehe.

Sampai kat IKEA tadi, punyalah terpegun sekejap tengok the new building because yang dulu cuma 1 floor aje and quite small. Yang baru ni pulak was quite huge (Perth standard kira besar lah, hehehe). I love jalan2 kat dalam IKEA sebab sambil jalan, sambil berangan. The Other Half pun macam tu jugak, sambil jalan, sambil berangan :-D. I especially love their kitchen areas, if only….

But unbelievable sungguh for me, I didn’t buy anything yang unnecessary. I cuma beli a laundry basket sebab ours dah koyak and a wide spatula so senang nak flip omelet and lempeng :-). We also bought a set of steel drawers for Miss 6 sebab we thought it would be a bit more difficult for her to wreck the steel drawers, hahahaha. Sian dia kena pakai steel drawers to put her clothes in. Takpelah once she’s a bit bigger, we’ll buy her a nice pine one that will last her until she moves out of the house.

Anyway, we had our afternoon tea there but biasalah kan cuma boleh drooling aje tengok their famous meatballs and chicken schnitzels, kalau kat M’sia memang dah lama lah we all makan. Rasa macam sedap sangat2 tengok gambar the meatballs tu. So, balik aje from IKEA tadi terus lah I buat meatballs. But since I tak pernah makan the meatballs set kat IKEA, I had no idea what they serve it with. When I asked The Other Half, he said most probably with chips or mashed potatoes kot. So, that’s what I did for dinner tonite, meatballs with mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed veges.


Ada gaya IKEA’s meatballs tak? ;-)

And this was what I made for our picnic dinner yesterday, roast chicken and mushroom quiche. See, still no nasi in our dinner yet!


Psst… Mamak celup sorang tu masih kuat lagi lah his will power. He still hasn’t asked for his rice and curry yet. Wei, sape boleh bagi I tips macam mana nak bagi dia mengalah ye? Sebab I teringin sangat2 nak makan honey lemon chicken ni. And nak makan ni, kena makan dengan nasi tu yang I tak boleh buat lagi. Once dia dah mintak kari and nasi dia, baru lah I boleh buat honey lemon chicken I, hehehe….


  1. Yup, your meatballs ada rupa ikea meatballs. My anak2 suka mkn meatballs dia. Letak cranberry n gravy. I pulak suka hotdog dia. Masa pregnant kan Omar, sekali makan 2 ketul masuk. Tp skrg kat sini tak pernah lah makan meatballs atau hotdog dia. Yg kat Msia pun hotdog dah tak de.

  2. rasanya weekend ni THO tu mesti mintak nasik gak....

  3. how about this idea? hehe..akak janganlah beli stok benda2 lain yg dia suka makan eg potato, lamb, semua tu...pastikan cuma ada rice aje then bila sampai waktu makan, jez tell him if he wants 2 eat, he has no choice except eat rice..nak tau sape menang the bet, suruhlah dia makan nasi 2 dulu then u'll be the winner...hehe

  4. zaila suka kalo dapat katalog IKEA (baru dapat katalog), mulalah berangan..hihihihi

  5. wah! wah! ur meatballs tu lebih kurang sama je ngan ikea punya, cuma they serve with potato chips and taruk cranberry sauce n gravy.
    kelakarlah Miss 6 tu, sumbat everything sampai habis drawer dia..owh btw, i lurve sesangat her pic in ur previous entry tu...sungguh comel anak patung itu:)

  6. Salam LG :-D

    Yes LG, as per the others, memang IKEA punya meatballs served dengan cranberry sauce. Lama tak makan dah. Cumanya sometimes we are lucky when Tokeh Kedai yang my husband buat part time tu bila dia buat ramuan kebab dia mesti bagi a tray for us. So, kami pun buat le meatballs - sama tapi tak serupa la... :-D Tapi jadilah....

  7. Ikea meatballs are served with boiled potatoes, ligonberry jam and cream sauce. You should be able to buy both the ligonberry jam and the cream sauce mix from Ikea.

  8. kat rmh you ada daun kari tak??
    cuba you goreng ayam style mamak tu.. goreng ayam pas tu nak garing, tabur daun kari dlm kuali tu dgn bawang besar.. tapi makan vege ke..dng roti ke..
    mana tau dia terbau daun kari tu.. dia rindu kari dgn nasi dia.. hehehe

  9. k.min kalo dh teringin sgt..belasah je honey lemon chicken dgn apa2..kang ngences plak heheheh....


  10. kiah suka tengok produk ikea ni.slalu la browse web ikea nak nengok produk baru and modern look

  11. uuuwwwaaaa...bila nak pi ikea ni? ayu klu pi sana baikle pi sesorg.baru syok skit nak berangan.klu bwk hb seksa nak cuci mata sbb jln laju mcm nak b'lumba je lagaknya.

    hm...bln 2 nak terjah gak coz nak beli tray with stand.kekonon nak deco umah ala english la umah yg kita org dok usha ni agak kecik ler.iiissskkk...

    xprnh lg cuba meatballs dia.nmpk mcm sedap.takpe...akan ku try gak satu hari nnti.btw ayu dah rasa charcoal bread td.sbb lunch hr ke amcorp mall so kwn yg slalu kirim tu ikut skali.ayu mntk 1pc roti tu.hehehe...

  12. ahah
    kalo pi IKEA..jalan2 sambil berangan~~
    mmg best berangan2 ni

  13. kak min..yg kat ikea tu yg serupa mcm meatball kak min punyer.. sure diaorg tiru resepi dan bentuk mukabumi meatball yg sama..kui2..PEACEEEE:)

  14. LG,

    Round2 kat IKEA memang best kan? Sy nih naik meroyan jugak la kalo masuk area pinggan mangkuk and kelengkapan dapo2 tuh. Huhu!

    Another meal sedap kat IKEA is the bunga kobis and brokoli di mashed kan together and then baked (kot). :D

    *Sungguh mengancam meatballs itu!

  15. Hi LG

    I love to jalan2 @ IKEA too..even if I'm not buying anything...but in the end, sure end up with something la...i love their living area & kitchen set up....

    The meatball combo looks yummy indeed ;)

  16. Mynn, lazattttttnya...

    Btw, i ada email to u and leave msg kat FB.. nanti you tgk2 yea.


  17. Nora,
    I pulak tak pernah rasa their meatballs sbb masa I kat M'sia dulu, IKEA takde lagi and then everytime balik, memang tak pernah sempat lah nak pergi IKEA tu, hehe. But semlm mmng drooling sgt2 tengok their meatballs n hotdogs too :-).

    Kak Ita,
    hehehe... dia dah suruh I masak kari tapi dia nak makan dgn roti naan instead of nasi. Tak aci lah kan, hehehe

    hahahaha. Kalau takde potato kat rumah ni, rasanya memang akan sedih TOH ;-). Tapi klu I yg masak nasi sbb I yg nak masak, maknanya I kalah lah, hehehe

    I pun mcm you jugak, seronok sgt2 bila dpt katalog IKEA. Berangan sampai ke langit, hehehe

    kesian kat we all kan, bila teringin nak makan IKEA meatballs, kena buat sendiri, hehehe..
    Miss 6 tu ingat drawers dia tu mcm magic cave kot, selagi boleh di sumbat, selagi tu dia akan sumbat! :-D

    Mia's Mom,
    Yang herannya kan, bila I balik M'sia hari tu, sikit pun tak teringin nak pergi IKEA utk mkn their meatballs, hehehe. Lagi teringin nak pergi kedai mamak :-D.
    Untung lah you dah dpt meatballs ready made mcm tu.

    thanks for the info. We did see the lingonberry jam yesterday but didn't really feel like buying it. Next time maybe :-). But we did buy their Daim cake, yummy!!!!

    I ada daun kari kering but nanti I takut I pulak yang meleleh air liur sbb tak tahan cium bau dia nak makan dgn nasi, hahhaha

    I pun rasa I akan buat tu jugak and makan dgn mee goreng chinese style. I tak kisah mkn dgn mee, tp nanti TOH lah yg kaan muncung, hehehe

    memang best kan window shopping kat IKEA ni :-D

    Memang betul. I pun rasa mcm nak pergi sorang aje sbb boleh jalan perlahan2, hehehe. Klu pergi dgn hubby, kena explain kat dia yg kita nak jugak browse tengok barang yg kita suka, bukan setakat barang yg dia suka aje, betul tak, hehehe...
    Macam mana rasa roti arang tu?

    part berangan tu yg paling best masa kat IKEA :-)

    kwangkwangkwang, betul betul ;-)

  18. Aida,
    I pun suka tengok all thier gadgets and the periuk belanga. Rasa mcm nak beli aje semua, walhal hubby dah bagi jelingan manja yg sgt tajam masa tu, hahaha

    That's why I was so shocked yesterday bila I only bought 2 things aje, hehehe. I love thier kitchen area best :-)


    Kesian you tersepit. I dah reply to you but belum lagi to him, hehehe

  19. Wakakaka... kelakar berebut sapa nak nasik dulu...

    Masing-masing tak mau kalah yerrrr...

    Kak Azie nak teka. Rasanya Min yang akan kalah.. hehehehe... (tapi bila dah baca ni, mesti U nak fight lagi tak nak kalah, kan?)

  20. sis lg, kat kedah ni pun tak leh dapat ikea meatballs jugak. sebabnye tiada ikea kat sini. huhuhu...

    u really have the magic touch sis. buat apa pun menjadi jer. sungguh jeles.

  21. Kak LG ...your hubby tak baca ke blog u lah kak LG nak tgk sapa dulu yg mintak nasi kan...h eh he...

  22. Salam..
    Just dropping by to ur page n love the entry..tapi kena baca previous one to know all about the nasi thingy n miss 6...will come again!

  23. Hahahaha ... kelakar kelakar. LG, bunyik nyer macam nak kalah jer tuh :) Tahan, tahan ....

    Kat sana pun ada IKEA yer, akak kekadang semata mata pergi IKEA sebab mengidam meatball dia.

  24. Kak Azie,
    Akan ku bukti kan anak jawa tak kan mengaku kalah, wakakaka...

    Kena buat rombongan Cik Kiah lah ye ke KL semata2 nak pergi IKEA nak makan meatballs dia, hehehe

    Dia baca blog I, tu yg dia pun sedaya upaya nak menang bet ni jugak, hehehe...

    thanks for dropping by :-). I had a bet with my hubby on who's going to ask for rice for dinner first :-).

  25. Kak Acik,
    Akan ku kuatkan semangat anak Jawa so tak kalah dgn anak Mat Saleh, wakakaka...
    Kat sini ada IKEA tapi meatballs dia semua tak halal so klu mengidam, kena lah buat sendiri, hehee...

  26. oh...ur other half can read malay very well? that's superb!

  27. Comebelako, hubby tak tau baca Malay langsung but he can get the gist of the sentence by reading 1 or 2 words sebab my sentences semua campur BM n BI kan :-). Kalau I betul2 tak nak bagi dia tau, I kena write in full BM lah, hahaha...

  28. oh gitu. like me lah. my kids are all in chinese school. kalau we all marah they all...nanti they all akan sot set sot set among them. tatau lah dok kata apa kat ibu dgn abah tu. :)
